# wglext.spec file # DON'T REMOVE PREVIOUS LINE!!! libspec depends on it! # THIS FILE IS OBSOLETE. Please migrate away from using the # ".spec" files to the XML Registry. See # http://www.opengl.org/registry/api/README.txt # for more information. # Copyright (c) 1991-2002 Silicon Graphics, Inc. All Rights Reserved. # Copyright (c) 2006-2013 The Khronos Group, Inc. # # This document is licensed under the SGI Free Software B License Version # 2.0. For details, see http://oss.sgi.com/projects/FreeB/ . # # $Revision: 21963 $ on $Date: 2013-06-13 02:52:31 -0700 (Thu, 13 Jun 2013) $ required-props: param: retval retained category: wgl ARB_buffer_region ARB_extensions_string ARB_pixel_format ARB_make_current_read ARB_pbuffer ARB_render_texture ARB_pixel_format_float EXT_display_color_table EXT_extensions_string EXT_make_current_read EXT_pbuffer EXT_pixel_format EXT_swap_control OML_sync_control I3D_digital_video_control I3D_gamma I3D_genlock I3D_image_buffer I3D_swap_frame_lock I3D_swap_frame_usage NV_vertex_array_range 3DL_stereo_control NV_swap_group NV_video_output NV_present_video ARB_create_context NV_gpu_affinity AMD_gpu_association NV_video_capture NV_copy_image ARB_framebuffer_sRGB NV_DX_interop # required-props in wgl.spec (which is not used for anything): # dlflags: notlistable handcode # wglflags: client-handcode server-handcode non-dispatch # # Boilerplate to define types used by some extensions. This is done # up front, since it involves some complexities in protecting # the declarations whether or not the -protect flag is given to # the generator scripts. # passthru: #ifndef WGL_ARB_pbuffer passthru: DECLARE_HANDLE(HPBUFFERARB); passthru: #endif passthru: #ifndef WGL_EXT_pbuffer passthru: DECLARE_HANDLE(HPBUFFEREXT); passthru: #endif passthru: #ifndef WGL_NV_present_video passthru: DECLARE_HANDLE(HVIDEOOUTPUTDEVICENV); passthru: #endif passthru: #ifndef WGL_NV_video_output passthru: DECLARE_HANDLE(HPVIDEODEV); passthru: #endif passthru: #ifndef WGL_NV_gpu_affinity passthru: DECLARE_HANDLE(HPGPUNV); passthru: DECLARE_HANDLE(HGPUNV); passthru: passthru: typedef struct _GPU_DEVICE { passthru: DWORD cb; passthru: CHAR DeviceName[32]; passthru: CHAR DeviceString[128]; passthru: DWORD Flags; passthru: RECT rcVirtualScreen; passthru: } GPU_DEVICE, *PGPU_DEVICE; passthru: #endif passthru: #ifndef WGL_NV_video_capture passthru: DECLARE_HANDLE(HVIDEOINPUTDEVICENV); passthru: #endif passthru: ############################################################################### # # ARB Extension #4 # ARB_buffer_region commands # ############################################################################### CreateBufferRegionARB(hDC, iLayerPlane, uType) return HANDLE param hDC HDC in value param iLayerPlane int in value param uType UINT in value category ARB_buffer_region DeleteBufferRegionARB(hRegion) return VOID param hRegion HANDLE in value category ARB_buffer_region SaveBufferRegionARB(hRegion, x, y, width, height) return BOOL param hRegion HANDLE in value param x int in value param y int in value param width int in value param height int in value category ARB_buffer_region RestoreBufferRegionARB(hRegion, x, y, width, height, xSrc, ySrc) return BOOL param hRegion HANDLE in value param x int in value param y int in value param width int in value param height int in value param xSrc int in value param ySrc int in value category ARB_buffer_region ############################################################################### # # ARB Extension #5 # ARB_multisample commands # ############################################################################### # (none) newcategory: ARB_multisample ############################################################################### # # ARB Extension #8 # ARB_extensions_string commands # ############################################################################### GetExtensionsStringARB(hdc) return String param hdc HDC in value category ARB_extensions_string ############################################################################### # # ARB Extension #9 # ARB_pixel_format commands # ############################################################################### GetPixelFormatAttribivARB(hdc, iPixelFormat, iLayerPlane, nAttributes, piAttributes, piValues) return BOOL param hdc HDC in value param iPixelFormat int in value param iLayerPlane int in value param nAttributes UINT in value param piAttributes int in array [nAttributes] param piValues int out array [nAttributes] category ARB_pixel_format GetPixelFormatAttribfvARB(hdc, iPixelFormat, iLayerPlane, nAttributes, piAttributes, pfValues) return BOOL param