/* X11Controller.m -- connect the IB ui, also the NSApp delegate Copyright (c) 2002-2008 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE ABOVE LISTED COPYRIGHT HOLDER(S) BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. Except as contained in this notice, the name(s) of the above copyright holders shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings in this Software without prior written authorization. */ #include "sanitizedCarbon.h" #include <AvailabilityMacros.h> #ifdef HAVE_DIX_CONFIG_H #include <dix-config.h> #endif #include "quartzCommon.h" #import "X11Controller.h" #import "X11Application.h" #include "opaque.h" #include "darwin.h" #include "darwinEvents.h" #include "quartz.h" #include <X11/extensions/applewmconst.h> #include "applewmExt.h" #include <stdio.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/wait.h> BOOL xquartz_resetenv_display = NO; @implementation X11Controller - (void) awakeFromNib { X11Application *xapp = NSApp; NSArray *array; /* Point X11Application at ourself. */ [xapp set_controller:self]; array = [xapp prefs_get_array:@PREFS_APPSMENU]; if (array != nil) { int count; /* convert from [TITLE1 COMMAND1 TITLE2 COMMAND2 ...] to [[TITLE1 COMMAND1] [TITLE2 COMMAND2] ...] format. */ count = [array count]; if (count > 0 && ![[array objectAtIndex:0] isKindOfClass:[NSArray class]]) { int i; NSMutableArray *copy, *sub; copy = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:(count / 2)]; for (i = 0; i < count / 2; i++) { sub = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:3]; [sub addObject:[array objectAtIndex:i*2]]; [sub addObject:[array objectAtIndex:i*2+1]]; [sub addObject:@""]; [copy addObject:sub]; [sub release]; } array = copy; } [self set_apps_menu:array]; } [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver: self selector: @selector(apps_table_done:) name: NSWindowWillCloseNotification object: [apps_table window]]; // Setup data about our Windows menu if(window_separator) { [[window_separator menu] removeItem:window_separator]; window_separator = nil; } windows_menu_start = [[X11App windowsMenu] numberOfItems]; } - (void) item_selected:sender { [NSApp activateIgnoringOtherApps:YES]; DarwinSendDDXEvent(kXquartzControllerNotify, 2, AppleWMWindowMenuItem, [sender tag]); } - (void) remove_window_menu { NSMenu *menu; int count, i; /* Work backwards so we don't mess up the indices */ menu = [X11App windowsMenu]; count = [menu numberOfItems]; for (i = count - 1; i >= windows_menu_start; i--) [menu removeItemAtIndex:i]; count = [dock_menu indexOfItem:dock_window_separator]; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) [dock_menu removeItemAtIndex:0]; } - (void) install_window_menu:(NSArray *)list { NSMenu *menu; NSMenuItem *item; int first, count, i; menu = [X11App windowsMenu]; first = windows_menu_start + 1; count = [list count]; // Push a Separator if(count) { [menu addItem:[NSMenuItem separatorItem]]; } for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { NSString *name, *shortcut; name = [[list objectAtIndex:i] objectAtIndex:0]; shortcut = [[list objectAtIndex:i] objectAtIndex:1]; if(windowItemModMask == 0 || windowItemModMask == -1) shortcut = @""; item = (NSMenuItem *) [menu addItemWithTitle:name action:@selector (item_selected:) keyEquivalent:shortcut]; [item setKeyEquivalentModifierMask:(NSUInteger) windowItemModMask]; [item