/* * Copyright © 2007, 2008 Red Hat, Inc. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Soft- * ware"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without * limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, provided that the above copyright * notice(s) and this permission notice appear in all copies of the Soft- * ware and that both the above copyright notice(s) and this permission * notice appear in supporting documentation. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS * OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABIL- * ITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY * RIGHTS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR HOLDERS INCLUDED IN * THIS NOTICE BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, OR ANY SPECIAL INDIRECT OR CONSE- * QUENTIAL DAMAGES, OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, * DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER * TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFOR- * MANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * * Except as contained in this notice, the name of a copyright holder shall * not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or * other dealings in this Software without prior written authorization of * the copyright holder. * * Authors: * Kristian Høgsberg (krh@redhat.com) */ #ifdef HAVE_XORG_CONFIG_H #include <xorg-config.h> #endif #include <errno.h> #include <xf86drm.h> #include "xf86Module.h" #include "scrnintstr.h" #include "windowstr.h" #include "dixstruct.h" #include "dri2.h" #include "xf86VGAarbiter.h" #include "xf86.h" static int dri2ScreenPrivateKeyIndex; static DevPrivateKey dri2ScreenPrivateKey = &dri2ScreenPrivateKeyIndex; static int dri2WindowPrivateKeyIndex; static DevPrivateKey dri2WindowPrivateKey = &dri2WindowPrivateKeyIndex; static int dri2PixmapPrivateKeyIndex; static DevPrivateKey dri2PixmapPrivateKey = &dri2PixmapPrivateKeyIndex; typedef struct _DRI2Drawable { unsigned int refCount; int width; int height; DRI2BufferPtr *buffers; int bufferCount; unsigned int swapsPending; ClientPtr blockedClient; int swap_interval; CARD64 swap_count; CARD64 target_sbc; /* -1 means no SBC wait outstanding */ CARD64 last_swap_target; /* most recently queued swap target */ int swap_limit; /* for N-buffering */ } DRI2DrawableRec, *DRI2DrawablePtr; typedef struct _DRI2Screen *DRI2ScreenPtr; typedef struct _DRI2Screen { unsigned int numDrivers; const char **driverNames; const char *deviceName; int fd; unsigned int lastSequence; DRI2CreateBufferProcPtr CreateBuffer; DRI2DestroyBufferProcPtr DestroyBuffer; DRI2CopyRegionProcPtr CopyRegion; DRI2ScheduleSwapProcPtr ScheduleSwap; DRI2GetMSCProcPtr GetMSC; DRI2ScheduleWaitMSCProcPtr ScheduleWaitMSC; HandleExposuresProcPtr HandleExposures; } DRI2ScreenRec; static DRI2ScreenPtr DRI2GetScreen(ScreenPtr pScreen) { return dixLookupPrivate(&pScreen->devPrivates, dri2ScreenPrivateKey); } static DRI2DrawablePtr DRI2GetDrawable(DrawablePtr pDraw) { WindowPtr pWin; PixmapPtr pPixmap; if (!pDraw) return NULL; if (pDraw->type == DRAWABLE_WINDOW) { pWin = (WindowPtr) pDraw; return dixLookupPrivate(&pWin->devPrivates, dri2WindowPrivateKey); } else { pPixmap = (PixmapPtr) pDraw; return dixLookupPrivate(&pPixmap->devPrivates, dri2PixmapPrivateKey); } } int DRI2CreateDrawable(DrawablePtr pDraw) { WindowPtr pWin; PixmapPtr pPixmap; DRI2DrawablePtr pPriv; pPriv = DRI2GetDrawable(pDraw); if (pPriv != NULL) { pPriv->refCount++; return Success; } pPriv = xalloc(sizeof *pPriv); if (pPriv == NULL) return BadAlloc; pPriv->refCount = 1; pPriv->width = pDraw->width; pPriv->height = pDraw->height; pPriv->buffers = NULL; pPriv->bufferCount = 0; pPriv->swapsPending = 0; pPriv->blockedClient = NULL; pPriv->swap_count = 0; pPriv->target_sbc = -1; pPriv->swap_interval = 1; pPriv->last_swap_target = -1; pPriv->swap_limit = 1; /* default to double buffering */ if (pDraw->type == DRAWABLE_WINDOW) { pWin = (WindowPtr) pDraw; dixSetPrivate(&pWin->devPrivates, dri2WindowPrivateKey, pPriv); } else { pPixmap = (PixmapPtr) pDraw; dixSetPrivate(&pPixmap->devPrivates, dri2PixmapPrivateKey, pPriv); } return Success; } static void DRI2FreeDrawable(DrawablePtr pDraw) { DRI2DrawablePtr pPriv; WindowPtr pWin; PixmapPtr pPixmap; pPriv = DRI2GetDrawable(pDraw); if (pPriv == NULL) return; xfree(pPriv); if (pDraw->type == DRAWABLE_WINDOW) { pWin = (WindowPtr) pDraw; dixSetPrivate(&pWin->devPrivates, dri2WindowPrivateKey, NULL); } else { pPixmap = (PixmapPtr) pDraw; dixSetPrivate(&pPixmap->devPrivates, dri2PixmapPrivateKey, NULL); } } static int find_attachment(DRI2DrawablePtr pPriv, unsigned attachment) { int i; if (pPriv->buffers == NULL) { return -1; } for (i = 0; i < pPriv->bufferCount; i++) { if ((pPriv->buffers[i] != NULL) && (pPriv->buffers[i]->attachment == attachment)) { return i; } } return -1; } static DRI2BufferPtr allocate_or_reuse_buffer(DrawablePtr pDraw, DRI2ScreenPtr ds, DRI2DrawablePtr pPriv, unsigned int attachment, unsigned int format, int dimensions_match) { DRI2BufferPtr buffer; int old_buf; old_buf = find_attachment(pPriv, attachment); if ((old_buf < 0) || !dimensions_match || (pPriv->buffers[old_buf]->format != format)) { buffer = (*ds->CreateBuffer)(pDraw, attachment, format); } else { buffer = pPriv->buffers[old_buf]; pPriv->buffers[old_buf] = NULL; } return buffer; } static DRI2BufferPtr * do_get_buffers(DrawablePtr pDraw, int *width, int *height, unsigned int *attachments, int count, int *out_count, int has_format) { DRI2ScreenPtr ds = DRI2GetScreen(pDraw->pScreen); DRI2DrawablePtr pPriv = DRI2GetDrawable(pDraw); DRI2BufferPtr *buffers; int need_real_front = 0; int need_fake_front = 0; int have_fake_front = 0; int front_format = 0; int dimensions_match; int i; if (!pPriv) { *width = pDraw->width; *height = pDraw->height; *out_count = 0; return NULL; } dimensions_match = (pDraw->width == pPriv->width) && (pDraw->height == pPriv->height); buffers = xalloc((count + 1) * sizeof(buffers[0])); for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { const unsigned attachment = *(attachments++); const unsigned format = (has_format) ? *(attachments++) : 0; buffers[i] = allocate_or_reuse_buffer(pDraw, ds, pPriv, attachment, format, dimensions_match); /* If the drawable is a window and the front-buffer is requested, * silently add the fake front-buffer to the list of requested * attachments. The counting logic in the loop accounts for the case * where the client requests both the fake and real front-buffer. */ if (attachment == DRI2BufferBackLeft) { need_real_front++; front_format = format; } if (attachment == DRI2BufferFrontLeft) { need_real_front--; front_format = format; if (pDraw->type == DRAWABLE_WINDOW) { need_fake_front++; } } if (pDraw->type == DRAWABLE_WINDOW) { if (attachment == DRI2BufferFakeFrontLeft) { need_fake_front--; have_fake_front = 1; } } } if (need_real_front > 0) { buffers[i++] = allocate_or_reuse_buffer(pDraw, ds, pPriv, DRI2BufferFrontLeft, front_format, dimensions_match); } if (need_fake_front > 