#ifdef HAVE_XORG_CONFIG_H #include <xorg-config.h> #endif #include "misc.h" #include "xf86.h" #include "xf86_OSproc.h" #include <X11/X.h> #include "scrnintstr.h" #include "windowstr.h" #include "xf86str.h" #include "xaa.h" #include "xaalocal.h" #include "xaawrap.h" #include "gcstruct.h" #include "pixmapstr.h" #include "mioverlay.h" #ifdef PANORAMIX #include "panoramiX.h" #include "panoramiXsrv.h" #endif static void XAACopyWindow8_32( WindowPtr pWin, DDXPointRec ptOldOrg, RegionPtr prgnSrc ){ DDXPointPtr pptSrc, ppt; RegionRec rgnDst; BoxPtr pbox; int dx, dy, nbox; WindowPtr pwinRoot; ScreenPtr pScreen = pWin->drawable.pScreen; XAAInfoRecPtr infoRec = GET_XAAINFORECPTR_FROM_DRAWABLE((&pWin->drawable)); Bool doUnderlay = miOverlayCopyUnderlay(pScreen); RegionPtr borderClip = &pWin->borderClip; Bool freeReg = FALSE; if (!infoRec->pScrn->vtSema || !infoRec->ScreenToScreenBitBlt || (infoRec->ScreenToScreenBitBltFlags & NO_PLANEMASK)) { XAA_SCREEN_PROLOGUE (pScreen, CopyWindow); if(infoRec->pScrn->vtSema && infoRec->NeedToSync) { (*infoRec->Sync)(infoRec->pScrn); infoRec->NeedToSync = FALSE; } (*pScreen->CopyWindow) (pWin, ptOldOrg, prgnSrc); XAA_SCREEN_EPILOGUE (pScreen, CopyWindow, XAACopyWindow8_32); return; } pwinRoot = pScreen->root; if(doUnderlay) freeReg = miOverlayCollectUnderlayRegions(pWin, &borderClip); RegionNull(&rgnDst); dx = ptOldOrg.x - pWin->drawable.x; dy = ptOldOrg.y - pWin->drawable.y; RegionTranslate(prgnSrc, -dx, -dy); RegionIntersect(&rgnDst, borderClip, prgnSrc); pbox = RegionRects(&rgnDst); nbox = RegionNumRects(&rgnDst); if(!nbox || !(pptSrc = (DDXPointPtr )malloc(nbox * sizeof(DDXPointRec)))) { RegionUninit(&rgnDst); return; } ppt = pptSrc; while(nbox--) { ppt->x = pbox->x1 + dx; ppt->y = pbox->y1 + dy; ppt++; pbox++; } infoRec->ScratchGC.planemask = doUnderlay ? 0x00ffffff : 0xff000000; infoRec->ScratchGC.alu = GXcopy; XAADoBitBlt((DrawablePtr)pwinRoot, (DrawablePtr)pwinRoot, &(infoRec->ScratchGC), &rgnDst, pptSrc); free(pptSrc); RegionUninit(&rgnDst); if(freeReg) RegionDestroy(borderClip); } static void XAASetColorKey8_32( ScreenPtr pScreen, int nbox, BoxPtr pbox ){ XAAInfoRecPtr infoRec = GET_XAAINFORECPTR_FROM_SCREEN(pScreen); ScrnInfoPtr pScrn = infoRec->pScrn; /* I'm counting on writes being clipped away while switched away. If this isn't going to be true then I need to be wrapping instead. */ if(!infoRec->pScrn->vtSema) return; (*infoRec->FillSolidRects)(pScrn, pScrn->colorKey << 24, GXcopy, 0xff000000, nbox, pbox); SET_SYNC_FLAG(infoRec); } void XAASetupOverlay8_32Planar(ScreenPtr pScreen) { XAAInfoRecPtr infoRec = GET_XAAINFORECPTR_FROM_SCREEN(pScreen); int i; pScreen->CopyWindow = XAACopyWindow8_32; if(!(infoRec->FillSolidRectsFlags & NO_PLANEMASK)) miOverlaySetTransFunction(pScreen, XAASetColorKey8_32); infoRec->FullPlanemask = ~0; for(i = 0; i < 32; i++) /* haven't thought about this much */ infoRec->FullPlanemasks[i] = ~0; }