/* Copyright 1993 by Davor Matic Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation. Davor Matic makes no representations about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. */ #ifdef HAVE_XNEST_CONFIG_H #include <xnest-config.h> #endif #include <X11/X.h> #include <X11/Xproto.h> #include "scrnintstr.h" #include "window.h" #include "windowstr.h" #include "colormapst.h" #include "resource.h" #include "Xnest.h" #include "Display.h" #include "Screen.h" #include "Color.h" #include "Visual.h" #include "XNWindow.h" #include "Args.h" static ColormapPtr InstalledMaps[MAXSCREENS]; Bool xnestCreateColormap(ColormapPtr pCmap) { VisualPtr pVisual; XColor *colors; int i, ncolors; Pixel red, green, blue; Pixel redInc, greenInc, blueInc; pVisual = pCmap->pVisual; ncolors = pVisual->ColormapEntries; pCmap->devPriv = (pointer)xalloc(sizeof(xnestPrivColormap)); xnestColormapPriv(pCmap)->colormap = XCreateColormap(xnestDisplay, xnestDefaultWindows[pCmap->pScreen->myNum], xnestVisual(pVisual), (pVisual->class & DynamicClass) ? AllocAll : AllocNone); switch (pVisual->class) { case StaticGray: /* read only */ colors = (XColor *)xalloc(ncolors * sizeof(XColor)); for (i = 0; i < ncolors; i++) colors[i].pixel = i; XQueryColors(xnestDisplay, xnestColormap(pCmap), colors, ncolors); for (i = 0; i < ncolors; i++) { pCmap->red[i].co.local.red = colors[i].red; pCmap->red[i].co.local.green = colors[i].red; pCmap->red[i].co.local.blue = colors[i].red; } xfree(colors); break; case StaticColor: /* read only */ colors = (XColor *)xalloc(ncolors * sizeof(XColor)); for (i = 0; i < ncolors; i++) colors[i].pixel = i; XQueryColors(xnestDisplay, xnestColormap(pCmap), colors, ncolors); for (i = 0; i < ncolors; i++) { pCmap->red[i].co.local.red = colors[i].red; pCmap->red[i].co.local.green = colors[i].green; pCmap->red[i].co.local.blue = colors[i].blue; } xfree(colors); break; case TrueColor: /* read only */ colors = (XColor *)xalloc(ncolors * sizeof(XColor)); red = green = blue = 0L; redInc = lowbit(pVisual->redMask); greenInc = lowbit(pVisual->greenMask); blueInc = lowbit(pVisual->blueMask); for (i = 0; i < ncolors; i++) { colors[i].pixel = red | green | blue; red += redInc; if (red > pVisual->redMask) red = 0L; green += greenInc; if (green > pVisual->greenMask) green = 0L; blue += blueInc; if (blue > pVisual->blueMask) blue = 0L; } XQueryColors(xnestDisplay, xnestColormap(pCmap), colors, ncolors); for (i = 0; i < ncolors; i++) { pCmap->red[i].co.local.red = colors[i].red; pCmap->green[i].co.local.green = colors[i].green; pCmap->blue[i].co.local.blue = colors[i].blue; } xfree(colors); break; case GrayScale: /* read and write */ break; case PseudoColor: /* read and write */ break; case DirectColor: /* read and write */ break; } return True; } void xnestDestroyColormap(ColormapPtr pCmap) { XFreeColormap(xnestDisplay, xnestColormap(pCmap)); xfree(pCmap->devPriv); } #define SEARCH_PREDICATE \ (xnestWindow(pWin) != None && wColormap(pWin) == icws->cmapIDs[i]) static int xnestCountInstalledColormapWindows(WindowPtr pWin, pointer ptr) { xnestInstalledColormapWindows *icws = (xnestInstalledColormapWindows *)ptr; int i; for (i = 0; i < icws->numCmapIDs; i++) if (SEARCH_PREDICATE) { icws->numWindows++; return WT_DONTWALKCHILDREN; } return WT_WALKCHILDREN; } static int xnestGetInstalledColormapWindows(WindowPtr pWin, pointer ptr) { xnestInstalledColormapWindows *icws = (xnestInstalledColormapWindows *)ptr; int i; for (i = 0; i < icws->numCmapIDs; i++) if (SEARCH_PREDICATE) { icws->windows[icws->index++] = xnestWindow(pWin); return WT_DONTWALKCHILDREN; } return WT_WALKCHILDREN; } static Window *xnestOldInstalledColormapWindows = NULL; static int xnestNumOldInstalledColormapWindows = 0; static Bool xnestSameInstalledColormapWindows(Window *windows, int numWindows) { if (xnestNumOldInstalledColormapWindows != numWindows) return False; if (xnestOldInstalledColormapWindows == windows) return