/* * Xplugin rootless implementation frame functions * * Copyright (c) 2002 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 2003 Torrey T. Lyons. All Rights Reserved. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL * THE ABOVE LISTED COPYRIGHT HOLDER(S) BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR * OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, * ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER * DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. * * Except as contained in this notice, the name(s) of the above copyright * holders shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, * use or other dealings in this Software without prior written authorization. */ #ifdef HAVE_DIX_CONFIG_H #include <dix-config.h> #endif #include "xpr.h" #include "rootlessCommon.h" #include <Xplugin.h> #include "x-hash.h" #include "x-list.h" #include "applewmExt.h" #include "propertyst.h" #include "dix.h" #include <X11/Xatom.h> #include "windowstr.h" #include "quartz.h" #include "threadSafety.h" #include <pthread.h> #define DEFINE_ATOM_HELPER(func,atom_name) \ static Atom func (void) { \ static int generation; \ static Atom atom; \ if (generation != serverGeneration) { \ generation = serverGeneration; \ atom = MakeAtom (atom_name, strlen (atom_name), TRUE); \ } \ return atom; \ } DEFINE_ATOM_HELPER(xa_native_window_id, "_NATIVE_WINDOW_ID") /* Maps xp_window_id -> RootlessWindowRec */ static x_hash_table *window_hash; static pthread_mutex_t window_hash_mutex; /* Prototypes for static functions */ static Bool xprCreateFrame(RootlessWindowPtr pFrame, ScreenPtr pScreen, int newX, int newY, RegionPtr pShape); static void xprDestroyFrame(RootlessFrameID wid); static void xprMoveFrame(RootlessFrameID wid, ScreenPtr pScreen, int newX, int newY); static void xprResizeFrame(RootlessFrameID wid, ScreenPtr pScreen, int newX, int newY, unsigned int newW, unsigned int newH, unsigned int gravity); static void xprRestackFrame(RootlessFrameID wid, RootlessFrameID nextWid); static void xprReshapeFrame(RootlessFrameID wid, RegionPtr pShape); static void xprUnmapFrame(RootlessFrameID wid); static void xprStartDrawing(RootlessFrameID wid, char **pixelData, int *bytesPerRow); static void xprStopDrawing(RootlessFrameID wid, Bool flush); static void xprUpdateRegion(RootlessFrameID wid, RegionPtr pDamage); static void xprDamageRects(RootlessFrameID wid, int nrects, const BoxRec *rects, int shift_x, int shift_y); static void xprSwitchWindow(RootlessWindowPtr pFrame, WindowPtr oldWin); static Bool xprDoReorderWindow(RootlessWindowPtr pFrame); static void xprHideWindow(RootlessFrameID wid); static void xprUpdateColormap(RootlessFrameID wid, ScreenPtr pScreen); static void xprCopyWindow(RootlessFrameID wid, int dstNrects, const BoxRec *dstRects, int dx, int dy); static inline xp_error xprConfigureWindow(xp_window_id id, unsigned int mask, const xp_window_changes *values) { TA_SERVER(); return xp_configure_window(id, mask, values); } static void xprSetNativeProperty(RootlessWindowPtr pFrame) { xp_error err; unsigned int native_id; long data; TA_SERVER(); err = xp_get_native_window(x_cvt_vptr_to_uint(pFrame->wid), &native_id); if (err == Success) { /* FIXME: move this to AppleWM extension */ data = native_id; dixChangeWindowProperty(serverClient, pFrame->win, xa_native_window_id(), XA_INTEGER, 