/* *Copyright (C) 1994-2000 The XFree86 Project, Inc. All Rights Reserved. *Copyright (C) Colin Harrison 2005-2009 * *Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the *"Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including *without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, *distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to *permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to *the following conditions: * *The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be *included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * *THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, *EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF *MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND *NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE XFREE86 PROJECT BE LIABLE FOR *ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF *CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION *WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. * *Except as contained in this notice, the name of the XFree86 Project *shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use *or other dealings in this Software without prior written authorization *from the XFree86 Project. * * Authors: Kensuke Matsuzaki * Colin Harrison */ /* X headers */ #ifdef HAVE_XWIN_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include #include #include #ifdef __CYGWIN__ #include #endif #include #include #define HANDLE void * #ifdef _MSC_VER typedef int pid_t; #endif #include #undef HANDLE #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* Local headers */ #include "objbase.h" #include "ddraw.h" #include "winwindow.h" #include "winprefs.h" #include "window.h" #include "pixmapstr.h" #include "winmsg.h" #include "windowstr.h" #include "winmultiwindowclass.h" #ifdef XWIN_MULTIWINDOWEXTWM #include #else /* We need the native HWND atom for intWM, so for consistency use the same name as extWM would if we were building with enabled... */ #define WINDOWSWM_NATIVE_HWND "_WINDOWSWM_NATIVE_HWND" #endif extern void winDebug(const char *format, ...); extern void winReshapeMultiWindow(WindowPtr pWin); extern void winUpdateRgnMultiWindow(WindowPtr pWin); /* * Constant defines */ #define WIN_CONNECT_RETRIES 5 #define WIN_CONNECT_DELAY 5 #ifdef HAS_DEVWINDOWS # define WIN_MSG_QUEUE_FNAME "/dev/windows" #endif #define WIN_JMP_OKAY 0 #define WIN_JMP_ERROR_IO 2 /* * Local structures */ typedef struct _WMMsgNodeRec { winWMMessageRec msg; struct _WMMsgNodeRec *pNext; } WMMsgNodeRec, *WMMsgNodePtr; typedef struct _WMMsgQueueRec { struct _WMMsgNodeRec *pHead; struct _WMMsgNodeRec *pTail; pthread_mutex_t pmMutex; pthread_cond_t pcNotEmpty; int nQueueSize; } WMMsgQueueRec, *WMMsgQueuePtr; typedef struct _WMInfo { Display *pDisplay; WMMsgQueueRec wmMsgQueue; Atom atmWmProtos; Atom atmWmDelete; Atom atmPrivMap; Bool fAllowOtherWM; } WMInfoRec, *WMInfoPtr; typedef struct _WMProcArgRec { DWORD dwScreen; WMInfoPtr pWMInfo; pthread_mutex_t *ppmServerStarted; } WMProcArgRec, *WMProcArgPtr; typedef struct _XMsgProcArgRec { Display *pDisplay; DWORD dwScreen; WMInfoPtr pWMInfo; pthread_mutex_t *ppmServerStarted; HWND hwndScreen; } XMsgProcArgRec, *XMsgProcArgPtr; /* * References to external symbols */ extern char *display; extern void ErrorF (const char* /*f*/, ...); /* * Prototypes for local functions */ static void PushMessage (WMMsgQueuePtr