setTarget:self]; [item setTag:i]; [item setEnabled:YES]; item = (NSMenuItem *) [dock_menu insertItemWithTitle:name action:@selector (item_selected:) keyEquivalent:shortcut atIndex:i]; [item setKeyEquivalentModifierMask:(NSUInteger) windowItemModMask]; [item setTarget:self]; [item setTag:i]; [item setEnabled:YES]; } if (checked_window_item >= 0 && checked_window_item < count) { item = (NSMenuItem *) [menu itemAtIndex:first + checked_window_item]; [item setState:NSOnState]; item = (NSMenuItem *) [dock_menu itemAtIndex:checked_window_item]; [item setState:NSOnState]; } } - (void) remove_apps_menu { NSMenu *menu; NSMenuItem *item; int i; if (apps == nil || apps_separator == nil) return; menu = [apps_separator menu]; if (menu != nil) { for (i = [menu numberOfItems] - 1; i >= 0; i--) { item = (NSMenuItem *) [menu itemAtIndex:i]; if ([item tag] != 0) [menu removeItemAtIndex:i]; } } if (dock_apps_menu != nil) { for (i = [dock_apps_menu numberOfItems] - 1; i >= 0; i--) { item = (NSMenuItem *) [dock_apps_menu itemAtIndex:i]; if ([item tag] != 0) [dock_apps_menu removeItemAtIndex:i]; } } [apps release]; apps = nil; } - (void) prepend_apps_item:(NSArray *)list index:(int)i menu:(NSMenu *)menu { NSString *title, *shortcut = @""; NSArray *group; NSMenuItem *item; group = [list objectAtIndex:i]; title = [group objectAtIndex:0]; if ([group count] >= 3) shortcut = [group objectAtIndex:2]; if ([title length] != 0) { item = (NSMenuItem *) [menu insertItemWithTitle:title action:@selector (app_selected:) keyEquivalent:shortcut atIndex:0]; [item setTarget:self]; [item setEnabled:YES]; } else { item = (NSMenuItem *) [NSMenuItem separatorItem]; [menu insertItem:item atIndex:0]; } [item setTag:i+1]; /* can't be zero, so add one */ } - (void) install_apps_menu:(NSArray *)list { NSMenu *menu; int i, count; count = [list count]; if (count == 0 || apps_separator == nil) return; menu = [apps_separator menu]; for (i = count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (menu != nil) [self prepend_apps_item:list index:i menu:menu]; if (dock_apps_menu != nil) [self prepend_apps_item:list index:i menu:dock_apps_menu]; } apps = [list retain]; } - (void) set_window_menu:(NSArray *)list { [self remove_window_menu]; [self install_window_menu:list]; DarwinSendDDXEvent(kXquartzControllerNotify, 1, AppleWMWindowMenuNotify); } - (void) set_window_menu_check:(NSNumber *)nn { NSMenu *menu; NSMenuItem *item; int first, count; int n = [nn intValue]; menu = [X11App windowsMenu]; first = windows_menu_start + 1; count = [menu numberOfItems] - first; if (checked_window_item >= 0 && checked_window_item < count) { item = (NSMenuItem *) [menu itemAtIndex:first + checked_window_item]; [item setState:NSOffState]; item = (NSMenuItem *) [dock_menu itemAtIndex:checked_window_item]; [item setState:NSOffState]; } if (n >= 0 && n < count) { item = (NSMenuItem *) [menu itemAtIndex:first + n]; [item setState:NSOnState]; item = (NSMenuItem *) [dock_menu itemAtIndex:n]; [item setState:NSOnState]; } checked_window_item = n; } - (void) set_apps_menu:(NSArray *)list { [self remove_apps_menu]; [self install_apps_menu:list]; } #ifdef XQUARTZ_SPARKLE - (void) setup_sparkle { if(check_for_updates_item) return; // already did it... NSMenu *menu = [x11_about_item menu]; check_for_updates_item = [menu