/* * Copyright (c) 1997-2003 by The XFree86 Project, Inc. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL * THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER(S) OR AUTHOR(S) BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR * OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, * ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR * OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. * * Except as contained in this notice, the name of the copyright holder(s) * and author(s) shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote * the sale, use or other dealings in this Software without prior written * authorization from the copyright holder(s) and author(s). */ /* * This file contains the interfaces to the bus-specific code */ #ifdef HAVE_XORG_CONFIG_H #include <xorg-config.h> #endif #include <ctype.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <X11/X.h> #include "os.h" #include "xf86.h" #include "xf86Priv.h" /* Bus-specific headers */ #include "xf86Bus.h" #define XF86_OS_PRIVS #include "xf86_OSproc.h" #ifdef XSERVER_LIBPCIACCESS #include "xf86VGAarbiter.h" #endif /* Entity data */ EntityPtr *xf86Entities = NULL; /* Bus slots claimed by drivers */ int xf86NumEntities = 0; static int xf86EntityPrivateCount = 0; BusRec primaryBus = { BUS_NONE, {0} }; /** * Call the driver's correct probe function. * * If the driver implements the \c DriverRec::PciProbe entry-point and an * appropriate PCI device (with matching Device section in the xorg.conf file) * is found, it is called. If \c DriverRec::PciProbe or no devices can be * successfully probed with it (e.g., only non-PCI devices are available), * the driver's \c DriverRec::Probe function is called. * * \param drv Driver to probe * * \return * If a device can be successfully probed by the driver, \c TRUE is * returned. Otherwise, \c FALSE is returned. */ Bool xf86CallDriverProbe(DriverPtr drv, Bool detect_only) { Bool foundScreen = FALSE; #ifdef XSERVER_LIBPCIACCESS if (drv->PciProbe != NULL) { if (xf86DoConfigure && xf86DoConfigurePass1) { assert(detect_only); foundScreen = xf86PciAddMatchingDev(drv); } else { assert(!detect_only); foundScreen = xf86PciProbeDev(drv); } } #endif if (!foundScreen && (drv->Probe != NULL)) { xf86Msg(X_WARNING, "Falling back to old probe method for %s\n", drv->driverName); foundScreen = (*drv->Probe) (drv, (detect_only) ? PROBE_DETECT : PROBE_DEFAULT); } return foundScreen; } /** * @return TRUE if all buses are configured and set up correctly and FALSE * otherwise. */ Bool xf86BusConfig(void) { screenLayoutPtr layout; int i, j; /* Enable full I/O access */ if (xorgHWAccess) xorgHWAccess = xf86EnableIO(); /* * Now call each of the Probe functions. Each successful probe will * result in an extra entry added to the xf86Screens[] list for each * instance of the hardware found. */ for (i = 0; i < xf86NumDrivers; i++) { xorgHWFlags flags; if (!xorgHWAccess) { if (!xf86DriverList[i]->driverFunc || !xf86DriverList[i]->driverFunc(NULL, GET_REQUIRED_HW_INTERFACES, &flags) || NEED_IO_ENABLED(flags)) continue; } xf86CallDriverProbe(xf86DriverList[i], FALSE); } /* If nothing was detected, return now */ if (xf86NumScreens == 0) { xf86Msg(X_ERROR, "No devices detected.