/* Copyright (c) 2008-2012 Apple Inc. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person * obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files * (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, * including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, * publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, * and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, * subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND * NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE ABOVE LISTED COPYRIGHT * HOLDER(S) BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER * DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. * * Except as contained in this notice, the name(s) of the above * copyright holders shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to * promote the sale, use or other dealings in this Software without * prior written authorization. */ #include <CoreServices/CoreServices.h> #ifdef HAVE_DIX_CONFIG_H #include <dix-config.h> #endif #include <string.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <errno.h> #include <asl.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <sys/un.h> #define kX11AppBundleId BUNDLE_ID_PREFIX ".X11" #define kX11AppBundlePath "/Contents/MacOS/X11" #include <mach/mach.h> #include <mach/mach_error.h> #include <servers/bootstrap.h> #include "mach_startup.h" #include <signal.h> #include <AvailabilityMacros.h> #include "launchd_fd.h" static char x11_path[PATH_MAX + 1]; static pid_t x11app_pid = 0; aslclient aslc; static void set_x11_path(void) { #if MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED >= 1050 CFURLRef appURL = NULL; OSStatus osstatus = LSFindApplicationForInfo(kLSUnknownCreator, CFSTR( kX11AppBundleId), nil, nil, &appURL); switch (osstatus) { case noErr: if (appURL == NULL) { asl_log( aslc, NULL, ASL_LEVEL_ERR, "Xquartz: Invalid response from LSFindApplicationForInfo(%s)", kX11AppBundleId); exit(1); } if (!CFURLGetFileSystemRepresentation(appURL, true, (unsigned char *)x11_path, sizeof(x11_path))) { asl_log(aslc, NULL, ASL_LEVEL_ERR, "Xquartz: Error resolving URL for %s", kX11AppBundleId); exit(3); } strlcat(x11_path, kX11AppBundlePath, sizeof(x11_path)); asl_log(aslc, NULL, ASL_LEVEL_INFO, "Xquartz: X11.app = %s", x11_path); break; case kLSApplicationNotFoundErr: asl_log(aslc, NULL, ASL_LEVEL_ERR, "Xquartz: Unable to find application for %s", kX11AppBundleId); exit(10); default: asl_log(aslc, NULL, ASL_LEVEL_ERR, "Xquartz: Unable to find application for %s, error code = %d", kX11AppBundleId, (int)osstatus); exit(11); } #else /* TODO: Make Tiger smarter... but TBH, this should never get called on Tiger... */ strlcpy(x11_path, "/Applications/Utilities/X11.app/Contents/MacOS/X11", sizeof(x11_path)); #endif } static int connect_to_socket(const char *filename) { struct sockaddr_un servaddr_un; struct sockaddr *servaddr; socklen_t servaddr_len; int ret_fd; /* Setup servaddr_un */ memset(&servaddr_un, 0, sizeof(struct sockaddr_un)); servaddr_un.sun_family = AF_UNIX; strlcpy(servaddr_un.sun_path, filename, sizeof(servaddr_un.sun_path)); servaddr = (struct sockaddr *)&servaddr_un; servaddr_len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_un) - sizeof(servaddr_un.sun_path) + strlen(filename); ret_fd = socket(PF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (ret_fd == -1) { asl_log(aslc, NULL, ASL_LEVEL_ERR, "Xquartz: Failed to create socket: %s - %s", filename, strerror( errno)); return -1; } if (connect(ret_fd, servaddr, servaddr_len) < 0) { asl_log(aslc, NULL, ASL_LEVEL_ERR, "Xquartz: Failed to connect to socket: %s - %d - %s", filename, errno, strerror( errno)); close(ret_fd); return -1; } return ret_fd; } static void send_fd_handoff(int connected_fd, int launchd_fd) { char databuf[] = "display"; struct iovec iov[1]; union { struct cmsghdr hdr; char bytes[CMSG_SPACE(sizeof(int))]; } buf; struct msghdr msg; struct cmsghdr *cmsg; iov[0].iov_base = databuf; iov[0].iov_len = sizeof(databuf); msg.msg_iov = iov; msg.msg_iovlen = 1; msg.msg_control = buf.bytes; msg.msg_controllen = sizeof(buf); msg.msg_name = 0; msg.msg_namelen = 0; msg.msg_flags = 0; cmsg = CMSG_FIRSTHDR(&msg); cmsg->cmsg_level = SOL_SOCKET; cmsg->cmsg_type = SCM_RIGHTS; cmsg->cmsg_len = CMSG_LEN(sizeof(int)); msg.msg_controllen = cmsg->cmsg_len; *((int *)CMSG_DATA(cmsg)) = launchd_fd; if (sendmsg(connected_fd, &msg, 0) < 0) { asl_log( aslc, NULL, ASL_LEVEL_ERR, "Xquartz: Error sending $DISPLAY file descriptor