0) { buffers[i++] = allocate_or_reuse_buffer(pDraw, ds, pPriv, DRI2BufferFakeFrontLeft, front_format, dimensions_match); have_fake_front = 1; } *out_count = i; if (pPriv->buffers != NULL) { for (i = 0; i < pPriv->bufferCount; i++) { if (pPriv->buffers[i] != NULL) { (*ds->DestroyBuffer)(pDraw, pPriv->buffers[i]); } } xfree(pPriv->buffers); } pPriv->buffers = buffers; pPriv->bufferCount = *out_count; pPriv->width = pDraw->width; pPriv->height = pDraw->height; *width = pPriv->width; *height = pPriv->height; /* If the client is getting a fake front-buffer, pre-fill it with the * contents of the real front-buffer. This ensures correct operation of * applications that call glXWaitX before calling glDrawBuffer. */ if (have_fake_front) { BoxRec box; RegionRec region; box.x1 = 0; box.y1 = 0; box.x2 = pPriv->width; box.y2 = pPriv->height; REGION_INIT(pDraw->pScreen, ®ion, &box, 0); DRI2CopyRegion(pDraw, ®ion, DRI2BufferFakeFrontLeft, DRI2BufferFrontLeft); } return pPriv->buffers; } DRI2BufferPtr * DRI2GetBuffers(DrawablePtr pDraw, int *width, int *height, unsigned int *attachments, int count, int *out_count) { return do_get_buffers(pDraw, width, height, attachments, count, out_count, FALSE); } DRI2BufferPtr * DRI2GetBuffersWithFormat(DrawablePtr pDraw, int *width, int *height, unsigned int *attachments, int count, int *out_count) { return do_get_buffers(pDraw, width, height, attachments, count, out_count, TRUE); } /* * In the direct rendered case, we throttle the clients that have more * than their share of outstanding swaps (and thus busy buffers) when a * new GetBuffers request is received. In the AIGLX case, we allow the * client to get the new buffers, but throttle when the next GLX request * comes in (see __glXDRIcontextWait()). */ Bool DRI2ThrottleClient(ClientPtr client, DrawablePtr pDraw) { DRI2DrawablePtr pPriv; pPriv = DRI2GetDrawable(pDraw); if (pPriv == NULL) return FALSE; /* Throttle to swap limit */ if ((pPriv->swapsPending >= pPriv->swap_limit) && !pPriv->blockedClient) { ResetCurrentRequest(client); client->sequence--; IgnoreClient(client); pPriv->blockedClient = client; return TRUE; } return FALSE; } void DRI2BlockClient(ClientPtr client, DrawablePtr pDraw) { DRI2DrawablePtr pPriv; pPriv = DRI2GetDrawable(pDraw); if (pPriv == NULL) return; if (pPriv->blockedClient == NULL) { IgnoreClient(client); pPriv->blockedClient = client; } } int DRI2CopyRegion(DrawablePtr pDraw, RegionPtr pRegion, unsigned int dest, unsigned int src) { DRI2ScreenPtr ds = DRI2GetScreen(pDraw->pScreen); DRI2DrawablePtr pPriv; DRI2BufferPtr pDestBuffer, pSrcBuffer; int i; pPriv = DRI2GetDrawable(pDraw); if (pPriv == NULL) return BadDrawable; pDestBuffer = NULL; pSrcBuffer = NULL; for (i = 0; i < pPriv->bufferCount; i++) { if (pPriv->buffers[i]->attachment == dest) pDestBuffer = (DRI2BufferPtr) pPriv->buffers[i]; if (pPriv->buffers[i]->attachment == src) pSrcBuffer = (DRI2BufferPtr) pPriv->buffers[i]; } if (pSrcBuffer == NULL || pDestBuffer == NULL) return BadValue; (*ds->CopyRegion)(pDraw, pRegion, pDestBuffer, pSrcBuffer); return Success; } /* Can this drawable be page flipped? */ Bool DRI2CanFlip(DrawablePtr pDraw) { ScreenPtr pScreen = pDraw->pScreen; WindowPtr pWin, pRoot; PixmapPtr pWinPixmap, pRootPixmap; if (pDraw->type == DRAWABLE_PIXMAP) return TRUE; pRoot = WindowTable[pScreen->myNum]; pRootPixmap = pScreen->GetWindowPixmap(pRoot); pWin = (WindowPtr) pDraw; pWinPixmap = pScreen->GetWindowPixmap(pWin); if (pRootPixmap != pWinPixmap) return FALSE; if (!REGION_EQUAL(pScreen, &pWin->clipList, &pRoot->winSize)) return