hdc HDC in value param iPixelFormat int in value param iLayerPlane int in value param nAttributes UINT in value param piAttributes int in array [nAttributes] param pfValues FLOAT out array [nAttributes] category ARB_pixel_format ChoosePixelFormatARB(hdc, piAttribIList, pfAttribFList, nMaxFormats, piFormats, nNumFormats) return BOOL param hdc HDC in value param piAttribIList int in array [COMPSIZE()] param pfAttribFList FLOAT in array [COMPSIZE()] param nMaxFormats UINT in value param piFormats int out array [COMPSIZE(nNumFormats)] param nNumFormats UINT out reference category ARB_pixel_format ############################################################################### # # ARB Extension #10 # ARB_make_current_read commands # ############################################################################### MakeContextCurrentARB(hDrawDC, hReadDC, hglrc) return BOOL param hDrawDC HDC in value param hReadDC HDC in value param hglrc HGLRC in value category ARB_make_current_read GetCurrentReadDCARB() return HDC category ARB_make_current_read ############################################################################### # # ARB Extension #11 # ARB_pbuffer commands # ############################################################################### CreatePbufferARB(hDC, iPixelFormat, iWidth, iHeight, piAttribList) return HPBUFFERARB param hDC HDC in value param iPixelFormat int in value param iWidth int in value param iHeight int in value param piAttribList int in array [COMPSIZE()] category ARB_pbuffer GetPbufferDCARB(hPbuffer) return HDC param hPbuffer HPBUFFERARB in value category ARB_pbuffer ReleasePbufferDCARB(hPbuffer, hDC) return int param hPbuffer HPBUFFERARB in value param hDC HDC in value category ARB_pbuffer DestroyPbufferARB(hPbuffer) return BOOL param hPbuffer HPBUFFERARB in value category ARB_pbuffer QueryPbufferARB(hPbuffer, iAttribute, piValue) return BOOL param hPbuffer HPBUFFERARB in value param iAttribute int in value param piValue int out reference category ARB_pbuffer ############################################################################### # # ARB Extension #20 # ARB_render_texture commands # ############################################################################### BindTexImageARB(hPbuffer, iBuffer) return BOOL param hPbuffer HPBUFFERARB in value param iBuffer int in value category ARB_render_texture ReleaseTexImageARB(hPbuffer, iBuffer) return BOOL param hPbuffer HPBUFFERARB in value param iBuffer int in value category ARB_render_texture SetPbufferAttribARB(hPbuffer, piAttribList) return BOOL param hPbuffer HPBUFFERARB in value param piAttribList int in array [COMPSIZE()] category ARB_render_texture ############################################################################### # # ARB Extension #39 # ARB_pixel_format_float commands # ############################################################################### # (none) newcategory: ARB_pixel_format_float ############################################################################### # # ARB Extension #46 # ARB_framebuffer_sRGB commands # ############################################################################### # (none) newcategory: ARB_framebuffer_sRGB ############################################################################### # # ARB Extension #55 # ARB_create_context commands # ############################################################################### CreateContextAttribsARB(hDC, hShareContext, attribList) return HGLRC param hDC HDC in value param hShareContext HGLRC in value param attribList int in array [COMPSIZE()] category ARB_create_context ############################################################################### # # ARB Extension #74 # ARB_create_context_profile commands # ############################################################################### # (none) newcategory: ARB_create_context_profile ############################################################################### # # ARB Extension #102 # ARB_create_context_robustness commands # ############################################################################### # (none) newcategory: ARB_create_context_robustness ############################################################################### # # Extension #167 # EXT_display_color_table commands # ############################################################################### CreateDisplayColorTableEXT(id) return GLboolean param id GLushort in value category EXT_display_color_table LoadDisplayColorTableEXT(table, length) return GLboolean param table GLushort in array [length] param length GLuint in value category