#ifdef HAVE_XORG_CONFIG_H #include <xorg-config.h> #endif #include "misc.h" #include "xf86.h" #include "xf86_OSproc.h" #include <X11/X.h> #include "scrnintstr.h" #include "pixmapstr.h" #include "xf86str.h" #include "xaa.h" #include "xaalocal.h" /* Much of this file based on code by Harm Hanemaayer (H.Hanemaayer@inter.nl.net). */ void XAAPolyRectangleThinSolid(DrawablePtr pDrawable, GCPtr pGC, int nRectsInit, xRectangle *pRectsInit) { XAAInfoRecPtr infoRec = GET_XAAINFORECPTR_FROM_GC(pGC); int nClipRects; /* number of clip rectangles */ BoxPtr pClipRects; /* points to the list of clip rects */ int xOrigin; /* Drawables x origin */ int yOrigin; /* Drawables x origin */ xRectangle *pRect; /* list of rects */ int nRects; /* running count of number of rects */ int origX1, origY1; /* original rectangle's U/L corner */ int origX2, origY2; /* original rectangle's L/R corner */ int clippedX1; /* clipped rectangle's left x */ int clippedY1; /* clipped rectangle's top y */ int clippedX2; /* clipped rectangle's right x */ int clippedY2; /* clipped rectangle's bottom y */ int clipXMin; /* upper left corner of clip rect */ int clipYMin; /* upper left corner of clip rect */ int clipXMax; /* lower right corner of clip rect */ int clipYMax; /* lower right corner of clip rect */ int width, height; /* width and height of rect */ nClipRects = RegionNumRects(pGC->pCompositeClip); pClipRects = RegionRects(pGC->pCompositeClip); if (!nClipRects) return; xOrigin = pDrawable->x; yOrigin = pDrawable->y; (*infoRec->SetupForSolidLine) (infoRec->pScrn, pGC->fgPixel, pGC->alu, pGC->planemask); for (; nClipRects > 0; nClipRects--, pClipRects++) { clipYMin = pClipRects->y1; clipYMax = pClipRects->y2 - 1; clipXMin = pClipRects->x1; clipXMax = pClipRects->x2 - 1; for (pRect = pRectsInit, nRects = nRectsInit; nRects > 0; nRects--, pRect++) { /* translate rectangle data over to the drawable */ origX1 = pRect->x + xOrigin; origY1 = pRect->y + yOrigin; origX2 = origX1 + pRect->width; origY2 = origY1 + pRect->height; /* reject entire rectangle if completely outside clip rect */ if ((origX1 > clipXMax) || (origX2 < clipXMin) || (origY1 > clipYMax) || (origY2 < clipYMin)) continue; /* clip the rectangle */ clippedX1 = max(origX1, clipXMin); clippedX2 = min(origX2, clipXMax); clippedY1 = max(origY1, clipYMin); clippedY2 = min(origY2, clipYMax); width = clippedX2 - clippedX1 + 1; if (origY1 >= clipYMin) { (*infoRec->SubsequentSolidHorVertLine) (infoRec->pScrn, clippedX1, clippedY1, width, DEGREES_0); /* don't overwrite corner */ clippedY1++; } if ((origY2 <= clipYMax) && (origY1 != origY2)) { (*infoRec->SubsequentSolidHorVertLine) (infoRec->pScrn, clippedX1, clippedY2, width, DEGREES_0); /* don't overwrite corner */ clippedY2--; } if (clippedY2 < clippedY1) continue; height = clippedY2 - clippedY1 + 1; /* draw vertical edges using lines if not clipped out */ if (origX1 >= clipXMin) (*infoRec->SubsequentSolidHorVertLine) (infoRec->pScrn, clippedX1, clippedY1, height, DEGREES_270); if ((origX2 <= clipXMax) && (origX2 != origX1)) (*infoRec->SubsequentSolidHorVertLine) (infoRec->pScrn, clippedX2, clippedY1, height, DEGREES_270); } } SET_SYNC_FLAG(infoRec); }