\n"); return FALSE; } xf86VGAarbiterInit(); /* * Match up the screens found by the probes against those specified * in the config file. Remove the ones that won't be used. Sort * them in the order specified. * * What is the best way to do this? * * For now, go through the screens allocated by the probes, and * look for screen config entry which refers to the same device * section as picked out by the probe. * */ for (i = 0; i < xf86NumScreens; i++) { for (layout = xf86ConfigLayout.screens; layout->screen != NULL; layout++) { Bool found = FALSE; for (j = 0; j < xf86Screens[i]->numEntities; j++) { GDevPtr dev = xf86GetDevFromEntity(xf86Screens[i]->entityList[j], xf86Screens[i]->entityInstanceList[j]); if (dev == layout->screen->device) { /* A match has been found */ xf86Screens[i]->confScreen = layout->screen; found = TRUE; break; } } if (found) break; } if (layout->screen == NULL) { /* No match found */ xf86Msg(X_ERROR, "Screen %d deleted because of no matching config section.\n", i); xf86DeleteScreen(i--, 0); } } /* If no screens left, return now. */ if (xf86NumScreens == 0) { xf86Msg(X_ERROR, "Device(s) detected, but none match those in the config file.\n"); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } /* * Call the bus probes relevant to the architecture. * * The only one available so far is for PCI and SBUS. */ void xf86BusProbe(void) { #ifdef XSERVER_LIBPCIACCESS xf86PciProbe(); #endif #if (defined(__sparc__) || defined(__sparc)) && !defined(__OpenBSD__) xf86SbusProbe(); #endif } /* * Determine what bus type the busID string represents. The start of the * bus-dependent part of the string is returned as retID. */ BusType StringToBusType(const char *busID, const char **retID) { char *p, *s; BusType ret = BUS_NONE; /* If no type field, Default to PCI */ if (isdigit(busID[0])) { if (retID) *retID = busID; return BUS_PCI; } s = xstrdup(busID); p = strtok(s, ":"); if (p == NULL || *p == 0) { free(s); return BUS_NONE; } if (!xf86NameCmp(p, "pci") || !xf86NameCmp(p, "agp")) ret = BUS_PCI; if (!xf86NameCmp(p, "sbus")) ret = BUS_SBUS; if (ret != BUS_NONE) if (retID) *retID = busID + strlen(p) + 1; free(s); return ret; } int xf86AllocateEntity(void) { xf86NumEntities++; xf86Entities = xnfrealloc(xf86Entities, sizeof(EntityPtr) * xf86NumEntities); xf86Entities[xf86NumEntities - 1] = xnfcalloc(1, sizeof(EntityRec)); xf86Entities[xf86NumEntities - 1]->entityPrivates = xnfcalloc(sizeof(DevUnion) * xf86EntityPrivateCount, 1); return xf86NumEntities - 1; } Bool xf86IsEntityPrimary(int entityIndex) { EntityPtr pEnt = xf86Entities[entityIndex]; if (primaryBus.type != pEnt->bus.type) return FALSE; switch (pEnt->bus.type) { case BUS_PCI: return pEnt->bus.id.pci == primaryBus.id.pci; case BUS_SBUS: return pEnt->bus.id.sbus.fbNum == primaryBus.id.sbus.fbNum; default: return FALSE; } } Bool xf86SetEntityFuncs(int entityIndex, EntityProc init, EntityProc enter, EntityProc leave, pointer private) { if (entityIndex >= xf86NumEntities) return FALSE; xf86Entities[entityIndex]->entityInit = init; xf86Entities[entityIndex]->entityEnter = enter; xf86Entities[entityIndex]->entityLeave = leave; xf86Entities[entityIndex]->private = private; return TRUE; } Bool xf86DriverHasEntities(DriverPtr drvp) { int i; for (i = 0; i < xf86NumEntities; i++) { if (xf86Entities[i]->driver == drvp) return TRUE; } return FALSE; } void xf86AddEntityToScreen(ScrnInfoPtr pScrn, int entityIndex) { if (entityIndex == -1) return; if (xf86Entities[entityIndex]->inUse && !(xf86Entities[entityIndex]->entityProp & IS_SHARED_ACCEL)) { ErrorF("Requested Entity already in use!