insertItemWithTitle:NSLocalizedString(@"Check for X11 Updates...", @"Check for X11 Updates...") action:@selector (checkForUpdates:) keyEquivalent:@"" atIndex:1]; [check_for_updates_item setTarget:[SUUpdater sharedUpdater]]; [check_for_updates_item setEnabled:YES]; // Set X11Controller as the delegate for the updater. [[SUUpdater sharedUpdater] setDelegate:self]; } // Sent immediately before installing the specified update. - (void)updater:(SUUpdater *)updater willInstallUpdate:(SUAppcastItem *)update { //[self set_can_quit:YES]; } #endif - (void) launch_client:(NSString *)filename { int child1, child2 = 0; int status; const char *newargv[4]; char buf[128]; char *s; newargv[0] = [X11App prefs_get_string:@PREFS_LOGIN_SHELL default:"/bin/sh"]; newargv[1] = "-c"; newargv[2] = [filename UTF8String]; newargv[3] = NULL; s = getenv("DISPLAY"); if (xquartz_resetenv_display || s == NULL || s[0] == 0) { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), ":%s", display); setenv("DISPLAY", buf, TRUE); } /* Do the fork-twice trick to avoid having to reap zombies */ child1 = fork(); switch (child1) { case -1: /* error */ break; case 0: /* child1 */ child2 = fork(); switch (child2) { int max_files, i; case -1: /* error */ _exit(1); case 0: /* child2 */ /* close all open files except for standard streams */ max_files = sysconf(_SC_OPEN_MAX); for(i = 3; i < max_files; i++) close(i); /* ensure stdin is on /dev/null */ close(0); open("/dev/null", O_RDONLY); execvp(newargv[0], (char **const) newargv); _exit(2); default: /* parent (child1) */ _exit(0); } break; default: /* parent */ waitpid(child1, &status, 0); } } - (void) app_selected:sender { int tag; NSString *item; tag = [sender tag] - 1; if (apps == nil || tag < 0 || tag >= [apps count]) return; item = [[apps objectAtIndex:tag] objectAtIndex:1]; [self launch_client:item]; } - (IBAction) apps_table_show:sender { NSArray *columns; NSMutableArray *oldapps = nil; if (table_apps != nil) oldapps = table_apps; table_apps = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:1]; if(apps != nil) [table_apps addObjectsFromArray:apps]; columns = [apps_table tableColumns]; [[columns objectAtIndex:0] setIdentifier:@"0"]; [[columns objectAtIndex:1] setIdentifier:@"1"]; [[columns objectAtIndex:2] setIdentifier:@"2"]; [apps_table setDataSource:self]; [apps_table selectRow:0 byExtendingSelection:NO]; [[apps_table window] makeKeyAndOrderFront:sender]; [apps_table reloadData]; if(oldapps != nil) [oldapps release]; } - (IBAction) apps_table_done:sender { [apps_table deselectAll:sender]; /* flush edits? */ [self remove_apps_menu]; [self install_apps_menu:table_apps]; [NSApp prefs_set_array:@PREFS_APPSMENU value:table_apps]; [NSApp prefs_synchronize]; [[apps_table window] orderOut:sender]; [table_apps release]; table_apps = nil; } - (IBAction) apps_table_new:sender { NSMutableArray *item; int row = [apps_table selectedRow], i; if (row < 0) row = 0; else row = row + 1; i = row; if (i > [table_apps count]) return; /* avoid exceptions */ [apps_table deselectAll:sender]; item = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:3]; [item addObject:@""]; [item addObject:@""]; [item addObject:@""]; [table_apps insertObject:item atIndex:i]; [item release]; [apps_table reloadData]; [apps_table selectRow:row byExtendingSelection:NO]; } - (IBAction) apps_table_duplicate:sender { int row = [apps_table selectedRow], i; NSObject *item; if (row < 0) { [self apps_table_new:sender]; return; } i = row; if (i > [table_apps count] - 1) return; /* avoid exceptions */ [apps_table deselectAll:sender]; item = [[table_apps objectAtIndex:i] mutableCopy]; [table_apps insertObject:item atIndex:i]; [item release]; [apps_table reloadData]; [apps_table selectRow:row+1 byExtendingSelection:NO]; } - (IBAction) apps_table_delete:sender { int row = [apps_table selectedRow]; if (row >= 0) { int i = row; if (i > [table_apps count] - 1) return; /* avoid exceptions */ [apps_table deselectAll:sender]; [table_apps removeObjectAtIndex:i]; } [apps_table reloadData]; row = MIN (row, [table_apps count] - 1); if (row >= 0) [apps_table selectRow:row byExtendingSelection:NO]; } - (int) numberOfRowsInTableView:(NSTableView *)tableView { if (table_apps == nil) return 0; return [table_apps count]; } - (id) tableView:(NSTableView *)tableView objectValueForTableColumn:(NSTableColumn *)tableColumn row:(int)row { NSArray *item; int col; if (table_apps == nil) return nil; col = [[tableColumn identifier] intValue]; item = [table_apps objectAtIndex:row]; if ([item count] > col) return [item objectAtIndex:col]; else return @""; } - (void) tableView:(NSTableView *)tableView setObjectValue:(id)object forTableColumn:(NSTableColumn *)tableColumn row:(int)row { NSMutableArray *item; int col; if (table_apps == nil) return; col = [[tableColumn identifier] intValue]; item = [table_apps objectAtIndex:row]; [item replaceObjectAtIndex:col withObject:object]; } - (void) hide_window:sender { if ([X11App x_active]) DarwinSendDDXEvent(kXquartzControllerNotify, 1, AppleWMHideWindow); else NSBeep (); /* FIXME: something here */ } - (IBAction)bring_to_front:sender { DarwinSendDDXEvent(kXquartzControllerNotify, 1, AppleWMBringAllToFront); } - (IBAction)close_window:sender { if ([X11App x_active]) DarwinSendDDXEvent(kXquartzControllerNotify, 1, AppleWMCloseWindow); else [[NSApp keyWindow] performClose:sender]; } - (IBAction)minimize_window:sender { if ([X11App x_active]) DarwinSendDDXEvent(kXquartzControllerNotify, 1, AppleWMMinimizeWindow); else [[NSApp keyWindow] performMiniaturize:sender]; } - (IBAction)zoom_window:sender { if ([X11App x_active]) DarwinSendDDXEvent(kXquartzControllerNotify, 1, AppleWMZoomWindow); else [[NSApp keyWindow] performZoom:sender]; } - (IBAction) next_window:sender { DarwinSendDDXEvent(kXquartzControllerNotify, 1, AppleWMNextWindow); } - (IBAction) previous_window:sender { DarwinSendDDXEvent(kXquartzControllerNotify, 1, AppleWMPreviousWindow); } - (IBAction) enable_fullscreen_changed:sender { int value = ![enable_fullscreen intValue]; [enable_fullscreen_menu setEnabled:!value]; DarwinSendDDXEvent(kXquartzSetRootless, 1, value); [NSApp prefs_set_boolean:@PREFS_ROOTLESS value:value]; [NSApp prefs_synchronize]; } - (IBAction) toggle_fullscreen:sender { DarwinSendDDXEvent(kXquartzToggleFullscreen, 0); } - (void) set_can_quit:(OSX_BOOL)state { can_quit = state; } - (IBAction)prefs_changed:sender { BOOL pbproxy_active; darwinFakeButtons = [fake_buttons intValue]; quartzUseSysBeep = [use_sysbeep intValue]; X11EnableKeyEquivalents = [enable_keyequivs intValue]; darwinSyncKeymap = [sync_keymap intValue]; quartzFullscreenMenu = [enable_fullscreen_menu intValue]; /* after adding prefs here, also add to [X11Application