pQueue, WMMsgNodePtr pNode); static WMMsgNodePtr PopMessage (WMMsgQueuePtr pQueue, WMInfoPtr pWMInfo); static Bool InitQueue (WMMsgQueuePtr pQueue); static void GetWindowName (Display * pDpy, Window iWin, wchar_t **ppName); static int SendXMessage (Display *pDisplay, Window iWin, Atom atmType, long nData); static void UpdateName (WMInfoPtr pWMInfo, Window iWindow); static void* winMultiWindowWMProc (void* pArg); static int winMultiWindowWMErrorHandler (Display *pDisplay, XErrorEvent *pErr); static int winMultiWindowWMIOErrorHandler (Display *pDisplay); static void * winMultiWindowXMsgProc (void *pArg); static int winMultiWindowXMsgProcErrorHandler (Display *pDisplay, XErrorEvent *pErr); static int winMultiWindowXMsgProcIOErrorHandler (Display *pDisplay); static int winRedirectErrorHandler (Display *pDisplay, XErrorEvent *pErr); static void winInitMultiWindowWM (WMInfoPtr pWMInfo, WMProcArgPtr pProcArg); static Bool CheckAnotherWindowManager (Display *pDisplay, DWORD dwScreen); static void winApplyHints (Display *pDisplay, Window iWindow, HWND hWnd, HWND *zstyle); void winUpdateWindowPosition (HWND hWnd, Bool reshape, HWND *zstyle); /* * Local globals */ static jmp_buf g_jmpWMEntry; static jmp_buf g_jmpXMsgProcEntry; static Bool g_shutdown = FALSE; static Bool redirectError = FALSE; static Bool g_fAnotherWMRunning = FALSE; /* * PushMessage - Push a message onto the queue */ static void PushMessage (WMMsgQueuePtr pQueue, WMMsgNodePtr pNode) { /* Lock the queue mutex */ pthread_mutex_lock (&pQueue->pmMutex); pNode->pNext = NULL; if (pQueue->pTail != NULL) { pQueue->pTail->pNext = pNode; } pQueue->pTail = pNode; if (pQueue->pHead == NULL) { pQueue->pHead = pNode; } /* Increase the count of elements in the queue by one */ ++(pQueue->nQueueSize); /* Release the queue mutex */ pthread_mutex_unlock (&pQueue->pmMutex); /* Signal that the queue is not empty */ pthread_cond_signal (&pQueue->pcNotEmpty); } #ifdef WINDBG /* * QueueSize - Return the size of the queue */ static int QueueSize (WMMsgQueuePtr pQueue) { WMMsgNodePtr pNode; int nSize = 0; /* Loop through all elements in the queue */ for (pNode = pQueue->pHead; pNode != NULL; pNode = pNode->pNext) ++nSize; return nSize; } #endif /* * PopMessage - Pop a message from the queue */ static WMMsgNodePtr PopMessage (WMMsgQueuePtr pQueue, WMInfoPtr pWMInfo) { WMMsgNodePtr pNode; /* Lock the queue mutex */ pthread_mutex_lock (&pQueue->pmMutex); /* Wait for --- */ while (pQueue->pHead == NULL) { pthread_cond_wait (&pQueue->pcNotEmpty, &pQueue->pmMutex); } pNode = pQueue->pHead; if (pQueue->pHead != NULL) { pQueue->pHead = pQueue->pHead->pNext; } if (pQueue->pTail == pNode) { pQueue->pTail = NULL; } /* Drop the number of elements in the queue by one */ --(pQueue->nQueueSize); winDebug ("Queue Size %d %d\n", pQueue->nQueueSize, QueueSize(pQueue)); /* Release the queue mutex */ pthread_mutex_unlock (&pQueue->pmMutex); return pNode; } #if 0 /* * HaveMessage - */ static Bool HaveMessage (WMMsgQueuePtr pQueue, UINT msg, Window iWindow) { WMMsgNodePtr pNode; for (pNode = pQueue->pHead; pNode != NULL; pNode = pNode->pNext) { if (pNode->msg.msg==msg && pNode->msg.iWindow==iWindow) return True; } return False; } #endif /* * InitQueue - Initialize the Window Manager message queue */ static Bool InitQueue (WMMsgQueuePtr pQueue) { /* Check if the pQueue pointer is NULL */ if (pQueue == NULL) { ErrorF ("InitQueue - pQueue is NULL. Exiting.