FALSE; return TRUE; } /* Can we do a pixmap exchange instead of a blit? */ Bool DRI2CanExchange(DrawablePtr pDraw) { return FALSE; } void DRI2WaitMSCComplete(ClientPtr client, DrawablePtr pDraw, int frame, unsigned int tv_sec, unsigned int tv_usec) { DRI2DrawablePtr pPriv; pPriv = DRI2GetDrawable(pDraw); if (pPriv == NULL) return; ProcDRI2WaitMSCReply(client, ((CARD64)tv_sec * 1000000) + tv_usec, frame, pPriv->swap_count); if (pPriv->blockedClient) AttendClient(pPriv->blockedClient); pPriv->blockedClient = NULL; } static void DRI2WakeClient(ClientPtr client, DrawablePtr pDraw, int frame, unsigned int tv_sec, unsigned int tv_usec) { ScreenPtr pScreen = pDraw->pScreen; DRI2DrawablePtr pPriv; pPriv = DRI2GetDrawable(pDraw); if (pPriv == NULL) { xf86DrvMsg(pScreen->myNum, X_ERROR, "[DRI2] %s: bad drawable\n", __func__); return; } /* * Swap completed. Either wake up an SBC waiter or a client that was * blocked due to GLX activity during a swap. */ if (pPriv->target_sbc != -1 && pPriv->target_sbc >= pPriv->swap_count) { ProcDRI2WaitMSCReply(client, ((CARD64)tv_sec * 1000000) + tv_usec, frame, pPriv->swap_count); pPriv->target_sbc = -1; AttendClient(pPriv->blockedClient); pPriv->blockedClient = NULL; } else if (pPriv->target_sbc == -1) { if (pPriv->blockedClient) AttendClient(pPriv->blockedClient); pPriv->blockedClient = NULL; } } void DRI2SwapComplete(ClientPtr client, DrawablePtr pDraw, int frame, unsigned int tv_sec, unsigned int tv_usec, int type, DRI2SwapEventPtr swap_complete, void *swap_data) { ScreenPtr pScreen = pDraw->pScreen; DRI2DrawablePtr pPriv; CARD64 ust = 0; pPriv = DRI2GetDrawable(pDraw); if (pPriv == NULL) { xf86DrvMsg(pScreen->myNum, X_ERROR, "[DRI2] %s: bad drawable\n", __func__); return; } if (pPriv->refCount == 0) { xf86DrvMsg(pScreen->myNum, X_ERROR, "[DRI2] %s: bad drawable refcount\n", __func__); DRI2FreeDrawable(pDraw); return; } ust = ((CARD64)tv_sec * 1000000) + tv_usec; if (swap_complete) swap_complete(client, swap_data, type, ust, frame, pPriv->swap_count); pPriv->swapsPending--; pPriv->swap_count++; DRI2WakeClient(client, pDraw, frame, tv_sec, tv_usec); } Bool DRI2WaitSwap(ClientPtr client, DrawablePtr pDrawable) { DRI2DrawablePtr pPriv = DRI2GetDrawable(pDrawable); /* If we're currently waiting for a swap on this drawable, reset * the request and suspend the client. We only support one * blocked client per drawable. */ if ((pPriv->swapsPending) && pPriv->blockedClient == NULL) { ResetCurrentRequest(client); client->sequence--; DRI2BlockClient(client, pDrawable); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } int DRI2SwapBuffers(ClientPtr client, DrawablePtr pDraw, CARD64 target_msc, CARD64 divisor, CARD64 remainder, CARD64 *swap_target, DRI2SwapEventPtr func, void *data) { ScreenPtr pScreen = pDraw->pScreen; DRI2ScreenPtr ds = DRI2GetScreen(pDraw->pScreen); DRI2DrawablePtr pPriv; DRI2BufferPtr pDestBuffer = NULL, pSrcBuffer = NULL; CARD64 ust; int ret, i; pPriv = DRI2GetDrawable(pDraw); if (pPriv == NULL) { xf86DrvMsg(pScreen->myNum, X_ERROR, "[DRI2] %s: bad drawable\n", __func__); return BadDrawable; } for (i = 0; i < pPriv->bufferCount; i++) { if (pPriv->buffers[i]->attachment == DRI2BufferFrontLeft) pDestBuffer = (DRI2BufferPtr) pPriv->buffers[i]; if (pPriv->buffers[i]->attachment == DRI2BufferBackLeft) pSrcBuffer = (DRI2BufferPtr) pPriv->buffers[i]; } if (pSrcBuffer == NULL || pDestBuffer == NULL) { xf86DrvMsg(pScreen->myNum, X_ERROR, "[DRI2] %s: drawable has no back or front?