read_defaults] and prefs_show */ [NSApp prefs_set_boolean:@PREFS_FAKEBUTTONS value:darwinFakeButtons]; [NSApp prefs_set_boolean:@PREFS_SYSBEEP value:quartzUseSysBeep]; [NSApp prefs_set_boolean:@PREFS_KEYEQUIVS value:X11EnableKeyEquivalents]; [NSApp prefs_set_boolean:@PREFS_SYNC_KEYMAP value:darwinSyncKeymap]; [NSApp prefs_set_boolean:@PREFS_FULLSCREEN_MENU value:quartzFullscreenMenu]; [NSApp prefs_set_boolean:@PREFS_CLICK_THROUGH value:[click_through intValue]]; [NSApp prefs_set_boolean:@PREFS_FFM value:[focus_follows_mouse intValue]]; [NSApp prefs_set_boolean:@PREFS_FOCUS_ON_NEW_WINDOW value:[focus_on_new_window intValue]]; [NSApp prefs_set_boolean:@PREFS_NO_AUTH value:![enable_auth intValue]]; [NSApp prefs_set_boolean:@PREFS_NO_TCP value:![enable_tcp intValue]]; [NSApp prefs_set_integer:@PREFS_DEPTH value:[depth selectedTag]]; pbproxy_active = [sync_pasteboard intValue]; [NSApp prefs_set_boolean:@PREFS_SYNC_PB value:pbproxy_active]; [NSApp prefs_set_boolean:@PREFS_SYNC_PB_TO_CLIPBOARD value:[sync_pasteboard_to_clipboard intValue]]; [NSApp prefs_set_boolean:@PREFS_SYNC_PB_TO_PRIMARY value:[sync_pasteboard_to_primary intValue]]; [NSApp prefs_set_boolean:@PREFS_SYNC_CLIPBOARD_TO_PB value:[sync_clipboard_to_pasteboard intValue]]; [NSApp prefs_set_boolean:@PREFS_SYNC_PRIMARY_ON_SELECT value:[sync_primary_immediately intValue]]; [NSApp prefs_synchronize]; [sync_pasteboard_to_clipboard setEnabled:pbproxy_active]; [sync_pasteboard_to_primary setEnabled:pbproxy_active]; [sync_clipboard_to_pasteboard setEnabled:pbproxy_active]; [sync_primary_immediately setEnabled:pbproxy_active]; // setEnabled doesn't do this... [sync_text1 setTextColor:pbproxy_active ? [NSColor controlTextColor] : [NSColor disabledControlTextColor]]; [sync_text2 setTextColor:pbproxy_active ? [NSColor controlTextColor] : [NSColor disabledControlTextColor]]; DarwinSendDDXEvent(kXquartzReloadPreferences, 0); } - (IBAction) prefs_show:sender { BOOL pbproxy_active = [NSApp prefs_get_boolean:@PREFS_SYNC_PB default:YES]; [fake_buttons setIntValue:darwinFakeButtons]; [use_sysbeep setIntValue:quartzUseSysBeep]; [enable_keyequivs setIntValue:X11EnableKeyEquivalents]; [sync_keymap setIntValue:darwinSyncKeymap]; [click_through setIntValue:[NSApp prefs_get_boolean:@PREFS_CLICK_THROUGH default:NO]]; [focus_follows_mouse setIntValue:[NSApp prefs_get_boolean:@PREFS_FFM default:NO]]; [focus_on_new_window setIntValue:[NSApp prefs_get_boolean:@PREFS_FOCUS_ON_NEW_WINDOW default:YES]]; [enable_auth setIntValue:![NSApp prefs_get_boolean:@PREFS_NO_AUTH default:NO]]; [enable_tcp setIntValue:![NSApp prefs_get_boolean:@PREFS_NO_TCP default:NO]]; [depth selectItemAtIndex:[depth indexOfItemWithTag:[NSApp prefs_get_integer:@PREFS_DEPTH default:-1]]]; [sync_pasteboard setIntValue:pbproxy_active]; [sync_pasteboard_to_clipboard setIntValue:[NSApp prefs_get_boolean:@PREFS_SYNC_PB_TO_CLIPBOARD default:YES]]; [sync_pasteboard_to_primary setIntValue:[NSApp prefs_get_boolean:@PREFS_SYNC_PB_TO_PRIMARY default:YES]]; [sync_clipboard_to_pasteboard setIntValue:[NSApp prefs_get_boolean:@PREFS_SYNC_CLIPBOARD_TO_PB default:YES]]; [sync_primary_immediately setIntValue:[NSApp prefs_get_boolean:@PREFS_SYNC_PRIMARY_ON_SELECT default:NO]]; [sync_pasteboard_to_clipboard setEnabled:pbproxy_active]; [sync_pasteboard_to_primary setEnabled:pbproxy_active]; [sync_clipboard_to_pasteboard