This is the XFree86 driver/module registry. To avoid name space clashes and to maintain some consistency between drivers the important name spaces are maintained here. 1. Module Names. Each module is required to have a unique name. Registered names are: GLcore acecad afb apm ark ati atimisc bitmap bt8xx calcomp cfb cfb16 cfb24 cfb32 chips cirrus citron cyrix dbe ddc digitaledge dmc dri drm dynapro elo2300 elographics extmod fb fbdev fbdevhw fi12x6 freetype glide glint glx hyperpen i128 i2c i740 i810 imstt int10 joystick keyboard layer magellan magictouch mfb mga microtouch mouse msp34xx mutouch neomagic newport nv pcidata penmount pex5 r128 radeon rac ramdac record rendition s3 s3virge savage shadow shadowfb siliconmotion sis spaceorb speedo summa sunbw2 suncg14 suncg3 suncg6 sunffb sunleo suntcx tdfx tga trident tseng type1 v4l vbe vesa vga vgahw vmware void wacom xaa xf1bpp xf24_32bpp xf4bpp xf8_16bpp xf8_32bpp xf8_32wid xie xtrap xtt 2. External Module Object Symbols. Each module is required to use a unique prefix or prefixes for all of its externally visible symbols. They should be unique without regard to case. Registered prefixes are: ati bt8xx cfb chips fi12x6 glide glint mfb mga msp34xx neo permedia tseng vga vgahw vmware xaa xf1bpp xf4bpp 3. Chipset Names. Each video driver is required to use a unique set of chipset names. Case, white space and underscore characters are ignored when comparing chipset names. All names listed here are in lower case with all white space and underscores removed. Registered chipset names are: ati ativga ct64200 ct64300 ct65520 ct65525 ct65530 ct65535 ct65540 ct65545 ct65546 ct65548 ct65550 ct65554 ct65555 ct68554 ct69000 et4000 et4000w32 et4000w32i et4000w32p et6000 et6100 generic ibmvga ibm8514 mach32 mach64 mach8 mga2064w mga1064sg mga2164w mga2164wagp neo2070 neo2090 neo2093 neo2097 neo2160 neo2200 tipm2 vgawonder voodoo 4. Option Names. Option names and their usage should be consistent between drivers. Case, white space and underscore characters are ignored when comparing option names. The prefix "no" may be added or removed from boolean option names. All names listed here are in their preferred user-visible form. Some registered option names are: Types are: B = boolean, O = set/unset (no value), I = integer, S = string, A = optional string, F = floating point number Q = frequency Scopes are: F = global flags, V = video driver, C = common (per screen), I = input drivers, X = XAA, Xv = Xv extension, M = misc. Names currently in use: Name Type Scope Description ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AllowMouseOpenFail B F ignore mouse dev open failure AllowNonLocalModInDev B F allow non-local mod of input devs AllowNonLocalXvidtune B F allow non-local VidMode connections BlankTime I F Screen saver timeout (min) DisableModInDev B F disallow changing input devs DisableVidModeExtension B F disable VidMode extension DontVTSwitch B F disable Ctrl-Alt-Fn DontZap B F disable Ctrl-Alt-BS sequence DontZoom B F disable Ctrl-Alt-+/- NoTrapSignals B F don't trap signals OffTime I F Time before DPMS off mode active (min) PciProbe1 O F use PCI probe algorithm 1 PciProbe2 O F use PCI probe algorithm 2 PciForceConfig1 O F force PCI config type 1 PciForceConfig2 O F force PCI config type 2 Pixmap I F depth 24 pixmap size (24 or 32) StandbyTime I F Time before DPMS standby active (min) SuspendTime I F Time before DPMS suspend mode active (min) BackingStore B C Enable backing store DDC B C Enable/disable DDC DDC1 B C Enable/disable DDC1 DDC2 B C Enable/disable DDC2 DPMS O C Enable DPMS MTRR B C Enable/disable setting MTRRs BaudRate I I Serial port baud rate ButtonNumber I I Button number (for touch screen?) ButtonThreshold I I ?? ClearDTR O I Clear serial port DTR ClearRTS O I Clear serial port RTS DataBits I I Serial port data bits DemandLoad O I ?? Device S I Device file name DeviceName S I Input device name FlowControl S I Serial flow control ("xon", "none") HistorySize I I ?? MaxX I I Maximum X coordinate MaxY I I Maximum Y coordinate MinX I I Minimum X coordinate MinY I I Minimum Y coordinate Parity S I Serial port parity ("odd", "even", "none") ReportDelay I I ?? ReportingMode S I may be "raw" or "scaled" ScreenNumber I I Screen number (for touch screen) SendCoreEvents B I Send core events StopBits I I Serial port stop bits SwapXY B I Swap the X and Y axes UntouchDelay I I ?? Vmin I I Tty VMIN Vtime I I Tty VTIME 18BitBus B V ?? 