\n", __func__); return BadDrawable; } /* Old DDX, just blit */ if (!ds->ScheduleSwap) { BoxRec box; RegionRec region; box.x1 = 0; box.y1 = 0; box.x2 = pDraw->width; box.y2 = pDraw->height; REGION_INIT(pScreen, ®ion, &box, 0); pPriv->swapsPending++; (*ds->CopyRegion)(pDraw, ®ion, pDestBuffer, pSrcBuffer); DRI2SwapComplete(client, pDraw, target_msc, 0, 0, DRI2_BLIT_COMPLETE, func, data); return Success; } /* * In the simple glXSwapBuffers case, all params will be 0, and we just * need to schedule a swap for the last swap target + the swap interval. * If the last swap target hasn't been set yet, call into the driver * to get the current count. */ if (target_msc == 0 && divisor == 0 && remainder == 0 && pPriv->last_swap_target < 0) { ret = (*ds->GetMSC)(pDraw, &ust, &target_msc); if (!ret) { xf86DrvMsg(pScreen->myNum, X_ERROR, "[DRI2] %s: driver failed to return current MSC\n", __func__); return BadDrawable; } } /* First swap needs to initialize last_swap_target */ if (pPriv->last_swap_target < 0) pPriv->last_swap_target = target_msc; /* * Swap target for this swap is last swap target + swap interval since * we have to account for the current swap count, interval, and the * number of pending swaps. */ *swap_target = pPriv->last_swap_target + pPriv->swap_interval; ret = (*ds->ScheduleSwap)(client, pDraw, pDestBuffer, pSrcBuffer, swap_target, divisor, remainder, func, data); if (!ret) { xf86DrvMsg(pScreen->myNum, X_ERROR, "[DRI2] %s: driver failed to schedule swap\n", __func__); return BadDrawable; } pPriv->swapsPending++; pPriv->last_swap_target = *swap_target; return Success; } void DRI2SwapInterval(DrawablePtr pDrawable, int interval) { DRI2DrawablePtr pPriv = DRI2GetDrawable(pDrawable); /* fixme: check against arbitrary max? */ pPriv->swap_interval = interval; } int DRI2GetMSC(DrawablePtr pDraw, CARD64 *ust, CARD64 *msc, CARD64 *sbc) { ScreenPtr pScreen = pDraw->pScreen; DRI2ScreenPtr ds = DRI2GetScreen(pDraw->pScreen); DRI2DrawablePtr pPriv; Bool ret; pPriv = DRI2GetDrawable(pDraw); if (pPriv == NULL) { xf86DrvMsg(pScreen->myNum, X_ERROR, "[DRI2] %s: bad drawable\n", __func__); return BadDrawable; } if (!ds->GetMSC) { *ust = 0; *msc = 0; *sbc = pPriv->swap_count; return Success; } /* * Spec needs to be updated to include unmapped or redirected * drawables */ ret = (*ds->GetMSC)(pDraw, ust, msc); if (!ret) return BadDrawable; *sbc = pPriv->swap_count; return Success; } int DRI2WaitMSC(ClientPtr client, DrawablePtr pDraw, CARD64 target_msc, CARD64 divisor, CARD64 remainder) { DRI2ScreenPtr ds = DRI2GetScreen(pDraw->pScreen); DRI2DrawablePtr pPriv; Bool ret; pPriv = DRI2GetDrawable(pDraw); if (pPriv == NULL) return BadDrawable; /* Old DDX just completes immediately */ if (!ds->ScheduleWaitMSC) { DRI2WaitMSCComplete(client, pDraw, target_msc, 0, 0); return Success; } ret = (*ds->ScheduleWaitMSC)(client, pDraw, target_msc, divisor, remainder); if (!ret) return BadDrawable; return Success; } int DRI2WaitSBC(ClientPtr client, DrawablePtr pDraw, CARD64 target_sbc, CARD64 *ust, CARD64 *msc, CARD64 *sbc) { DRI2DrawablePtr pPriv; pPriv = DRI2GetDrawable(pDraw); if (pPriv == NULL) return BadDrawable; if (pPriv->swap_count >= target_sbc) return Success; pPriv->target_sbc = target_sbc; DRI2BlockClient(client, pDraw); return Success; } void DRI2DestroyDrawable(DrawablePtr pDraw) { DRI2ScreenPtr ds = DRI2GetScreen(pDraw->pScreen); DRI2DrawablePtr pPriv; pPriv = DRI2GetDrawable(pDraw); if (pPriv == NULL) return; pPriv->refCount--; if (pPriv->refCount > 0) return; if (pPriv->buffers != NULL) { int i; for (i = 0; i < pPriv->bufferCount; i++) (*ds->DestroyBuffer)(pDraw, pPriv->buffers[i]); xfree(pPriv->buffers); } /* If the window is destroyed while we have a swap pending, don't * actually free the priv yet. We'll need it in the DRI2SwapComplete() * callback and we'll free it there once we're done. */ if (!pPriv->swapsPending) DRI2FreeDrawable(pDraw); } Bool DRI2Connect(ScreenPtr pScreen, unsigned int driverType, int *fd, const char **driverName, const char **deviceName) { DRI2ScreenPtr ds = DRI2GetScreen(pScreen); if (ds == NULL || driverType >= ds->numDrivers || !ds->driverNames[driverType]) return FALSE; *fd = ds->fd; *driverName = ds->driverNames[driverType]; *deviceName = ds->deviceName; return TRUE; } Bool DRI2Authenticate(ScreenPtr pScreen, drm_magic_t magic) { DRI2ScreenPtr ds = DRI2GetScreen(pScreen); if (ds == NULL || drmAuthMagic(ds->fd, magic)) return FALSE; return TRUE; } Bool DRI2ScreenInit(ScreenPtr pScreen, DRI2InfoPtr info) { DRI2ScreenPtr ds; const char* driverTypeNames[] = { "DRI", /* DRI2DriverDRI */ "VDPAU", /* DRI2DriverVDPAU */ }; unsigned int i; if (info->version < 3) return FALSE; if (!xf86VGAarbiterAllowDRI(pScreen)) { xf86DrvMsg(pScreen->myNum, X_WARNING, "[DRI2] Direct rendering is not supported when VGA arb is necessary for the device\n"); return FALSE; } ds = xcalloc(1, sizeof *ds); if (!ds) return FALSE; ds->fd = info->fd; ds->deviceName = info->deviceName; ds->CreateBuffer = info->CreateBuffer; ds->DestroyBuffer = info->DestroyBuffer; ds->CopyRegion = info->CopyRegion; if (info->version >= 4) { ds->ScheduleSwap = info->ScheduleSwap; ds->ScheduleWaitMSC = info->ScheduleWaitMSC; ds->GetMSC = info->GetMSC; } if (info->version == 3 || info->numDrivers == 0) { /* Driver too old: use the old-style driverName field */ ds->numDrivers = 1; ds->driverNames = xalloc(sizeof(*ds->driverNames)); if (!ds->driverNames) { xfree(ds); return FALSE; } ds->driverNames[0] = info->driverName; } else { ds->numDrivers = info->numDrivers; ds->driverNames = xalloc(info->numDrivers * sizeof(*ds->driverNames)); if (!ds->driverNames) { xfree(ds); return FALSE; } memcpy(ds->driverNames, info->driverNames, info->numDrivers * sizeof(*ds->driverNames)); } dixSetPrivate(&pScreen->devPrivates, dri2ScreenPrivateKey, ds); xf86DrvMsg(pScreen->myNum, X_INFO, "[DRI2] Setup complete\n"); for (i = 0; i < sizeof(driverTypeNames) / sizeof(driverTypeNames[0]); i++) { if (i < ds->numDrivers && ds->driverNames[i]) { xf86DrvMsg(pScreen->myNum, X_INFO, "[DRI2] %s driver: %s\n", driverTypeNames[i], ds->driverNames[i]); } } return TRUE; } void DRI2CloseScreen(ScreenPtr pScreen) { DRI2ScreenPtr ds = DRI2GetScreen(pScreen); xfree(ds->driverNames); xfree(ds); dixSetPrivate(&pScreen->devPrivates, dri2ScreenPrivateKey, NULL); } extern ExtensionModule dri2ExtensionModule; static pointer DRI2Setup(pointer module, pointer opts, int *errmaj, int *errmin) { static Bool setupDone = FALSE; if (!setupDone) { setupDone = TRUE; LoadExtension(&dri2ExtensionModule, FALSE); } else { if (errmaj) *errmaj = LDR_ONCEONLY; } return (pointer) 1; } static XF86ModuleVersionInfo DRI2VersRec = { "dri2", MODULEVENDORSTRING, MODINFOSTRING1, MODINFOSTRING2, XORG_VERSION_CURRENT, 1, 2, 0, ABI_CLASS_EXTENSION, ABI_EXTENSION_VERSION, MOD_CLASS_NONE, { 0, 0, 0, 0 } }; _X_EXPORT XF86ModuleData dri2ModuleData = { &DRI2VersRec, DRI2Setup, NULL }; void DRI2Version(int *major, int *minor) { if (major != NULL) *major = DRI2VersRec.majorversion; if (minor != NULL) *minor = DRI2VersRec.minorversion; }