setEnabled:pbproxy_active]; [sync_primary_immediately setEnabled:pbproxy_active]; // setEnabled doesn't do this... [sync_text1 setTextColor:pbproxy_active ? [NSColor controlTextColor] : [NSColor disabledControlTextColor]]; [sync_text2 setTextColor:pbproxy_active ? [NSColor controlTextColor] : [NSColor disabledControlTextColor]]; [enable_fullscreen setIntValue:!quartzEnableRootless]; [enable_fullscreen_menu setEnabled:!quartzEnableRootless]; [enable_fullscreen_menu setIntValue:quartzFullscreenMenu]; [prefs_panel makeKeyAndOrderFront:sender]; } - (IBAction) quit:sender { DarwinSendDDXEvent(kXquartzQuit, 0); } - (IBAction) x11_help:sender { #if MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED < 1060 AHLookupAnchor((CFStringRef)NSLocalizedString(@"Mac Help", no comment), CFSTR("mchlp2276")); #else AHLookupAnchor(CFSTR("com.apple.machelp"), CFSTR("mchlp2276")); #endif } - (OSX_BOOL) validateMenuItem:(NSMenuItem *)item { NSMenu *menu = [item menu]; if (item == toggle_fullscreen_item) return !quartzEnableRootless; else if (menu == [X11App windowsMenu] || menu == dock_menu || (menu == [x11_about_item menu] && [item tag] == 42)) return (AppleWMSelectedEvents () & AppleWMControllerNotifyMask) != 0; else return TRUE; } - (void) applicationDidHide:(NSNotification *)notify { DarwinSendDDXEvent(kXquartzControllerNotify, 1, AppleWMHideAll); } - (void) applicationDidUnhide:(NSNotification *)notify { DarwinSendDDXEvent(kXquartzControllerNotify, 1, AppleWMShowAll); } - (NSApplicationTerminateReply) applicationShouldTerminate:sender { NSString *msg; NSString *title; if (can_quit || [X11App prefs_get_boolean:@PREFS_NO_QUIT_ALERT default:NO]) return NSTerminateNow; /* Make sure we're frontmost. */ [NSApp activateIgnoringOtherApps:YES]; title = NSLocalizedString(@"Do you really want to quit X11?", @"Dialog title when quitting"); msg = NSLocalizedString(@"Any open X11 applications will stop immediately, and you will lose any unsaved changes.", @"Dialog when quitting"); /* FIXME: safe to run the alert in here? Or should we return Later * and then run the alert on a timer? It seems to work here, so.. */ return (NSRunAlertPanel (title, msg, NSLocalizedString (@"Quit", @""), NSLocalizedString (@"Cancel", @""), nil) == NSAlertDefaultReturn) ? NSTerminateNow : NSTerminateCancel; } - (void) applicationWillTerminate:(NSNotification *)aNotification { unsigned remain; [X11App prefs_synchronize]; /* shutdown the X server, it will exit () for us. */ DarwinSendDDXEvent(kXquartzQuit, 0); /* In case it doesn't, exit anyway after a while. */ remain = 10000000; while((remain = usleep(remain)) > 0); exit (1); } - (void) server_ready { x_list *node; finished_launching = YES; for (node = pending_apps; node != NULL; node = node->next) { NSString *filename = node->data; [self launch_client:filename]; [filename release]; } x_list_free (pending_apps); pending_apps = NULL; } - (OSX_BOOL) application:(NSApplication *)app openFile:(NSString *)filename { const char *name = [filename UTF8String]; if (finished_launching) [self launch_client:filename]; else if (name[0] != ':') /* ignore display names */ pending_apps = x_list_prepend (pending_apps, [filename retain]); /* FIXME: report failures. */ return YES; } @end void X11ControllerMain(int argc, char **argv, char **envp) { X11ApplicationMain (argc, argv, envp); }