over fd %d: %d -- %s", connected_fd, errno, strerror(errno)); return; } asl_log(aslc, NULL, ASL_LEVEL_DEBUG, "Xquartz: Message sent. Closing handoff fd."); close(connected_fd); } __attribute__((__noreturn__)) static void signal_handler(int sig) { if (x11app_pid) kill(x11app_pid, sig); _exit(0); } int main(int argc, char **argv, char **envp) { int envpc; kern_return_t kr; mach_port_t mp; string_array_t newenvp; string_array_t newargv; size_t i; int launchd_fd; string_t handoff_socket_filename; sig_t handler; char *asl_sender; char *asl_facility; char *server_bootstrap_name = kX11AppBundleId; if (getenv("X11_PREFS_DOMAIN")) server_bootstrap_name = getenv("X11_PREFS_DOMAIN"); asprintf(&asl_sender, "%s.stub", server_bootstrap_name); assert(asl_sender); asl_facility = strdup(server_bootstrap_name); assert(asl_facility); if (strcmp(asl_facility + strlen(asl_facility) - 4, ".X11") == 0) asl_facility[strlen(asl_facility) - 4] = '\0'; assert(aslc = asl_open(asl_sender, asl_facility, ASL_OPT_NO_DELAY)); free(asl_sender); free(asl_facility); /* We don't have a mechanism in place to handle this interrupt driven * server-start notification, so just send the signal now, so xinit doesn't * time out waiting for it and will just poll for the server. */ handler = signal(SIGUSR1, SIG_IGN); if (handler == SIG_IGN) kill(getppid(), SIGUSR1); signal(SIGUSR1, handler); /* Pass on SIGs to X11.app */ signal(SIGINT, signal_handler); signal(SIGTERM, signal_handler); /* Get the $DISPLAY FD */ launchd_fd = launchd_display_fd(); kr = bootstrap_look_up(bootstrap_port, server_bootstrap_name, &mp); if (kr != KERN_SUCCESS) { pid_t child; asl_log(aslc, NULL, ASL_LEVEL_WARNING, "Xquartz: Unable to locate waiting server: %s", server_bootstrap_name); set_x11_path(); /* This forking is ugly and will be cleaned up later */ child = fork(); if (child == -1) { asl_log(aslc, NULL, ASL_LEVEL_ERR, "Xquartz: Could not fork: %s", strerror( errno)); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if (child == 0) { char *_argv[3]; _argv[0] = x11_path; _argv[1] = "--listenonly"; _argv[2] = NULL; asl_log(aslc, NULL, ASL_LEVEL_NOTICE, "Xquartz: Starting X server: %s --listenonly", x11_path); return execvp(x11_path, _argv); } /* Try connecting for 10 seconds */ for (i = 0; i < 80; i++) { usleep(250000); kr = bootstrap_look_up(bootstrap_port, server_bootstrap_name, &mp); if (kr == KERN_SUCCESS) break; } if (kr != KERN_SUCCESS) { #if MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED >= 1050 asl_log(aslc, NULL, ASL_LEVEL_ERR, "Xquartz: bootstrap_look_up(): %s", bootstrap_strerror( kr)); #else asl_log(aslc, NULL, ASL_LEVEL_ERR, "Xquartz: bootstrap_look_up(): %ul", (unsigned long)kr); #endif return EXIT_FAILURE; } } /* Get X11.app's pid */ request_pid(mp, &x11app_pid); /* Handoff the $DISPLAY FD */ if (launchd_fd != -1) { size_t try, try_max; int handoff_fd = -1; for (try = 0, try_max = 5; try < try_max; try++) { if (request_fd_handoff_socket(mp, handoff_socket_filename) != KERN_SUCCESS) { asl_log( aslc, NULL, ASL_LEVEL_INFO, "Xquartz: Failed to request a socket from the server to send the $DISPLAY fd over (try %d of %d)", (int)try + 1, (int)try_max); continue; } handoff_fd = connect_to_socket(handoff_socket_filename); if (handoff_fd == -1) { asl_log(aslc, NULL, ASL_LEVEL_ERR, "Xquartz: Failed to connect to socket (try %d of %d)", (int)try + 1, (int)try_max); continue; } asl_log( aslc, NULL, ASL_LEVEL_INFO, "Xquartz: Handoff connection established (try %d of %d) on fd %d, \"%s\". Sending message.", (int)try + 1, (int)try_max, handoff_fd, handoff_socket_filename); send_fd_handoff(handoff_fd, launchd_fd); close(handoff_fd); break; } } /* Count envp */ for (envpc = 0; envp[envpc]; envpc++) ; /* We have fixed-size string lengths due to limitations in IPC, * so we need to copy our argv and envp. */ newargv = (string_array_t)calloc((1 + argc), sizeof(string_t)); newenvp = (string_array_t)calloc((1 + envpc), sizeof(string_t)); if (!newargv || !newenvp) { asl_log(aslc, NULL, ASL_LEVEL_ERR, "Xquartz: Memory allocation failure"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) { strlcpy(newargv[i], argv[i], STRING_T_SIZE); } for (i = 0; i < envpc; i++) { strlcpy(newenvp[i], envp[i], STRING_T_SIZE); } kr = start_x11_server(mp, newargv, argc, newenvp, envpc); free(newargv); free(newenvp); if (kr != KERN_SUCCESS) { asl_log(aslc, NULL, ASL_LEVEL_ERR, "Xquartz: start_x11_server: %s", mach_error_string( kr)); return EXIT_FAILURE; } return EXIT_SUCCESS; }