True; if (xnestOldInstalledColormapWindows == NULL || windows == NULL) return False; if (memcmp(xnestOldInstalledColormapWindows, windows, numWindows * sizeof(Window))) return False; return True; } void xnestSetInstalledColormapWindows(ScreenPtr pScreen) { xnestInstalledColormapWindows icws; int numWindows; icws.cmapIDs = (Colormap *)xalloc(pScreen->maxInstalledCmaps * sizeof(Colormap)); icws.numCmapIDs = xnestListInstalledColormaps(pScreen, icws.cmapIDs); icws.numWindows = 0; WalkTree(pScreen, xnestCountInstalledColormapWindows, (pointer)&icws); if (icws.numWindows) { icws.windows = (Window *)xalloc((icws.numWindows + 1) * sizeof(Window)); icws.index = 0; WalkTree(pScreen, xnestGetInstalledColormapWindows, (pointer)&icws); icws.windows[icws.numWindows] = xnestDefaultWindows[pScreen->myNum]; numWindows = icws.numWindows + 1; } else { icws.windows = NULL; numWindows = 0; } xfree(icws.cmapIDs); if (!xnestSameInstalledColormapWindows(icws.windows, icws.numWindows)) { if (xnestOldInstalledColormapWindows) xfree(xnestOldInstalledColormapWindows); #ifdef _XSERVER64 { int i; Window64 *windows = (Window64 *)xalloc(numWindows * sizeof(Window64)); for(i = 0; i < numWindows; ++i) windows[i] = icws.windows[i]; XSetWMColormapWindows(xnestDisplay, xnestDefaultWindows[pScreen->myNum], windows, numWindows); xfree(windows); } #else XSetWMColormapWindows(xnestDisplay, xnestDefaultWindows[pScreen->myNum], icws.windows, numWindows); #endif xnestOldInstalledColormapWindows = icws.windows; xnestNumOldInstalledColormapWindows = icws.numWindows; #ifdef DUMB_WINDOW_MANAGERS /* This code is for dumb window managers. This will only work with default local visual colormaps. */ if (icws.numWindows) { WindowPtr pWin; Visual *visual; ColormapPtr pCmap; pWin = xnestWindowPtr(icws.windows[0]); visual = xnestVisualFromID(pScreen, wVisual(pWin)); if (visual == xnestDefaultVisual(pScreen)) dixLookupResourceByType((pointer *)&pCmap, wColormap(pWin), RT_COLORMAP, serverClient, DixUseAccess); else dixLookupResourceByType((pointer *)&pCmap, pScreen->defColormap, RT_COLORMAP, serverClient, DixUseAccess); XSetWindowColormap(xnestDisplay, xnestDefaultWindows[pScreen->myNum], xnestColormap(pCmap)); } #endif /* DUMB_WINDOW_MANAGERS */ } else if (icws.windows) xfree(icws.windows); } void xnestSetScreenSaverColormapWindow(ScreenPtr pScreen) { if (xnestOldInstalledColormapWindows) xfree(xnestOldInstalledColormapWindows); #ifdef _XSERVER64 { Window64 window; window = xnestScreenSaverWindows[pScreen->myNum]; XSetWMColormapWindows(xnestDisplay, xnestDefaultWindows[pScreen->myNum], &window, 1); xnestScreenSaverWindows[pScreen->myNum] = window; } #else XSetWMColormapWindows(xnestDisplay, xnestDefaultWindows[pScreen->myNum], &xnestScreenSaverWindows[pScreen->myNum], 1); #endif /* _XSERVER64 */ xnestOldInstalledColormapWindows = NULL; xnestNumOldInstalledColormapWindows = 0; xnestDirectUninstallColormaps(pScreen); } void xnestDirectInstallColormaps(ScreenPtr pScreen) { int i, n; Colormap pCmapIDs[MAXCMAPS]; if (!xnestDoDirectColormaps) return; n = (*pScreen->ListInstalledColormaps)(pScreen, pCmapIDs); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { ColormapPtr pCmap; dixLookupResourceByType((pointer *)&pCmap, pCmapIDs[i], RT_COLORMAP, serverClient, DixInstallAccess); if (pCmap) XInstallColormap(xnestDisplay, xnestColormap(pCmap)); } } void xnestDirectUninstallColormaps(ScreenPtr pScreen) { int i, n; Colormap pCmapIDs[MAXCMAPS]; if (!xnestDoDirectColormaps) return; n = (*pScreen->ListInstalledColormaps)(pScreen, pCmapIDs); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { ColormapPtr pCmap; dixLookupResourceByType((pointer *)&pCmap, pCmapIDs[i], RT_COLORMAP, serverClient, DixUninstallAccess); if (pCmap) XUninstallColormap(xnestDisplay, xnestColormap(pCmap)); } } void xnestInstallColormap(ColormapPtr pCmap) { int index; ColormapPtr pOldCmap; index = pCmap->pScreen->myNum; pOldCmap = InstalledMaps[index]; if(pCmap != pOldCmap) { xnestDirectUninstallColormaps(pCmap->pScreen); /* Uninstall pInstalledMap. Notify all interested parties. */ if(pOldCmap != (ColormapPtr)None) WalkTree(pCmap->pScreen, TellLostMap, (pointer)&pOldCmap->mid); InstalledMaps[index] = pCmap; WalkTree(pCmap->pScreen, TellGainedMap, (pointer)&pCmap->mid); xnestSetInstalledColormapWindows(pCmap->pScreen); xnestDirectInstallColormaps(pCmap->pScreen); } } void xnestUninstallColormap(ColormapPtr pCmap) { int index; ColormapPtr pCurCmap; index = pCmap->pScreen->myNum; pCurCmap = InstalledMaps[index]; if(pCmap == pCurCmap) { if (pCmap->mid != pCmap->pScreen->defColormap) { dixLookupResourceByType((pointer *)&pCurCmap, pCmap->pScreen->defColormap, RT_COLORMAP, serverClient, DixInstallAccess); (*pCmap->pScreen->InstallColormap)(pCurCmap); } } } static Bool xnestInstalledDefaultColormap = False; int xnestListInstalledColormaps(ScreenPtr pScreen, Colormap *pCmapIDs) { if (xnestInstalledDefaultColormap) { *pCmapIDs = InstalledMaps[pScreen->myNum]->mid; return 1; } else return 0; } void xnestStoreColors(ColormapPtr pCmap, int nColors, xColorItem *pColors) { if (pCmap->pVisual->class & DynamicClass) #ifdef _XSERVER64 { int i; XColor *pColors64 = (XColor *)xalloc(nColors * sizeof(XColor) ); for(i = 0; i < nColors; ++i) { pColors64[i].pixel = pColors[i].pixel; pColors64[i].red = pColors[i].red; pColors64[i].green = pColors[i].green; pColors64[i].blue = pColors[i].blue; pColors64[i].flags = pColors[i].flags; } XStoreColors(xnestDisplay, xnestColormap(pCmap), pColors64, nColors); xfree(pColors64); } #else XStoreColors(xnestDisplay, xnestColormap(pCmap), (XColor *)pColors, nColors); #endif } void xnestResolveColor(unsigned short *pRed, unsigned short *pGreen, unsigned short *pBlue, VisualPtr pVisual) { int shift; unsigned int lim; shift = 16 - pVisual->bitsPerRGBValue; lim = (1 << pVisual->bitsPerRGBValue) - 1; if ((pVisual->class == PseudoColor) || (pVisual->class == DirectColor)) { /* rescale to rgb bits */ *pRed = ((*pRed >> shift) * 65535) / lim; *pGreen = ((*pGreen >> shift) * 65535) / lim; *pBlue = ((*pBlue >> shift) * 65535) / lim; } else if (pVisual->class == GrayScale) { /* rescale to gray then rgb bits */ *pRed = (30L * *pRed + 59L * *pGreen + 11L * *pBlue) / 100; *pBlue = *pGreen = *pRed = ((*pRed >> shift) * 65535) / lim; } else if (pVisual->class == StaticGray) { unsigned int limg; limg = pVisual->ColormapEntries - 1; /* rescale to gray then [0..limg] then [0..65535] then rgb bits */ *pRed = (30L * *pRed + 59L * *pGreen + 11L * *pBlue) / 100; *pRed = ((((*pRed * (limg + 1))) >> 16) * 65535) / limg; *pBlue = *pGreen = *pRed = ((*pRed >> shift) * 65535) / lim; } else { unsigned limr, limg, limb; limr = pVisual->redMask >> pVisual->offsetRed; limg = pVisual->greenMask >> pVisual->offsetGreen; limb = pVisual->blueMask >> pVisual->offsetBlue; /* rescale to [0..limN] then [0..65535] then rgb bits */ *pRed = ((((((*pRed * (limr + 1)) >> 16) * 65535) / limr) >> shift) * 65535) / lim; *pGreen = ((((((*pGreen * (limg + 1)) >> 16) * 65535) / limg) >> shift) * 65535) / lim; *pBlue = ((((((*pBlue * (limb + 1)) >> 16) * 65535) / limb) >> shift) * 65535) / lim; } } Bool xnestCreateDefaultColormap(ScreenPtr pScreen) { VisualPtr pVisual; ColormapPtr pCmap; unsigned short zero = 0, ones = 0xFFFF; Pixel wp, bp; for (pVisual = pScreen->visuals; pVisual->vid != pScreen->rootVisual; pVisual++); if (CreateColormap(pScreen->defColormap, pScreen, pVisual, &pCmap, (pVisual->class & DynamicClass) ? AllocNone : AllocAll, 0) != Success) return False; wp = pScreen->whitePixel; bp = pScreen->blackPixel; if ((AllocColor(pCmap, &ones, &ones, &ones, &wp, 0) != Success) || (AllocColor(pCmap, &zero, &zero, &zero, &bp, 0) != Success)) return FALSE; pScreen->whitePixel = wp; pScreen->blackPixel = bp; (*pScreen->InstallColormap)(pCmap); xnestInstalledDefaultColormap = True; return True; }