/* * Copyright © 2005 Novell, Inc. * * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software * and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without * fee, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies * and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice * appear in supporting documentation, and that the name of * Novell, Inc. not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to * distribution of the software without specific, written prior permission. * Novell, Inc. makes no representations about the suitability of this * software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or * implied warranty. * * NOVELL, INC. DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, * INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS, IN * NO EVENT SHALL NOVELL, INC. BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS * OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION * WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * * Author: David Reveman <davidr@novell.com> */ #include "xgl.h" #include "gcstruct.h" #include "damage.h" #ifdef RENDER #define XGL_TRAP_FALLBACK_PROLOGUE(pPicture, func) \ xglSyncDamageBoxBits (pPicture->pDrawable); \ XGL_PICTURE_SCREEN_UNWRAP (func) #define XGL_TRAP_FALLBACK_EPILOGUE(pPicture, func, xglfunc) \ XGL_PICTURE_SCREEN_WRAP (func, xglfunc); \ xglAddCurrentSurfaceDamage (pPicture->pDrawable) /* just a guess */ #define SMOOTH_TRAPS_ESTIMATE_RECTS(nTrap) (30 * nTrap) #define LINE_FIXED_X(l, _y, v) \ dx = (l)->p2.x - (l)->p1.x; \ ex = (xFixed_32_32) ((_y) - (l)->p1.y) * dx; \ dy = (l)->p2.y - (l)->p1.y; \ (v) = (l)->p1.x + (xFixed) (ex / dy) #define LINE_FIXED_X_CEIL(l, _y, v) \ dx = (l)->p2.x - (l)->p1.x; \ ex = (xFixed_32_32) ((_y) - (l)->p1.y) * dx; \ dy = (l)->p2.y - (l)->p1.y; \ (v) = (l)->p1.x + (xFixed) ((ex + (dy - 1)) / dy) static Bool xglTrapezoidExtents (PicturePtr pDst, int ntrap, xTrapezoid *traps, BoxPtr extents) { Bool x_overlap, overlap = FALSE; xFixed dx, dy, top, bottom; xFixed_32_32 ex; if (!ntrap) { extents->x1 = MAXSHORT; extents->x2 = MINSHORT; extents->y1 = MAXSHORT; extents->y2 = MINSHORT; return FALSE; } extents->y1 = xFixedToInt (traps->top); extents->y2 = xFixedToInt (xFixedCeil (traps->bottom)); LINE_FIXED_X (&traps->left, traps->top, top); LINE_FIXED_X (&traps->left, traps->bottom, bottom); extents->x1 = xFixedToInt (MIN (top, bottom)); LINE_FIXED_X_CEIL (&traps->right, traps->top, top); LINE_FIXED_X_CEIL (&traps->right, traps->bottom, bottom); extents->x2 = xFixedToInt (xFixedCeil (MAX (top, bottom))); ntrap--; traps++; for (; ntrap; ntrap--, traps++) { INT16 x1, y1, x2, y2; if (!xTrapezoidValid (traps)) continue; y1 = xFixedToInt (traps->top); y2 = xFixedToInt (xFixedCeil (traps->bottom)); LINE_FIXED_X (&traps->left, traps->top, top); LINE_FIXED_X (&traps->left, traps->bottom, bottom); x1 = xFixedToInt (MIN (top, bottom)); LINE_FIXED_X_CEIL (&traps->right, traps->top, top); LINE_FIXED_X_CEIL (&traps->right, traps->bottom, bottom); x2 = xFixedToInt (xFixedCeil (MAX (top, bottom))); x_overlap = FALSE; if (x1 >= extents->x2) extents->x2 = x2; else if (x2 <= extents->x1) extents->x1 = x1; else { x_overlap = TRUE; if (x1 < extents->x1) extents->x1 = x1; if (x2 > extents->x2) extents->x2 = x2; } if (y1 >= extents->y2) extents->y2 = y2; else if (y2 <= extents->y1) extents->y1 = y1; else { if (y1 < extents->y1) extents->y1 = y1; if (y2 > extents->y2) extents->y2 = y2; if (x_overlap) overlap = TRUE; } } xglPictureClipExtents (pDst, extents); return overlap; } void xglTrapezoids (CARD8 op, PicturePtr pSrc, PicturePtr pDst, PictFormatPtr maskFormat, INT16 xSrc, INT16 ySrc, int nTrap, xTrapezoid *traps) { ScreenPtr pScreen = pDst->pDrawable->pScreen; PicturePtr pMask = NULL, pSrcPicture, pDstPicture; PicturePtr pMaskPicture = NULL; xglGeometryPtr pGeometry = NULL; unsigned int polyEdge = pDst->polyEdge; INT16 xDst, yDst; INT16 xOff, yOff; BoxRec extents; Bool overlap; Bool target; XGL_SCREEN_PRIV (pScreen); xDst = traps[0].left.p1.x >> 16; yDst = traps[0].left.p1.y >> 16; overlap = xglTrapezoidExtents (pDst, nTrap, traps, &extents); if (extents.y1 >= extents.y2 || extents.x1 >= extents.x2) return; target = xglPrepareTarget (pDst->pDrawable); if (nTrap > 1 && op != PictOpAdd && maskFormat && (!target || overlap || op != PictOpOver)) { PixmapPtr pPixmap; GCPtr pGC; xRectangle rect; int error; int area; if (!pScreenPriv->pSolidAlpha) { xglCreateSolidAlphaPicture (pScreen); if (!pScreenPriv->pSolidAlpha) return; } rect.x = 0; rect.y = 0; rect.width = extents.x2 - extents.x1; rect.height = extents.y2 - extents.y1; pPixmap = (*pScreen->CreatePixmap) (pScreen, rect.width, rect.height, maskFormat->depth, CREATE_PIXMAP_USAGE_SCRATCH); if (!pPixmap) return; pMask = CreatePicture (0, &pPixmap->drawable, maskFormat, 0, 0, serverClient, &error); if (!pMask) { (*pScreen->DestroyPixmap) (pPixmap); return; } if (!target) { /* make sure we don't do accelerated drawing to mask */ xglSetPixmapVisual (pPixmap, NULL); } area = rect.width * rect.height; if ((SMOOTH_TRAPS_ESTIMATE_RECTS (nTrap) * 4) > area) XGL_GET_PIXMAP_PRIV (pPixmap)->target = xglPixmapTargetNo; ValidatePicture (pMask); pGC = GetScratchGC (pPixmap->drawable.depth, pScreen); ValidateGC (&pPixmap->drawable, pGC); (*pGC->ops->PolyFillRect) (&pPixmap->drawable, pGC, 1, &rect); FreeScratchGC (pGC); (*pScreen->DestroyPixmap) (pPixmap); target = xglPrepareTarget (pMask->pDrawable); xOff = -extents.x1; yOff = -extents.y1; pSrcPicture = pScreenPriv->pSolidAlpha; pDstPicture = pMask; } else { if (maskFormat) { if (maskFormat->depth == 1) polyEdge = PolyEdgeSharp; else polyEdge = PolyEdgeSmooth; } xOff = 0; yOff = 0; pSrcPicture = pSrc; pDstPicture = pDst; } if (target) { if (maskFormat || polyEdge == PolyEdgeSmooth) { glitz_vertex_format_t *format; glitz_surface_t *mask; xTrapezoid *pTrap = traps; int nAddedTrap, n = nTrap; int offset = 0; int size = SMOOTH_TRAPS_ESTIMATE_RECTS (n); pMaskPicture = pScreenPriv->trapInfo.pMask; format = &pScreenPriv->trapInfo.format.vertex; mask = pMaskPicture->pSourcePict->source.devPrivate.ptr; size *= format->bytes_per_vertex; pGeometry = xglGetScratchGeometryWithSize (pScreen, size); while (n) { if (pGeometry->size < size) GEOMETRY_RESIZE (pScreen, pGeometry, size); if (!pGeometry->buffer) { if (pMask) FreePicture (pMask, 0); return; } offset += glitz_add_trapezoids (pGeometry->buffer, offset, size - offset, format->type, mask, (glitz_trapezoid_t *) pTrap, n, &nAddedTrap); n -= nAddedTrap; pTrap += nAddedTrap; size *= 2; } pGeometry->f = pScreenPriv->trapInfo.format; pGeometry->count = offset / format->bytes_per_vertex; } else { pGeometry = xglGetScratchVertexGeometryWithType (pScreen, GEOMETRY_DATA_TYPE_FLOAT, 4 * nTrap); if (!pGeometry->buffer) { if (pMask) FreePicture (pMask, 0); return; } GEOMETRY_ADD_TRAPEZOID (pScreen, pGeometry, traps, nTrap); } GEOMETRY_TRANSLATE (pGeometry, pDstPicture->pDrawable->x + xOff, pDstPicture->pDrawable->y + yOff); } if (pGeometry && xglCompositeGeneral (pMask ? PictOpAdd : op, pSrcPicture, pMaskPicture, pDstPicture, pGeometry, extents.x1 + xOff + xSrc - xDst, extents.y1 + yOff + ySrc - yDst, 0, 0, pDstPicture->pDrawable->x + extents.x1 + xOff, pDstPicture->pDrawable->y + extents.y1 + yOff, extents.x2 - extents.x1, extents.y2 - extents.y1)) { /* no intermediate mask? we need to register damage from here as CompositePicture will never be called. */ if (!pMask) { RegionRec region; REGION_INIT (pScreen, ®ion, &extents, 1); REGION_TRANSLATE (pScreen, ®ion, pDst->pDrawable->x, pDst->pDrawable->y); DamageDamageRegion (pDst->pDrawable, ®ion); REGION_UNINIT (pScreen, ®ion); } xglAddCurrentBitDamage (pDstPicture->pDrawable); } else { XGL_DRAWABLE_PIXMAP_PRIV (pDstPicture->pDrawable); pPixmapPriv->damageBox.x1 = extents.x1 + xOff; pPixmapPriv->damageBox.y1 = extents.y1 + yOff; pPixmapPriv->damageBox.x2 = extents.x2 + xOff; pPixmapPriv->damageBox.y2 = extents.y2 + yOff; xglSyncDamageBoxBits (pDstPicture->pDrawable); if (pMask || (polyEdge == PolyEdgeSmooth && op == PictOpAdd && miIsSolidAlpha (pSrc))) { PictureScreenPtr ps = GetPictureScreen (pScreen); for (; nTrap; nTrap--, traps++) (*ps->RasterizeTrapezoid) (pDstPicture, traps, xOff, yOff); xglAddCurrentSurfaceDamage (pDstPicture->pDrawable); } else miTrapezoids (op, pSrc, pDstPicture, maskFormat, xSrc, ySrc, nTrap, traps); } if (pMask) { CompositePicture (op, pSrc, pMask, pDst, extents.x1 + xSrc - xDst, extents.y1 + ySrc - yDst, 0, 0, extents.x1, extents.y1, extents.x2 - extents.x1, extents.y2 - extents.y1); FreePicture (pMask, 0); } } void xglAddTraps (PicturePtr pDst, INT16 xOff, INT16 yOff, int nTrap, xTrap *traps) { PictureScreenPtr pPictureScreen; ScreenPtr pScreen = pDst->pDrawable->pScreen; XGL_SCREEN_PRIV (pScreen); XGL_DRAWABLE_PIXMAP_PRIV (pDst->pDrawable); if (!pScreenPriv->pSolidAlpha) { xglCreateSolidAlphaPicture (pScreen); if (!pScreenPriv->pSolidAlpha) return; } pPixmapPriv->damageBox.x1 = 0; pPixmapPriv->damageBox.y1 = 0; pPixmapPriv->damageBox.x2 = pDst->pDrawable->width; pPixmapPriv->damageBox.y2 = pDst->pDrawable->height; if (xglPrepareTarget (pDst->pDrawable)) { PicturePtr pMask; glitz_vertex_format_t *format; glitz_surface_t *mask; xglGeometryPtr pGeometry; xTrap *pTrap = traps; int nAddedTrap, n = nTrap; int offset = 0; int size = SMOOTH_TRAPS_ESTIMATE_RECTS (n); pMask = pScreenPriv->trapInfo.pMask; format = &pScreenPriv->trapInfo.format.vertex; mask = pMask->pSourcePict->source.devPrivate.ptr; size *= format->bytes_per_vertex; pGeometry = xglGetScratchGeometryWithSize (pScreen, size); while (n) { if (pGeometry->size < size) GEOMETRY_RESIZE (pScreen, pGeometry, size); if (!pGeometry->buffer) return; offset += glitz_add_traps (pGeometry->buffer, offset, size - offset, format->type, mask, (glitz_trap_t *) pTrap, n, &nAddedTrap); n -= nAddedTrap; pTrap += nAddedTrap; size *= 2; } pGeometry->f = pScreenPriv->trapInfo.format; pGeometry->count = offset / format->bytes_per_vertex; GEOMETRY_TRANSLATE (pGeometry, pDst->pDrawable->x + xOff, pDst->pDrawable->y + yOff); if (xglCompositeGeneral (PictOpAdd, pScreenPriv->pSolidAlpha, pMask, pDst, pGeometry, 0, 0, 0, 0, pDst->pDrawable->x, pDst->pDrawable->y, pDst->pDrawable->width, pDst->pDrawable->height)) { xglAddCurrentBitDamage (pDst->pDrawable); return; } } pPictureScreen = GetPictureScreen (pScreen); XGL_TRAP_FALLBACK_PROLOGUE (pDst, AddTraps); (*pPictureScreen->AddTraps) (pDst, xOff, yOff, nTrap, traps); XGL_TRAP_FALLBACK_EPILOGUE (pDst, AddTraps, xglAddTraps); } #endif