/* *Copyright (C) 2003-2004 Harold L Hunt II All Rights Reserved. *Copyright (C) Colin Harrison 2005-2008 * *Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the *"Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including *without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, *distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to *permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to *the following conditions: * *The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be *included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * *THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, *EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF *MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND *NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL HAROLD L HUNT II BE LIABLE FOR *ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF *CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION *WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. * *Except as contained in this notice, the name of the copyright holder(s) *and author(s) shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote *the sale, use or other dealings in this Software without prior written *authorization from the copyright holder(s) and author(s). * * Authors: Harold L Hunt II * Colin Harrison */ #ifdef HAVE_XWIN_CONFIG_H #include <xwin-config.h> #endif #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/time.h> #include "winclipboard.h" #include "misc.h" /* * Constants */ #define WIN_POLL_TIMEOUT 1 /* * References to external symbols */ extern Bool g_fUseUnicode; extern void *g_pClipboardDisplay; extern Window g_iClipboardWindow; extern Atom g_atomLastOwnedSelection; /* * Local function prototypes */ static int winProcessXEventsTimeout(HWND hwnd, int iWindow, Display * pDisplay, Bool fUseUnicode, int iTimeoutSec); /* * Process X events up to specified timeout */ static int winProcessXEventsTimeout(HWND hwnd, int iWindow, Display * pDisplay, Bool fUseUnicode, int iTimeoutSec) { int iConnNumber; struct timeval tv; int iReturn; DWORD dwStopTime = GetTickCount() + iTimeoutSec * 1000; winDebug("winProcessXEventsTimeout () - pumping X events for %d seconds\n", iTimeoutSec); /* Get our connection number */ iConnNumber = ConnectionNumber(pDisplay); /* Loop for X events */ while (1) { fd_set fdsRead; long remainingTime; /* We need to ensure that all pending events are processed */ XSync(pDisplay, FALSE); /* Setup the file descriptor set */ FD_ZERO(&fdsRead); FD_SET(iConnNumber, &fdsRead); /* Adjust timeout */ remainingTime = dwStopTime - GetTickCount(); tv.tv_sec = remainingTime / 1000; tv.tv_usec = (remainingTime % 1000) * 1000; winDebug("winProcessXEventsTimeout () - %d milliseconds left\n", remainingTime); /* Break out if no time left */ if (remainingTime <= 0) return WIN_XEVENTS_SUCCESS; /* Wait for an X event */ iReturn = select(iConnNumber + 1, /* Highest fds number */ &fdsRead, /* Read mask */ NULL, /* No write mask */ NULL, /* No exception mask */ &tv); /* Timeout */ if (iReturn < 0) { ErrorF("winProcessXEventsTimeout - Call to select () failed: %d. " "Bailing.\n", iReturn); break; } /* Branch on which descriptor became active */ if (FD_ISSET(iConnNumber, &fdsRead)) { /* Process X events */ /* Exit when we see that server is shutting down */ iReturn = winClipboardFlushXEvents(hwnd, iWindow, pDisplay, fUseUnicode); winDebug ("winProcessXEventsTimeout () - winClipboardFlushXEvents returned %d\n", iReturn); if (WIN_XEVENTS_NOTIFY == iReturn) { /* Bail out if notify processed */ return iReturn; } } else { winDebug("winProcessXEventsTimeout - Spurious wake\n"); } } return WIN_XEVENTS_SUCCESS; } /* * Process a given Windows message */ LRESULT CALLBACK winClipboardWindowProc(HWND hwnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { static HWND s_hwndNextViewer; static Bool s_fCBCInitialized; /* Branch on message type */ switch (message) { case WM_DESTROY: { winDebug("winClipboardWindowProc - WM_DESTROY\n"); /* Remove