/* * Copyright © 2012 Red Hat. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL * THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER * DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. * * Author: Dave Airlie <airlied@redhat.com> */ /* * This file contains the interfaces to the bus-specific code */ #ifdef HAVE_XORG_CONFIG_H #include <xorg-config.h> #endif #ifdef XSERVER_PLATFORM_BUS #include <errno.h> #include <pciaccess.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <unistd.h> #include "os.h" #include "hotplug.h" #include "xf86.h" #include "xf86_OSproc.h" #include "xf86Priv.h" #include "xf86str.h" #include "xf86Bus.h" #include "Pci.h" #include "xf86platformBus.h" #include "randrstr.h" int platformSlotClaimed; int xf86_num_platform_devices; static struct xf86_platform_device *xf86_platform_devices; int xf86_add_platform_device(struct OdevAttributes *attribs) { xf86_platform_devices = xnfrealloc(xf86_platform_devices, (sizeof(struct xf86_platform_device) * (xf86_num_platform_devices + 1))); xf86_platform_devices[xf86_num_platform_devices].attribs = attribs; xf86_platform_devices[xf86_num_platform_devices].pdev = NULL; xf86_num_platform_devices++; return 0; } int xf86_remove_platform_device(int dev_index) { int j; config_odev_free_attribute_list(xf86_platform_devices[dev_index].attribs); for (j = dev_index; j < xf86_num_platform_devices - 1; j++) memcpy(&xf86_platform_devices[j], &xf86_platform_devices[j + 1], sizeof(struct xf86_platform_device)); xf86_num_platform_devices--; return 0; } Bool xf86_add_platform_device_attrib(int index, int attrib_id, char *attrib_name) { struct xf86_platform_device *device = &xf86_platform_devices[index]; return config_odev_add_attribute(device->attribs, attrib_id, attrib_name); } char * xf86_get_platform_attrib(int index, int attrib_id) { struct xf86_platform_device *device = &xf86_platform_devices[index]; struct OdevAttribute *oa; xorg_list_for_each_entry(oa, &device->attribs->list, member) { if (oa->attrib_id == attrib_id) return oa->attrib_name; } return NULL; } char * xf86_get_platform_device_attrib(struct xf86_platform_device *device, int attrib_id) { struct OdevAttribute *oa; xorg_list_for_each_entry(oa, &device->attribs->list, member) { if (oa->attrib_id == attrib_id) return oa->attrib_name; } return NULL; } Bool xf86_get_platform_device_unowned(int index) { return xf86_platform_devices[index].attribs->unowned; } /* * xf86IsPrimaryPlatform() -- return TRUE if primary device * is a platform device and it matches this one. */ static Bool xf86IsPrimaryPlatform(struct xf86_platform_device *plat) { return ((primaryBus.type == BUS_PLATFORM) && (plat == primaryBus.id.plat)); } static void platform_find_pci_info(struct xf86_platform_device *pd, char *busid) { struct pci_slot_match devmatch; struct pci_device *info; struct pci_device_iterator *iter; int ret; ret = sscanf(busid, "pci:%04x:%02x:%02x.%u", &devmatch.domain, &devmatch.bus, &devmatch.dev, &devmatch.func); if (ret != 4) return; iter = pci_slot_match_iterator_create(&devmatch); info = pci_device_next(iter); if (info) { pd->pdev = info; pci_device_probe(info); if (pci_device_is_boot_vga(info)) { primaryBus.type = BUS_PLATFORM; primaryBus.id.plat = pd; } } pci_iterator_destroy(iter); } static Bool xf86_check_platform_slot(const struct xf86_platform_device *pd) { int i; for (i = 0; i < xf86NumEntities; i++) { const EntityPtr u = xf86Entities[i]; if (pd->pdev && u->bus.type == BUS_PCI) return !MATCH_PCI_DEVICES(pd->pdev, u->bus.id.pci); if ((u->bus.type == BUS_PLATFORM) && (pd == u->bus.id.plat)) { return FALSE; } } return TRUE; } /** * @return The numbers of found devices that match with the current system * drivers. */ int xf86PlatformMatchDriver(char *matches[], int nmatches) { int i, j = 0; struct pci_device *info = NULL; int pass = 0; for (pass = 0; pass < 2; pass++) { for (i = 0; i < xf86_num_platform_devices; i++) { if (xf86IsPrimaryPlatform(&xf86_platform_devices[i]) && (pass == 1)) continue; else if (!xf86IsPrimaryPlatform(&xf86_platform_devices[i]) && (pass == 0)) continue; info = xf86_platform_devices[i].pdev; #ifdef __linux__ if (info) xf86MatchDriverFromFiles(matches, info->vendor_id, info->device_id); #endif for (j = 0; (j < nmatches) && (matches[j]); j++) { /* find end of matches list */ } if ((info != NULL) && (j < nmatches)) { j += xf86VideoPtrToDriverList(info, &(matches[j]), nmatches - j); } } } return j; } int xf86platformProbe(void) { int i; Bool pci = TRUE; config_odev_probe(xf86PlatformDeviceProbe); if (!xf86scanpci()) { pci = FALSE; } for (i = 0; i < xf86_num_platform_devices; i++) { char *busid = xf86_get_platform_attrib(i, ODEV_ATTRIB_BUSID); if (pci && (strncmp(busid, "pci:", 4) == 0)) { platform_find_pci_info(&xf86_platform_devices[i], busid); } } return 0; } static int xf86ClaimPlatformSlot(struct xf86_platform_device * d, DriverPtr drvp, int chipset, GDevPtr dev, Bool active) { EntityPtr p = NULL; int num; if (xf86_check_platform_slot(d)) { num = xf86AllocateEntity(); p = xf86Entities[num]; p->driver = drvp; p->chipset = chipset; p->bus.type = BUS_PLATFORM; p->bus.id.plat = d; p->active = active; p->inUse = FALSE; if (dev) xf86AddDevToEntity(num, dev); platformSlotClaimed++; return num; } else return -1; } static int xf86UnclaimPlatformSlot(struct xf86_platform_device *d, GDevPtr dev) { int i; for (i = 0; i < xf86NumEntities; i++) { const EntityPtr p = xf86Entities[i]; if ((p->bus.type == BUS_PLATFORM) && (p->bus.id.plat == d)) { if (dev) xf86RemoveDevFromEntity(i, dev); platformSlotClaimed--; p->bus.type = BUS_NONE; return 0; } } return 0; } #define END_OF_MATCHES(m) \ (((m).vendor_id == 0) && ((m).device_id == 0) && ((m).subvendor_id == 0)) static Bool doPlatformProbe(struct xf86_platform_device *dev, DriverPtr drvp, GDevPtr gdev, int flags, intptr_t match_data) { Bool foundScreen = FALSE; int entity; if (gdev->screen == 0 && !xf86_check_platform_slot(dev)) return FALSE; entity = xf86ClaimPlatformSlot(dev, drvp, 0, gdev, gdev->active); if ((entity == -1) && (gdev->screen > 0)) { unsigned nent; for (nent = 0; nent < xf86NumEntities; nent++) { EntityPtr pEnt = xf86Entities[nent]; if (pEnt->bus.type != BUS_PLATFORM) continue; if (pEnt->bus.id.plat == dev) { entity = nent; xf86AddDevToEntity(nent, gdev); break; } } } if (entity != -1) { if (drvp->platformProbe(drvp, entity, flags, dev, match_data)) foundScreen = TRUE; else xf86UnclaimPlatformSlot(dev, gdev); } return foundScreen; } static Bool probeSingleDevice(struct xf86_platform_device *dev, DriverPtr drvp, GDevPtr gdev, int flags) { int k; Bool foundScreen = FALSE; struct pci_device *pPci; const struct pci_id_match *const devices = drvp->supported_devices; if (dev->pdev && devices) { int device_id = dev->pdev->device_id; pPci = dev->pdev; for (k = 0; !END_OF_MATCHES(devices[k]); k++) { if (PCI_ID_COMPARE(devices[k].vendor_id, pPci->vendor_id) && PCI_ID_COMPARE(devices[k].device_id, device_id) && ((devices[k].device_class_mask & pPci->device_class) == devices[k].device_class)) { foundScreen = doPlatformProbe(dev, drvp, gdev, flags, devices[k].match_data); if (foundScreen) break; } } } else if (dev->pdev && !devices) return FALSE; else foundScreen = doPlatformProbe(dev, drvp, gdev, flags, 0); return foundScreen; } int xf86platformProbeDev(DriverPtr drvp) { Bool foundScreen = FALSE; GDevPtr *devList; const unsigned numDevs = xf86MatchDevice(drvp->driverName, &devList); int i, j; /* find the main device or any device specificed in xorg.conf */ for (i = 0; i < numDevs; i++) { for (j = 0; j < xf86_num_platform_devices; j++) { if (devList[i]->busID && *devList[i]->busID) { if (xf86PlatformDeviceCheckBusID(&xf86_platform_devices[j], devList[i]->busID)) break; } else { /* for non-seat0 servers assume first device is the master */ if (ServerIsNotSeat0()) break; if (xf86_platform_devices[j].pdev) { if (xf86IsPrimaryPlatform(&xf86_platform_devices[j])) break; } } } if (j == xf86_num_platform_devices) continue; foundScreen = probeSingleDevice(&xf86_platform_devices[j], drvp, devList[i], 0); if (!foundScreen) continue; } /* if autoaddgpu devices is enabled then go find a few more and add them as GPU screens */ if (xf86Info.autoAddGPU && numDevs) { for (j = 0; j < xf86_num_platform_devices; j++) { probeSingleDevice(&xf86_platform_devices[j], drvp, devList[0], PLATFORM_PROBE_GPU_SCREEN); } } return foundScreen; } int xf86platformAddDevice(int index) { int i, old_screens, scr_index; DriverPtr drvp = NULL; int entity; screenLayoutPtr layout; static char *hotplug_driver_name = "modesetting"; /* force load the driver for now */ xf86LoadOneModule(hotplug_driver_name, NULL); for (i = 0; i < xf86NumDrivers; i++) { if (!xf86DriverList[i]) continue; if (!strcmp(xf86DriverList[i]->driverName, hotplug_driver_name)) { drvp = xf86DriverList[i]; break; } } if (i == xf86NumDrivers) return -1; old_screens = xf86NumGPUScreens; entity = xf86ClaimPlatformSlot(&xf86_platform_devices[index], drvp, 0, 0, 0); if (!drvp->platformProbe(drvp, entity, PLATFORM_PROBE_GPU_SCREEN, &xf86_platform_devices[index], 0)) { xf86UnclaimPlatformSlot(&xf86_platform_devices[index], NULL); } if (old_screens == xf86NumGPUScreens) return -1; i = old_screens; for (layout = xf86ConfigLayout.screens; layout->screen != NULL; layout++) { xf86GPUScreens[i]->confScreen = layout->screen; break; } if (xf86GPUScreens[i]->PreInit && xf86GPUScreens[i]->PreInit(xf86GPUScreens[i], 0)) xf86GPUScreens[i]->configured = TRUE; if (!xf86GPUScreens[i]->configured) { ErrorF("hotplugged device %d didn't configure\n", i); xf86DeleteScreen(xf86GPUScreens[i]); return -1; } scr_index = AddGPUScreen(xf86GPUScreens[i]->ScreenInit, 0, NULL); if (scr_index == -1) { xf86DeleteScreen(xf86GPUScreens[i]); xf86UnclaimPlatformSlot(&xf86_platform_devices[index], NULL); xf86NumGPUScreens = old_screens; return -1; } dixSetPrivate(&xf86GPUScreens[i]->pScreen->devPrivates, xf86ScreenKey, xf86GPUScreens[i]); CreateScratchPixmapsForScreen(xf86GPUScreens[i]->pScreen); if (xf86GPUScreens[i]->pScreen->CreateScreenResources && !(*xf86GPUScreens[i]->pScreen->CreateScreenResources) (xf86GPUScreens[i]->pScreen)) { RemoveGPUScreen(xf86GPUScreens[i]->pScreen); xf86DeleteScreen(xf86GPUScreens[i]); xf86UnclaimPlatformSlot(&xf86_platform_devices[index], NULL); xf86NumGPUScreens = old_screens; return -1; } /* attach unbound to 0 protocol screen */ AttachUnboundGPU(xf86Screens[0]->pScreen, xf86GPUScreens[i]->pScreen); RRResourcesChanged(xf86Screens[0]->pScreen); RRTellChanged(xf86Screens[0]->pScreen); return 0; } void xf86platformRemoveDevice(int index) { EntityPtr entity; int ent_num, i, j; Bool found; for (ent_num = 0; ent_num < xf86NumEntities; ent_num++) { entity = xf86Entities[ent_num]; if (entity->bus.type == BUS_PLATFORM && entity->bus.id.plat == &xf86_platform_devices[index]) break; } if (ent_num == xf86NumEntities) goto out; found = FALSE; for (i = 0; i < xf86NumGPUScreens; i++) { for (j = 0; j < xf86GPUScreens[i]->numEntities; j++) if (xf86GPUScreens[i]->entityList[j] == ent_num) { found = TRUE; break; } if (found) break; } if (!found) { ErrorF("failed to find screen to remove\n"); goto out; } xf86GPUScreens[i]->pScreen->CloseScreen(xf86GPUScreens[i]->pScreen); RemoveGPUScreen(xf86GPUScreens[i]->pScreen); xf86DeleteScreen(xf86GPUScreens[i]); xf86UnclaimPlatformSlot(&xf86_platform_devices[index], NULL); xf86_remove_platform_device(index); RRResourcesChanged(xf86Screens[0]->pScreen); RRTellChanged(xf86Screens[0]->pScreen); out: return; } /* called on return from VT switch to find any new devices */ void xf86platformVTProbe(void) { int i; for (i = 0; i < xf86_num_platform_devices; i++) { if (xf86_platform_devices[i].attribs->unowned == FALSE) continue; xf86_platform_devices[i].attribs->unowned = FALSE; xf86PlatformReprobeDevice(i, xf86_platform_devices[i].attribs); } } #endif