/* Copyright 1993 by Davor Matic Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation. Davor Matic makes no representations about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. */ #ifdef HAVE_XNEST_CONFIG_H #include <xnest-config.h> #endif #include <X11/X.h> #define NEED_EVENTS #include <X11/Xproto.h> #include "screenint.h" #include "input.h" #include "misc.h" #include "scrnintstr.h" #include "windowstr.h" #include "servermd.h" #include "inputstr.h" #include "mi.h" #include "Xnest.h" #include "Args.h" #include "Color.h" #include "Display.h" #include "Screen.h" #include "XNWindow.h" #include "Events.h" #include "Keyboard.h" #include "Pointer.h" #include "mipointer.h" CARD32 lastEventTime = 0; extern EventList *xnestEvents; void ProcessInputEvents() { mieqProcessInputEvents(); } int TimeSinceLastInputEvent(void) { if (lastEventTime == 0) lastEventTime = GetTimeInMillis(); return GetTimeInMillis() - lastEventTime; } void SetTimeSinceLastInputEvent(void) { lastEventTime = GetTimeInMillis(); } static Bool xnestExposurePredicate(Display *display, XEvent *event, char *args) { return (event->type == Expose || event->type == ProcessedExpose); } static Bool xnestNotExposurePredicate(Display *display, XEvent *event, char *args) { return !xnestExposurePredicate(display, event, args); } void xnestCollectExposures(void) { XEvent X; WindowPtr pWin; RegionRec Rgn; BoxRec Box; while (XCheckIfEvent(xnestDisplay, &X, xnestExposurePredicate, NULL)) { pWin = xnestWindowPtr(X.xexpose.window); if (pWin && X.xexpose.width && X.xexpose.height) { Box.x1 = pWin->drawable.x + wBorderWidth(pWin) + X.xexpose.x; Box.y1 = pWin->drawable.y + wBorderWidth(pWin) + X.xexpose.y; Box.x2 = Box.x1 + X.xexpose.width; Box.y2 = Box.y1 + X.xexpose.height; REGION_INIT(pWin->drawable.pScreen, &Rgn, &Box, 1); miSendExposures(pWin, &Rgn, Box.x2, Box.y2); } } } void xnestQueueKeyEvent(int type, unsigned int keycode) { int i, n; GetEventList(&xnestEvents); lastEventTime = GetTimeInMillis(); n = GetKeyboardEvents(xnestEvents, xnestKeyboardDevice, type, keycode); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) mieqEnqueue(xnestKeyboardDevice, (xnestEvents + i)->event); } void xnestCollectEvents(void) { XEvent X; int i, n, valuators[2]; ScreenPtr pScreen; GetEventList(&xnestEvents); while (XCheckIfEvent(xnestDisplay, &X, xnestNotExposurePredicate, NULL)) { switch (X.type) { case KeyPress: xnestUpdateModifierState(X.xkey.state); xnestQueueKeyEvent(KeyPress, X.xkey.keycode); break; case KeyRelease: xnestUpdateModifierState(X.xkey.state); xnestQueueKeyEvent(KeyRelease, X.xkey.keycode); break; case ButtonPress: xnestUpdateModifierState(X.xkey.state); lastEventTime = GetTimeInMillis(); n = GetPointerEvents(xnestEvents, xnestPointerDevice, ButtonPress, X.xbutton.button, POINTER_RELATIVE, 0, 0, NULL); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) mieqEnqueue(xnestPointerDevice, (xnestEvents + i)->event); break; case ButtonRelease: xnestUpdateModifierState(X.xkey.state); lastEventTime = GetTimeInMillis(); n = GetPointerEvents(xnestEvents, xnestPointerDevice, ButtonRelease, X.xbutton.button, POINTER_RELATIVE, 0, 0, NULL); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) mieqEnqueue(xnestPointerDevice, (xnestEvents + i)->event); break; case MotionNotify: valuators[0] = X.xmotion.x; valuators[1] = X.xmotion.y; lastEventTime = GetTimeInMillis(); n = GetPointerEvents(xnestEvents, xnestPointerDevice, MotionNotify, 0, POINTER_ABSOLUTE, 0, 2, valuators); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) mieqEnqueue(xnestPointerDevice, (xnestEvents + i)->event); break; case FocusIn: if (X.xfocus.detail != NotifyInferior) { pScreen = xnestScreen(X.xfocus.window); if (pScreen) xnestDirectInstallColormaps(pScreen); } break; case FocusOut: if (X.xfocus.detail != NotifyInferior) { pScreen = xnestScreen(X.xfocus.window); if (pScreen) xnestDirectUninstallColormaps(pScreen); } break; case KeymapNotify: break; case EnterNotify: if (X.xcrossing.detail != NotifyInferior) { pScreen = xnestScreen(X.xcrossing.window); if (pScreen) { NewCurrentScreen(inputInfo.pointer, pScreen, X.xcrossing.x, X.xcrossing.y); valuators[0] = X.xcrossing.x; valuators[1] = X.xcrossing.y; lastEventTime = GetTimeInMillis(); n = GetPointerEvents(xnestEvents, xnestPointerDevice, MotionNotify, 0, POINTER_ABSOLUTE, 0, 2, valuators); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) mieqEnqueue(xnestPointerDevice, (xnestEvents + i)->event); xnestDirectInstallColormaps(pScreen); } } break; case LeaveNotify: if (X.xcrossing.detail != NotifyInferior) { pScreen = xnestScreen(X.xcrossing.window); if (pScreen) { xnestDirectUninstallColormaps(pScreen); } } break; case DestroyNotify: if (xnestParentWindow != (Window) 0 && X.xdestroywindow.window == xnestParentWindow) exit (0); break; case CirculateNotify: case ConfigureNotify: case GravityNotify: case MapNotify: case ReparentNotify: case UnmapNotify: break; default: ErrorF("xnest warning: unhandled event\n"); break; } } }