ourselves from the clipboard chain */ ChangeClipboardChain(hwnd, s_hwndNextViewer); s_hwndNextViewer = NULL; PostQuitMessage(0); } return 0; case WM_CREATE: { HWND first, next; DWORD error_code = 0; winDebug("winClipboardWindowProc - WM_CREATE\n"); first = GetClipboardViewer(); /* Get handle to first viewer in chain. */ if (first == hwnd) return 0; /* Make sure it's not us! */ /* Add ourselves to the clipboard viewer chain */ next = SetClipboardViewer(hwnd); error_code = GetLastError(); if (SUCCEEDED(error_code) && (next == first)) /* SetClipboardViewer must have succeeded, and the handle */ s_hwndNextViewer = next; /* it returned must have been the first window in the chain */ else s_fCBCInitialized = FALSE; } return 0; case WM_CHANGECBCHAIN: { winDebug("winClipboardWindowProc - WM_CHANGECBCHAIN: wParam(%x) " "lParam(%x) s_hwndNextViewer(%x)\n", wParam, lParam, s_hwndNextViewer); if ((HWND) wParam == s_hwndNextViewer) { s_hwndNextViewer = (HWND) lParam; if (s_hwndNextViewer == hwnd) { s_hwndNextViewer = NULL; winErrorFVerb(1, "winClipboardWindowProc - WM_CHANGECBCHAIN: " "attempted to set next window to ourselves."); } } else if (s_hwndNextViewer) SendMessage(s_hwndNextViewer, message, wParam, lParam); } winDebug("winClipboardWindowProc - WM_CHANGECBCHAIN: Exit\n"); return 0; case WM_WM_REINIT: { /* Ensure that we're in the clipboard chain. Some apps, * WinXP's remote desktop for one, don't play nice with the * chain. This message is called whenever we receive a * WM_ACTIVATEAPP message to ensure that we continue to * receive clipboard messages. * * It might be possible to detect if we're still in the chain * by calling SendMessage (GetClipboardViewer(), * WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD, 0, 0); and then seeing if we get the * WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD message. That, however, might be more * expensive than just putting ourselves back into the chain. */ HWND first, next; DWORD error_code = 0; winDebug("winClipboardWindowProc - WM_WM_REINIT: Enter\n"); first = GetClipboardViewer(); /* Get handle to first viewer in chain. */ if (first == hwnd) return 0; /* Make sure it's not us! */ winDebug(" WM_WM_REINIT: Replacing us(%x) with %x at head " "of chain\n", hwnd, s_hwndNextViewer); s_fCBCInitialized = FALSE; ChangeClipboardChain(hwnd, s_hwndNextViewer); s_hwndNextViewer = NULL; s_fCBCInitialized = FALSE; winDebug(" WM_WM_REINIT: Putting us back at head of chain.\n"); first = GetClipboardViewer(); /* Get handle to first viewer in chain. */ if (first == hwnd) return 0; /* Make sure it's not us! */ next = SetClipboardViewer(hwnd); error_code = GetLastError(); if (SUCCEEDED(error_code) && (next == first)) /* SetClipboardViewer must have succeeded, and the handle */ s_hwndNextViewer = next; /* it returned must have been the first window in the chain */ else s_fCBCInitialized = FALSE; } winDebug("winClipboardWindowProc - WM_WM_REINIT: Exit\n"); return 0; case WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD: { static Atom atomClipboard; static int generation; static Bool s_fProcessingDrawClipboard = FALSE; Display *pDisplay = g_pClipboardDisplay; Window iWindow = g_iClipboardWindow; int iReturn; winDebug("winClipboardWindowProc - WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD: Enter\n"); if (generation != serverGeneration) { generation = serverGeneration; atomClipboard = XInternAtom(pDisplay, "CLIPBOARD", False); } /* * We've occasionally seen a loop in the clipboard chain. * Try and fix it on the first hint of recursion. */ if (!s_fProcessingDrawClipboard) { s_fProcessingDrawClipboard = TRUE; } else { /* Attempt to break the nesting by getting out of the chain, twice?, and then fix and bail */ s_fCBCInitialized = FALSE; ChangeClipboardChain(hwnd, s_hwndNextViewer); winFixClipboardChain(); winErrorFVerb(1, "winClipboardWindowProc - WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD - " "Nested calls detected. Re-initing.