EXT_display_color_table BindDisplayColorTableEXT(id) return GLboolean param id GLushort in value category EXT_display_color_table DestroyDisplayColorTableEXT(id) return VOID param id GLushort in value category EXT_display_color_table ############################################################################### # # Extension #168 # EXT_extensions_string commands # ############################################################################### GetExtensionsStringEXT() return String category EXT_extensions_string ############################################################################### # # Extension #169 # EXT_make_current_read commands # ############################################################################### MakeContextCurrentEXT(hDrawDC, hReadDC, hglrc) return BOOL param hDrawDC HDC in value param hReadDC HDC in value param hglrc HGLRC in value category EXT_make_current_read GetCurrentReadDCEXT() return HDC category EXT_make_current_read ############################################################################### # # Extension #171 # EXT_pbuffer commands # ############################################################################### CreatePbufferEXT(hDC, iPixelFormat, iWidth, iHeight, piAttribList) return HPBUFFEREXT param hDC HDC in value param iPixelFormat int in value param iWidth int in value param iHeight int in value param piAttribList int in array [COMPSIZE()] category EXT_pbuffer GetPbufferDCEXT(hPbuffer) return HDC param hPbuffer HPBUFFEREXT in value category EXT_pbuffer ReleasePbufferDCEXT(hPbuffer, hDC) return int param hPbuffer HPBUFFEREXT in value param hDC HDC in value category EXT_pbuffer DestroyPbufferEXT(hPbuffer) return BOOL param hPbuffer HPBUFFEREXT in value category EXT_pbuffer QueryPbufferEXT(hPbuffer, iAttribute, piValue) return BOOL param hPbuffer HPBUFFEREXT in value param iAttribute int in value param piValue int out reference category EXT_pbuffer ############################################################################### # # Extension #170 # EXT_pixel_format commands # ############################################################################### GetPixelFormatAttribivEXT(hdc, iPixelFormat, iLayerPlane, nAttributes, piAttributes, piValues) return BOOL param hdc HDC in value param iPixelFormat int in value param iLayerPlane int in value param nAttributes UINT in value param piAttributes int out array [nAttributes] param piValues int out array [nAttributes] category EXT_pixel_format GetPixelFormatAttribfvEXT(hdc, iPixelFormat, iLayerPlane, nAttributes, piAttributes, pfValues) return BOOL param hdc HDC in value param iPixelFormat int in value param iLayerPlane int in value param nAttributes UINT in value param piAttributes int out array [nAttributes] param pfValues FLOAT out array [nAttributes] category EXT_pixel_format ChoosePixelFormatEXT(hdc, piAttribIList, pfAttribFList, nMaxFormats, piFormats, nNumFormats) return BOOL param hdc HDC in value param piAttribIList int in array [COMPSIZE()] param pfAttribFList FLOAT in array [COMPSIZE()] param nMaxFormats UINT in value param piFormats int out array [COMPSIZE(nNumFormats)] param nNumFormats UINT out reference category EXT_pixel_format ############################################################################### # # Extension #172 # EXT_swap_control commands # ############################################################################### SwapIntervalEXT(interval) return BOOL param interval int in value category EXT_swap_control GetSwapIntervalEXT() return int category EXT_swap_control ############################################################################### # # Extension #177 # EXT_depth_float commands # ############################################################################### # (none) newcategory: EXT_depth_float ############################################################################### # # Extension #190 # NV_vertex_array_range commands # ############################################################################### AllocateMemoryNV(size, readfreq, writefreq, priority) return VoidPointer param size GLsizei in value param readfreq GLfloat in value param writefreq GLfloat in value param priority GLfloat in value category NV_vertex_array_range FreeMemoryNV(pointer) return void param pointer void out array [1] category NV_vertex_array_range ############################################################################### # # Extension #207 # 3DFX_multisample commands # ############################################################################### # (none) newcategory: 3DFX_multisample ############################################################################### # # Extension #209 # EXT_multisample commands # ############################################################################### # (none) newcategory: EXT_multisample ############################################################################### # # Extension #242 # OML_sync_control commands # ############################################################################### GetSyncValuesOML(hdc, ust, msc, sbc) return BOOL param hdc HDC in value param ust INT64 out array [1] param msc INT64 out array [1] param sbc INT64 out array [1] category OML_sync_control GetMscRateOML(hdc, numerator, denominator) return BOOL param hdc HDC in value param numerator INT32 out array [1] param denominator INT32 out array [1] category OML_sync_control SwapBuffersMscOML(hdc, target_msc, divisor, remainder) return INT64 param hdc HDC in value param target_msc INT64 in value param divisor INT64 in value param remainder INT64 in value category OML_sync_control SwapLayerBuffersMscOML(hdc, fuPlanes, target_msc, divisor, remainder) return INT64 param hdc HDC in value param fuPlanes int in value param target_msc INT64 in value param divisor INT64 in value param remainder INT64 in value category OML_sync_control WaitForMscOML(hdc, target_msc, divisor, remainder , ust, msc, sbc) return BOOL param hdc HDC in value param target_msc INT64 in value param divisor INT64 in value param remainder INT64 in value param ust INT64 out array [1] param msc INT64 out array [1] param sbc INT64 out array [1] category OML_sync_control WaitForSbcOML(hdc, target_sbc, ust, msc, sbc) return BOOL param hdc HDC in value param target_sbc INT64 in value param ust INT64 out array [1] param msc INT64 out array [1] param sbc INT64 out array [1] category OML_sync_control ############################################################################### # # Extension #250 # I3D_digital_video_control commands # ############################################################################### GetDigitalVideoParametersI3D(hDC, iAttribute, piValue) return BOOL param hDC HDC in value param iAttribute int in value param piValue int out array [COMPSIZE(iAttribute)] category I3D_digital_video_control SetDigitalVideoParametersI3D(hDC, iAttribute, piValue) return BOOL param hDC HDC in value param iAttribute int in value param piValue int in array [COMPSIZE(iAttribute)] category I3D_digital_video_control ############################################################################### # # Extension #251 # I3D_gamma commands # ############################################################################### GetGammaTableParametersI3D(hDC, iAttribute, piValue) return BOOL param hDC HDC in value param iAttribute int in value param piValue int out array [COMPSIZE(iAttribute)] category I3D_gamma SetGammaTableParametersI3D(hDC, iAttribute, piValue) return BOOL param hDC HDC in value param iAttribute int in value param piValue int in array [COMPSIZE(iAttribute)] category I3D_gamma GetGammaTableI3D(hDC, iEntries, puRed, puGreen, puBlue) return BOOL param hDC HDC in value param iEntries int in value param puRed USHORT out array [iEntries] param puGreen USHORT out array [iEntries] param puBlue USHORT out array [iEntries] category I3D_gamma SetGammaTableI3D(hDC, iEntries, puRed, puGreen, puBlue) return BOOL param hDC HDC in value param iEntries int in value param puRed USHORT in array [iEntries] param puGreen USHORT in array [iEntries] param puBlue USHORT in array [iEntries] category I3D_gamma ############################################################################### # # Extension #252 # I3D_genlock commands # ############################################################################### EnableGenlockI3D(hDC) return BOOL param hDC HDC in value category I3D_genlock DisableGenlockI3D(hDC) return BOOL param hDC HDC in value category I3D_genlock IsEnabledGenlockI3D(hDC, pFlag) return BOOL param hDC HDC in value param pFlag BOOL out reference category I3D_genlock GenlockSourceI3D(hDC, uSource) return BOOL param hDC HDC in value param uSource UINT in value category I3D_genlock GetGenlockSourceI3D(hDC, uSource) return BOOL param hDC HDC in value param uSource UINT out reference category I3D_genlock GenlockSourceEdgeI3D(hDC, uEdge) return BOOL param hDC HDC in value param uEdge UINT in value category I3D_genlock GetGenlockSourceEdgeI3D(hDC, uEdge) return BOOL param hDC HDC in value param uEdge UINT out reference category I3D_genlock GenlockSampleRateI3D(hDC, uRate) return BOOL param hDC HDC in value param uRate UINT in value category I3D_genlock GetGenlockSampleRateI3D(hDC, uRate) return BOOL