#ifdef HAVE_XORG_CONFIG_H #include <xorg-config.h> #endif #include <string.h> #include "misc.h" #include "xf86.h" #include "xf86_OSproc.h" #include <X11/X.h> #include "scrnintstr.h" #include "xf86str.h" #include "xaa.h" #include "xaalocal.h" #include "migc.h" #include "gcstruct.h" #include "pixmapstr.h" #include "xaawrap.h" static void XAAValidateGC(GCPtr pGC, unsigned long changes, DrawablePtr pDraw); static void XAAChangeGC(GCPtr pGC, unsigned long mask); static void XAACopyGC(GCPtr pGCSrc, unsigned long mask, GCPtr pGCDst); static void XAADestroyGC(GCPtr pGC); static void XAAChangeClip(GCPtr pGC, int type, pointer pvalue, int nrects); static void XAADestroyClip(GCPtr pGC); static void XAACopyClip(GCPtr pgcDst, GCPtr pgcSrc); GCFuncs XAAGCFuncs = { XAAValidateGC, XAAChangeGC, XAACopyGC, XAADestroyGC, XAAChangeClip, XAADestroyClip, XAACopyClip }; extern GCOps XAAPixmapOps; Bool XAACreateGC(GCPtr pGC) { ScreenPtr pScreen = pGC->pScreen; XAAGCPtr pGCPriv = (XAAGCPtr) dixLookupPrivate(&pGC->devPrivates, XAAGetGCKey()); Bool ret; XAA_SCREEN_PROLOGUE(pScreen, CreateGC); if ((ret = (*pScreen->CreateGC) (pGC))) { pGCPriv->wrapOps = NULL; pGCPriv->wrapFuncs = pGC->funcs; pGCPriv->XAAOps = &XAAFallbackOps; pGC->funcs = &XAAGCFuncs; } XAA_SCREEN_EPILOGUE(pScreen, CreateGC, XAACreateGC); return ret; } static void XAAValidateGC(GCPtr pGC, unsigned long changes, DrawablePtr pDraw) { XAAInfoRecPtr infoRec = GET_XAAINFORECPTR_FROM_GC(pGC); XAA_GC_FUNC_PROLOGUE(pGC); (*pGC->funcs->ValidateGC) (pGC, changes, pDraw); if ((changes & GCPlaneMask) && ((pGC->planemask & infoRec->FullPlanemasks[pGC->depth - 1]) == infoRec->FullPlanemasks[pGC->depth - 1])) { pGC->planemask = ~0; } if (pGC->depth != 32) { /* 0xffffffff is reserved for transparency */ if (pGC->bgPixel == 0xffffffff) pGC->bgPixel = 0x7fffffff; if (pGC->fgPixel == 0xffffffff) pGC->fgPixel = 0x7fffffff; } if ((pDraw->type == DRAWABLE_PIXMAP) && !IS_OFFSCREEN_PIXMAP(pDraw)) { pGCPriv->flags = OPS_ARE_PIXMAP; pGCPriv->changes |= changes; /* make sure we're not using videomemory pixmaps to render onto system memory drawables */ if ((pGC->fillStyle == FillTiled) && IS_OFFSCREEN_PIXMAP(pGC->tile.pixmap) && !OFFSCREEN_PIXMAP_LOCKED(pGC->tile.pixmap)) { XAAPixmapPtr pPriv = XAA_GET_PIXMAP_PRIVATE(pGC->tile.pixmap); FBAreaPtr area = pPriv->offscreenArea; XAARemoveAreaCallback(area); /* clobbers pPriv->offscreenArea */ xf86FreeOffscreenArea(area); } } else if (!infoRec->pScrn->vtSema && (pDraw->type == DRAWABLE_WINDOW)) { pGCPriv->flags = 0; pGCPriv->changes |= changes; } else { if (!