/************************************************************************** Copyright (c) 2002-2007 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved. Copyright (c) 2003 Torrey T. Lyons. All Rights Reserved. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sub license, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the next paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL PRECISION INSIGHT AND/OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. **************************************************************************/ #include "sanitizedCarbon.h" #ifdef HAVE_DIX_CONFIG_H #include <dix-config.h> #endif #include "quartzCommon.h" #include "misc.h" #include "dixstruct.h" #include "globals.h" #include "extnsionst.h" #include "colormapst.h" #include "cursorstr.h" #include "scrnintstr.h" #include "windowstr.h" #include "servermd.h" #include "swaprep.h" #include "propertyst.h" #include <X11/Xatom.h> #include "darwin.h" #define _APPLEWM_SERVER_ #include <X11/extensions/applewmproto.h> #include "applewmExt.h" #include "X11Application.h" #include "protocol-versions.h" #define DEFINE_ATOM_HELPER(func,atom_name) \ static Atom func (void) { \ static int generation; \ static Atom atom; \ if (generation != serverGeneration) { \ generation = serverGeneration; \ atom = MakeAtom (atom_name, strlen (atom_name), TRUE); \ } \ return atom; \ } DEFINE_ATOM_HELPER(xa_native_screen_origin, "_NATIVE_SCREEN_ORIGIN") DEFINE_ATOM_HELPER (xa_apple_no_order_in, "_APPLE_NO_ORDER_IN") static AppleWMProcsPtr appleWMProcs; static int WMErrorBase; static unsigned char WMReqCode = 0; static int WMEventBase = 0; static RESTYPE ClientType, EventType; /* resource types for event masks */ static XID eventResource; /* Currently selected events */ static unsigned int eventMask = 0; static int WMFreeClient (pointer data, XID id); static int WMFreeEvents (pointer data, XID id); static void SNotifyEvent(xAppleWMNotifyEvent *from, xAppleWMNotifyEvent *to); typedef struct _WMEvent *WMEventPtr; typedef struct _WMEvent { WMEventPtr next; ClientPtr client; XID clientResource; unsigned int mask; } WMEventRec; static inline BoxRec make_box (int x, int y, int w, int h) { BoxRec r; r.x1 = x; r.y1 = y; r.x2 = x + w; r.y2 = y + h; return r; } /* Updates the _NATIVE_SCREEN_ORIGIN property on the given root window. */ void AppleWMSetScreenOrigin( WindowPtr pWin ) { int32_t data[2]; data[0] = pWin->drawable.pScreen->x + darwinMainScreenX; data[1] = pWin->drawable.pScreen->y + darwinMainScreenY; dixChangeWindowProperty(serverClient, pWin, xa_native_screen_origin(), XA_INTEGER, 32, PropModeReplace, 2, data, TRUE); } /* Window managers can set the _APPLE_NO_ORDER_IN property on windows that are being genie-restored from the Dock. We want them to be mapped but remain ordered-out until the animation completes (when the Dock will order them in). */ Bool AppleWMDoReorderWindow( WindowPtr pWin ) { Atom atom; PropertyPtr prop; int rc; atom = xa_apple_no_order_in(); rc = dixLookupProperty(&prop, pWin, atom, serverClient, DixReadAccess); if(Success == rc && prop->type == atom) return 0; return 1; } static int ProcAppleWMQueryVersion( register ClientPtr client ) { xAppleWMQueryVersionReply rep; REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xAppleWMQueryVersionReq); rep.type = X_Reply; rep.length = 0; rep.sequenceNumber = client->sequence; rep.majorVersion = SERVER_APPLEWM_MAJOR_VERSION; rep.minorVersion = SERVER_APPLEWM_MINOR_VERSION; rep.patchVersion = SERVER_APPLEWM_PATCH_VERSION; if (client->swapped) { swaps(&rep.sequenceNumber); swapl(&rep.length); } WriteToClient(client, sizeof(xAppleWMQueryVersionReply), (char *)&rep); return Success; } /* events */ static inline void updateEventMask (WMEventPtr *pHead) { WMEventPtr pCur; eventMask = 0; for (pCur = *pHead; pCur != NULL; pCur = pCur->next) eventMask |= pCur->mask; } /*ARGSUSED*/ static int WMFreeClient (pointer data, XID id) { WMEventPtr pEvent; WMEventPtr *pHead, pCur, pPrev; int i; pEvent = (WMEventPtr) data; i = dixLookupResourceByType((pointer *)&pHead, eventResource, EventType, serverClient, DixReadAccess | DixWriteAccess | DixDestroyAccess); if (i == Success && pHead) { pPrev = 0; for (pCur = *pHead; pCur && pCur != pEvent; pCur=pCur->next) pPrev = pCur; if (pCur) { if (pPrev) pPrev->next = pEvent->next; else *pHead = pEvent->next; } updateEventMask (pHead); } free((pointer) pEvent); return 1; } /*ARGSUSED*/ static int WMFreeEvents (pointer data, XID id) { WMEventPtr *pHead, pCur, pNext; pHead = (WMEventPtr *) data; for (pCur = *pHead; pCur; pCur = pNext) { pNext = pCur->next; FreeResource (pCur->clientResource, ClientType); free((pointer) pCur); } free((pointer) pHead); eventMask = 0; return 1; } static int ProcAppleWMSelectInput (register ClientPtr client) { REQUEST(xAppleWMSelectInputReq); WMEventPtr pEvent, pNewEvent, *pHead; XID clientResource; int i; REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH (xAppleWMSelectInputReq); i = dixLookupResourceByType((pointer *)&pHead, eventResource, EventType, client, DixWriteAccess); if (stuff->mask != 0) { if (i == Success && pHead) { /* check for existing entry. */ for (pEvent = *pHead; pEvent; pEvent = pEvent->next) { if (pEvent->client == client) { pEvent->mask = stuff->mask; updateEventMask (pHead); return Success; } } } /* build the entry */ pNewEvent = (WMEventPtr) malloc(sizeof (WMEventRec)); if (!pNewEvent) return BadAlloc; pNewEvent->next = 0; pNewEvent->client = client; pNewEvent->mask = stuff->mask; /* * add a resource that will be deleted when * the client goes away */ clientResource = FakeClientID (client->index); pNewEvent->clientResource = clientResource; if (!AddResource (clientResource, ClientType, (pointer)pNewEvent)) return BadAlloc; /* * create a resource to contain a pointer to the list * of clients selecting input. This must be indirect as * the list may be arbitrarily rearranged which cannot be * done through the resource database. */ if (i != Success || !pHead) { pHead = (WMEventPtr *) malloc(sizeof (WMEventPtr)); if (!pHead || !AddResource (eventResource, EventType, (pointer)pHead)) { FreeResource (clientResource, RT_NONE); return BadAlloc; } *pHead = 0; } pNewEvent->next = *pHead; *pHead = pNewEvent; updateEventMask (pHead); } else if (stuff->mask == 0) { /* delete the interest */ if (i == Success && pHead) { pNewEvent = 0; for (pEvent = *pHead; pEvent; pEvent = pEvent->next) { if (pEvent->client == client) break; pNewEvent = pEvent; } if (pEvent) { FreeResource (pEvent->clientResource, ClientType); if (pNewEvent) pNewEvent->next = pEvent->next; else *pHead = pEvent->next; free(pEvent); updateEventMask (pHead); } } } else { client->errorValue = stuff->mask; return BadValue; } return Success; } /* * deliver the event */ void AppleWMSendEvent (int type, unsigned int mask, int which, int arg) { WMEventPtr *pHead, pEvent; xAppleWMNotifyEvent se; int i; i = dixLookupResourceByType((pointer *)&pHead, eventResource, EventType, serverClient, DixReadAccess); if (i != Success || !pHead) return; for (pEvent = *pHead; pEvent; pEvent = pEvent->next) { if ((pEvent->mask & mask) == 0) continue; se.type = type + WMEventBase; se.kind = which; se.arg = arg; se.time = currentTime.milliseconds; WriteEventsToClient (pEvent->client, 1, (xEvent *) &se); } } /* Safe to call from any thread. */ unsigned int AppleWMSelectedEvents (void) { return eventMask; } /* general utility functions */ static int ProcAppleWMDisableUpdate( register ClientPtr client ) { REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xAppleWMDisableUpdateReq); appleWMProcs->DisableUpdate(); return Success; } static int ProcAppleWMReenableUpdate( register ClientPtr client ) { REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xAppleWMReenableUpdateReq); appleWMProcs->EnableUpdate(); return