/* *Copyright (C) 1994-2000 The XFree86 Project, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * *Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the *"Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including *without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, *distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to *permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to *the following conditions: * *The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be *included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * *THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, *EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF *MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND *NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE XFREE86 PROJECT BE LIABLE FOR *ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF *CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION *WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. * *Except as contained in this notice, the name of the XFree86 Project *shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use *or other dealings in this Software without prior written authorization *from the XFree86 Project. * * Authors: Dakshinamurthy Karra * Suhaib M Siddiqi * Peter Busch * Harold L Hunt II */ #ifdef HAVE_XWIN_CONFIG_H #include <xwin-config.h> #endif #include "win.h" #include "winkeybd.h" #include "winconfig.h" #include "winmsg.h" #include "xkbsrv.h" /* C does not have a logical XOR operator, so we use a macro instead */ #define LOGICAL_XOR(a,b) ((!(a) && (b)) || ((a) && !(b))) static Bool g_winKeyState[NUM_KEYCODES]; /* * Local prototypes */ static void winKeybdBell(int iPercent, DeviceIntPtr pDeviceInt, pointer pCtrl, int iClass); static void winKeybdCtrl(DeviceIntPtr pDevice, KeybdCtrl * pCtrl); /* * Translate a Windows WM_[SYS]KEY(UP/DOWN) message * into an ASCII scan code. * * We do this ourselves, rather than letting Windows handle it, * because Windows tends to munge the handling of special keys, * like AltGr on European keyboards. */ int winTranslateKey(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { int iKeyFixup = g_iKeyMap[wParam * WIN_KEYMAP_COLS + 1]; int iKeyFixupEx = g_iKeyMap[wParam * WIN_KEYMAP_COLS + 2]; int iParam = HIWORD(lParam); int iParamScanCode = LOBYTE(iParam); int iScanCode; winDebug("winTranslateKey: wParam %08x lParam %08x\n", wParam, lParam); /* WM_ key messages faked by Vista speech recognition (WSR) don't have a * scan code. * * Vocola 3 (Rick Mohr's supplement to WSR) uses * System.Windows.Forms.SendKeys.SendWait(), which appears always to give a * scan code of 1 */ if (iParamScanCode <= 1) { if (VK_PRIOR <= wParam && wParam <= VK_DOWN) /* Trigger special case table to translate to extended * keycode, otherwise if num_lock is on, we can get keypad * numbers instead of navigation keys. */ iParam |= KF_EXTENDED; else iParamScanCode = MapVirtualKeyEx(wParam, /*MAPVK_VK_TO_VSC */ 0, GetKeyboardLayout(0)); } /* Branch on special extended, special non-extended, or normal key */ if ((iParam & KF_EXTENDED) && iKeyFixupEx) iScanCode = iKeyFixupEx; else if (iKeyFixup) iScanCode = iKeyFixup; else if (wParam == 0 && iParamScanCode == 0x70) iScanCode = KEY_HKTG; else switch (iParamScanCode) { case 0x70: iScanCode = KEY_HKTG; break; case 0x73: iScanCode = KEY_BSlash2; break; default: iScanCode = iParamScanCode; break; } return iScanCode; } /* Ring the keyboard bell (system speaker on PCs) */ static void winKeybdBell(int iPercent, DeviceIntPtr pDeviceInt, pointer pCtrl, int iClass) { /* * We can't use Beep () here