(pGCPriv->flags & OPS_ARE_ACCEL)) { changes |= pGCPriv->changes; pGCPriv->changes = 0; } pGCPriv->flags = OPS_ARE_ACCEL; #if 1 /* Ugh. If we can't use the blitter on offscreen pixmaps used as tiles, then we need to move them out as cfb can't handle tiles with non-zero origins */ if ((pGC->fillStyle == FillTiled) && IS_OFFSCREEN_PIXMAP(pGC->tile.pixmap) && (DO_PIXMAP_COPY != (*infoRec->TiledFillChooser) (pGC))) { XAAPixmapPtr pPriv = XAA_GET_PIXMAP_PRIVATE(pGC->tile.pixmap); FBAreaPtr area = pPriv->offscreenArea; XAARemoveAreaCallback(area); /* clobbers pPriv->offscreenArea */ xf86FreeOffscreenArea(area); } #endif } XAA_GC_FUNC_EPILOGUE(pGC); if (!(pGCPriv->flags & OPS_ARE_ACCEL)) return; if ((changes & GCTile) && !pGC->tileIsPixel && pGC->tile.pixmap) { XAAPixmapPtr pixPriv = XAA_GET_PIXMAP_PRIVATE(pGC->tile.pixmap); if (pixPriv->flags & DIRTY) { pixPriv->flags &= ~(DIRTY | REDUCIBILITY_MASK); pGC->tile.pixmap->drawable.serialNumber = NEXT_SERIAL_NUMBER; } } if ((changes & GCStipple) && pGC->stipple) { XAAPixmapPtr pixPriv = XAA_GET_PIXMAP_PRIVATE(pGC->stipple); if (pixPriv->flags & DIRTY) { pixPriv->flags &= ~(DIRTY | REDUCIBILITY_MASK); pGC->stipple->drawable.serialNumber = NEXT_SERIAL_NUMBER; } } /* If our Ops are still the default ones we need to allocate new ones */ if (pGC->ops == &XAAFallbackOps) { if (!(pGCPriv->XAAOps = malloc(sizeof(GCOps)))) { pGCPriv->XAAOps = &XAAFallbackOps; return; } /* make a modifiable copy of the default ops */ memcpy(pGCPriv->XAAOps, &XAAFallbackOps, sizeof(GCOps)); pGC->ops = pGCPriv->XAAOps; changes = ~0; } if (!changes) return; if ((changes & GCDashList) && infoRec->ComputeDash) infoRec->ComputeDash(pGC); if (changes & infoRec->FillSpansMask) (*infoRec->ValidateFillSpans) (pGC, changes, pDraw); if (changes & infoRec->SetSpansMask) (*infoRec->ValidateSetSpans) (pGC, changes, pDraw); if (changes & infoRec->PutImageMask) (*infoRec->ValidatePutImage) (pGC, changes, pDraw); if (changes & infoRec->CopyAreaMask) (*infoRec->ValidateCopyArea) (pGC, changes, pDraw); if (changes & infoRec->CopyPlaneMask) (*infoRec->ValidateCopyPlane) (pGC, changes, pDraw); if (changes & infoRec->PolyPointMask) (*infoRec->ValidatePolyPoint) (pGC, changes, pDraw); if (changes & infoRec->PolylinesMask) (*infoRec->ValidatePolylines) (pGC, changes, pDraw); if (changes & infoRec->PolySegmentMask) (*infoRec->ValidatePolySegment) (pGC, changes, pDraw); if (changes & infoRec->PolyRectangleMask) (*infoRec->ValidatePolyRectangle) (pGC, changes, pDraw); if (changes & infoRec->PolyArcMask) (*infoRec->ValidatePolyArc) (pGC, changes, pDraw); if (changes & infoRec->FillPolygonMask) (*infoRec->ValidateFillPolygon) (pGC, changes, pDraw); if (changes & infoRec->PolyFillRectMask) (*infoRec->ValidatePolyFillRect) (pGC, changes, pDraw); if (changes & infoRec->PolyFillArcMask) (*infoRec->ValidatePolyFillArc) (pGC, changes, pDraw); if (changes & infoRec->PolyGlyphBltMask) (*infoRec->ValidatePolyGlyphBlt) (pGC, changes, pDraw); if (changes & infoRec->ImageGlyphBltMask) (*infoRec->ValidateImageGlyphBlt) (pGC, changes, pDraw); if (changes & infoRec->PolyText8Mask) (*infoRec->ValidatePolyText8) (pGC, changes, pDraw); if (changes & infoRec->PolyText16Mask) (*infoRec->ValidatePolyText16) (pGC, changes, pDraw); if (changes & infoRec->ImageText8Mask) (*infoRec->ValidateImageText8) (pGC, changes, pDraw); if (changes & infoRec->ImageText16Mask) (*infoRec->ValidateImageText16) (pGC, changes, pDraw); if (changes & infoRec->PushPixelsMask) (*infoRec->ValidatePushPixels) (pGC, changes, pDraw); } static void XAADestroyGC(GCPtr pGC) { XAA_GC_FUNC_PROLOGUE(pGC); if (pGCPriv->XAAOps != &XAAFallbackOps) free(pGCPriv->XAAOps); free(pGCPriv->DashPattern); pGCPriv->flags = 0; (*pGC->funcs->DestroyGC) (pGC); XAA_GC_FUNC_EPILOGUE(pGC); } static void XAAChangeGC(GCPtr pGC, unsigned long mask) { XAA_GC_FUNC_PROLOGUE(pGC); (*pGC->funcs->ChangeGC) (pGC, mask); XAA_GC_FUNC_EPILOGUE(pGC); /* we have to assume that shared memory pixmaps are dirty because we can't wrap all operations on them */ if ((mask & GCTile) && !pGC->tileIsPixel && PIXMAP_IS_SHARED(pGC->tile.pixmap)) { XAAPixmapPtr pPixPriv = XAA_GET_PIXMAP_PRIVATE(pGC->tile.pixmap); pPixPriv->flags |= DIRTY; } if ((mask & GCStipple) && PIXMAP_IS_SHARED(pGC->stipple)) { XAAPixmapPtr pPixPriv = XAA_GET_PIXMAP_PRIVATE(pGC->stipple); pPixPriv->flags |= DIRTY; } } static void XAACopyGC(GCPtr pGCSrc, unsigned long mask, GCPtr pGCDst) { XAA_GC_FUNC_PROLOGUE(pGCDst); (*pGCDst->funcs->CopyGC) (pGCSrc, mask, pGCDst); XAA_GC_FUNC_EPILOGUE(pGCDst); } static void XAAChangeClip(GCPtr pGC, int type, pointer pvalue, int nrects) { XAA_GC_FUNC_PROLOGUE(pGC); (*pGC->funcs->ChangeClip) (pGC, type, pvalue, nrects); XAA_GC_FUNC_EPILOGUE(pGC); } static void XAACopyClip(GCPtr pgcDst, GCPtr pgcSrc) { XAA_GC_FUNC_PROLOGUE(pgcDst); (*pgcDst->funcs->CopyClip) (pgcDst, pgcSrc); XAA_GC_FUNC_EPILOGUE(pgcDst); } static void XAADestroyClip(GCPtr pGC) { XAA_GC_FUNC_PROLOGUE(pGC); (*pGC->funcs->DestroyClip) (pGC); XAA_GC_FUNC_EPILOGUE(pGC); } /**** Pixmap Wrappers ****/ static void XAAFillSpansPixmap(DrawablePtr pDraw, GC * pGC, int nInit, DDXPointPtr pptInit, int *pwidthInit, int fSorted) { XAA_PIXMAP_OP_PROLOGUE(pGC, pDraw); (*pGC->ops->FillSpans) (pDraw, pGC, nInit, pptInit, pwidthInit, fSorted); XAA_PIXMAP_OP_EPILOGUE(pGC); } static void XAASetSpansPixmap(DrawablePtr pDraw, GCPtr pGC, char *pcharsrc, register DDXPointPtr ppt, int *pwidth, int nspans, int fSorted) { XAA_PIXMAP_OP_PROLOGUE(pGC, pDraw); (*pGC->ops->SetSpans) (pDraw, pGC, pcharsrc, ppt, pwidth, nspans, fSorted); XAA_PIXMAP_OP_EPILOGUE(pGC); } static void XAAPutImagePixmap(DrawablePtr pDraw, GCPtr pGC, int depth, int x, int y, int w, int h, int leftPad, int format, char *pImage) { XAA_PIXMAP_OP_PROLOGUE(pGC, pDraw); (*pGC->ops->PutImage) (pDraw, pGC, depth, x, y, w, h, leftPad, format, pImage); XAA_PIXMAP_OP_EPILOGUE(pGC); } static RegionPtr