\n"); winDebug("winClipboardWindowProc - WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD: Exit\n"); s_fProcessingDrawClipboard = FALSE; return 0; } /* Bail on first message */ if (!s_fCBCInitialized) { s_fCBCInitialized = TRUE; s_fProcessingDrawClipboard = FALSE; winDebug("winClipboardWindowProc - WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD: Exit\n"); return 0; } /* * NOTE: We cannot bail out when NULL == GetClipboardOwner () * because some applications deal with the clipboard in a manner * that causes the clipboard owner to be NULL when they are in * fact taking ownership. One example of this is the Win32 * native compile of emacs. */ /* Bail when we still own the clipboard */ if (hwnd == GetClipboardOwner()) { winDebug("winClipboardWindowProc - WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD - " "We own the clipboard, returning.\n"); winDebug("winClipboardWindowProc - WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD: Exit\n"); s_fProcessingDrawClipboard = FALSE; if (s_hwndNextViewer) SendMessage(s_hwndNextViewer, message, wParam, lParam); return 0; } /* * Do not take ownership of the X11 selections when something * other than CF_TEXT or CF_UNICODETEXT has been copied * into the Win32 clipboard. */ if (!IsClipboardFormatAvailable(CF_TEXT) && !IsClipboardFormatAvailable(CF_UNICODETEXT)) { winDebug("winClipboardWindowProc - WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD - " "Clipboard does not contain CF_TEXT nor " "CF_UNICODETEXT.\n"); /* * We need to make sure that the X Server has processed * previous XSetSelectionOwner messages. */ XSync(pDisplay, FALSE); winDebug("winClipboardWindowProc - XSync done.\n"); /* Release PRIMARY selection if owned */ iReturn = XGetSelectionOwner(pDisplay, XA_PRIMARY); if (iReturn == g_iClipboardWindow) { winDebug("winClipboardWindowProc - WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD - " "PRIMARY selection is owned by us.\n"); XSetSelectionOwner(pDisplay, XA_PRIMARY, None, CurrentTime); } else if (BadWindow == iReturn || BadAtom == iReturn) winErrorFVerb(1, "winClipboardWindowProc - WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD - " "XGetSelection failed for PRIMARY: %d\n", iReturn); /* Release CLIPBOARD selection if owned */ iReturn = XGetSelectionOwner(pDisplay, atomClipboard); if (iReturn == g_iClipboardWindow) { winDebug("winClipboardWindowProc - WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD - " "CLIPBOARD selection is owned by us.\n"); XSetSelectionOwner(pDisplay, atomClipboard, None, CurrentTime); } else if (BadWindow == iReturn || BadAtom == iReturn) winErrorFVerb(1, "winClipboardWindowProc - WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD - " "XGetSelection failed for CLIPBOARD: %d\n", iReturn); winDebug("winClipboardWindowProc - WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD: Exit\n"); s_fProcessingDrawClipboard = FALSE; if (s_hwndNextViewer) SendMessage(s_hwndNextViewer, message, wParam, lParam); return 0; } /* Reassert ownership of PRIMARY */ iReturn = XSetSelectionOwner(pDisplay, XA_PRIMARY, iWindow, CurrentTime); if (iReturn == BadAtom || iReturn == BadWindow || XGetSelectionOwner(pDisplay, XA_PRIMARY) != iWindow) { winErrorFVerb(1, "winClipboardWindowProc - WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD - " "Could not reassert ownership of PRIMARY\n"); } else { winDebug("winClipboardWindowProc - WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD - " "Reasserted ownership of PRIMARY\n"); } /* Reassert ownership of the CLIPBOARD */ iReturn = XSetSelectionOwner(pDisplay, atomClipboard, iWindow, CurrentTime); if (iReturn == BadAtom || iReturn == BadWindow || XGetSelectionOwner(pDisplay, atomClipboard) != iWindow) { winErrorFVerb(1, "winClipboardWindowProc - WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD - " "Could not reassert ownership of CLIPBOARD\n"); } else { winDebug("winClipboardWindowProc - WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD - " "Reasserted ownership of CLIPBOARD\n"); } /* Flush