8Plus16 B V Enable depth 8 + depth 16 with overlay 8Plus24 B V Enable depth 8 + depth 24 with overlay BlockWrite B V Enable/disable block write ColorKey I V Set the color key for overlay modes CompositeSync B V Composite sync CRTDisplay B V Force display on CRT, not LCD CRTScreen B V Display on CRT, not LCD (Obsolete) EarlyRasPrecharge O V Early RAS pre-charge FastDRAM O V Fast DRAM FifoAggressive O V Aggressive FIFO setting FifoConservative O V Conservative FIFO setting FifoModerate O V Moderate FIFO setting FireGL3000 B V Card is Diamond FireGL3000 FixPanelSize B V ?? FPClock8 Q V Flat panel clock for 8bpp fb (MHz) FPClock16 Q V Flat panel clock for 16bpp fb (MHz) FPClock24 Q V Flat panel clock for 24bpp fb (MHz) FPClock32 Q V Flat panel clock for 32bpp fb (MHz) FPMVRAM O V Fast page mode VRAM FramebufferWC B V Enable/disable WC for the framebuffer GlideDevice I V Selects which Voodoo board to use HiBitHigh O V High clock bit default to set HiBitLow O V High clock bit default to cleared HWClocks B V Enable/disable HW clocks HWCursor B V Enable/disable HW cursor LateRasPrecharge O V Late RAS pre-charge Legend O V Card is Legend ET4000 LCDCenter B V Enable/disable centering for LCD displays Linear B V Enable/disable linear framebuffer MCLK Q V Specify the current MCLK value (MHz) MedDRAM B V Medium speed DRAM MemCfg1 I V ?? MemCfg2 I V ?? MGASDRAM B V Mga card has SDRAM MMIO B V Enable/disable memory mapped I/O MMIOCache B V Enable/Disable MMIO cache MuxThreshold I V Multiplexing threshold (kHz) NoAccel B V Disable/enable acceleration NoClockChip B V ?? NoStretch B V Disable/enable stretching for LCD displays OnAtExit B V Leave video signal on when exiting server OverclockMem B V Enable memory overclocking Overlay A V Enable multi-depth/overlay. An optional string "M,N" may be specified, where M, N are the depths. PanelDisplay B V Force display on LCD PciBurst B V Enable/disable PCI burst mode PciRetry B V Enable/disable PCI retries ProbeClocks B V Force probe for non-programmable clocks ReferenceClock Q V Clock generator reference frequency RGBbits I V Number of significant bits per rgb Rotate S V Rotate the virtual display (CW or CCW) SetLCDClk Q V Set LCD clock (MHz) SetMclk Q V Set Memory Clock (MHz) ShadowFB B V Enable shadow framebuffer layer ShowCache B V Enable viewing of offscreen memory ShowOverscan O V Set the overscan area to a visible colour SlowDRAM O V Slow DRAM SlowEDODRAM O V Slow EDO DRAM STN B V STN screen type (??) SWCursor B V Enable/disable SW cursor SuspendHack B V ?? SyncOnGreen B V Enable/disable sync on green TurboQueue B V Enable/disable turbo queue UseFBDev B V Use the fbdev driver interface UseModeLine B V Use Modeline (??) W32Interleave B V ?? Buffers I Xv Number of buffers Device S Xv Device file name Expose B Xv Disable occlusion clipping (see DESIGN) FramesPerSec I Xv Max. refresh frequency XAA options. All are of type "O" and scope "X", and are self-explanatory XaaNoColor8x8PatternFillRect XaaNoColor8x8PatternFillTrap XaaNoCPUToScreenColorExpandFill XaaNoDashedBresenhamLine XaaNoDashedTwoPointLine XaaNoScreenToScreenCopy XaaNoImageReadRect XaaNoImageWriteRect XaaNoMono8x8PatternFillRect XaaNoMono8x8PatternFillTrap XaaNoOffscreenPixmaps XaaNoPixmapCache XaaNoScanlineCPUToScreenColorExpandFill XaaNoScanlineImageWriteRect XaaNoScreenToScreenColorExpandFill XaaNoSolidBresenhamLine XaaNoSolidFillRect XaaNoSolidFillTrap XaaNoSolidHorVertLine XaaNoSolidTwoPointLine Names used in previous versions: 16Clocks 8Clocks ClkDiv2 EDO VRAM ExternDisp ExtFramBuf FastVRAM FavorBitBlt InternDisp NoBitBlt NoFontCache NoImageBlt NoMemAccess NoPciDisconnect NoPixmapCache NoProgramClocks NoSplitXfer OverrideBIOS OverrideValidateMode ProgLcdModeRegs ProgLcdModeStretch SlowDRAMrefresh SlowVRAM SwapHiBit 5. Ramdac Names. Ramdac names should be consistent between drivers. Case, white space and underscore characters are ignored when comparing ramdac names. All names listed here are in lower case with all white space and underscores removed. 6. Clock Chip Names. Clock chip names should be consistent between drivers. Case, white space and underscore characters are ignored when comparing clock chip names. All names listed here are in lower case with all white space and underscores removed. $XFree86: xc/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/Registry,v 1.18 2002/04/06 18:31:09 tsi Exp $