XAACopyAreaPixmap(DrawablePtr pSrc, DrawablePtr pDst, GC * pGC, int srcx, int srcy, int width, int height, int dstx, int dsty) { XAAInfoRecPtr infoRec = GET_XAAINFORECPTR_FROM_GC(pGC); RegionPtr ret; if (infoRec->pScrn->vtSema && ((pSrc->type == DRAWABLE_WINDOW) || IS_OFFSCREEN_PIXMAP(pSrc))) { if (infoRec->ReadPixmap && (pGC->alu == GXcopy) && (pSrc->bitsPerPixel == pDst->bitsPerPixel) && ((pGC->planemask & infoRec->FullPlanemasks[pSrc->depth - 1]) == infoRec->FullPlanemasks[pSrc->depth - 1])) { XAAPixmapPtr pixPriv = XAA_GET_PIXMAP_PRIVATE((PixmapPtr) (pDst)); pixPriv->flags |= DIRTY; return (XAABitBlt(pSrc, pDst, pGC, srcx, srcy, width, height, dstx, dsty, XAADoImageRead, 0L)); } else if (infoRec->NeedToSync) { (*infoRec->Sync) (infoRec->pScrn); infoRec->NeedToSync = FALSE; } } { XAA_PIXMAP_OP_PROLOGUE(pGC, pDst); ret = (*pGC->ops->CopyArea) (pSrc, pDst, pGC, srcx, srcy, width, height, dstx, dsty); XAA_PIXMAP_OP_EPILOGUE(pGC); } return ret; } static RegionPtr XAACopyPlanePixmap(DrawablePtr pSrc, DrawablePtr pDst, GCPtr pGC, int srcx, int srcy, int width, int height, int dstx, int dsty, unsigned long bitPlane) { XAAInfoRecPtr infoRec = GET_XAAINFORECPTR_FROM_GC(pGC); RegionPtr ret; XAA_PIXMAP_OP_PROLOGUE(pGC, pDst); if (infoRec->pScrn->vtSema && ((pSrc->type == DRAWABLE_WINDOW) || IS_OFFSCREEN_PIXMAP(pSrc))) { if (infoRec->NeedToSync) { (*infoRec->Sync) (infoRec->pScrn); infoRec->NeedToSync = FALSE; } } ret = (*pGC->ops->CopyPlane) (pSrc, pDst, pGC, srcx, srcy, width, height, dstx, dsty, bitPlane); XAA_PIXMAP_OP_EPILOGUE(pGC); return ret; } static void XAAPolyPointPixmap(DrawablePtr pDraw, GCPtr pGC, int mode, int npt, xPoint * pptInit) { XAA_PIXMAP_OP_PROLOGUE(pGC, pDraw); (*pGC->ops->PolyPoint) (pDraw, pGC, mode, npt, pptInit); XAA_PIXMAP_OP_EPILOGUE(pGC); } static void XAAPolylinesPixmap(DrawablePtr pDraw, GCPtr pGC, int mode, int npt, DDXPointPtr pptInit) { XAA_PIXMAP_OP_PROLOGUE(pGC, pDraw); (*pGC->ops->Polylines) (pDraw, pGC, mode, npt, pptInit); XAA_PIXMAP_OP_EPILOGUE(pGC); } static void XAAPolySegmentPixmap(DrawablePtr pDraw, GCPtr pGC, int nseg, xSegment * pSeg) { XAA_PIXMAP_OP_PROLOGUE(pGC, pDraw); (*pGC->ops->PolySegment) (pDraw, pGC, nseg, pSeg); XAA_PIXMAP_OP_EPILOGUE(pGC); } static void XAAPolyRectanglePixmap(DrawablePtr pDraw, GCPtr pGC, int nRectsInit, xRectangle *pRectsInit) { XAA_PIXMAP_OP_PROLOGUE(pGC, pDraw); (*pGC->ops->PolyRectangle) (pDraw, pGC, nRectsInit, pRectsInit); XAA_PIXMAP_OP_EPILOGUE(pGC); } static void XAAPolyArcPixmap(DrawablePtr pDraw, GCPtr pGC, int narcs, xArc * parcs) { XAA_PIXMAP_OP_PROLOGUE(pGC, pDraw); (*pGC->ops->PolyArc) (pDraw, pGC, narcs, parcs); XAA_PIXMAP_OP_EPILOGUE(pGC); } static void XAAFillPolygonPixmap(DrawablePtr pDraw, GCPtr pGC, int shape, int mode, int count, DDXPointPtr