because it uses the PC speaker * on NT/2000. MessageBeep (MB_OK) will play the default system * sound on systems with a sound card or it will beep the PC speaker * on systems that do not have a sound card. */ MessageBeep(MB_OK); } /* Change some keyboard configuration parameters */ static void winKeybdCtrl(DeviceIntPtr pDevice, KeybdCtrl * pCtrl) { } /* * See Porting Layer Definition - p. 18 * winKeybdProc is known as a DeviceProc. */ int winKeybdProc(DeviceIntPtr pDeviceInt, int iState) { DevicePtr pDevice = (DevicePtr) pDeviceInt; XkbSrvInfoPtr xkbi; XkbControlsPtr ctrl; switch (iState) { case DEVICE_INIT: winConfigKeyboard(pDeviceInt); /* FIXME: Maybe we should use winGetKbdLeds () here? */ defaultKeyboardControl.leds = g_winInfo.keyboard.leds; winDebug("Rules = \"%s\" Model = \"%s\" Layout = \"%s\"" " Variant = \"%s\" Options = \"%s\"\n", g_winInfo.xkb.rules ? g_winInfo.xkb.rules : "none", g_winInfo.xkb.model ? g_winInfo.xkb.model : "none", g_winInfo.xkb.layout ? g_winInfo.xkb.layout : "none", g_winInfo.xkb.variant ? g_winInfo.xkb.variant : "none", g_winInfo.xkb.options ? g_winInfo.xkb.options : "none"); InitKeyboardDeviceStruct(pDeviceInt, &g_winInfo.xkb, winKeybdBell, winKeybdCtrl); xkbi = pDeviceInt->key->xkbInfo; if ((xkbi != NULL) && (xkbi->desc != NULL)) { ctrl = xkbi->desc->ctrls; ctrl->repeat_delay = g_winInfo.keyboard.delay; ctrl->repeat_interval = 1000 / g_winInfo.keyboard.rate; } else { winDebug ("winKeybdProc - Error initializing keyboard AutoRepeat\n"); } break; case DEVICE_ON: pDevice->on = TRUE; // immediately copy the state of this keyboard device to the VCK // (which otherwise happens lazily after the first keypress) CopyKeyClass(pDeviceInt, inputInfo.keyboard); break; case DEVICE_CLOSE: case DEVICE_OFF: pDevice->on = FALSE; break; } return Success; } /* * Detect current mode key states upon server startup. * * Simulate a press and release of any key that is currently * toggled. */ void winInitializeModeKeyStates(void) { /* Restore NumLock */ if (GetKeyState(VK_NUMLOCK) & 0x0001) { winSendKeyEvent(KEY_NumLock, TRUE); winSendKeyEvent(KEY_NumLock, FALSE); } /* Restore CapsLock */ if (GetKeyState(VK_CAPITAL) & 0x0001) { winSendKeyEvent(KEY_CapsLock, TRUE); winSendKeyEvent(KEY_CapsLock, FALSE); } /* Restore ScrollLock */ if (GetKeyState(VK_SCROLL) & 0x0001) { winSendKeyEvent(KEY_ScrollLock, TRUE); winSendKeyEvent(KEY_ScrollLock, FALSE); } /* Restore KanaLock */ if (GetKeyState(VK_KANA) & 0x0001) { winSendKeyEvent(KEY_HKTG, TRUE); winSendKeyEvent(KEY_HKTG, FALSE); } } /* * Upon regaining the keyboard focus we must * resynchronize our internal mode key states * with the actual state of the keys. */ void winRestoreModeKeyStates(void) { DWORD dwKeyState; BOOL processEvents = TRUE; unsigned short internalKeyStates; /* X server is being initialized */ if (!inputInfo.keyboard) return; /* Only process events if the rootwindow is mapped. The keyboard events * will cause segfaults otherwise */ if (screenInfo.screens[0]->root && screenInfo.screens[0]->root->mapped == FALSE) processEvents = FALSE; /* Force to process all pending events in the mi event queue */ if (processEvents) mieqProcessInputEvents(); /* Read the mode key states of our X server */ /* (stored in the virtual core keyboard) */ internalKeyStates = XkbStateFieldFromRec(&inputInfo.keyboard->key->xkbInfo->state); winDebug("winRestoreModeKeyStates: state %d\n", internalKeyStates); { /* Make sure the message queue is empty, otherwise the GetKeyState will not always return the correct state of the numlock key, capslock key, ... This is mainly because this function is called from the WM_SETFOCUS handler. From MSDN GetKeyState: The key status returned from this function changes as a thread reads key messages from its message queue.