param hDC HDC in value param uRate UINT out reference category I3D_genlock GenlockSourceDelayI3D(hDC, uDelay) return BOOL param hDC HDC in value param uDelay UINT in value category I3D_genlock GetGenlockSourceDelayI3D(hDC, uDelay) return BOOL param hDC HDC in value param uDelay UINT out reference category I3D_genlock QueryGenlockMaxSourceDelayI3D(hDC, uMaxLineDelay, uMaxPixelDelay) return BOOL param hDC HDC in value param uMaxLineDelay UINT out reference param uMaxPixelDelay UINT out reference category I3D_genlock ############################################################################### # # Extension #253 # I3D_image_buffer commands # ############################################################################### CreateImageBufferI3D(hDC, dwSize, uFlags) return LPVOID param hDC HDC in value param dwSize DWORD in value param uFlags UINT in value category I3D_image_buffer DestroyImageBufferI3D(hDC, pAddress) return BOOL param hDC HDC in value param pAddress LPVOID in value category I3D_image_buffer AssociateImageBufferEventsI3D(hDC, pEvent, pAddress, pSize, count) return BOOL param hDC HDC in value param pEvent HANDLE in array [count] param pAddress LPVOID in array [count] param pSize DWORD in array [count] param count UINT in value category I3D_image_buffer ReleaseImageBufferEventsI3D(hDC, pAddress, count) return BOOL param hDC HDC in value param pAddress LPVOID in array [count] param count UINT in value category I3D_image_buffer ############################################################################### # # Extension #254 # I3D_swap_frame_lock commands # ############################################################################### EnableFrameLockI3D() return BOOL category I3D_swap_frame_lock DisableFrameLockI3D() return BOOL category I3D_swap_frame_lock IsEnabledFrameLockI3D(pFlag) return BOOL param pFlag BOOL out reference category I3D_swap_frame_lock QueryFrameLockMasterI3D(pFlag) return BOOL param pFlag BOOL out reference category I3D_swap_frame_lock ############################################################################### # # Extension #255 # I3D_swap_frame_usage commands # ############################################################################### GetFrameUsageI3D(pUsage) return BOOL param pUsage float out reference category I3D_swap_frame_usage BeginFrameTrackingI3D() return BOOL category I3D_swap_frame_usage EndFrameTrackingI3D() return BOOL category I3D_swap_frame_usage QueryFrameTrackingI3D(pFrameCount, pMissedFrames, pLastMissedUsage) return BOOL param pFrameCount DWORD out reference param pMissedFrames DWORD out reference param pLastMissedUsage float out reference category I3D_swap_frame_usage ############################################################################### # # Extension #278 # ATI_pixel_format_float commands # ############################################################################### # (none) newcategory: ATI_pixel_format_float ############################################################################### # # Extension #281 # NV_float_buffer commands # ############################################################################### # (none) newcategory: NV_float_buffer ############################################################################### # # Extension #313 # 3DL_stereo_control commands # ############################################################################### SetStereoEmitterState3DL(hDC, uState) return BOOL param hDC HDC in value param uState UINT in value category 3DL_stereo_control ############################################################################### # # Extension #328 # EXT_pixel_format_packed_float commands # ############################################################################### # (none) newcategory: EXT_pixel_format_packed_float ############################################################################### # # Extension #337 # EXT_framebuffer_sRGB commands # ############################################################################### # (none) newcategory: EXT_framebuffer_sRGB ############################################################################### # # Extension #347 # NV_present_video commands # ############################################################################### EnumerateVideoDevicesNV(hDC, phDeviceList) return int param hDC HDC in value param phDeviceList HVIDEOOUTPUTDEVICENV out array category NV_present_video BindVideoDeviceNV(hDC, uVideoSlot, hVideoDevice, piAttribList) return BOOL param hDC HDC in value param uVideoSlot uint in value param hVideoDevice HVIDEOOUTPUTDEVICENV in value param piAttribList int in array [COMPSIZE()] category NV_present_video QueryCurrentContextNV(iAttribute, piValue) return BOOL param iAttribute int in value param piValue int out array [COMPSIZE()] category NV_present_video ############################################################################### # # Extension #349 # NV_video_output commands # ############################################################################### GetVideoDeviceNV(hDC, numDevices, hVideoDevice) return BOOL param hDC HDC in value param numDevices int in value param hVideoDevice HPVIDEODEV out reference category NV_video_output ReleaseVideoDeviceNV(hVideoDevice) return BOOL param hVideoDevice HPVIDEODEV in value category NV_video_output BindVideoImageNV(hVideoDevice, hPbuffer, iVideoBuffer) return BOOL param hVideoDevice HPVIDEODEV in value param hPbuffer HPBUFFERARB in value param iVideoBuffer int in value category NV_video_output ReleaseVideoImageNV(hPbuffer, iVideoBuffer) return BOOL param hPbuffer HPBUFFERARB in value param iVideoBuffer int in value category NV_video_output SendPbufferToVideoNV(hPbuffer, iBufferType, pulCounterPbuffer, bBlock) return BOOL param hPbuffer HPBUFFERARB in value param iBufferType int in value param pulCounterPbuffer ulong out reference param bBlock BOOL in value category NV_video_output GetVideoInfoNV(hpVideoDevice, pulCounterOutputPbuffer, pulCounterOutputVideo) return BOOL param hpVideoDevice HPVIDEODEV in value param pulCounterOutputPbuffer ulong out reference param pulCounterOutputVideo ulong out reference category NV_video_output ############################################################################### # # Extension #351 # NV_swap_group commands # ############################################################################### JoinSwapGroupNV(hDC, group) return BOOL param hDC HDC in value param group GLuint in value category NV_swap_group BindSwapBarrierNV(group, barrier) return BOOL param group GLuint in value param barrier GLuint in value category NV_swap_group QuerySwapGroupNV(hDC, group, barrier) return BOOL param hDC HDC in value param group GLuint out reference param barrier GLuint out reference category NV_swap_group QueryMaxSwapGroupsNV(hDC, maxGroups, maxBarriers) return BOOL param hDC HDC in value param maxGroups GLuint out reference param maxBarriers GLuint out reference category NV_swap_group QueryFrameCountNV(hDC, count) return BOOL param hDC HDC in value param count GLuint out reference category NV_swap_group ResetFrameCountNV(hDC) return BOOL param hDC HDC in value category NV_swap_group ############################################################################### # # Extension #355 # NV_gpu_affinity commands # ############################################################################### EnumGpusNV(iGpuIndex, phGpu) return BOOL param iGpuIndex UINT in value param phGpu HGPUNV out reference category NV_gpu_affinity EnumGpuDevicesNV(hGpu, iDeviceIndex, lpGpuDevice) return BOOL param hGpu HGPUNV in value param iDeviceIndex UINT in value param lpGpuDevice PGPU_DEVICE in value category NV_gpu_affinity CreateAffinityDCNV(phGpuList) return HDC param phGpuList HGPUNV in array [COMPSIZE()] category NV_gpu_affinity EnumGpusFromAffinityDCNV(hAffinityDC, iGpuIndex, hGpu) return BOOL param hAffinityDC HDC in value param iGpuIndex UINT in value param hGpu HGPUNV out reference category NV_gpu_affinity DeleteDCNV(hdc) return BOOL param hdc HDC in value category NV_gpu_affinity ############################################################################### # # Extension #361 # AMD_gpu_association commands # ############################################################################### GetGPUIDsAMD(maxCount, ids) return UINT param maxCount UINT in value param ids UINT out array [maxCount] category AMD_gpu_association GetGPUInfoAMD(id, property, dataType, size, data) return INT param id UINT in value param property int in value param dataType GLenum in value param size UINT in value param data void out array [COMPSIZE(dataType,size)] category AMD_gpu_association GetContextGPUIDAMD(hglrc) return UINT param hglrc HGLRC in value category AMD_gpu_association CreateAssociatedContextAMD(id) return HGLRC param id UINT in value category AMD_gpu_association CreateAssociatedContextAttribsAMD(id, hShareContext, attribList) return HGLRC param id UINT in value param hShareContext HGLRC in value param attribList int in array [COMPSIZE()] category AMD_gpu_association DeleteAssociatedContextAMD(hglrc) return BOOL param hglrc HGLRC in value category AMD_gpu_association MakeAssociatedContextCurrentAMD(hglrc) return BOOL param hglrc HGLRC in value category