\n"); return FALSE; } /* Set the head and tail to NULL */ pQueue->pHead = NULL; pQueue->pTail = NULL; /* There are no elements initially */ pQueue->nQueueSize = 0; winDebug ("InitQueue - Queue Size %d %d\n", pQueue->nQueueSize, QueueSize(pQueue)); winDebug ("InitQueue - Calling pthread_mutex_init\n"); /* Create synchronization objects */ pthread_mutex_init (&pQueue->pmMutex, NULL); winDebug ("InitQueue - pthread_mutex_init returned\n"); winDebug ("InitQueue - Calling pthread_cond_init\n"); pthread_cond_init (&pQueue->pcNotEmpty, NULL); winDebug ("InitQueue - pthread_cond_init returned\n"); return TRUE; } /* * GetWindowName - Retrieve the title of an X Window */ static void GetWindowName (Display *pDisplay, Window iWin, wchar_t **ppName) { int nResult, nNum; char **ppList; char *pszReturnData; int iLen, i; XTextProperty xtpName; winDebug ("GetWindowName\n"); /* Intialize ppName to NULL */ *ppName = NULL; /* Try to get --- */ nResult = XGetWMName (pDisplay, iWin, &xtpName); if (!nResult || !xtpName.value || !xtpName.nitems) { ErrorF ("GetWindowName - XGetWMName failed. No name.\n"); return; } if (Xutf8TextPropertyToTextList (pDisplay, &xtpName, &ppList, &nNum) >= Success && nNum > 0 && *ppList) { iLen = 0; for (i = 0; i < nNum; i++) iLen += strlen(ppList[i]); pszReturnData = (char *) malloc (iLen + 1); pszReturnData[0] = '\0'; for (i = 0; i < nNum; i++) strcat (pszReturnData, ppList[i]); } else { pszReturnData = (char *) malloc (1); pszReturnData[0] = '\0'; } iLen = MultiByteToWideChar (CP_UTF8, 0, pszReturnData, -1, NULL, 0); *ppName = (wchar_t*)malloc(sizeof(wchar_t)*(iLen + 1)); MultiByteToWideChar (CP_UTF8, 0, pszReturnData, -1, *ppName, iLen); XFree (xtpName.value); if (ppList) XFreeStringList (ppList); free (pszReturnData); winDebug ("GetWindowName - Returning\n"); } /* * Send a message to the X server from the WM thread */ static int SendXMessage (Display *pDisplay, Window iWin, Atom atmType, long nData) { XEvent e; /* Prepare the X event structure */ e.type = ClientMessage; e.xclient.window = iWin; e.xclient.message_type = atmType; e.xclient.format = 32; e.xclient.data.l[0] = nData; e.xclient.data.l[1] = CurrentTime; /* Send the event to X */ return XSendEvent (pDisplay, iWin, False, NoEventMask, &e); } /* * Updates the name of a HWND according to its X WM_NAME property */ static void UpdateName (WMInfoPtr pWMInfo, Window iWindow) { wchar_t *pszName; Atom atmType; int fmtRet; unsigned long items, remain; HWND *retHwnd, hWnd; XWindowAttributes attr; hWnd = 0; /* See if we can get the cached HWND for this window... */ if (XGetWindowProperty (pWMInfo->pDisplay, iWindow, pWMInfo->atmPrivMap, 0, 1, False, XA_INTEGER,//pWMInfo->atmPrivMap, &atmType, &fmtRet, &items, &remain, (unsigned char **) &retHwnd) == Success) { if (retHwnd) { hWnd = *retHwnd; XFree (retHwnd); } } /* Some sanity checks */ if (!hWnd) return; if (!IsWindow (hWnd)) return; /* Set the Windows window name */ GetWindowName (pWMInfo->pDisplay, iWindow, &pszName); if (pszName) { /* Get the window attributes */ XGetWindowAttributes (pWMInfo->pDisplay, iWindow, &attr); if (!attr.override_redirect) { SetWindowTextW (hWnd, pszName); winUpdateIcon (iWindow); } free (pszName); } } #if 0 /* * Fix up any differences between the X11 and Win32 window stacks * starting at the window passed in */ static void PreserveWin32Stack(WMInfoPtr pWMInfo, Window iWindow, UINT