*/ MSG msg; /* Process all messages on our queue */ while (PeekMessage (&msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE)) { DispatchMessage (&msg); } } /* Check if modifier keys are pressed, and if so, fake a press */ { BOOL lctrl = (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_LCONTROL) < 0); BOOL rctrl = (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_RCONTROL) < 0); BOOL lshift = (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_LSHIFT) < 0); BOOL rshift = (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_RSHIFT) < 0); BOOL alt = (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_LMENU) < 0); BOOL altgr = (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_RMENU) < 0); /* If AltGr and CtrlL appear to be pressed, assume the CtrL is a fake one */ if (lctrl && altgr) lctrl = FALSE; if (lctrl) winSendKeyEvent(KEY_LCtrl, TRUE); if (rctrl) winSendKeyEvent(KEY_RCtrl, TRUE); if (lshift) winSendKeyEvent(KEY_ShiftL, TRUE); if (rshift) winSendKeyEvent(KEY_ShiftL, TRUE); if (alt) winSendKeyEvent(KEY_Alt, TRUE); if (altgr) winSendKeyEvent(KEY_AltLang, TRUE); } /* Check if latching modifier key states have changed, and if so, fake a press and a release to toggle the modifier to the correct state */ dwKeyState = GetKeyState(VK_NUMLOCK) & 0x0001; if (LOGICAL_XOR(internalKeyStates & NumLockMask, dwKeyState)) { winSendKeyEvent(KEY_NumLock, TRUE); winSendKeyEvent(KEY_NumLock, FALSE); } dwKeyState = GetKeyState(VK_CAPITAL) & 0x0001; if (LOGICAL_XOR(internalKeyStates & LockMask, dwKeyState)) { winSendKeyEvent(KEY_CapsLock, TRUE); winSendKeyEvent(KEY_CapsLock, FALSE); } dwKeyState = GetKeyState(VK_SCROLL) & 0x0001; if (LOGICAL_XOR(internalKeyStates & ScrollLockMask, dwKeyState)) { winSendKeyEvent(KEY_ScrollLock, TRUE); winSendKeyEvent(KEY_ScrollLock, FALSE); } dwKeyState = GetKeyState(VK_KANA) & 0x0001; if (LOGICAL_XOR(internalKeyStates & KanaMask, dwKeyState)) { winSendKeyEvent(KEY_HKTG, TRUE); winSendKeyEvent(KEY_HKTG, FALSE); } /* For strict correctness, we should also press any non-modifier keys which are already down when we gain focus, but nobody has complained yet :-) */ } /* * Look for the lovely fake Control_L press/release generated by Windows * when AltGr is pressed/released on a non-U.S. keyboard. */ Bool winIsFakeCtrl_L(UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { MSG msgNext; LONG lTime; Bool fReturn; static Bool lastWasControlL = FALSE; static LONG lastTime; /* * Fake Ctrl_L presses will be followed by an Alt_R press * with the same timestamp as the Ctrl_L press. */ if ((message == WM_KEYDOWN || message == WM_SYSKEYDOWN) && wParam == VK_CONTROL && (HIWORD(lParam) & KF_EXTENDED) == 0) { /* Got a Ctrl_L press */ /* Get time of current message */ lTime = GetMessageTime(); /* Look for next press message */ fReturn = PeekMessage(&msgNext, NULL, WM_KEYDOWN, WM_SYSKEYDOWN, PM_NOREMOVE); if (fReturn && msgNext.message != WM_KEYDOWN && msgNext.message != WM_SYSKEYDOWN) fReturn = 0; if (!fReturn) { lastWasControlL = TRUE; lastTime = lTime; } else { lastWasControlL = FALSE; } /* Is next press an Alt_R with the same timestamp? */ if (fReturn && msgNext.wParam == VK_MENU && msgNext.time == lTime && (HIWORD(msgNext.lParam) & KF_EXTENDED)) { /* * Next key press is Alt_R with same timestamp as current * Ctrl_L message. Therefore, this Ctrl_L press is a fake * event, so discard it. */ return TRUE; } } /* * Sometimes, the Alt_R press message is not yet posted