/* * Copyright © 2007 Red Hat, Inc. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Soft- * ware"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without * limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, provided that the above copyright * notice(s) and this permission notice appear in all copies of the Soft- * ware and that both the above copyright notice(s) and this permission * notice appear in supporting documentation. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS * OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABIL- * ITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY * RIGHTS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR HOLDERS INCLUDED IN * THIS NOTICE BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, OR ANY SPECIAL INDIRECT OR CONSE- * QUENTIAL DAMAGES, OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, * DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER * TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFOR- * MANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * * Except as contained in this notice, the name of a copyright holder shall * not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or * other dealings in this Software without prior written authorization of * the copyright holder. * * Authors: * Kristian Høgsberg (krh@redhat.com) */ #ifndef _DRI2_H_ #define _DRI2_H_ #include <X11/extensions/dri2tokens.h> /* Version 2 structure (with format at the end) */ typedef struct { unsigned int attachment; unsigned int name; unsigned int pitch; unsigned int cpp; unsigned int flags; unsigned int format; void *driverPrivate; } DRI2BufferRec, *DRI2BufferPtr; extern CARD8 dri2_major; /* version of DRI2 supported by DDX */ extern CARD8 dri2_minor; typedef DRI2BufferRec DRI2Buffer2Rec, *DRI2Buffer2Ptr; typedef void (*DRI2SwapEventPtr)(ClientPtr client, void *data, int type, CARD64 ust, CARD64 msc, CARD64 sbc); typedef DRI2BufferPtr (*DRI2CreateBuffersProcPtr)(DrawablePtr pDraw, unsigned int *attachments, int count); typedef void (*DRI2DestroyBuffersProcPtr)(DrawablePtr pDraw, DRI2BufferPtr buffers, int count); typedef void (*DRI2CopyRegionProcPtr)(DrawablePtr pDraw, RegionPtr pRegion, DRI2BufferPtr pDestBuffer, DRI2BufferPtr pSrcBuffer); typedef void (*DRI2WaitProcPtr)(WindowPtr pWin, unsigned int sequence); /** * Schedule a buffer swap * * This callback is used to support glXSwapBuffers and the OML_sync_control * extension (see it for a description of the params). * * Drivers should queue an event for the frame count that satisfies the * parameters passed in. If the event is in the future (i.e. the conditions * aren't currently satisfied), the server may block the client at the next * GLX request using DRI2WaitSwap. When the event arrives, drivers should call * \c DRI2SwapComplete, which will handle waking the client and returning * the appropriate data. * * The DDX is responsible for doing a flip, exchange, or blit of the swap * when the corresponding event arrives. The \c DRI2CanFlip and * \c DRI2CanExchange functions can be used as helpers for this purpose. * * \param client client pointer (used for block/unblock) * \param pDraw drawable whose count we want * \param pDestBuffer current front buffer * \param pSrcBuffer current back buffer * \param target_msc frame count to wait for * \param divisor divisor for condition equation * \param remainder remainder for division equation * \param func function to call when the swap completes * \param data data for the callback \p func. */ typedef int (*DRI2ScheduleSwapProcPtr)(ClientPtr client, DrawablePtr pDraw, DRI2BufferPtr pDestBuffer, DRI2BufferPtr pSrcBuffer, CARD64 *target_msc, CARD64 divisor, CARD64 remainder, DRI2SwapEventPtr func, void *data); typedef DRI2BufferPtr (*DRI2CreateBufferProcPtr)(DrawablePtr pDraw, unsigned int attachment, unsigned int format); typedef void (*DRI2DestroyBufferProcPtr)(DrawablePtr pDraw, DRI2BufferPtr buffer); /** * Get current media stamp counter values * * This callback is used to support the SGI_video_sync and OML_sync_control * extensions. * * Drivers should return the current frame counter and the timestamp from * when the returned frame count was last incremented. * * The count should correspond to the screen where the drawable is currently * visible. If the drawable isn't visible (e.g. redirected), the server * should return BadDrawable to the client, pending GLX spec updates to * define this behavior. * * \param pDraw drawable whose count we want * \param ust timestamp from when the count was last incremented. * \param mst current frame count */ typedef int (*DRI2GetMSCProcPtr)(DrawablePtr pDraw, CARD64 *ust, CARD64 *msc); /** * Schedule a frame count related wait * * This callback is used to support the SGI_video_sync and OML_sync_control * extensions. See those specifications for details on how to handle * the divisor and