#ifdef HAVE_XORG_CONFIG_H #include <xorg-config.h> #endif #include <X11/X.h> #include <X11/Xmd.h> #include "misc.h" #include "servermd.h" #include "scrnintstr.h" #include "pixmapstr.h" #include "resource.h" #include "colormap.h" #include "colormapst.h" #define PSZ 8 #include "cfb.h" #undef PSZ #include "cfb32.h" #include "cfb8_32.h" #include "mi.h" #include "micmap.h" #include "mistruct.h" #include "dix.h" #include "mibstore.h" #include "mioverlay.h" #include "xf86.h" #include "xf86str.h" #include "globals.h" /* CAUTION: We require that cfb8 and cfb32 were NOT compiled with CFB_NEED_SCREEN_PRIVATE */ static DevPrivateKey cfb8_32GCPrivateKey = &cfb8_32GCPrivateKey; DevPrivateKey cfb8_32GetGCPrivateKey(void) { return cfb8_32GCPrivateKey; } static DevPrivateKey cfb8_32ScreenPrivateKey = &cfb8_32ScreenPrivateKey; DevPrivateKey cfb8_32GetScreenPrivateKey(void) { return cfb8_32ScreenPrivateKey; } static Bool cfb8_32AllocatePrivates(ScreenPtr pScreen) { cfb8_32ScreenPtr pScreenPriv; if (!(pScreenPriv = xalloc(sizeof(cfb8_32ScreenRec)))) return FALSE; dixSetPrivate(&pScreen->devPrivates, cfb8_32ScreenPrivateKey, pScreenPriv); /* All cfb will have the same GC and Window private indicies */ if(!mfbAllocatePrivates(pScreen, &cfbGCPrivateKey)) return FALSE; if(!dixRequestPrivate(cfbGCPrivateKey, sizeof(cfbPrivGC))) return FALSE; if(!dixRequestPrivate(cfb8_32GCPrivateKey, sizeof(cfb8_32GCRec))) return FALSE; return TRUE; } static void DestroyColormapNoop( ColormapPtr pColormap) { /* NOOP */ } static void StoreColorsNoop( ColormapPtr pColormap, int ndef, xColorItem * pdef) { /* NOOP */ } static Bool cfb8_32SetupScreen( ScreenPtr pScreen, pointer pbits, /* pointer to screen bitmap */ int xsize, int ysize, /* in pixels */ int dpix, int dpiy, /* dots per inch */ int width /* pixel width of frame buffer */ ){ if (!cfb8_32AllocatePrivates(pScreen)) return FALSE; pScreen->defColormap = FakeClientID(0); /* let CreateDefColormap do whatever it wants for pixels */ pScreen->blackPixel = pScreen->whitePixel = (Pixel) 0; pScreen->QueryBestSize = mfbQueryBestSize; /* SaveScreen */ pScreen->GetImage = cfb8_32GetImage; pScreen->GetSpans = cfb8_32GetSpans; pScreen->CreateWindow = cfb8_32CreateWindow; pScreen->DestroyWindow = cfb8_32DestroyWindow; pScreen->PositionWindow = cfb8_32PositionWindow; pScreen->ChangeWindowAttributes = cfb8_32ChangeWindowAttributes; pScreen->RealizeWindow = cfb32MapWindow; /* OK */ pScreen->UnrealizeWindow = cfb32UnmapWindow; /* OK */ pScreen->CopyWindow = cfb8_32CopyWindow; pScreen->CreatePixmap = cfb32CreatePixmap; /* OK */ pScreen->DestroyPixmap = cfb32DestroyPixmap; /* OK */ pScreen->RealizeFont = mfbRealizeFont; pScreen->UnrealizeFont = mfbUnrealizeFont; pScreen->CreateGC = cfb8_32CreateGC; pScreen->CreateColormap = miInitializeColormap; pScreen->DestroyColormap = DestroyColormapNoop; pScreen->InstallColormap = miInstallColormap; pScreen->UninstallColormap = miUninstallColormap; pScreen->ListInstalledColormaps = miListInstalledColormaps; pScreen->StoreColors = StoreColorsNoop; pScreen->ResolveColor = miResolveColor; pScreen->BitmapToRegion = mfbPixmapToRegion; mfbRegisterCopyPlaneProc (pScreen, cfb8_32CopyPlane); return TRUE; } typedef struct { pointer pbits; int width; } miScreenInitParmsRec, *miScreenInitParmsPtr; static Bool cfb8_32CreateScreenResources(ScreenPtr pScreen) { miScreenInitParmsPtr pScrInitParms; int pitch; Bool retval; /* get the pitch before mi destroys it */ pScrInitParms = (miScreenInitParmsPtr)pScreen->devPrivate; pitch = pScrInitParms->width << 2; if((retval = miCreateScreenResources(pScreen))) { /* fix the screen pixmap */ PixmapPtr pPix = (PixmapPtr)pScreen->devPrivate; pPix->drawable.bitsPerPixel = 32; pPix->drawable.depth = 8; pPix->devKind = pitch; } return retval; } static Bool cfb8_32CloseScreen (int i, ScreenPtr