.TH XWIN __filemansuffix__ __vendorversion__ .SH NAME XWinrc\- XWin Server Resource Configuration File. .SH DESCRIPTION The X Server for the X Window System on the Cygwin/X environment running on Microsoft Windows, \fIXWin\fP can be optionally configured with the \fIXWinrc\fP file. A system-wide configuration file should be placed in \fI __sysconfdir__/X11/system.XWinrc\fP, a per-user file should be put at \fI$HOME/.XWinrc\fP. The \fIsystem.XWinrc\fP file is read only if no \fI$HOME/.XWinrc\fP exist. .PP With the \fI.XWinrc\fP configuration file it is possible to do the following: .PP 1- To include items into the menu associated with the \fIXWin\fP icon which is in the \fIWindows\fP system tray. This feature functions in all XWin modes that have such tray icon. .PP 2- To include items into the menu which is associated with the \fIWindows\fP window that \fIXWin -multiwindow\fP produces for each top-level X-window. That can be done both for the generic case and for particular programs. .PP 3- To change the icon that is associated to the \fIWindows\fP window that \fIXWin -multiwindow\fP produces for each top-level X-window. Again, that can be done both for the generic case and for particular programs. The new icons associated should be \fIWindows\fP format icons \fI.ico\fP. .PP 4- To change the style that is associated to the \fIWindows\fP window that \fI-multiwindow\fP produces for each top-level X window. Again, that can be done both for the generic case and for particular programs. .SH FILE FORMAT .B Keywords are case insensitive, but in this document they will be written completely capitalized. .PP .B Comments are legal pretty much anywhere you can have an end-of-line; they begin with "#" or "//" and go to the end-of-line. .PP Quote marks in strings are optional unless the string has included spaces, or could be parsed, ambiguously, as a misplaced keyword. .PP There are four kinds of instructions: miscellaneous, menu, icon and style. .SH Miscellaneous instruction .TP 8 .B DEBUG \fIString\fP The \fIString\fP is printed to the XWin log file. .TP 8 .B TRAYICON \fIicon-specifier\fB The \fBTRAYICON\fP keyword changes the icon \fIXWin\fP displays in the system tray area. .TP 8 .B SILENTEXIT The \fBSILENTEXIT\fP keyword, which takes no parameters, disables the exit confirmation dialog if no clients are connected. .TP 8 .B FORCEEXIT The \fBFORCEEXIT\fP keyword, which takes no parameters, disables the exit confirmation dialog always. Unsaved client work may be lost but this may be useful if you want no dialogs. .SH Menu instructions .TP 8 .B MENU \fIMenu_Name\fP { .br .B \fIMenu_Item_Line\fP .br .B \fIMenu_Item_Line\fP .br .B \fI...\fP .br .B } .br This instruction defines a menu and asigns a \fIMenu_Name\fP to it. \fIMenu_Item_Line\fP are lines of any of the following types: .TP 8 .B \t SEPARATOR .TP 8 .B \t \fIItem_Label\fP EXEC \fICommand\fP .TP 8 .B \t \fIItem_Label\fP MENU \fIpreviously-defined-menu-name\fP .TP 8 .B \t \fIItem_Label\fP ALWAYSONTOP .TP 8 .B \t \fIItem_Label\fP RELOAD .br The \fIItem_Label\fP is the string that is written in the menu item. .br \fICommand\fP is a string with the command that will be executed by /bin/sh. Here paths should be \fICYGWIN\fP style (e.g. /usr/local/bin/myprogram). A string "%display%" appearing in the \fICommand\fP will be replaced with the proper display variable (i.e.<display>.0). .br \fBALWAYSONTOP\fP sets the window to which the menu is associated to display above all others. .br \fBRELOAD\fP causes the XWinrc file to be reloaded and icons and menus regenerated. .TP 8 .B ROOTMENU \fIpreviously-defined-menu-name\fP Includes the items in the indicated menu into the menu associated with \fIXWin\fP that appears in the system tray. .TP 8 .B DEFAULTSYSMENU \fIpreviously-defined-menu-name\fP ATSTART|ATEND Includes the items in the indicated menu into the menu associated with generic top-level X-Windows in the \fIXWin\fP \fImultiwindow\fP mode. The keywords \fBATSTART\fP and \fBATEND\fP indicate if such items should be included at the start or at the end of the menu. .TP 8 .B SYSMENU { \fIclass-or-name-of-window\fP \fIdefined-menu-name\fP \fBATSTART|ATEND\fP .br \fI...\fP .br \fB}\fP .br Associates a specific menu to a specified window class or name in \fI-multiwindow\fP mode. The keywords ATSTART or ATEND indicate if such items should be included at the start or at the end of the menu. .SH Icon Instructions When specifying an \fIicon-file\fP in the following commands several different formats are allowed: .br \fB"NAME.ICO"\fP\fI of an .ico format file\fP .br \t \t ("cygwin.ico", "apple.ico") .br \fB"NAME.DLL,nn"\fP\fI of a .DLL and icon index\fP .br \t \t ("c:\\windows\\system32\\shell32.dll,4" is the default folder icon) .br \fB",nnn"\fP\fI index into XWin.EXE internal ICON resources\fP .br \t \t (",101" is the 1st icon inside \fIXWin.EXE\fP) .TP 8 .B ICONDIRECTORY \fIWindows-path-to-icon-directory\fP Defines the default directory to search for \ficon-file\fP files. It should be a \fIWindows\fP style path (e.g. C:\\cygwin\\usr\\local\\icons). .TP 8 .B DEFAULTICON \fIicon-file\fP Defines a replacement for the standard X icon for applications without specified icons. .TP 8 .B ICONS { .br \fIclass-or-name-of-window\fP \fIicon-file\fP .br \fI...\fP .br \fB}\fP .br Defines icon replacements windows matching the specified window class or names. If multiple name or class matches occur for a window, only the first one will be used. .SH Style Instructions .TP 8 .B STYLES { \fIclass-or-name-of-window\fP \fIstyle-keyword-1\fP \fIstyle-keyword-2\fP .br \fI...\fP .br \fB}\fP Associates specific styles to a specified window class or name in \fI-multiwindow\fP mode. If multiple class or name matches occur, for a window, only the first one will be used. The style keywords indicate the following: \fIstyle-keyword-1\fP \fBTOPMOST\fP .br Open the class or name above all NOTOPMOST Microsoft Windows .br \fBMAXIMIZE\fP .br Start the class or name fullscreen. .br \fBMINIMIZE\fP .br Start the class or name iconic. .br \fBBOTTOM\fP .br Open the class or name below all Windows windows. .br \fIstyle-keyword-2\fP \fBNOTITLE\fP .br No Windows title bar, for the class or name. .br \fBOUTLINE\fP .br No Windows title bar and just a thin-line border, for the class or name. .br \fBNOFRAME\fP .br No Windows title bar or border, for the class or name. One keyword in \fIstyle-keyword-1\fP can be used with one keyword in \fIstyle-keyword-2\fP, or any keyword can be used singly. .SH EXAMPLE .TP 8 This example adds an Xterm menu item to the system tray icon \fBMENU systray { .br \t xterm EXEC "xterm -display %display% -sb -sl 999" .br \t SEPARATOR .br } .br ROOTMENU systray \fP .TP 8 This example makes an oclock window frameless in \fI-multiwindow\fP mode \fBSTYLES { .br \t oclock NOFRAME .br } .SH "SEE ALSO" XWin(1) .SH AUTHOR The XWinrc feature of XWin was written primarily by Earle F. Philhower III. Extended for style configuration by Colin Harrison.