remainder parameters. * * Drivers should queue an event for the frame count that satisfies the * parameters passed in. If the event is in the future (i.e. the conditions * aren't currently satisfied), the driver should block the client using * \c DRI2BlockClient. When the event arrives, drivers should call * \c DRI2WaitMSCComplete, which will handle waking the client and returning * the appropriate data. * * \param client client pointer (used for block/unblock) * \param pDraw drawable whose count we want * \param target_msc frame count to wait for * \param divisor divisor for condition equation * \param remainder remainder for division equation */ typedef int (*DRI2ScheduleWaitMSCProcPtr)(ClientPtr client, DrawablePtr pDraw, CARD64 target_msc, CARD64 divisor, CARD64 remainder); typedef void (*DRI2InvalidateProcPtr)(DrawablePtr pDraw, void *data); /** * Version of the DRI2InfoRec structure defined in this header */ #define DRI2INFOREC_VERSION 4 typedef struct { unsigned int version; /**< Version of this struct */ int fd; const char *driverName; const char *deviceName; DRI2CreateBufferProcPtr CreateBuffer; DRI2DestroyBufferProcPtr DestroyBuffer; DRI2CopyRegionProcPtr CopyRegion; DRI2WaitProcPtr Wait; /* added in version 4 */ DRI2ScheduleSwapProcPtr ScheduleSwap; DRI2GetMSCProcPtr GetMSC; DRI2ScheduleWaitMSCProcPtr ScheduleWaitMSC; /* number of drivers in the driverNames array */ unsigned int numDrivers; /* array of driver names, indexed by DRI2Driver* driver types */ /* a name of NULL means that driver is not supported */ const char * const *driverNames; } DRI2InfoRec, *DRI2InfoPtr; extern _X_EXPORT int DRI2EventBase; extern _X_EXPORT Bool DRI2ScreenInit(ScreenPtr pScreen, DRI2InfoPtr info); extern _X_EXPORT void DRI2CloseScreen(ScreenPtr pScreen); extern _X_EXPORT Bool DRI2HasSwapControl(ScreenPtr pScreen); extern _X_EXPORT Bool DRI2Connect(ScreenPtr pScreen, unsigned int driverType, int *fd, const char **driverName, const char **deviceName); extern _X_EXPORT Bool DRI2Authenticate(ScreenPtr pScreen, drm_magic_t magic); extern _X_EXPORT int DRI2CreateDrawable(ClientPtr client, DrawablePtr pDraw, XID id, DRI2InvalidateProcPtr invalidate, void *priv); extern _X_EXPORT void DRI2DestroyDrawable(DrawablePtr pDraw); extern _X_EXPORT DRI2BufferPtr *DRI2GetBuffers(DrawablePtr pDraw, int *width, int *height, unsigned int *attachments, int count, int *out_count); extern _X_EXPORT int DRI2CopyRegion(DrawablePtr pDraw, RegionPtr pRegion, unsigned int dest, unsigned int src); /** * Determine the major and minor version of the DRI2 extension. * * Provides a mechanism to other modules (e.g., 2D drivers) to determine the * version of the DRI2 extension. While it is possible to peek directly at * the \c XF86ModuleData from a layered module, such a module will fail to * load (due to an unresolved symbol) if the DRI2 extension is not loaded. * * \param major Location to store the major verion of the DRI2 extension * \param minor Location to store the minor verion of the DRI2 extension * * \note * This interface was added some time after the initial release of the DRI2 * module. Layered modules that wish to use this interface must first test * its existance by calling \c xf86LoaderCheckSymbol. */ extern _X_EXPORT void DRI2Version(int *major, int *minor); extern _X_EXPORT DRI2BufferPtr *DRI2GetBuffersWithFormat(DrawablePtr pDraw, int *width, int *height, unsigned int *attachments, int count, int *out_count); extern _X_EXPORT void DRI2SwapInterval(DrawablePtr pDrawable, int interval); extern _X_EXPORT int DRI2SwapBuffers(ClientPtr client, DrawablePtr pDrawable, CARD64 target_msc, CARD64 divisor, CARD64 remainder, CARD64 *swap_target, DRI2SwapEventPtr func, void *data); extern _X_EXPORT Bool DRI2WaitSwap(ClientPtr client, DrawablePtr pDrawable); extern _X_EXPORT int DRI2GetMSC(DrawablePtr pDrawable, CARD64 *ust, CARD64 *msc, CARD64 *sbc); extern _X_EXPORT int DRI2WaitMSC(ClientPtr client, DrawablePtr pDrawable, CARD64 target_msc, CARD64 divisor, CARD64 remainder); extern _X_EXPORT int ProcDRI2WaitMSCReply(ClientPtr client, CARD64 ust, CARD64 msc, CARD64 sbc); extern _X_EXPORT int DRI2WaitSBC(ClientPtr client, DrawablePtr pDraw, CARD64 target_sbc, CARD64 *ust, CARD64 *msc, CARD64 *sbc); extern _X_EXPORT Bool DRI2ThrottleClient(ClientPtr client, DrawablePtr pDraw); extern _X_EXPORT Bool DRI2CanFlip(DrawablePtr pDraw); extern _X_EXPORT Bool DRI2CanExchange(DrawablePtr pDraw); /* Note: use *only* for MSC related waits */ extern _X_EXPORT void DRI2BlockClient(ClientPtr client, DrawablePtr pDraw); extern _X_EXPORT void DRI2SwapComplete(ClientPtr client, DrawablePtr pDraw, int frame, unsigned int tv_sec, unsigned int tv_usec, int type, DRI2SwapEventPtr swap_complete, void *swap_data); extern _X_EXPORT void DRI2WaitMSCComplete(ClientPtr client, DrawablePtr pDraw, int frame, unsigned int tv_sec, unsigned int tv_usec); #endif