pScreen) { cfb8_32ScreenPtr pScreenPriv = CFB8_32_GET_SCREEN_PRIVATE(pScreen); if(pScreenPriv->visualData) xfree(pScreenPriv->visualData); xfree((pointer) pScreenPriv); dixSetPrivate(&pScreen->devPrivates, cfb8_32ScreenPrivateKey, NULL); return(cfb32CloseScreen(i, pScreen)); } static void cfb8_32TransFunc( ScreenPtr pScreen, int nbox, BoxPtr pbox ){ cfb8_32FillBoxSolid8(&(WindowTable[pScreen->myNum]->drawable), nbox, pbox, xf86Screens[pScreen->myNum]->colorKey); } static Bool cfb8_32InOverlayFunc(WindowPtr pWin) { return (pWin->drawable.depth == 8); } static Bool cfb8_32FinishScreenInit( ScreenPtr pScreen, pointer pbits, /* pointer to screen bitmap */ int xsize, int ysize, /* in pixels */ int dpix, int dpiy, /* dots per inch */ int width /* pixel width of frame buffer */ ){ VisualPtr visuals; DepthPtr depths; int nvisuals; int ndepths; int rootdepth; VisualID defaultVisual; rootdepth = 0; if (!miInitVisuals (&visuals, &depths, &nvisuals, &ndepths, &rootdepth, &defaultVisual,((unsigned long)1<<(32-1)), 8, -1)) return FALSE; if (! miScreenInit(pScreen, pbits, xsize, ysize, dpix, dpiy, width, rootdepth, ndepths, depths, defaultVisual, nvisuals, visuals)) return FALSE; pScreen->CreateScreenResources = cfb8_32CreateScreenResources; pScreen->CloseScreen = cfb8_32CloseScreen; pScreen->GetScreenPixmap = cfb32GetScreenPixmap; /* OK */ pScreen->SetScreenPixmap = cfb32SetScreenPixmap; /* OK */ if (! miInitOverlay(pScreen, cfb8_32InOverlayFunc, cfb8_32TransFunc)) return FALSE; return TRUE; } static void cfb8_32EnableDisableFBAccess ( int index, Bool enable ){ ScreenPtr pScreen = screenInfo.screens[index]; cfb8_32ScreenPtr pScreenPriv = CFB8_32_GET_SCREEN_PRIVATE(pScreen); miOverlaySetRootClip(pScreen, enable); (*pScreenPriv->EnableDisableFBAccess) (index, enable); } static Atom overlayVisualsAtom; typedef struct { CARD32 overlay_visual; CARD32 transparent_type; CARD32 value; CARD32 layer; } overlayVisualRec; static void cfb8_32SetupVisuals (ScreenPtr pScreen) { cfb8_32ScreenPtr pScreenPriv = CFB8_32_GET_SCREEN_PRIVATE(pScreen); char atomString[] = {"SERVER_OVERLAY_VISUALS"}; overlayVisualRec *overlayVisuals; VisualID *visuals = NULL; int numVisuals = 0; DepthPtr pDepth = pScreen->allowedDepths; int numDepths = pScreen->numDepths; int i; /* find depth 8 visuals */ for(i = 0; i < numDepths; i++, pDepth++) { if(pDepth->depth == 8) { numVisuals = pDepth->numVids; visuals = pDepth->vids; break; } } if(!numVisuals || !visuals) { ErrorF("No overlay visuals found!\n"); return; } if(!(overlayVisuals = xalloc(numVisuals * sizeof(overlayVisualRec)))) return; for(i = 0; i < numVisuals; i++) { overlayVisuals[i].overlay_visual = visuals[i]; overlayVisuals[i].transparent_type = 1; /* transparent pixel */ overlayVisuals[i].value = pScreenPriv->key; overlayVisuals[i].layer = 1; } overlayVisualsAtom = MakeAtom(atomString, sizeof(atomString) - 1, TRUE); xf86RegisterRootWindowProperty(pScreen->myNum, overlayVisualsAtom, overlayVisualsAtom, 32, numVisuals * 4, overlayVisuals); pScreenPriv->visualData = (pointer)overlayVisuals; } Bool cfb8_32ScreenInit( ScreenPtr pScreen, pointer pbits, /* pointer to screen bitmap */ int xsize, int ysize, /* in pixels */ int dpix, int dpiy, /* dots per inch */ int w /* pixel width of frame buffer */ ){ cfb8_32ScreenPtr pScreenPriv; ScrnInfoPtr pScrn = xf86Screens[pScreen->myNum]; if (!cfb8_32SetupScreen(pScreen, pbits, xsize, ysize, dpix, dpiy, w)) return FALSE; pScreenPriv = CFB8_32_GET_SCREEN_PRIVATE(pScreen); pScreenPriv->key = pScrn->colorKey; pScreenPriv->visualData = NULL; pScreenPriv->EnableDisableFBAccess = pScrn->EnableDisableFBAccess; pScrn->EnableDisableFBAccess = cfb8_32EnableDisableFBAccess; if(cfb8_32FinishScreenInit(pScreen, pbits, xsize, ysize, dpix, dpiy, w)) { cfb8_32SetupVisuals(pScreen); return TRUE; } return FALSE; }