ptsIn) { XAA_PIXMAP_OP_PROLOGUE(pGC, pDraw); (*pGC->ops->FillPolygon) (pDraw, pGC, shape, mode, count, ptsIn); XAA_PIXMAP_OP_EPILOGUE(pGC); } static void XAAPolyFillRectPixmap(DrawablePtr pDraw, GCPtr pGC, int nrectFill, xRectangle *prectInit) { XAA_PIXMAP_OP_PROLOGUE(pGC, pDraw); (*pGC->ops->PolyFillRect) (pDraw, pGC, nrectFill, prectInit); XAA_PIXMAP_OP_EPILOGUE(pGC); } static void XAAPolyFillArcPixmap(DrawablePtr pDraw, GCPtr pGC, int narcs, xArc * parcs) { XAA_PIXMAP_OP_PROLOGUE(pGC, pDraw); (*pGC->ops->PolyFillArc) (pDraw, pGC, narcs, parcs); XAA_PIXMAP_OP_EPILOGUE(pGC); } static int XAAPolyText8Pixmap(DrawablePtr pDraw, GCPtr pGC, int x, int y, int count, char *chars) { int ret; XAA_PIXMAP_OP_PROLOGUE(pGC, pDraw); ret = (*pGC->ops->PolyText8) (pDraw, pGC, x, y, count, chars); XAA_PIXMAP_OP_EPILOGUE(pGC); return ret; } static int XAAPolyText16Pixmap(DrawablePtr pDraw, GCPtr pGC, int x, int y, int count, unsigned short *chars) { int ret; XAA_PIXMAP_OP_PROLOGUE(pGC, pDraw); ret = (*pGC->ops->PolyText16) (pDraw, pGC, x, y, count, chars); XAA_PIXMAP_OP_EPILOGUE(pGC); return ret; } static void XAAImageText8Pixmap(DrawablePtr pDraw, GCPtr pGC, int x, int y, int count, char *chars) { XAA_PIXMAP_OP_PROLOGUE(pGC, pDraw); (*pGC->ops->ImageText8) (pDraw, pGC, x, y, count, chars); XAA_PIXMAP_OP_EPILOGUE(pGC); } static void XAAImageText16Pixmap(DrawablePtr pDraw, GCPtr pGC, int x, int y, int count, unsigned short *chars) { XAA_PIXMAP_OP_PROLOGUE(pGC, pDraw); (*pGC->ops->ImageText16) (pDraw, pGC, x, y, count, chars); XAA_PIXMAP_OP_EPILOGUE(pGC); } static void XAAImageGlyphBltPixmap(DrawablePtr pDraw, GCPtr pGC, int xInit, int yInit, unsigned int nglyph, CharInfoPtr * ppci, pointer pglyphBase) { XAA_PIXMAP_OP_PROLOGUE(pGC, pDraw); (*pGC->ops->ImageGlyphBlt) (pDraw, pGC, xInit, yInit, nglyph, ppci, pglyphBase); XAA_PIXMAP_OP_EPILOGUE(pGC); } static void XAAPolyGlyphBltPixmap(DrawablePtr pDraw, GCPtr pGC, int xInit, int yInit, unsigned int nglyph, CharInfoPtr * ppci, pointer pglyphBase) { XAA_PIXMAP_OP_PROLOGUE(pGC, pDraw); (*pGC->ops->PolyGlyphBlt) (pDraw, pGC, xInit, yInit, nglyph, ppci, pglyphBase); XAA_PIXMAP_OP_EPILOGUE(pGC); } static void XAAPushPixelsPixmap(GCPtr pGC, PixmapPtr pBitMap, DrawablePtr pDraw, int dx, int dy, int xOrg, int yOrg) { XAA_PIXMAP_OP_PROLOGUE(pGC, pDraw); (*pGC->ops->PushPixels) (pGC, pBitMap, pDraw, dx, dy, xOrg, yOrg); XAA_PIXMAP_OP_EPILOGUE(pGC); } GCOps XAAPixmapOps = { XAAFillSpansPixmap, XAASetSpansPixmap, XAAPutImagePixmap, XAACopyAreaPixmap, XAACopyPlanePixmap, XAAPolyPointPixmap, XAAPolylinesPixmap, XAAPolySegmentPixmap, XAAPolyRectanglePixmap, XAAPolyArcPixmap, XAAFillPolygonPixmap, XAAPolyFillRectPixmap, XAAPolyFillArcPixmap, XAAPolyText8Pixmap, XAAPolyText16Pixmap, XAAImageText8Pixmap, XAAImageText16Pixmap, XAAImageGlyphBltPixmap, XAAPolyGlyphBltPixmap, XAAPushPixelsPixmap, };