/* GJA -- span move routines */ #ifdef HAVE_XORG_CONFIG_H #include <xorg-config.h> #endif #include "xf4bpp.h" #include "OScompiler.h" #include "vgaReg.h" #include "vgaVideo.h" #include "xf86str.h" /* for pScrn->vtSema */ extern ScrnInfoPtr *xf86Screens; #ifndef PC98_EGC /* not PC98_EGC */ /* NOTE: It seems that there is no way to program the VGA to copy just * a part of a byte in the smarter modes. Therefore we copy the boundaries * plane by plane. */ #define WORDSZ 8 /* The fast blit code requires WORDSZ = 8 for its read-modify write cycle. * Therefore, we do not fully implement the other options. */ #define HIGHPLANEMASK 0x08 #define HIGHPLANEINDEX 3 /* Of course, we want the following anyway: * (Yes, they're identical now.) */ #define SMEM(x,y) ( VIDBASE(pWin) + (y) * BYTES_PER_LINE(pWin) + (x) ) #define DMEM(x,y) ( VIDBASE(pWin) + (y) * BYTES_PER_LINE(pWin) + (x) ) #define WORD8 unsigned char #define LW8 BYTES_PER_LINE(pWin) /* Line width */ #define WSHIFT8 0x3 #define WMASK8 0x07 /* NOTE: lmask[8] matters. It must be different from lmask[0] */ static unsigned char lmasktab[] = { 0x00, 0x80, 0xC0, 0xE0, 0xF0, 0xF8, 0xFC, 0xFE, 0xFF } ; static unsigned char rmasktab[] = { 0xFF, 0x7F, 0x3F, 0x1F, 0x0F, 0x07, 0x03, 0x01, 0x00 } ; #define LMASK8(n) lmasktab[n] #define RMASK8(n) rmasktab[n] #define SWAPB8(x) (x) #if (WORDSZ == 8) #define WORD WORD8 #define LW LW8 #define WSHIFT WSHIFT8 #define WMASK WMASK8 #define LMASK(n) LMASK8(n) #define RMASK(n) RMASK8(n) #define SWAPB(x) SWAPB8(x) #endif /* WORDSZ == 8 */ #define DO_ALU(dst,src,mask,alu) {\ int _ndst, _odst; _odst = dst; \ switch ( alu ) { \ case GXclear: \ _ndst = 0; break; \ case GXand: \ _ndst = src & _odst; break; \ case GXandReverse: \ _ndst = src & ~ _odst; break; \ case GXcopy: \ _ndst = src; break; \ case GXandInverted: \ _ndst = ~ src & _odst; break; \ default: \ case GXnoop: \ _ndst = _odst; break; \ case GXxor: \ _ndst = src ^ _odst; break; \ case GXor: \ _ndst = src | _odst; break; \ case GXnor: \ _ndst = ~ src & ~ _odst; break; \ case GXequiv: \ _ndst = ~ src ^ _odst; break; \ case GXinvert: \ _ndst = ~ _odst; break; \ case GXorReverse: \ _ndst = src | ~ _odst; break; \ case GXcopyInverted: \ _ndst = ~ src; break; \ case GXorInverted: \ _ndst = ~ src | _odst; break; \ case GXnand: \ _ndst = ~ src | ~ _odst; break; \ case GXset: \ _ndst = ~0; break; \ } \ dst = (_odst & ~(mask)) | (_ndst & (mask)); \ } static void aligned_blit( WindowPtr, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int ); static void aligned_blit_center( WindowPtr, int, int, int, int, int, int ); static void shift( WindowPtr, int, int, int, int, int, int, int ); static void shift_thin_rect( WindowPtr, int, int, int, int, int, int, int ); static void shift_center( WindowPtr, int, int, int, int, int, int, int ); void xf4bppBitBlt(pWin,alu,writeplanes,x0,y0,x1,y1,w,h) WindowPtr pWin; /* GJA */ int alu; int writeplanes; /* planes */ int