\n"); return; } pScrn->numEntities++; pScrn->entityList = xnfrealloc(pScrn->entityList, pScrn->numEntities * sizeof(int)); pScrn->entityList[pScrn->numEntities - 1] = entityIndex; xf86Entities[entityIndex]->inUse = TRUE; pScrn->entityInstanceList = xnfrealloc(pScrn->entityInstanceList, pScrn->numEntities * sizeof(int)); pScrn->entityInstanceList[pScrn->numEntities - 1] = 0; } void xf86SetEntityInstanceForScreen(ScrnInfoPtr pScrn, int entityIndex, int instance) { int i; if (entityIndex == -1 || entityIndex >= xf86NumEntities) return; for (i = 0; i < pScrn->numEntities; i++) { if (pScrn->entityList[i] == entityIndex) { pScrn->entityInstanceList[i] = instance; break; } } } /* * XXX This needs to be updated for the case where a single entity may have * instances associated with more than one screen. */ ScrnInfoPtr xf86FindScreenForEntity(int entityIndex) { int i, j; if (entityIndex == -1) return NULL; if (xf86Screens) { for (i = 0; i < xf86NumScreens; i++) { for (j = 0; j < xf86Screens[i]->numEntities; j++) { if (xf86Screens[i]->entityList[j] == entityIndex) return xf86Screens[i]; } } } return NULL; } void xf86RemoveEntityFromScreen(ScrnInfoPtr pScrn, int entityIndex) { int i; for (i = 0; i < pScrn->numEntities; i++) { if (pScrn->entityList[i] == entityIndex) { for (i++; i < pScrn->numEntities; i++) pScrn->entityList[i - 1] = pScrn->entityList[i]; pScrn->numEntities--; xf86Entities[entityIndex]->inUse = FALSE; break; } } } /* * xf86ClearEntitiesForScreen() - called when a screen is deleted * to mark it's entities unused. Called by xf86DeleteScreen(). */ void xf86ClearEntityListForScreen(int scrnIndex) { ScrnInfoPtr pScrn = xf86Screens[scrnIndex]; int i, entityIndex; if (pScrn->entityList == NULL || pScrn->numEntities == 0) return; for (i = 0; i < pScrn->numEntities; i++) { entityIndex = pScrn->entityList[i]; xf86Entities[entityIndex]->inUse = FALSE; /* disable resource: call the disable function */ } free(pScrn->entityList); free(pScrn->entityInstanceList); pScrn->entityList = NULL; pScrn->entityInstanceList = NULL; } /* * Add an extra device section (GDevPtr) to an entity. */ void xf86AddDevToEntity(int entityIndex, GDevPtr dev) { EntityPtr pEnt; if (entityIndex >= xf86NumEntities) return; pEnt = xf86Entities[entityIndex]; pEnt->numInstances++; pEnt->devices = xnfrealloc(pEnt->devices, pEnt->numInstances * sizeof(GDevPtr)); pEnt->devices[pEnt->numInstances - 1] = dev; dev->claimed = TRUE; } /* * xf86GetEntityInfo() -- This function hands information from the * EntityRec struct to the drivers. The EntityRec structure itself * remains invisible to the driver. */ EntityInfoPtr xf86GetEntityInfo(int entityIndex) { EntityInfoPtr pEnt; int i; if (entityIndex == -1) return NULL; if (entityIndex >= xf86NumEntities) return NULL; pEnt = xnfcalloc(1, sizeof(EntityInfoRec)); pEnt->index = entityIndex; pEnt->location = xf86Entities[entityIndex]->bus; pEnt->active = xf86Entities[entityIndex]->active; pEnt->chipset = xf86Entities[entityIndex]->chipset; pEnt->driver = xf86Entities[entityIndex]->driver; if ((xf86Entities[entityIndex]->devices) && (xf86Entities[entityIndex]->devices[0])) { for (i = 0; i < xf86Entities[entityIndex]->numInstances; i++) if (xf86Entities[entityIndex]->devices[i]->screen == 0) break; pEnt->device = xf86Entities[entityIndex]->devices[i]; } else pEnt->device = NULL; return pEnt; } int xf86GetNumEntityInstances(int entityIndex) { if (entityIndex >= xf86NumEntities) return -1; return xf86Entities[entityIndex]->numInstances; } GDevPtr xf86GetDevFromEntity(int entityIndex, int instance) { int i; /* We might not use AddDevtoEntity */ if ((!xf86Entities[entityIndex]->devices) || (!xf86Entities[entityIndex]->devices[0])) return