32, PropModeReplace, 1, &data, TRUE); } } static xp_error xprColormapCallback(void *data, int first_color, int n_colors, uint32_t *colors) { return (RootlessResolveColormap (data, first_color, n_colors, colors) ? XP_Success : XP_BadMatch); } /* * Create and display a new frame. */ static Bool xprCreateFrame(RootlessWindowPtr pFrame, ScreenPtr pScreen, int newX, int newY, RegionPtr pShape) { WindowPtr pWin = pFrame->win; xp_window_changes wc; unsigned int mask = 0; xp_error err; TA_SERVER(); wc.x = newX; wc.y = newY; wc.width = pFrame->width; wc.height = pFrame->height; wc.bit_gravity = XP_GRAVITY_NONE; mask |= XP_BOUNDS; if (pWin->drawable.depth == 8) { wc.depth = XP_DEPTH_INDEX8; wc.colormap = xprColormapCallback; wc.colormap_data = pScreen; mask |= XP_COLORMAP; } else if (pWin->drawable.depth == 15) wc.depth = XP_DEPTH_RGB555; else if (pWin->drawable.depth == 24) wc.depth = XP_DEPTH_ARGB8888; else wc.depth = XP_DEPTH_NIL; mask |= XP_DEPTH; if (pShape != NULL) { wc.shape_nrects = RegionNumRects(pShape); wc.shape_rects = RegionRects(pShape); wc.shape_tx = wc.shape_ty = 0; mask |= XP_SHAPE; } pFrame->level = !IsRoot (pWin) ? AppleWMWindowLevelNormal : AppleWMNumWindowLevels; if(quartzEnableRootless) wc.window_level = normal_window_levels[pFrame->level]; else wc.window_level = rooted_window_levels[pFrame->level]; mask |= XP_WINDOW_LEVEL; err = xp_create_window(mask, &wc, (xp_window_id *) &pFrame->wid); if (err != Success) { return FALSE; } if (window_hash == NULL) { window_hash = x_hash_table_new(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); pthread_mutex_init(&window_hash_mutex, NULL); } pthread_mutex_lock(&window_hash_mutex); x_hash_table_insert(window_hash, pFrame->wid, pFrame); pthread_mutex_unlock(&window_hash_mutex); xprSetNativeProperty(pFrame); return TRUE; } /* * Destroy a frame. */ static void xprDestroyFrame(RootlessFrameID wid) { TA_SERVER(); pthread_mutex_lock(&window_hash_mutex); x_hash_table_remove(window_hash, wid); pthread_mutex_unlock(&window_hash_mutex); xp_destroy_window(x_cvt_vptr_to_uint(wid)); } /* * Move a frame on screen. */ static void xprMoveFrame(RootlessFrameID wid, ScreenPtr pScreen, int newX, int newY) { xp_window_changes wc; TA_SERVER(); wc.x = newX; wc.y = newY; // ErrorF("xprMoveFrame(%d, %p, %d, %d)\n", wid, pScreen, newX, newY); xprConfigureWindow(x_cvt_vptr_to_uint(wid), XP_ORIGIN, &wc); } /* * Resize and move a frame. */ static void xprResizeFrame(RootlessFrameID wid, ScreenPtr pScreen, int newX, int newY, unsigned int newW, unsigned int newH, unsigned int gravity) { xp_window_changes wc; TA_SERVER(); wc.x = newX; wc.y = newY; wc.width = newW; wc.height = newH; wc.bit_gravity = gravity; /* It's unlikely that being async will save us anything here. But it can't hurt. */ xprConfigureWindow(x_cvt_vptr_to_uint(wid), XP_BOUNDS, &wc); } /* * Change frame stacking. */ static void xprRestackFrame(RootlessFrameID wid, RootlessFrameID nextWid) { xp_window_changes wc; unsigned int mask = XP_STACKING; TA_SERVER(); /* Stack frame below nextWid it if it exists, or raise frame above everything otherwise. */ if(nextWid == NULL) { wc.stack_mode = XP_MAPPED_ABOVE; wc.sibling = 0; } else { wc.stack_mode = XP_MAPPED_BELOW; wc.sibling = x_cvt_vptr_to_uint(nextWid); } if(window_hash) { RootlessWindowRec *winRec = x_hash_table_lookup(window_hash, wid, NULL); if(winRec) { if(quartzEnableRootless) wc.window_level = normal_window_levels[winRec->level]; else wc.window_level = rooted_window_levels[winRec->level]; mask |= XP_WINDOW_LEVEL; } } xprConfigureWindow(x_cvt_vptr_to_uint(wid), mask, &wc); } /* * Change the frame's shape. */ static void xprReshapeFrame(RootlessFrameID wid, RegionPtr pShape) { xp_window_changes wc; TA_SERVER(); if (pShape != NULL) { wc.shape_nrects = RegionNumRects(pShape); wc.shape_rects = RegionRects(pShape); } else { wc.shape_nrects = -1; wc.shape_rects = NULL; } wc.shape_tx = wc.shape_ty = 0; xprConfigureWindow(x_cvt_vptr_to_uint(wid), XP_SHAPE, &wc); } /* * Unmap a frame. */ static void xprUnmapFrame(RootlessFrameID wid) { xp_window_changes wc; TA_SERVER(); wc.stack_mode = XP_UNMAPPED; wc.sibling = 0; xprConfigureWindow(x_cvt_vptr_to_uint(wid), XP_STACKING, &wc); } /* * Start drawing to a frame. * Prepare for direct access to its backing buffer. */ static void xprStartDrawing(RootlessFrameID wid, char **pixelData, int *bytesPerRow) { void *data[2]; unsigned int rowbytes[2]; xp_error err; TA_SERVER(); err = xp_lock_window(x_cvt_vptr_to_uint(wid), NULL, NULL, data, rowbytes, NULL); if (err != Success) FatalError("Could not lock window %i for drawing.", (int)x_cvt_vptr_to_uint(wid)); *pixelData = data[0]; *bytesPerRow = rowbytes[0]; } /* * Stop drawing to a frame. */ static void xprStopDrawing(RootlessFrameID wid, Bool flush) { TA_SERVER(); xp_unlock_window(x_cvt_vptr_to_uint(wid), flush); } /* * Flush drawing updates to the screen. */ static void xprUpdateRegion(RootlessFrameID wid, RegionPtr pDamage) { TA_SERVER(); xp_flush_window(x_cvt_vptr_to_uint(wid)); } /* * Mark damaged rectangles as requiring redisplay to screen. */ static void xprDamageRects(RootlessFrameID wid, int nrects, const BoxRec *rects, int shift_x, int shift_y) { TA_SERVER(); xp_mark_window(x_cvt_vptr_to_uint(wid), nrects, rects, shift_x, shift_y); } /* * Called after the window associated with a frame has been switched * to a new top-level parent. */ static void xprSwitchWindow(RootlessWindowPtr pFrame, WindowPtr oldWin) { DeleteProperty(serverClient, oldWin, xa_native_window_id()); TA_SERVER(); xprSetNativeProperty(pFrame); } /* * Called to check if the frame should be reordered when it is restacked. */ static Bool xprDoReorderWindow(RootlessWindowPtr pFrame) { WindowPtr pWin = pFrame->win; TA_SERVER(); return AppleWMDoReorderWindow(pWin); } /* * Copy area in frame to another part of frame. * Used to accelerate scrolling. */ static void xprCopyWindow(RootlessFrameID wid, int dstNrects, const BoxRec *dstRects, int dx, int dy) { TA_SERVER(); xp_copy_window(x_cvt_vptr_to_uint(wid), x_cvt_vptr_to_uint(wid), dstNrects, dstRects, dx, dy); } static RootlessFrameProcsRec xprRootlessProcs = { xprCreateFrame, xprDestroyFrame, xprMoveFrame, xprResizeFrame, xprRestackFrame, xprReshapeFrame, xprUnmapFrame, xprStartDrawing, xprStopDrawing, xprUpdateRegion, xprDamageRects, xprSwitchWindow, xprDoReorderWindow, xprHideWindow, xprUpdateColormap, xp_copy_bytes, xp_fill_bytes, xp_composite_pixels, xprCopyWindow }; /* * Initialize XPR implementation */ Bool xprInit(ScreenPtr pScreen) { RootlessInit(pScreen, &xprRootlessProcs); TA_SERVER(); rootless_CopyBytes_threshold = xp_copy_bytes_threshold; rootless_FillBytes_threshold = xp_fill_bytes_threshold; rootless_CompositePixels_threshold = xp_composite_area_threshold; rootless_CopyWindow_threshold = xp_scroll_area_threshold; return TRUE; } /* * Given the id of a physical window, try to find the top-level (or root) * X window that it represents. */ WindowPtr xprGetXWindow(xp_window_id wid) { RootlessWindowRec *winRec; if (window_hash == NULL) return NULL; winRec = x_hash_table_lookup(window_hash, x_cvt_uint_to_vptr(wid), NULL); return winRec != NULL ? winRec->win : NULL; } #ifdef UNUSED_CODE /* * Given the id of a physical window, try to find the top-level (or root) * X window that it represents. */ WindowPtr xprGetXWindowFromAppKit(int windowNumber) { RootlessWindowRec *winRec; Bool ret; xp_window_id wid; if (window_hash == NULL) return FALSE; /* need to lock, since this function can be called by any thread */ pthread_mutex_lock(&window_hash_mutex); if (xp_lookup_native_window(windowNumber, &wid)) ret = xprGetXWindow(wid) != NULL; else ret = FALSE; pthread_mutex_unlock(&window_hash_mutex); if (!ret) return NULL; winRec = x_hash_table_lookup(window_hash, x_cvt_uint_to_vptr(wid), NULL); return winRec != NULL ? winRec->win : NULL; } #endif /* * The windowNumber is an AppKit window number. Returns TRUE if xpr is * displaying a window with that number. */ Bool xprIsX11Window(void *nsWindow, int windowNumber) { Bool ret; xp_window_id wid; if (window_hash == NULL) return FALSE; /* need to lock, since this function can be called by any thread */ pthread_mutex_lock(&window_hash_mutex); if (xp_lookup_native_window(windowNumber, &wid)) ret = xprGetXWindow(wid) != NULL; else ret = FALSE; pthread_mutex_unlock(&window_hash_mutex); return ret; } /* * xprHideWindows * Hide or unhide all top level windows. This is called for application hide/ * unhide events if the window manager is not Apple-WM aware. Xplugin windows * do not hide or unhide themselves. */ void xprHideWindows(Bool hide) { int screen; WindowPtr pRoot, pWin; TA_SERVER(); for (screen = 0; screen < screenInfo.numScreens; screen++) { RootlessFrameID prevWid = NULL; pRoot = screenInfo.screens[screen]->root; for (pWin = pRoot->firstChild; pWin; pWin = pWin->nextSib) { RootlessWindowRec *winRec = WINREC(pWin); if (winRec != NULL) { if (hide) { xprUnmapFrame(winRec->wid); } else { BoxRec box; xprRestackFrame(winRec->wid, prevWid); prevWid = winRec->wid; box.x1 = 0; box.y1 = 0; box.x2 = winRec->width; box.y2 = winRec->height; xprDamageRects(winRec->wid, 1, &box, 0, 0); RootlessQueueRedisplay(screenInfo.screens[screen]); } } } } } // XXX: identical to x_cvt_vptr_to_uint ? #define MAKE_WINDOW_ID(x) ((xp_window_id)((size_t)(x))) Bool no_configure_window; static inline int configure_window (xp_window_id id, unsigned int mask, const xp_window_changes *values) { if (!no_configure_window) return xp_configure_window (id, mask, values); else return XP_Success; } static void xprUpdateColormap(RootlessFrameID wid, ScreenPtr pScreen) { /* This is how we tell xp that the colormap may have changed. */ xp_window_changes wc; wc.colormap = xprColormapCallback; wc.colormap_data = pScreen; configure_window(MAKE_WINDOW_ID(wid), XP_COLORMAP, &wc); } static void xprHideWindow(RootlessFrameID wid) { xp_window_changes wc; wc.stack_mode = XP_UNMAPPED; wc.sibling = 0; configure_window(MAKE_WINDOW_ID(wid), XP_STACKING, &wc); }