AMD_gpu_association GetCurrentAssociatedContextAMD() return HGLRC category AMD_gpu_association BlitContextFramebufferAMD(dstCtx, srcX0, srcY0, srcX1, srcY1, dstX0, dstY0, dstX1, dstY1, mask, filter) return VOID param dstCtx HGLRC in value param srcX0 GLint in value param srcY0 GLint in value param srcX1 GLint in value param srcY1 GLint in value param dstX0 GLint in value param dstY0 GLint in value param dstX1 GLint in value param dstY1 GLint in value param mask GLbitfield in value param filter GLenum in value category AMD_gpu_association ############################################################################### # # Extension #374 # NV_video_capture commands # ############################################################################### BindVideoCaptureDeviceNV(uVideoSlot, hDevice) return BOOL param uVideoSlot UINT in value param hDevice HVIDEOINPUTDEVICENV in value category NV_video_capture EnumerateVideoCaptureDevicesNV(hDc, phDeviceList) return UINT param hDc HDC in value param phDeviceList HVIDEOINPUTDEVICENV out reference category NV_video_capture LockVideoCaptureDeviceNV(hDc, hDevice) return BOOL param hDc HDC in value param hDevice HVIDEOINPUTDEVICENV in value category NV_video_capture QueryVideoCaptureDeviceNV(hDc, hDevice, iAttribute, piValue) return BOOL param hDc HDC in value param hDevice HVIDEOINPUTDEVICENV in value param iAttribute int in value param piValue int out reference category NV_video_capture ReleaseVideoCaptureDeviceNV(hDc, hDevice) return BOOL param hDc HDC in value param hDevice HVIDEOINPUTDEVICENV in value category NV_video_capture ############################################################################### # # Extension #376 # NV_copy_image commands # ############################################################################### CopyImageSubDataNV(hSrcRC, srcName, srcTarget, srcLevel, srcX, srcY, srcZ, hDstRC, dstName, dstTarget, dstLevel, dstX, dstY, dstZ, width, height, depth) return BOOL param hSrcRC HGLRC in value param srcName GLuint in value param srcTarget GLenum in value param srcLevel GLint in value param srcX GLint in value param srcY GLint in value param srcZ GLint in value param hDstRC HGLRC in value param dstName GLuint in value param dstTarget GLenum in value param dstLevel GLint in value param dstX GLint in value param dstY GLint in value param dstZ GLint in value param width GLsizei in value param height GLsizei in value param depth GLsizei in value category NV_copy_image ############################################################################### # # Extension #393 # NV_multisample_coverage commands # ############################################################################### # (none) newcategory: NV_multisample_coverage ############################################################################### # # Extension #407 # NV_DX_interop commands # ############################################################################### DXSetResourceShareHandleNV(dxObject, shareHandle) return BOOL param dxObject void out array [1] param shareHandle HANDLE in value category NV_DX_interop DXOpenDeviceNV(dxDevice) return HANDLE param dxDevice void out array [1] category NV_DX_interop DXCloseDeviceNV(hDevice) return BOOL param hDevice HANDLE in value category NV_DX_interop DXRegisterObjectNV(hDevice, dxObject, name, type, access) return HANDLE param hDevice HANDLE in value param dxObject void out array [1] param name GLuint in value param type GLenum in value param access GLenum in value category NV_DX_interop DXUnregisterObjectNV(hDevice, hObject) return BOOL param hDevice HANDLE in value param hObject HANDLE in value category NV_DX_interop DXObjectAccessNV(hObject, access) return BOOL param hObject HANDLE in value param access GLenum in value category NV_DX_interop DXLockObjectsNV(hDevice, count, hObjects) return BOOL param hDevice HANDLE in value param count GLint in value param hObjects HANDLE out array [count] category NV_DX_interop DXUnlockObjectsNV(hDevice, count, hObjects) return BOOL param hDevice HANDLE in value param count GLint in value param hObjects HANDLE out array [count] category NV_DX_interop ############################################################################### # # Extension #412 # NV_DX_interop2 commands # ############################################################################### # (none) newcategory: NV_DX_interop2 ############################################################################### # # Extension #415 # EXT_swap_control_tear commands # ############################################################################### # (none) newcategory: EXT_swap_control_tear