x0, y0, x1, y1, w, h; { IOADDRESS REGBASE; int plane, bit; if ( !w || !h ) return; if ( ! xf86Screens[((DrawablePtr)pWin)->pScreen->myNum]->vtSema ) { xf4bppOffBitBlt(pWin,alu,writeplanes,x0,y0,x1,y1,w,h); return; } REGBASE = xf86Screens[((DrawablePtr)pWin)->pScreen->myNum]->domainIOBase + 0x300; /* 0x7, not WMASK: it is hardware dependant */ if ( ((x0 - x1) & 0x7) || (alu != GXcopy) ) { /* Use slow copy */ SetVideoGraphics(Enb_Set_ResetIndex, 0); /* All from CPU */ SetVideoGraphics(Bit_MaskIndex, 0xFF); /* All bits */ SetVideoGraphics(Graphics_ModeIndex, 0); /* Write mode 0 */ SetVideoGraphics(Data_RotateIndex, 0); /* Don't rotate, replace */ for ( plane = HIGHPLANEMASK, bit = HIGHPLANEINDEX ; plane ; plane >>= 1, bit-- ) { if ( writeplanes & plane) { SetVideoGraphics(Read_Map_SelectIndex, bit); SetVideoSequencer(Mask_MapIndex, plane); shift(pWin,x0,x1,y0,y1,w,h,alu); } } } else { aligned_blit(pWin,x0,x1,y0,y1,w,h,alu,writeplanes); } } /* Copy a span a number of places to the right. */ static void shift(pWin,x0,x1,y0,y1,w,h,alu) WindowPtr pWin; /* GJA */ int x0; /* left edge of source */ int x1; /* left edge of target */ int y0; int y1; int w; /* length of source, and of target */ int h; int alu; { if ( ((x1 & WMASK) + w) <= WORDSZ ) { shift_thin_rect(pWin,x0,x1,y0,y1,w,h,alu); } else if ( x1 > x0 ) { /* Shift right: start right */ int l1 = x1 & WMASK, r1 = (x1 + w) & WMASK; if ( r1 ) /* right edge */ shift_thin_rect(pWin,x0+w-r1,x1+w-r1,y0,y1,r1,h,alu); shift_center(pWin,x0,x1,y0,y1,w,h,alu); if ( l1 ) /* left edge */ shift_thin_rect(pWin,x0,x1,y0,y1,(WORDSZ-l1),h,alu); } else { int l1 = x1 & WMASK, r1 = (x1 + w) & WMASK; if ( l1 ) /* left edge */ shift_thin_rect(pWin,x0,x1,y0,y1,(WORDSZ-l1),h,alu); shift_center(pWin,x0,x1,y0,y1,w,h,alu); if ( r1 ) /* right edge */ shift_thin_rect(pWin,x0+w-r1,x1+w-r1,y0,y1,r1,h,alu); } } /* The whole rectangle is so thin that it fits in one byte written */ static void shift_thin_rect(pWin,x0,x1,y0,y1,w,h,alu) WindowPtr pWin; /* GJA */ int x0; /* left edge of source */ int x1; /* left edge of target */ int y0; int y1; int w; /* length of source, and of target */ int h; int alu; { int l0 = x0 & WMASK; /* Left edge of source, as bit */ int l1 = x1 & WMASK; /* Left edge of target, as bit */ int L0 = x0 >> WSHIFT; /* Left edge of source, as byte */ int L1 = x1 >> WSHIFT; /* Left edge of target, as byte */ int pad; int htmp; int mask; int tmp; int bs; volatile unsigned char *sp, *dp; mask = RMASK(l1) & LMASK(l1+w); bs = (x1 - x0) & WMASK; if ( y1 > y0 ) { /* Move down, start at the bottom */ pad = - BYTES_PER_LINE(pWin); sp = SMEM(L0,y0+h-1); dp = DMEM(L1,y1+h-1); } else { /* Move up, start at the top */ pad = BYTES_PER_LINE(pWin); sp = SMEM(L0,y0); dp = DMEM(L1,y1); } if ( l0+w > WORDSZ ) { /* Need two bytes */ for ( htmp = h ; htmp ; htmp-- ) { tmp = (sp[0] << (WORDSZ - bs)); sp++; tmp |= (sp[0] >> bs); sp--; DO_ALU(dp[0],tmp,mask,alu); dp += pad; sp += pad; } } else if ( l0 <= l1 ) { /* Need one byte, shifted right */ for ( htmp = h ; htmp ; htmp-- ) { tmp = (sp[0] >> bs); DO_ALU(dp[0],tmp,mask,alu); dp += pad; sp += pad; } } else { /* Need one byte, shifted left */ for ( htmp = h ; htmp ; htmp-- ) { tmp = (sp[0] << (WORDSZ - bs)); DO_ALU(dp[0],tmp,mask,alu); dp += pad; sp += pad; } } } static void shift_center(pWin,x0,x1,y0,y1,w,h,alu) WindowPtr pWin; /* GJA */ int x0; /* left edge of source */ int x1; /* left edge of target */ int y0; int y1; int w; /* length of source, and of target */ int h; int alu; { int l1 = x1 & WMASK; /* Left edge of target, as bit */ int r1 = (x1 + w) & WMASK; /* Right edge of target, as bit */ int pad; int htmp, wtmp; /* Temporaries for indices over height and width */ volatile unsigned char tmp; /* Temporary result of the shifts */ int bs; int rem; /* Remaining bits; temporary in loop */ int bytecnt; volatile unsigned char *sp, *dp; bs = (x1 - x0) & WMASK; if ( l1 ) { bytecnt = (w - (WORDSZ - l1) - r1) >> WSHIFT; sp = SMEM( ((x0 + (WORDSZ - l1)) >> WSHIFT), y0); dp = DMEM( ((x1 + (WORDSZ - l1)) >> WSHIFT), y1); } else { bytecnt = (w - r1) >> WSHIFT; sp = SMEM( (x0 >> WSHIFT), y0); dp = DMEM( (x1 >> WSHIFT), y1); } if ( y1 > y0 ) { /* Move down, start at the bottom */ if ( x1 > x0 ) { /* Move right, start right */ pad = - BYTES_PER_LINE(pWin) + bytecnt; sp += BYTES_PER_LINE(pWin) * (h - 1) + bytecnt - 1; dp += BYTES_PER_LINE(pWin) * (h - 1) + bytecnt - 1; } else { /* Move left, start left */ pad = - BYTES_PER_LINE(pWin) - bytecnt; sp += BYTES_PER_LINE(pWin) * (h - 1); dp += BYTES_PER_LINE(pWin) * (h - 1); } } else { /* Move up, start at the top */ if ( x1 > x0 ) { /* Move right, start right */ pad = BYTES_PER_LINE(pWin) + bytecnt; sp += bytecnt - 1; dp += bytecnt - 1; } else { /* Move left, start left */ pad = BYTES_PER_LINE(pWin) - bytecnt; sp += 0; dp += 0; } } if ( x1 > x0 ) { /* Move right, start right */ if ( bs == 0 ) { /* No shift. Need one byte only */ for ( htmp = h ; htmp ; htmp-- ) { for ( wtmp = bytecnt ; wtmp ; wtmp-- ) { tmp = sp[0]; DO_ALU(dp[0],tmp,~0,alu); dp--; sp--; } dp += pad; sp += pad; } } else { for ( htmp = h ; htmp ; htmp-- ) { if ( bytecnt ) { sp++; rem = sp[0]; sp--; for ( wtmp = bytecnt ; wtmp ; wtmp-- ) { tmp = (rem >> bs); rem = sp[0]; tmp |= (rem << (WORDSZ - bs)) ; DO_ALU(dp[0],tmp,~0,alu); dp--; sp--; } } dp += pad; sp += pad; } } } else { /* x1 <= x0 */ /* Move left, start left */ if ( bs == 0 ) { /* No shift. Need one byte only */ for ( htmp = h ; htmp ; htmp-- ) { for ( wtmp = bytecnt ; wtmp ; wtmp-- ) { tmp = sp[0]; DO_ALU(dp[0],tmp,~0,alu); dp++; sp++; } dp += pad; sp += pad; } } else { for ( htmp = h ; htmp ; htmp-- ) { if ( bytecnt ) { rem = sp[0]; for ( wtmp = bytecnt ; wtmp ; wtmp-- ) { tmp = (rem << (WORDSZ - bs)); sp++; rem = sp[0]; sp--; tmp |= (rem >> bs); DO_ALU(dp[0],tmp,~0,alu); dp++; sp++; } } dp += pad; sp += pad; } } } } /* Copy