the pending SetSelectionOwner event now */ XFlush(pDisplay); s_fProcessingDrawClipboard = FALSE; } winDebug("winClipboardWindowProc - WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD: Exit\n"); /* Pass the message on the next window in the clipboard viewer chain */ if (s_hwndNextViewer) SendMessage(s_hwndNextViewer, message, wParam, lParam); return 0; case WM_DESTROYCLIPBOARD: /* * NOTE: Intentionally do nothing. * Changes in the Win32 clipboard are handled by WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD * above. We only process this message to conform to the specs * for delayed clipboard rendering in Win32. You might think * that we need to release ownership of the X11 selections, but * we do not, because a WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD message will closely * follow this message and reassert ownership of the X11 * selections, handling the issue for us. */ winDebug("winClipboardWindowProc - WM_DESTROYCLIPBOARD - Ignored.\n"); return 0; case WM_RENDERFORMAT: case WM_RENDERALLFORMATS: { int iReturn; Display *pDisplay = g_pClipboardDisplay; Window iWindow = g_iClipboardWindow; Bool fConvertToUnicode; winDebug("winClipboardWindowProc - WM_RENDER*FORMAT - Hello.\n"); /* Flag whether to convert to Unicode or not */ if (message == WM_RENDERALLFORMATS) fConvertToUnicode = FALSE; else fConvertToUnicode = (CF_UNICODETEXT == wParam); /* Request the selection contents */ iReturn = XConvertSelection(pDisplay, g_atomLastOwnedSelection, XInternAtom(pDisplay, "COMPOUND_TEXT", False), XInternAtom(pDisplay, "CYGX_CUT_BUFFER", False), iWindow, CurrentTime); if (iReturn == BadAtom || iReturn == BadWindow) { winErrorFVerb(1, "winClipboardWindowProc - WM_RENDER*FORMAT - " "XConvertSelection () failed\n"); break; } /* Special handling for WM_RENDERALLFORMATS */ if (message == WM_RENDERALLFORMATS) { /* We must open and empty the clipboard */ /* Close clipboard if we have it open already */ if (GetOpenClipboardWindow() == hwnd) { CloseClipboard(); } if (!OpenClipboard(hwnd)) { winErrorFVerb(1, "winClipboardWindowProc - WM_RENDER*FORMATS - " "OpenClipboard () failed: %08x\n", GetLastError()); break; } if (!EmptyClipboard()) { winErrorFVerb(1, "winClipboardWindowProc - WM_RENDER*FORMATS - " "EmptyClipboard () failed: %08x\n", GetLastError()); break; } } /* Process the SelectionNotify event */ iReturn = winProcessXEventsTimeout(hwnd, iWindow, pDisplay, fConvertToUnicode, WIN_POLL_TIMEOUT); /* * The last call to winProcessXEventsTimeout * from above had better have seen a notify event, or else we * are dealing with a buggy or old X11 app. In these cases we * have to paste some fake data to the Win32 clipboard to * satisfy the requirement that we write something to it. */ if (WIN_XEVENTS_NOTIFY != iReturn) { /* Paste no data, to satisfy required call to SetClipboardData */ SetClipboardData(CF_UNICODETEXT, NULL); SetClipboardData(CF_TEXT, NULL); ErrorF ("winClipboardWindowProc - timed out waiting for WIN_XEVENTS_NOTIFY\n"); } /* Special handling for WM_RENDERALLFORMATS */ if (message == WM_RENDERALLFORMATS) { /* We must close the clipboard */ if (!CloseClipboard()) { winErrorFVerb(1, "winClipboardWindowProc - WM_RENDERALLFORMATS - " "CloseClipboard () failed: %08x\n", GetLastError()); break; } } winDebug("winClipboardWindowProc - WM_RENDER*FORMAT - Returning.\n"); return 0; } } /* Let Windows perform default processing for unhandled messages */ return DefWindowProc(hwnd, message, wParam, lParam); } /* * Process any pending Windows messages */ BOOL winClipboardFlushWindowsMessageQueue(HWND hwnd) { MSG msg; /* Flush the messaging window queue */ /* NOTE: Do not pass the hwnd of our messaging window to PeekMessage, * as this will filter out many non-window-specific messages that * are sent to our thread, such as WM_QUIT. */ while (PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE)) { /* Dispatch the message if not WM_QUIT */ if (msg.message == WM_QUIT) return FALSE; else DispatchMessage(&msg); } return TRUE; }