Success; } /* window functions */ static int ProcAppleWMSetWindowMenu( register ClientPtr client ) { const char *bytes, **items; char *shortcuts; int max_len, nitems, i, j; REQUEST(xAppleWMSetWindowMenuReq); REQUEST_AT_LEAST_SIZE(xAppleWMSetWindowMenuReq); nitems = stuff->nitems; items = malloc(sizeof (char *) * nitems); shortcuts = malloc(sizeof (char) * nitems); max_len = (stuff->length << 2) - sizeof(xAppleWMSetWindowMenuReq); bytes = (char *) &stuff[1]; for (i = j = 0; i < max_len && j < nitems;) { shortcuts[j] = bytes[i++]; items[j++] = bytes + i; while (i < max_len) { if (bytes[i++] == 0) break; } } X11ApplicationSetWindowMenu (nitems, items, shortcuts); free(items); free(shortcuts); return Success; } static int ProcAppleWMSetWindowMenuCheck( register ClientPtr client ) { REQUEST(xAppleWMSetWindowMenuCheckReq); REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xAppleWMSetWindowMenuCheckReq); X11ApplicationSetWindowMenuCheck(stuff->index); return Success; } static int ProcAppleWMSetFrontProcess( register ClientPtr client ) { REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xAppleWMSetFrontProcessReq); X11ApplicationSetFrontProcess(); return Success; } static int ProcAppleWMSetWindowLevel(register ClientPtr client) { REQUEST(xAppleWMSetWindowLevelReq); WindowPtr pWin; int err; REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xAppleWMSetWindowLevelReq); if (Success != dixLookupWindow(&pWin, stuff->window, client, DixReadAccess)) return BadValue; if (stuff->level >= AppleWMNumWindowLevels) { return BadValue; } err = appleWMProcs->SetWindowLevel(pWin, stuff->level); if (err != Success) { return err; } return Success; } static int ProcAppleWMSendPSN(register ClientPtr client) { REQUEST(xAppleWMSendPSNReq); int err; REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xAppleWMSendPSNReq); if(!appleWMProcs->SendPSN) return BadRequest; err = appleWMProcs->SendPSN(stuff->psn_hi, stuff->psn_lo); if (err != Success) { return err; } return Success; } static int ProcAppleWMAttachTransient(register ClientPtr client) { WindowPtr pWinChild, pWinParent; REQUEST(xAppleWMAttachTransientReq); int err; REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xAppleWMAttachTransientReq); if(!appleWMProcs->AttachTransient) return BadRequest; if (Success != dixLookupWindow(&pWinChild, stuff->child, client, DixReadAccess)) return BadValue; if(stuff->parent) { if(Success != dixLookupWindow(&pWinParent, stuff->parent, client, DixReadAccess)) return BadValue; } else { pWinParent = NULL; } err = appleWMProcs->AttachTransient(pWinChild, pWinParent); if (err != Success) { return err; } return Success; } static int ProcAppleWMSetCanQuit( register ClientPtr client ) { REQUEST(xAppleWMSetCanQuitReq); REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xAppleWMSetCanQuitReq); X11ApplicationSetCanQuit(stuff->state); return Success; } /* frame functions */ static int ProcAppleWMFrameGetRect( register ClientPtr client ) { xAppleWMFrameGetRectReply rep; BoxRec ir, or, rr; REQUEST(xAppleWMFrameGetRectReq); REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xAppleWMFrameGetRectReq); rep.type = X_Reply; rep.length = 0; rep.sequenceNumber = client->sequence; ir = make_box (stuff->ix, stuff->iy, stuff->iw, stuff->ih); or = make_box (stuff->ox, stuff->oy, stuff->ow, stuff->oh); if (appleWMProcs->FrameGetRect(stuff->frame_rect, stuff->frame_class, &or, &ir, &rr) != Success) { return BadValue; } rep.x = rr.x1; rep.y = rr.y1; rep.w = rr.x2 - rr.x1; rep.h = rr.y2 - rr.y1; WriteToClient(client, sizeof(xAppleWMFrameGetRectReply), (char *)&rep); return Success; } static int ProcAppleWMFrameHitTest( register ClientPtr client ) { xAppleWMFrameHitTestReply rep; BoxRec ir, or; int ret; REQUEST(xAppleWMFrameHitTestReq); REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xAppleWMFrameHitTestReq); rep.type = X_Reply; rep.length = 0; rep.sequenceNumber = client->sequence; ir = make_box (stuff->ix, stuff->iy, stuff->iw, stuff->ih); or = make_box (stuff->ox, stuff->oy, stuff->ow, stuff->oh); if (appleWMProcs->FrameHitTest(stuff->frame_class, stuff->px, stuff->py, &or, &ir, &ret) != Success) { return BadValue; } rep.ret = ret; WriteToClient(client, sizeof(xAppleWMFrameHitTestReply), (char *)&rep); return Success; } static int ProcAppleWMFrameDraw( register ClientPtr client ) { BoxRec ir, or; unsigned int title_length, title_max; unsigned char *title_bytes; REQUEST(xAppleWMFrameDrawReq); WindowPtr pWin; REQUEST_AT_LEAST_SIZE(xAppleWMFrameDrawReq); if (Success != dixLookupWindow(&pWin, stuff->window, client, DixReadAccess)) return BadValue; ir = make_box (stuff->ix, stuff->iy, stuff->iw, stuff->ih); or = make_box (stuff->ox, stuff->oy, stuff->ow, stuff->oh); title_length = stuff->title_length; title_max = (stuff->length << 2) - sizeof(xAppleWMFrameDrawReq); if (title_max < title_length) return BadValue; title_bytes = (unsigned char *) &stuff[1]; errno = appleWMProcs->FrameDraw(pWin, stuff->frame_class, stuff->frame_attr, &or, &ir, title_length, title_bytes); if (errno != Success) { return errno; } return Success; } /* dispatch */ static int ProcAppleWMDispatch ( register ClientPtr client ) { REQUEST(xReq); switch (stuff->data) { case X_AppleWMQueryVersion: return ProcAppleWMQueryVersion(client); } if (!LocalClient(client)) return WMErrorBase + AppleWMClientNotLocal; switch (stuff->data) { case X_AppleWMSelectInput: return ProcAppleWMSelectInput(client); case X_AppleWMDisableUpdate: return ProcAppleWMDisableUpdate(client); case X_AppleWMReenableUpdate: return ProcAppleWMReenableUpdate(client); case X_AppleWMSetWindowMenu: return ProcAppleWMSetWindowMenu(client); case X_AppleWMSetWindowMenuCheck: return ProcAppleWMSetWindowMenuCheck(client); case X_AppleWMSetFrontProcess: return ProcAppleWMSetFrontProcess(client); case X_AppleWMSetWindowLevel: return ProcAppleWMSetWindowLevel(client); case X_AppleWMSetCanQuit: return ProcAppleWMSetCanQuit(client); case X_AppleWMFrameGetRect: return ProcAppleWMFrameGetRect(client); case X_AppleWMFrameHitTest: return ProcAppleWMFrameHitTest(client); case X_AppleWMFrameDraw: return ProcAppleWMFrameDraw(client); case X_AppleWMSendPSN: return ProcAppleWMSendPSN(client); case X_AppleWMAttachTransient: return ProcAppleWMAttachTransient(client); default: return BadRequest; } } static void SNotifyEvent(xAppleWMNotifyEvent *from, xAppleWMNotifyEvent *to) { to->type = from->type; to->kind = from->kind; cpswaps (from->sequenceNumber, to->sequenceNumber); cpswapl (from->time, to->time); cpswapl (from->arg, to->arg); } static int SProcAppleWMQueryVersion( register ClientPtr client ) { REQUEST(xAppleWMQueryVersionReq); swaps(&stuff->length); return ProcAppleWMQueryVersion(client); } static int SProcAppleWMDispatch ( register ClientPtr client ) { REQUEST(xReq); /* It is bound to be non-local when there is byte swapping */ if (!LocalClient(client)) return WMErrorBase + AppleWMClientNotLocal; /* only local clients are allowed WM access */ switch (stuff->data) { case X_AppleWMQueryVersion: return SProcAppleWMQueryVersion(client); default: return BadRequest; } } void AppleWMExtensionInit( AppleWMProcsPtr procsPtr) { ExtensionEntry* extEntry; ClientType = CreateNewResourceType(WMFreeClient, "WMClient"); EventType = CreateNewResourceType(WMFreeEvents, "WMEvent"); eventResource = FakeClientID(0); if (ClientType && EventType && (extEntry = AddExtension(APPLEWMNAME, AppleWMNumberEvents, AppleWMNumberErrors, ProcAppleWMDispatch, SProcAppleWMDispatch, NULL, StandardMinorOpcode))) { WMReqCode = (unsigned char)extEntry->base; WMErrorBase = extEntry->errorBase; WMEventBase = extEntry->eventBase; EventSwapVector[WMEventBase] = (EventSwapPtr) SNotifyEvent; appleWMProcs = procsPtr; } }