/* *Copyright (C) 1994-2000 The XFree86 Project, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * *Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the *"Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including *without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, *distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to *permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to *the following conditions: * *The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be *included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * *THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, *EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF *MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND *NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE XFREE86 PROJECT BE LIABLE FOR *ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF *CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION *WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. * *Except as contained in this notice, the name of the XFree86 Project *shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use *or other dealings in this Software without prior written authorization *from the XFree86 Project. * * Authors: Dakshinamurthy Karra * Suhaib M Siddiqi * Peter Busch * Harold L Hunt II */ #ifdef HAVE_XWIN_CONFIG_H #include <xwin-config.h> #endif #include "win.h" #include "inputstr.h" #include "exevents.h" /* for button/axes labels */ #include "xserver-properties.h" #include "inpututils.h" /* Peek the internal button mapping */ static CARD8 const *g_winMouseButtonMap = NULL; /* * Local prototypes */ static void winMouseCtrl(DeviceIntPtr pDevice, PtrCtrl * pCtrl); static void winMouseCtrl(DeviceIntPtr pDevice, PtrCtrl * pCtrl) { } /* * See Porting Layer Definition - p. 18 * This is known as a DeviceProc */ int winMouseProc(DeviceIntPtr pDeviceInt, int iState) { int lngMouseButtons, i; int lngWheelEvents = 4; CARD8 *map; DevicePtr pDevice = (DevicePtr) pDeviceInt; Atom btn_labels[9]; Atom axes_labels[2]; switch (iState) { case DEVICE_INIT: /* Get number of mouse buttons */ lngMouseButtons = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CMOUSEBUTTONS); winMsg(X_PROBED, "%d mouse buttons found\n", lngMouseButtons); /* Mapping of windows events to X events: * LEFT:1 MIDDLE:2 RIGHT:3 * SCROLL_UP:4 SCROLL_DOWN:5 * TILT_LEFT:6 TILT_RIGHT:7 * XBUTTON 1:8 XBUTTON 2:9 (most commonly 'back' and 'forward') * ... * * The current Windows API only defines 2 extra buttons, so we don't * expect more than 5 buttons to be reported, but more than that * should be handled correctly */ /* * To map scroll wheel correctly we need at least the 3 normal buttons */ if (lngMouseButtons < 3) lngMouseButtons = 3; /* allocate memory: * number of buttons + 4 x mouse wheel event + 1 extra (offset for map) */ map = malloc(sizeof(CARD8) * (lngMouseButtons + lngWheelEvents + 1)); /* initalize button map */ map[0] = 0; for (i = 1; i <= lngMouseButtons + lngWheelEvents; i++) map[i] = i; btn_labels[0] = XIGetKnownProperty(BTN_LABEL_PROP_BTN_LEFT); btn_labels[1] = XIGetKnownProperty(BTN_LABEL_PROP_BTN_MIDDLE); btn_labels[2] = XIGetKnownProperty(BTN_LABEL_PROP_BTN_RIGHT); btn_labels[3] = XIGetKnownProperty(BTN_LABEL_PROP_BTN_WHEEL_UP); btn_labels[4] = XIGetKnownProperty(BTN_LABEL_PROP_BTN_WHEEL_DOWN); btn_labels[5] = XIGetKnownProperty(BTN_LABEL_PROP_BTN_HWHEEL_LEFT); btn_labels[6] = XIGetKnownProperty(BTN_LABEL_PROP_BTN_HWHEEL_RIGHT); btn_labels[7] = XIGetKnownProperty(BTN_LABEL_PROP_BTN_BACK); btn_labels[8] = XIGetKnownProperty(BTN_LABEL_PROP_BTN_FORWARD); axes_labels[0] = XIGetKnownProperty(AXIS_LABEL_PROP_REL_X); axes_labels[1] = XIGetKnownProperty(AXIS_LABEL_PROP_REL_Y); InitPointerDeviceStruct(pDevice, map, lngMouseButtons + lngWheelEvents, btn_labels, winMouseCtrl, GetMotionHistorySize(), 2, axes_labels); free(map); g_winMouseButtonMap = pDeviceInt->button->map; break; case DEVICE_ON: pDevice->on = TRUE; break; case DEVICE_CLOSE: g_winMouseButtonMap = NULL; case DEVICE_OFF: pDevice->on = FALSE; break; } return Success; } /* Handle the mouse wheel */ int winMouseWheel(int *iTotalDeltaZ, int iDeltaZ, int iButtonUp, int iButtonDown) { int button; /* Do we have any previous delta stored? */ if ((*iTotalDeltaZ > 0 && iDeltaZ > 0) || (*iTotalDeltaZ < 0 && iDeltaZ < 0)) { /* Previous delta and of same sign as current delta */ iDeltaZ += *iTotalDeltaZ; *iTotalDeltaZ = 0; } else { /* * Previous