/* * Copyright © 2005 Novell, Inc. * * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software * and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without * fee, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies * and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice * appear in supporting documentation, and that the name of * Novell, Inc. not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to * distribution of the software without specific, written prior permission. * Novell, Inc. makes no representations about the suitability of this * software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or * implied warranty. * * NOVELL, INC. DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, * INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS, IN * NO EVENT SHALL NOVELL, INC. BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS * OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION * WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * * Author: David Reveman <davidr@novell.com> */ #ifndef _XEGL_H_ #define _XEGL_H_ #include "xgl.h" #include "randrstr.h" #define KD_BUTTON_1 0x01 #define KD_BUTTON_2 0x02 #define KD_BUTTON_3 0x04 #define KD_BUTTON_4 0x08 #define KD_BUTTON_5 0x10 #define KD_MOUSE_DELTA 0x80000000 typedef struct _KdMouseFuncs { Bool (*Init) (void); void (*Fini) (void); } KdMouseFuncs; typedef struct _KdKeyboardFuncs { void (*Load) (void); int (*Init) (void); void (*Leds) (int); void (*Bell) (int, int, int); void (*Fini) (void); int LockLed; } KdKeyboardFuncs; typedef struct _KdOsFuncs { int (*Init) (void); void (*Enable) (void); Bool (*SpecialKey) (KeySym); void (*Disable) (void); void (*Fini) (void); void (*pollEvents) (void); } KdOsFuncs; typedef struct _KdMouseMatrix { int matrix[2][3]; } KdMouseMatrix; typedef enum _KdMouseState { start, button_1_pend, button_1_down, button_2_down, button_3_pend, button_3_down, synth_2_down_13, synth_2_down_3, synth_2_down_1, num_input_states } KdMouseState; #define KD_MAX_BUTTON 7 typedef struct _KdMouseInfo { struct _KdMouseInfo *next; void *driver; void *closure; char *name; char *prot; char map[KD_MAX_BUTTON]; int nbutton; Bool emulateMiddleButton; unsigned long emulationTimeout; Bool timeoutPending; KdMouseState mouseState; Bool eventHeld; xEvent heldEvent; unsigned char buttonState; int emulationDx, emulationDy; int inputType; Bool transformCoordinates; } KdMouseInfo; typedef struct _xeglScreen { CloseScreenProcPtr CloseScreen; ScreenPtr pScreen; DDXPointRec origin; } xeglScreenRec, *xeglScreenPtr; extern KdMouseInfo *kdMouseInfo; extern KdOsFuncs *kdOsFuncs; extern Bool kdDontZap; extern Bool kdDisableZaphod; extern DevPrivateKey xeglScreenPrivateKey; extern KdMouseFuncs LinuxEvdevMouseFuncs; extern KdKeyboardFuncs LinuxEvdevKeyboardFuncs; #define RR_Rotate_All \ (RR_Rotate_0 | RR_Rotate_90 | RR_Rotate_180 | RR_Rotate_270) #define RR_Reflect_All (RR_Reflect_X | RR_Reflect_Y) #define KdGetScreenPriv(pScreen) ((xeglScreenPtr) \ dixLookupPrivate(&(pScreen)->devPrivates, xeglScreenPrivateKey)) #define KdScreenPriv(pScreen) \ xeglScreenPtr pScreenPriv = KdGetScreenPriv (pScreen) void eglInitInput (KdMouseFuncs *pMouseFuncs, KdKeyboardFuncs *pKeyboardFuncs); void KdParseMouse (char *arg); KdMouseInfo * KdMouseInfoAdd (void); void KdMouseInfoDispose (KdMouseInfo *mi); int KdAllocInputType (void); char * KdSaveString (char *str); Bool KdRegisterFd (int type, int fd, void (*read) (int fd, void *closure), void *closure); void KdUnregisterFds (int type, Bool do_close); void KdEnqueueKeyboardEvent (unsigned char scan_code, unsigned char is_up); void KdEnqueueMouseEvent (KdMouseInfo *mi, unsigned long flags, int rx, int ry); void KdRegisterFdEnableDisable (int fd, int (*enable) (int fd, void *closure), void (*disable) (int fd, void *closure)); void KdWakeupHandler (pointer data, int result, pointer readmask); Bool KdLegalModifier (unsigned int key, DeviceIntPtr pDev); void KdProcessInputEvents (void); void xeglInitOutput (ScreenInfo *pScreenInfo, int argc, char **argv); Bool xeglLegalModifier (unsigned int key, DevicePtr pDev); void xeglProcessInputEvents (void); void xeglInitInput (int argc, char **argv); void xeglUseMsg (void); int xeglProcessArgument (int argc, char **argv, int i); void xeglAbort (void); void xeglGiveUp (void); void xeglOsVendorInit (void); #endif /* _XEGL_H_ */