direction) { Atom atmType; int fmtRet; unsigned long items, remain; HWND hWnd, *retHwnd; DWORD myWinProcID, winProcID; Window xWindow; WINDOWPLACEMENT wndPlace; hWnd = NULL; /* See if we can get the cached HWND for this window... */ if (XGetWindowProperty (pWMInfo->pDisplay, iWindow, pWMInfo->atmPrivMap, 0, 1, False, XA_INTEGER,//pWMInfo->atmPrivMap, &atmType, &fmtRet, &items, &remain, (unsigned char **) &retHwnd) == Success) { if (retHwnd) { hWnd = *retHwnd; XFree (retHwnd); } } if (!hWnd) return; GetWindowThreadProcessId (hWnd, &myWinProcID); hWnd = GetNextWindow (hWnd, direction); while (hWnd) { GetWindowThreadProcessId (hWnd, &winProcID); if (winProcID == myWinProcID) { wndPlace.length = sizeof(WINDOWPLACEMENT); GetWindowPlacement (hWnd, &wndPlace); if ( !(wndPlace.showCmd==SW_HIDE || wndPlace.showCmd==SW_MINIMIZE) ) { xWindow = (Window)GetProp (hWnd, WIN_WID_PROP); if (xWindow) { if (direction==GW_HWNDPREV) XRaiseWindow (pWMInfo->pDisplay, xWindow); else XLowerWindow (pWMInfo->pDisplay, xWindow); } } } hWnd = GetNextWindow(hWnd, direction); } } #endif /* PreserveWin32Stack */ /* * winMultiWindowWMProc */ static void * winMultiWindowWMProc (void *pArg) { WMProcArgPtr pProcArg = (WMProcArgPtr)pArg; WMInfoPtr pWMInfo = pProcArg->pWMInfo; /* Initialize the Window Manager */ winInitMultiWindowWM (pWMInfo, pProcArg); winDebug ("winMultiWindowWMProc ()\n"); /* Loop until we explicity break out */ for (;;) { WMMsgNodePtr pNode; if(g_fAnotherWMRunning)/* Another Window manager exists. */ { Sleep (1000); continue; } /* Pop a message off of our queue */ pNode = PopMessage (&pWMInfo->wmMsgQueue, pWMInfo); if (pNode == NULL) { /* Bail if PopMessage returns without a message */ /* NOTE: Remember that PopMessage is a blocking function. */ ErrorF ("winMultiWindowWMProc - Queue is Empty? Exiting.\n"); pthread_exit (NULL); } winDebug ("winMultiWindowWMProc - %d ms MSG: %d ID: %d\n", GetTickCount (), (int)pNode->msg.msg, (int)pNode->msg.dwID); /* Branch on the message type */ switch (pNode->msg.msg) { case WM_WM_RAISE: winDebug ("\tWM_WM_RAISE\n"); /* Raise the window */ XRaiseWindow (pWMInfo->pDisplay, pNode->msg.iWindow); break; case WM_WM_LOWER: winDebug ("\tWM_WM_LOWER\n"); /* Lower the window */ XLowerWindow (pWMInfo->pDisplay, pNode->msg.iWindow); break; case WM_WM_MAP: winDebug ("\tWM_WM_MAP\n"); /* Put a note as to the HWND associated with this Window */ XChangeProperty (pWMInfo->pDisplay, pNode->msg.iWindow, pWMInfo->atmPrivMap, XA_INTEGER,//pWMInfo->atmPrivMap, 32, PropModeReplace, (unsigned char *) &(pNode->msg.hwndWindow), 1); UpdateName (pWMInfo, pNode->msg.iWindow); winUpdateIcon (pNode->msg.iWindow); { HWND zstyle = HWND_NOTOPMOST; winApplyHints (pWMInfo->pDisplay, pNode->msg.iWindow, pNode->msg.hwndWindow, &zstyle); winUpdateWindowPosition (pNode->msg.hwndWindow, TRUE, &zstyle); } break; case WM_WM_MAP2: winDebug ("\tWM_WM_MAP2\n"); XChangeProperty (pWMInfo->pDisplay, pNode->msg.iWindow, pWMInfo->atmPrivMap, XA_INTEGER,//pWMInfo->atmPrivMap, 32, PropModeReplace, (unsigned char *) &(pNode->msg.hwndWindow), 1); break; case WM_WM_MAP3: winDebug ("\tWM_WM_MAP3\n"); /* Put a note as to the HWND associated with this Window */ XChangeProperty (pWMInfo->pDisplay, pNode->msg.iWindow, pWMInfo->atmPrivMap, XA_INTEGER,//pWMInfo->atmPrivMap, 32, PropModeReplace, (unsigned char *) &(pNode->msg.hwndWindow), 1); UpdateName (pWMInfo, pNode->msg.iWindow); winUpdateIcon (pNode->msg.iWindow); { HWND zstyle = HWND_NOTOPMOST; winApplyHints (pWMInfo->pDisplay, pNode->msg.iWindow, pNode->msg.hwndWindow, &zstyle); winUpdateWindowPosition (pNode->msg.hwndWindow, TRUE, &zstyle); } break; case WM_WM_UNMAP: winDebug ("\tWM_WM_UNMAP\n"); /* Unmap the window */ XUnmapWindow (pWMInfo->pDisplay, pNode->msg.iWindow); break; case WM_WM_KILL: winDebug ("\tWM_WM_KILL\n"); { int i, n, found = 0; Atom *protocols; /* --- */ if (XGetWMProtocols (pWMInfo->pDisplay, pNode->msg.iWindow, &protocols, &n)) { for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) if (protocols[i] == pWMInfo->atmWmDelete) ++found; XFree (protocols); } /* --- */ if (found) SendXMessage (pWMInfo->pDisplay, pNode->msg.iWindow, pWMInfo->atmWmProtos, pWMInfo->atmWmDelete); else XKillClient (pWMInfo->pDisplay, pNode->msg.iWindow); } break; case WM_WM_ACTIVATE: winDebug ("\tWM_WM_ACTIVATE\n"); /* Set the input focus */ XSetInputFocus (pWMInfo->pDisplay, pNode->msg.iWindow, RevertToPointerRoot, CurrentTime); break; case WM_WM_NAME_EVENT: UpdateName (pWMInfo, pNode->msg.iWindow); break; case WM_WM_HINTS_EVENT: winUpdateIcon (pNode->msg.iWindow); break; case WM_WM_CHANGE_STATE: /* Minimize the window in Windows */ winMinimizeWindow (pNode->msg.iWindow); break; default: ErrorF ("winMultiWindowWMProc - Unknown Message. Exiting.\n"); pthread_exit (NULL); break; } /* Free the retrieved message */ free (pNode); /* Flush any pending events on our display */ XFlush (pWMInfo->pDisplay); } /* Free the condition variable */ pthread_cond_destroy (&pWMInfo->wmMsgQueue.pcNotEmpty); /* Free the mutex variable */ pthread_mutex_destroy (&pWMInfo->wmMsgQueue.pmMutex); /* Free the passed-in argument */ free (pProcArg); winDebug("-winMultiWindowWMProc ()\n"); return NULL; } /* * X message procedure */ static void * winMultiWindowXMsgProc (void *pArg) { winWMMessageRec msg; XMsgProcArgPtr pProcArg = (XMsgProcArgPtr) pArg; char pszDisplay[512]; int iRetries; XEvent event; Atom atmWmName; Atom atmWmHints; Atom atmWmChange; int iReturn; XIconSize *xis; winDebug ("winMultiWindowXMsgProc - Hello\n"); /* Check that argument pointer is not invalid */ if (pProcArg == NULL) { ErrorF ("winMultiWindowXMsgProc - pProcArg is NULL. Exiting.\n"); pthread_exit (NULL); } winDebug ("winMultiWindowXMsgProc - Calling pthread_mutex_lock ()\n"); /* Grab the server started mutex - pause until we get it */ iReturn = pthread_mutex_lock (pProcArg->ppmServerStarted); if (iReturn != 0) { ErrorF ("winMultiWindowXMsgProc - pthread_mutex_lock () failed: %d. " "Exiting.\n", iReturn); pthread_exit (NULL); } winDebug ("winMultiWindowXMsgProc - pthread_mutex_lock () returned.\n"); /* See if X supports the current locale */ if (XSupportsLocale () == False) { ErrorF ("winMultiWindowXMsgProc - Locale not supported by X. " "Exiting.\n"); pthread_exit (NULL); } /* Release the server started mutex */ pthread_mutex_unlock (pProcArg->ppmServerStarted); winDebug ("winMultiWindowXMsgProc - pthread_mutex_unlock () returned.\n"); /* Set jump point for IO Error exits */ iReturn = setjmp (g_jmpXMsgProcEntry); /* Check if we should continue operations */ if (iReturn != WIN_JMP_ERROR_IO && iReturn != WIN_JMP_OKAY) { /* setjmp returned an unknown value, exit */ ErrorF ("winInitMultiWindowXMsgProc - setjmp returned: %d. Exiting.\n", iReturn); pthread_exit (NULL); } else if (iReturn == WIN_JMP_ERROR_IO) { ErrorF ("winInitMultiWindowXMsgProc - Caught IO Error. Exiting.