NULL; if (entityIndex >= xf86NumEntities || instance >= xf86Entities[entityIndex]->numInstances) return NULL; for (i = 0; i < xf86Entities[entityIndex]->numInstances; i++) if (xf86Entities[entityIndex]->devices[i]->screen == instance) break; return xf86Entities[entityIndex]->devices[i]; } /* * xf86AccessEnter() -- gets called to save the text mode VGA IO * resources when reentering the server after a VT switch. */ void xf86AccessEnter(void) { int i; for (i = 0; i < xf86NumEntities; i++) if (xf86Entities[i]->entityEnter) xf86Entities[i]->entityEnter(i, xf86Entities[i]->private); } void xf86AccessLeave(void) { int i; for (i = 0; i < xf86NumEntities; i++) if (xf86Entities[i]->entityLeave) xf86Entities[i]->entityLeave(i, xf86Entities[i]->private); } /* * xf86PostProbe() -- Allocate all non conflicting resources * This function gets called by xf86Init(). */ void xf86PostProbe(void) { int i; if (fbSlotClaimed && ( #if (defined(__sparc__) || defined(__sparc)) && !defined(__OpenBSD__) sbusSlotClaimed || #endif #ifdef XSERVER_LIBPCIACCESS pciSlotClaimed #else TRUE #endif )) FatalError("Cannot run in framebuffer mode. Please specify busIDs " " for all framebuffer devices\n"); for (i = 0; i < xf86NumEntities; i++) if (xf86Entities[i]->entityInit) xf86Entities[i]->entityInit(i, xf86Entities[i]->private); } int xf86GetLastScrnFlag(int entityIndex) { if (entityIndex < xf86NumEntities) { return xf86Entities[entityIndex]->lastScrnFlag; } else { return -1; } } void xf86SetLastScrnFlag(int entityIndex, int scrnIndex) { if (entityIndex < xf86NumEntities) { xf86Entities[entityIndex]->lastScrnFlag = scrnIndex; } } Bool xf86IsEntityShared(int entityIndex) { if (entityIndex < xf86NumEntities) { if (xf86Entities[entityIndex]->entityProp & IS_SHARED_ACCEL) { return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } void xf86SetEntityShared(int entityIndex) { if (entityIndex < xf86NumEntities) { xf86Entities[entityIndex]->entityProp |= IS_SHARED_ACCEL; } } Bool xf86IsEntitySharable(int entityIndex) { if (entityIndex < xf86NumEntities) { if (xf86Entities[entityIndex]->entityProp & ACCEL_IS_SHARABLE) { return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } void xf86SetEntitySharable(int entityIndex) { if (entityIndex < xf86NumEntities) { xf86Entities[entityIndex]->entityProp |= ACCEL_IS_SHARABLE; } } Bool xf86IsPrimInitDone(int entityIndex) { if (entityIndex < xf86NumEntities) { if (xf86Entities[entityIndex]->entityProp & SA_PRIM_INIT_DONE) { return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } void xf86SetPrimInitDone(int entityIndex) { if (entityIndex < xf86NumEntities) { xf86Entities[entityIndex]->entityProp |= SA_PRIM_INIT_DONE; } } void xf86ClearPrimInitDone(int entityIndex) { if (entityIndex < xf86NumEntities) { xf86Entities[entityIndex]->entityProp &= ~SA_PRIM_INIT_DONE; } } /* * Allocate a private in the entities. */ int xf86AllocateEntityPrivateIndex(void) { int idx, i; EntityPtr pEnt; DevUnion *nprivs; idx = xf86EntityPrivateCount++; for (i = 0; i < xf86NumEntities; i++) { pEnt = xf86Entities[i]; nprivs = xnfrealloc(pEnt->entityPrivates, xf86EntityPrivateCount * sizeof(DevUnion)); /* Zero the new private */ memset(&nprivs[idx], 0, sizeof(DevUnion)); pEnt->entityPrivates = nprivs; } return idx; } DevUnion * xf86GetEntityPrivate(int entityIndex, int privIndex) { if (entityIndex >= xf86NumEntities || privIndex >= xf86EntityPrivateCount) return NULL; return &(xf86Entities[entityIndex]->entityPrivates[privIndex]); }