a rectangle. */ static void aligned_blit(pWin,x0,x1,y0,y1,w,h,alu,planes) WindowPtr pWin; /* GJA */ int x0; /* left edge of source */ int x1; /* left edge of target */ int y0; int y1; int w; /* length of source, and of target */ int h; int alu; int planes; { IOADDRESS REGBASE = xf86Screens[((DrawablePtr)pWin)->pScreen->myNum]->domainIOBase + 0x300; int plane, bit; if ( ((x1 & WMASK) + w) <= WORDSZ ) { SetVideoGraphics(Enb_Set_ResetIndex, 0); /* All from CPU */ SetVideoGraphics(Bit_MaskIndex, 0xFF); /* All bits */ SetVideoGraphics(Graphics_ModeIndex, 0); /* Write mode 0 */ SetVideoGraphics(Data_RotateIndex, 0); /* Don't rotate, replace */ for ( plane = HIGHPLANEMASK, bit = HIGHPLANEINDEX; plane ; plane >>= 1, bit-- ) { if ( planes & plane) { SetVideoGraphics(Read_Map_SelectIndex, bit); SetVideoSequencer(Mask_MapIndex, plane); shift_thin_rect(pWin,x0,x1,y0,y1,w,h,alu); } } } else if ( x1 > x0 ) { /* Shift right: start right */ int l1 = x1 & WMASK, r1 = (x1 + w) & WMASK; if ( r1 ) { /* right edge */ SetVideoGraphics(Enb_Set_ResetIndex, 0); /* All from CPU */ SetVideoGraphics(Bit_MaskIndex, 0xFF); /* All bits */ SetVideoGraphics(Graphics_ModeIndex, 0); /* Write mode 0 */ SetVideoGraphics(Data_RotateIndex, 0); /* Don't rotate, replace */ for ( plane = HIGHPLANEMASK, bit = HIGHPLANEINDEX; plane ; plane >>= 1, bit-- ) { if ( planes & plane) { SetVideoGraphics(Read_Map_SelectIndex, bit); SetVideoSequencer(Mask_MapIndex, plane); shift_thin_rect(pWin,x0+w-r1,x1+w-r1,y0,y1,r1,h,alu); } } } /* Center */ SetVideoGraphics(Graphics_ModeIndex, 1); /* Write mode 1 */ SetVideoSequencer(Mask_MapIndex, planes); aligned_blit_center(pWin,x0,x1,y0,y1,w,h); if ( l1 ) { /* left edge */ SetVideoGraphics(Enb_Set_ResetIndex, 0); /* All from CPU */ SetVideoGraphics(Bit_MaskIndex, 0xFF); /* All bits */ SetVideoGraphics(Graphics_ModeIndex, 0); /* Write mode 0 */ SetVideoGraphics(Data_RotateIndex, 0); /* Don't rotate, replace */ for ( plane = HIGHPLANEMASK, bit = HIGHPLANEINDEX; plane ; plane >>= 1, bit-- ) { if ( planes & plane) { SetVideoGraphics(Read_Map_SelectIndex, bit); SetVideoSequencer(Mask_MapIndex, plane); shift_thin_rect(pWin,x0,x1,y0,y1,(WORDSZ-l1),h,alu); } } } } else { int l1 = x1 & WMASK, r1 = (x1 + w) & WMASK; if ( l1 ) { /* left edge */ SetVideoGraphics(Enb_Set_ResetIndex, 0); /* All from CPU */ SetVideoGraphics(Bit_MaskIndex, 0xFF); /* All bits */ SetVideoGraphics(Graphics_ModeIndex, 0); /* Write mode 0 */ SetVideoGraphics(Data_RotateIndex, 0); /* Don't rotate, replace */ for ( plane = HIGHPLANEMASK, bit = HIGHPLANEINDEX; plane ; plane >>= 1, bit-- ) { if ( planes & plane) { SetVideoGraphics(Read_Map_SelectIndex, bit); SetVideoSequencer(Mask_MapIndex, plane); shift_thin_rect(pWin,x0,x1,y0,y1,(WORDSZ-l1),h,alu); } } } /* Center */ SetVideoGraphics(Graphics_ModeIndex, 1); /* Write mode 1 */ SetVideoSequencer(Mask_MapIndex, planes); aligned_blit_center(pWin,x0,x1,y0,y1,w,h); if ( r1 ) { /* right edge */ SetVideoGraphics(Enb_Set_ResetIndex, 0); /* All from CPU */ SetVideoGraphics(Bit_MaskIndex, 0xFF); /* All bits */ SetVideoGraphics(Graphics_ModeIndex, 0); /* Write mode 0 */ SetVideoGraphics(Data_RotateIndex, 0); /* Don't rotate, replace */ for ( plane = HIGHPLANEMASK, bit = HIGHPLANEINDEX ; plane ; plane >>= 1, bit-- ) { if ( planes & plane) { SetVideoGraphics(Read_Map_SelectIndex, bit); SetVideoSequencer(Mask_MapIndex, plane); shift_thin_rect(pWin,x0+w-r1,x1+w-r1,y0,y1,r1,h,alu); } } } } } static void aligned_blit_center(pWin,x0,x1,y0,y1,w,h) WindowPtr pWin; /* GJA */ int x0; /* left edge of source */ int x1; /* left edge of target */ int y0; int y1; int w; /* length of source, and of target */ int h; { int l1 = x1 & WMASK; /* Left edge of target, as bit */ int r1 = (x1 + w) & WMASK; /* Right edge of target, as bit */ int pad; int htmp, wtmp; /* Temporaries for indices over height and width */ volatile unsigned char tmp; /* Temporary result of the shifts */ int bytecnt; volatile unsigned char *sp, *dp; if ( l1 ) { bytecnt = (w - (WORDSZ - l1) - r1) >> WSHIFT; sp = SMEM( ((x0 + (WORDSZ - l1)) >> WSHIFT), y0); dp = DMEM( ((x1 + (WORDSZ - l1)) >> WSHIFT), y1); } else { bytecnt = (w - r1) >> WSHIFT; sp = SMEM( (x0 >> WSHIFT), y0); dp = DMEM( (x1 >> WSHIFT), y1); } if ( y1 > y0 ) { /* Move down, start at the bottom */ if ( x1 > x0 ) { /* Move right, start right */ pad = - BYTES_PER_LINE(pWin) + bytecnt; sp += BYTES_PER_LINE(pWin) * (h - 1) + bytecnt - 1; dp += BYTES_PER_LINE(pWin) * (h - 1) + bytecnt - 1; } else { /* Move left, start left */ pad = - BYTES_PER_LINE(pWin) - bytecnt; sp += BYTES_PER_LINE(pWin) * (h - 1); dp += BYTES_PER_LINE(pWin) * (h - 1); } } else { /* Move up, start at the top */ if ( x1 > x0 ) { /* Move right, start right */ pad = BYTES_PER_LINE(pWin) + bytecnt; sp += bytecnt - 1; dp += bytecnt - 1; } else { /* Move left, start left */ pad = BYTES_PER_LINE(pWin) - bytecnt; sp += 0; dp += 0; } } if ( x1 > x0 ) { /* Move right, start right */ for ( htmp = h ; htmp ; htmp-- ) { for ( wtmp = bytecnt ; wtmp ; wtmp-- ) { tmp = sp[0]; dp[0] = tmp; dp--; sp--; } dp += pad; sp += pad; } } else { /* x1 <= x0 */ /* Move left, start left */ for ( htmp = h ; htmp ; htmp-- ) { for ( wtmp = bytecnt ; wtmp ; wtmp-- ) { tmp = sp[0]; dp[0] = tmp; dp++; sp++; } dp += pad; sp += pad; } } } #else /* PC98_EGC */ static void egc_fast_blt (pWin, alu, writeplanes, x0, y0, x1, y1, w, h) WindowPtr pWin; const int alu, writeplanes ; register int x0, x1 ; int y0, y1 ; register int w, h ; { register volatile unsigned char *src ; register volatile unsigned char *dst ; unsigned short *src_x ; unsigned short *dst_x ; int x_direction, y_interval ; int src_off, dst_off ; register int k, i ; unsigned short ROP_value; src = (unsigned char *)SCREENADDRESS( pWin, 0, y0); dst = (unsigned char *)SCREENADDRESS( pWin, 0, y1); /* Set Map Mask */ outw(EGC_PLANE, ~(writeplanes & VGA_ALLPLANES)); switch(alu) { case GXnor: /* ~(S|D) */ ROP_value = 0x2903; break; case GXandInverted: /* ~S&D */ ROP_value = 0x290c; break; case GXand: /* S&D */ ROP_value = 0x29c0; break; case GXequiv: /* ~S ^ D */ ROP_value = 0x29c3; break; case GXxor: /* S^D */ ROP_value = 0x293c; break; case GXandReverse: /* S&~D */ ROP_value = 0x2930; break; case GXorReverse: /* S|~D */ ROP_value = 0x29f3; break; case GXnand: /* ~(S&D) */ ROP_value = 0x293f; break; case GXorInverted: /* ~S|D */ ROP_value = 0x29cf; break; case GXor: /* S|D */ ROP_value = 0x29fa; break; case GXcopyInverted: /* ~S */ ROP_value = 0x290f; break; case GXcopy: /* S */ default: ROP_value = 0x29f0; } outw(EGC_MODE, ROP_value); if ( y1 > y0 ) { y_interval = - BYTES_PER_LINE(pWin) * 8 ; src += BYTES_PER_LINE(pWin) * ( h - 1 ) ; dst += BYTES_PER_LINE(pWin) * ( h - 1 ) ; } else { y_interval = BYTES_PER_LINE(pWin) * 8 ; } src = (unsigned char *)((int)src << 3) ; dst = (unsigned char *)((int)dst << 3) ; if ( y1 > y0) { x_direction = 0x1000 ; src += x0 + w - 1 ; dst += x1 + w - 1 ; } else if ( y1 < y0 ) { x_direction = 0 ; src += x0 ; dst += x1 ; } else { if ( x1 < x0 ) { x_direction = 0 ; src += x0 ; dst += x1 ; } else { x_direction = 0x1000 ; src += x0 + w - 1 ; dst += x1 + w - 1 ; } } outw ( EGC_LENGTH , w - 1 ) ; for ( ; h-- ; ) { if ( x_direction ) { src_off = 15 - (int)src & 0xf ; dst_off = 15 - (int)dst & 0xf ; } else { src_off = (int)src & 0xf ; dst_off = (int)dst & 0xf ; } #if defined(__NetBSD__) || defined(__OpenBSD__) src_x = (unsigned short *)(((unsigned int)src >> 4 ) << 1) ; dst_x = (unsigned short *)(((unsigned int)dst >> 4 ) << 1) ; #else src_x = (unsigned short *)(((int)src >> 4 ) << 1) ; dst_x = (unsigned short *)(((int)dst >> 4 ) << 1) ; #endif k = ( src_off + w + 15 ) >> 4 ; if ( src_off < dst_off ) { if ( ((src_off + w - 1 ) >> 4) < ((dst_off + w - 1) >> 4)) k++ ; } if ( src_off > dst_off ) { if ( ((src_off + w - 1) >> 4 ) == ((dst_off + w - 1) >> 4) ) k++ ; if ( x_direction ) dst_x ++ ; else dst_x -- ; } outw ( EGC_ADD , x_direction | src_off | dst_off << 4 ); if ( x_direction ) { wcopyl ( src_x, dst_x, k, VIDBASE(pWin) ) ; } else { wcopyr ( src_x, dst_x, k, VIDBASE(pWin) ) ; } src += y_interval ; dst += y_interval ; } outw ( EGC_ADD, 0 ) ; outw ( EGC_LENGTH , 0xf ); return; } void xf4bppBitBlt( pWin,alu, writeplanes, x0, y0, x1, y1, w, h ) WindowPtr pWin; /* GJA */ int alu; int writeplanes; /* planes */ int x0, y0, x1, y1, w, h; { if ( ! xf86Screens[((DrawablePtr)pWin)->pScreen->myNum]->vtSema ) { xf4bppOffBitBlt( pWin, alu, writeplanes, x0, y0, x1, y1, w, h ); return; } switch ( alu ) { case GXclear: /* 0x0 Zero 0 */ case GXinvert: /* 0xa NOT dst */ case GXset: /* 0xf 1 */ xf4bppFillSolid( pWin, VGA_ALLPLANES, alu, writeplanes, x1, y1, w, h ) ; /* x1, y1, GJA */ case GXnoop: /* 0x5 dst */ return ; default: break ; } egc_fast_blt ( pWin, alu, writeplanes, x0, y0, x1, y1, w, h); return; } #endif