#ifndef __DGAPROC_H
#define __DGAPROC_H

#include <X11/Xproto.h>
#include "pixmap.h"

#define DGA_CONCURRENT_ACCESS	0x00000001
#define DGA_FILL_RECT		0x00000002
#define DGA_BLIT_RECT		0x00000004
#define DGA_BLIT_RECT_TRANS	0x00000008
#define DGA_PIXMAP_AVAILABLE	0x00000010

#define DGA_INTERLACED		0x00010000
#define DGA_DOUBLESCAN		0x00020000

#define DGA_FLIP_IMMEDIATE	0x00000001
#define DGA_FLIP_RETRACE	0x00000002

#define DGA_COMPLETED		0x00000000
#define DGA_PENDING		0x00000001

#define DGA_NEED_ROOT		0x00000001

typedef struct {
   int num;		/* A unique identifier for the mode (num > 0) */
   char *name;		/* name of mode given in the XF86Config */
   int VSync_num;
   int VSync_den;
   int flags;		/* DGA_CONCURRENT_ACCESS, etc... */
   int imageWidth;	/* linear accessible portion (pixels) */
   int imageHeight;
   int pixmapWidth;	/* Xlib accessible portion (pixels) */
   int pixmapHeight;	/* both fields ignored if no concurrent access */
   int bytesPerScanline; 
   int byteOrder;	/* MSBFirst, LSBFirst */
   int depth;		
   int bitsPerPixel;
   unsigned long red_mask;
   unsigned long green_mask;
   unsigned long blue_mask;
   short visualClass;
   int viewportWidth;
   int viewportHeight;
   int xViewportStep;	/* viewport position granularity */
   int yViewportStep;
   int maxViewportX;	/* max viewport origin */
   int maxViewportY;
   int viewportFlags;	/* types of page flipping possible */
   int offset;
   int reserved1;
   int reserved2;
} XDGAModeRec, *XDGAModePtr;

/* DDX interface */

   int Index,
   int num,
   XDGAModePtr mode,
   PixmapPtr *pPix

   int Index,
   Bool keyboard,
   Bool mouse

   int Index,
   ClientPtr client,
   long mask

Bool DGAAvailable(int Index);
Bool DGAActive(int Index);
void DGAShutdown(void);
void DGAInstallCmap(ColormapPtr cmap);
int DGAGetViewportStatus(int Index); 
int DGASync(int Index);

   int Index,
   int x, int y, int w, int h,
   unsigned long color

   int Index,
   int srcx, int srcy, 
   int w, int h, 
   int dstx, int dsty

   int Index,
   int srcx, int srcy, 
   int w, int h, 
   int dstx, int dsty,
   unsigned long color

   int Index,
   int x, int y,
   int mode

int DGAGetModes(int Index);
int DGAGetOldDGAMode(int Index);

int DGAGetModeInfo(int Index, XDGAModePtr mode, int num);

Bool DGAVTSwitch(void);
Bool DGAStealButtonEvent(DeviceIntPtr dev, int Index, int button, 
                         int is_down);
Bool DGAStealMotionEvent(DeviceIntPtr dev, int Index, int dx, int dy);
Bool DGAStealKeyEvent(DeviceIntPtr dev, int Index, int key_code, int is_down);
Bool DGAIsDgaEvent (xEvent *e);

Bool DGADeliverEvent (ScreenPtr pScreen, xEvent *e);
Bool DGAOpenFramebuffer(int Index, char **name, unsigned char **mem, 
			int *size, int *offset, int *flags);
void DGACloseFramebuffer(int Index);
Bool DGAChangePixmapMode(int Index, int *x, int *y, int mode);
int DGACreateColormap(int Index, ClientPtr client, int id, int mode, 
			int alloc);

extern unsigned char DGAReqCode;
extern int DGAErrorBase;
extern int DGAEventBase;
extern int *XDGAEventBase;

#endif /* __DGAPROC_H */