\n"); pthread_exit (NULL); } /* Install our error handler */ XSetErrorHandler (winMultiWindowXMsgProcErrorHandler); XSetIOErrorHandler (winMultiWindowXMsgProcIOErrorHandler); /* Setup the display connection string x */ winGetDisplayName(pszDisplay, (int)pProcArg->dwScreen); /* Print the display connection string */ winDebug ("winMultiWindowXMsgProc - DISPLAY=%s\n", pszDisplay); /* Use our generated cookie for authentication */ winSetAuthorization(); /* Initialize retry count */ iRetries = 0; /* Open the X display */ do { /* Try to open the display */ pProcArg->pDisplay = XOpenDisplay (pszDisplay); if (pProcArg->pDisplay == NULL) { winDebug ("winMultiWindowXMsgProc - Could not open display, try: %d, " "sleeping: %d\n\f", iRetries + 1, WIN_CONNECT_DELAY); ++iRetries; sleep (WIN_CONNECT_DELAY); continue; } else break; } while (pProcArg->pDisplay == NULL && iRetries < WIN_CONNECT_RETRIES); /* Make sure that the display opened */ if (pProcArg->pDisplay == NULL) { ErrorF ("winMultiWindowXMsgProc - Failed opening the display. " "Exiting.\n"); pthread_exit (NULL); } winDebug ("winMultiWindowXMsgProc - XOpenDisplay () returned and " "successfully opened the display.\n"); /* Check if another window manager is already running */ g_fAnotherWMRunning = CheckAnotherWindowManager (pProcArg->pDisplay, pProcArg->dwScreen); if (g_fAnotherWMRunning && !pProcArg->pWMInfo->fAllowOtherWM) { ErrorF ("winMultiWindowXMsgProc - " "another window manager is running. Exiting.\n"); pthread_exit (NULL); } /* Set up the supported icon sizes */ xis = XAllocIconSize (); if (xis) { xis->min_width = xis->min_height = 16; xis->max_width = xis->max_height = 48; xis->width_inc = xis->height_inc = 16; XSetIconSizes (pProcArg->pDisplay, RootWindow (pProcArg->pDisplay, pProcArg->dwScreen), xis, 1); XFree (xis); } atmWmName = XInternAtom (pProcArg->pDisplay, "WM_NAME", False); atmWmHints = XInternAtom (pProcArg->pDisplay, "WM_HINTS", False); atmWmChange = XInternAtom (pProcArg->pDisplay, "WM_CHANGE_STATE", False); /* iiimxcf had a bug until 2009-04-27, assuming that the WM_STATE atom exists, causing clients to fail with a BadAtom X error if it doesn't. Since this is on in the default Solaris 10 install, workaround this by making sure it does exist... */ XInternAtom(pProcArg->pDisplay, "WM_STATE", 0); /* Loop until we explicitly break out */ while (1) { if (g_shutdown) break; if (pProcArg->pWMInfo->fAllowOtherWM && !XPending (pProcArg->pDisplay)) { if (CheckAnotherWindowManager (pProcArg->pDisplay, pProcArg->dwScreen)) { if (!g_fAnotherWMRunning) { g_fAnotherWMRunning = TRUE; SendMessage(*(HWND*)pProcArg->hwndScreen, WM_UNMANAGE, 0, 0); } } else { if (g_fAnotherWMRunning) { g_fAnotherWMRunning = FALSE; SendMessage(*(HWND*)pProcArg->hwndScreen, WM_MANAGE, 0, 0); } } Sleep (500); continue; } /* Fetch next event */ XNextEvent (pProcArg->pDisplay, &event); /* Branch on event type */ if (event.type == MapNotify /* CreateNotify */) { XWindowAttributes attr; XSelectInput (pProcArg->pDisplay, event.xcreatewindow.window, PropertyChangeMask); /* Get the window attributes */ XGetWindowAttributes (pProcArg->pDisplay, event.xcreatewindow.window, &attr); if (!attr.override_redirect && attr.class != InputOnly) XSetWindowBorderWidth(pProcArg->pDisplay, event.xcreatewindow.window, 0); } else if (event.type == MapNotify) { /* Fake a reparentNotify event as SWT/Motif