when the * fake Ctrl_L press message arrives (even though it has the * same timestamp), so check for an Alt_R press message that has * arrived since the last Ctrl_L message. */ else if ((message == WM_KEYDOWN || message == WM_SYSKEYDOWN) && wParam == VK_MENU && (HIWORD(lParam) & KF_EXTENDED)) { /* Got a Alt_R press */ if (lastWasControlL) { lTime = GetMessageTime(); if (lastTime == lTime) { /* Undo the fake Ctrl_L press by sending a fake Ctrl_L release */ winSendKeyEvent(KEY_LCtrl, FALSE); } lastWasControlL = FALSE; } } /* * Fake Ctrl_L releases will be followed by an Alt_R release * with the same timestamp as the Ctrl_L release. */ else if ((message == WM_KEYUP || message == WM_SYSKEYUP) && wParam == VK_CONTROL && (HIWORD(lParam) & KF_EXTENDED) == 0) { /* Got a Ctrl_L release */ /* Get time of current message */ lTime = GetMessageTime(); /* Look for next release message */ fReturn = PeekMessage(&msgNext, NULL, WM_KEYUP, WM_SYSKEYUP, PM_NOREMOVE); if (fReturn && msgNext.message != WM_KEYUP && msgNext.message != WM_SYSKEYUP) fReturn = 0; lastWasControlL = FALSE; /* Is next press an Alt_R with the same timestamp? */ if (fReturn && (msgNext.message == WM_KEYUP || msgNext.message == WM_SYSKEYUP) && msgNext.wParam == VK_MENU && msgNext.time == lTime && (HIWORD(msgNext.lParam) & KF_EXTENDED)) { /* * Next key release is Alt_R with same timestamp as current * Ctrl_L message. Therefore, this Ctrl_L release is a fake * event, so discard it. */ return TRUE; } } else { /* On any other press or release message, we don't have a potentially fake Ctrl_L to worry about anymore... */ lastWasControlL = FALSE; } /* Not a fake control left press/release */ return FALSE; } /* * Lift any modifier keys that are pressed */ void winKeybdReleaseKeys(void) { int i; #ifdef HAS_DEVWINDOWS /* Verify that the mi input system has been initialized */ if (g_fdMessageQueue == WIN_FD_INVALID) return; #endif /* Loop through all keys */ for (i = 0; i < NUM_KEYCODES; ++i) { /* Pop key if pressed */ if (g_winKeyState[i]) winSendKeyEvent(i, FALSE); /* Reset pressed flag for keys */ g_winKeyState[i] = FALSE; } } /* * Take a raw X key code and send an up or down event for it. * * Thanks to VNC for inspiration, though it is a simple function. */ void winSendKeyEvent(DWORD dwKey, Bool fDown) { /* * When alt-tabing between screens we can get phantom key up messages * Here we only pass them through it we think we should! */ if (g_winKeyState[dwKey] == FALSE && fDown == FALSE) return; /* Update the keyState map */ g_winKeyState[dwKey] = fDown; QueueKeyboardEvents(g_pwinKeyboard, fDown ? KeyPress : KeyRelease, dwKey + MIN_KEYCODE, NULL); winDebug("winSendKeyEvent: dwKey: %d, fDown: %d\n", dwKey, fDown); } BOOL winCheckKeyPressed(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { switch (wParam) { case VK_CONTROL: if ((lParam & 0x1ff0000) == 0x11d0000 && g_winKeyState[KEY_RCtrl]) return TRUE; if ((lParam & 0x1ff0000) == 0x01d0000 && g_winKeyState[KEY_LCtrl]) return TRUE; break; case VK_SHIFT: if ((lParam & 0x1ff0000) == 0x0360000 && g_winKeyState[KEY_ShiftR]) return TRUE; if ((lParam & 0x1ff0000) == 0x02a0000 && g_winKeyState[KEY_ShiftL]) return TRUE; break; default: return TRUE; } return FALSE; } /* Only one shift release message is sent even if both are pressed. * Fix this here */ void winFixShiftKeys(int iScanCode) { if (GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT) & 0x8000) return; if (iScanCode == KEY_ShiftL && g_winKeyState[KEY_ShiftR]) winSendKeyEvent(KEY_ShiftR, FALSE); if (iScanCode == KEY_ShiftR && g_winKeyState[KEY_ShiftL]) winSendKeyEvent(KEY_ShiftL, FALSE); }