delta of different sign, or zero. * We will set it to zero for either case, * as blindly setting takes just as much time * as checking, then setting if necessary :) */ *iTotalDeltaZ = 0; } /* * Only process this message if the wheel has moved further than * WHEEL_DELTA */ if (iDeltaZ >= WHEEL_DELTA || (-1 * iDeltaZ) >= WHEEL_DELTA) { *iTotalDeltaZ = 0; /* Figure out how many whole deltas of the wheel we have */ iDeltaZ /= WHEEL_DELTA; } else { /* * Wheel has not moved past WHEEL_DELTA threshold; * we will store the wheel delta until the threshold * has been reached. */ *iTotalDeltaZ = iDeltaZ; return 0; } /* Set the button to indicate up or down wheel delta */ if (iDeltaZ > 0) { button = iButtonUp; } else { button = iButtonDown; } /* * Flip iDeltaZ to positive, if negative, * because always need to generate a *positive* number of * button clicks for the Z axis. */ if (iDeltaZ < 0) { iDeltaZ *= -1; } /* Generate X input messages for each wheel delta we have seen */ while (iDeltaZ--) { /* Push the wheel button */ winMouseButtonsSendEvent(ButtonPress, button); /* Release the wheel button */ winMouseButtonsSendEvent(ButtonRelease, button); } return 0; } /* * Enqueue a mouse button event */ void winMouseButtonsSendEvent(int iEventType, int iButton) { ValuatorMask mask; if (g_winMouseButtonMap) iButton = g_winMouseButtonMap[iButton]; valuator_mask_zero(&mask); QueuePointerEvents(g_pwinPointer, iEventType, iButton, POINTER_RELATIVE, &mask); #if CYGDEBUG ErrorF("winMouseButtonsSendEvent: iEventType: %d, iButton: %d\n", iEventType, iButton); #endif } /* * Decide what to do with a Windows mouse message */ int winMouseButtonsHandle(ScreenPtr pScreen, int iEventType, int iButton, WPARAM wParam) { winScreenPriv(pScreen); winScreenInfo *pScreenInfo = pScreenPriv->pScreenInfo; /* Send button events right away if emulate 3 buttons is off */ if (pScreenInfo->iE3BTimeout == WIN_E3B_OFF) { /* Emulate 3 buttons is off, send the button event */ winMouseButtonsSendEvent(iEventType, iButton); return 0; } /* Emulate 3 buttons is on, let the fun begin */ if (iEventType == ButtonPress && pScreenPriv->iE3BCachedPress == 0 && !pScreenPriv->fE3BFakeButton2Sent) { /* * Button was pressed, no press is cached, * and there is no fake button 2 release pending. */ /* Store button press type */ pScreenPriv->iE3BCachedPress = iButton; /* * Set a timer to send this button press if the other button * is not pressed within the timeout time. */ SetTimer(pScreenPriv->hwndScreen, WIN_E3B_TIMER_ID, pScreenInfo->iE3BTimeout, NULL); } else if (iEventType == ButtonPress && pScreenPriv->iE3BCachedPress != 0 && pScreenPriv->iE3BCachedPress != iButton && !pScreenPriv->fE3BFakeButton2Sent) { /* * Button press is cached, other button was pressed, * and there is no fake button 2 release pending. */ /* Mouse button was cached and other button was pressed */ KillTimer(pScreenPriv->hwndScreen, WIN_E3B_TIMER_ID); pScreenPriv->iE3BCachedPress = 0; /* Send fake middle button */ winMouseButtonsSendEvent(ButtonPress, Button2); /* Indicate that a fake middle button event was sent */ pScreenPriv->fE3BFakeButton2Sent = TRUE; } else if (iEventType == ButtonRelease && pScreenPriv->iE3BCachedPress == iButton) { /* * Cached button was released before timer ran out, * and before the other mouse button was pressed. */ KillTimer(pScreenPriv->hwndScreen, WIN_E3B_TIMER_ID); pScreenPriv->iE3BCachedPress = 0; /* Send cached press, then send release */ winMouseButtonsSendEvent(ButtonPress, iButton); winMouseButtonsSendEvent(ButtonRelease, iButton); } else if (iEventType == ButtonRelease && pScreenPriv->fE3BFakeButton2Sent && !(wParam & MK_LBUTTON) && !(wParam & MK_RBUTTON)) { /* * Fake button 2 was sent and both mouse buttons have now been released */ pScreenPriv->fE3BFakeButton2Sent = FALSE; /* Send middle mouse button release */ winMouseButtonsSendEvent(ButtonRelease, Button2); } else if (iEventType == ButtonRelease && pScreenPriv->iE3BCachedPress == 0 && !pScreenPriv->fE3BFakeButton2Sent) { /* * Button was release, no button is cached, * and there is no fake button 2 release is pending. */ winMouseButtonsSendEvent(ButtonRelease, iButton); } return 0; } /** * Enqueue a motion event. * */ void winEnqueueMotion(int x, int y) { int valuators[2]; ValuatorMask mask; valuators[0] = x; valuators[1] = y; valuator_mask_set_range(&mask, 0, 2, valuators); QueuePointerEvents(g_pwinPointer, MotionNotify, 0, POINTER_ABSOLUTE | POINTER_SCREEN, &mask); }