expects a Window Manager to reparent a top-level window when it is mapped and waits until they do. We don't actually need to reparent, as the frame is a native window, not an X window We do this on MapNotify, not MapRequest like a real Window Manager would, so we don't have do get involved in actually mapping the window via it's (non-existent) parent... See sourceware bugzilla #9848 */ XWindowAttributes attr; Window root; Window parent; Window *children; unsigned int nchildren; if (XGetWindowAttributes(event.xmap.display, event.xmap.window, &attr) && XQueryTree(event.xmap.display, event.xmap.window, &root, &parent, &children, &nchildren)) { if (children) XFree(children); /* It's a top-level window if the parent window is a root window Only non-override_redirect windows can get reparented */ if ((attr.root == parent) && !event.xmap.override_redirect) { XEvent event_send; event_send.type = ReparentNotify; event_send.xreparent.event = event.xmap.window; event_send.xreparent.window = event.xmap.window; event_send.xreparent.parent = parent; event_send.xreparent.x = attr.x; event_send.xreparent.y = attr.y; XSendEvent(event.xmap.display, event.xmap.window, True, StructureNotifyMask, &event_send); } } } else if (event.type == PropertyNotify && event.xproperty.atom == atmWmName) { memset (&msg, 0, sizeof (msg)); msg.msg = WM_WM_NAME_EVENT; msg.iWindow = event.xproperty.window; /* Other fields ignored */ winSendMessageToWM (pProcArg->pWMInfo, &msg); } else if (event.type == PropertyNotify && event.xproperty.atom == atmWmHints) { memset (&msg, 0, sizeof (msg)); msg.msg = WM_WM_HINTS_EVENT; msg.iWindow = event.xproperty.window; /* Other fields ignored */ winSendMessageToWM (pProcArg->pWMInfo, &msg); } else if (event.type == ClientMessage && event.xclient.message_type == atmWmChange && event.xclient.data.l[0] == IconicState) { winDebug ("winMultiWindowXMsgProc - WM_CHANGE_STATE - IconicState\n"); memset (&msg, 0, sizeof (msg)); msg.msg = WM_WM_CHANGE_STATE; msg.iWindow = event.xclient.window; winSendMessageToWM (pProcArg->pWMInfo, &msg); } } XCloseDisplay (pProcArg->pDisplay); pthread_exit (NULL); return NULL; } /* * winInitWM - Entry point for the X server to spawn * the Window Manager thread. Called from * winscrinit.c/winFinishScreenInitFB (). */ Bool winInitWM (void **ppWMInfo, pthread_t *ptWMProc, pthread_t *ptXMsgProc, pthread_mutex_t *ppmServerStarted, int dwScreen, HWND hwndScreen, BOOL allowOtherWM) { WMProcArgPtr pArg = (WMProcArgPtr) malloc (sizeof(WMProcArgRec)); WMInfoPtr pWMInfo = (WMInfoPtr) malloc (sizeof(WMInfoRec)); XMsgProcArgPtr pXMsgArg = (XMsgProcArgPtr) malloc (sizeof(XMsgProcArgRec)); /* Bail if the input parameters are bad */ if (pArg == NULL || pWMInfo == NULL) { ErrorF ("winInitWM - malloc failed.\n"); return FALSE; } /* Zero the allocated memory */ ZeroMemory (pArg, sizeof (WMProcArgRec)); ZeroMemory (pWMInfo, sizeof (WMInfoRec)); ZeroMemory (pXMsgArg, sizeof (XMsgProcArgRec)); /* Set a return pointer to the Window Manager info structure */ *ppWMInfo = pWMInfo; pWMInfo->fAllowOtherWM = allowOtherWM; /* Setup the argument structure for the thread function */ pArg->dwScreen = dwScreen; pArg->pWMInfo = pWMInfo; pArg->ppmServerStarted = ppmServerStarted; /* Intialize the message queue */ if (!InitQueue (&pWMInfo->wmMsgQueue)) { ErrorF ("winInitWM - InitQueue () failed.\n"); return FALSE; } /* Spawn a thread for the Window Manager */ if (pthread_create (ptWMProc, NULL, winMultiWindowWMProc, pArg)) { /* Bail if thread creation failed */ ErrorF ("winInitWM - pthread_create failed for Window Manager.\n"); return FALSE; } /* Spawn the XNextEvent thread, will send messages to WM */ pXMsgArg->dwScreen = dwScreen; pXMsgArg->pWMInfo = pWMInfo; pXMsgArg->ppmServerStarted = ppmServerStarted; pXMsgArg->hwndScreen = hwndScreen; if (pthread_create (ptXMsgProc, NULL, winMultiWindowXMsgProc, pXMsgArg)) { /* Bail if thread creation failed */ ErrorF ("winInitWM - pthread_create failed on XMSG.\n"); return FALSE; } winDebug ("winInitWM - Returning.\n"); return TRUE; } /* * Window manager thread - setup */ static void winInitMultiWindowWM (WMInfoPtr pWMInfo, WMProcArgPtr pProcArg) { int iRetries = 0; char pszDisplay[512]; int iReturn; winDebug ("winInitMultiWindowWM - Hello\n"); /* Check that argument pointer is not invalid */ if (pProcArg == NULL) { ErrorF ("winInitMultiWindowWM - pProcArg is NULL. Exiting.\n"); pthread_exit (NULL); } winDebug ("winInitMultiWindowWM - Calling pthread_mutex_lock ()\n"); /* Grab our garbage mutex to satisfy pthread_cond_wait */ iReturn = pthread_mutex_lock (pProcArg->ppmServerStarted); if (iReturn != 0) { ErrorF ("winInitMultiWindowWM - pthread_mutex_lock () failed: %d. " "Exiting.\n", iReturn); pthread_exit (NULL); } winDebug ("winInitMultiWindowWM - pthread_mutex_lock () returned.\n"); /* See if X supports the current locale */ if (XSupportsLocale () == False) { ErrorF ("winInitMultiWindowWM - Locale not supported by X. Exiting.\n"); pthread_exit (NULL); } /* Release the server started mutex */ pthread_mutex_unlock (pProcArg->ppmServerStarted); winDebug ("winInitMultiWindowWM - pthread_mutex_unlock () returned.\n"); /* Set jump point for IO Error exits */ iReturn = setjmp (g_jmpWMEntry); /* Check if we should continue operations */ if (iReturn != WIN_JMP_ERROR_IO && iReturn != WIN_JMP_OKAY) { /* setjmp returned an unknown value, exit */ ErrorF ("winInitMultiWindowWM - setjmp returned: %d. Exiting.\n", iReturn); pthread_exit (NULL); } else if (iReturn == WIN_JMP_ERROR_IO) { ErrorF ("winInitMultiWindowWM - Caught IO Error. Exiting.\n"); pthread_exit (NULL); } /* Install our error handler */ XSetErrorHandler (winMultiWindowWMErrorHandler); XSetIOErrorHandler (winMultiWindowWMIOErrorHandler); /* Setup the display connection string x */ winGetDisplayName(pszDisplay, (int)pProcArg->dwScreen); /* Print the display connection string */ winDebug ("winInitMultiWindowWM - DISPLAY=%s\n", pszDisplay); /* Use our generated cookie for authentication */ winSetAuthorization(); /* Open the X display */ do { /* Try to open the display */ pWMInfo->pDisplay = XOpenDisplay (pszDisplay); if (pWMInfo->pDisplay == NULL) { ErrorF ("winInitMultiWindowWM - Could not open display, try: %d, " "sleeping: %d\n\f", iRetries + 1, WIN_CONNECT_DELAY); ++iRetries; sleep (WIN_CONNECT_DELAY); continue; } else break; } while (pWMInfo->pDisplay == NULL && iRetries < WIN_CONNECT_RETRIES); /* Make sure that the display opened */ if (pWMInfo->pDisplay == NULL) { ErrorF ("winInitMultiWindowWM - Failed opening the display. " "Exiting.\n"); pthread_exit (NULL); } winDebug ("winInitMultiWindowWM - XOpenDisplay () returned and " "successfully opened the display.\n"); /* Create some atoms */ pWMInfo->atmWmProtos = XInternAtom (pWMInfo->pDisplay, "WM_PROTOCOLS", False); pWMInfo->atmWmDelete = XInternAtom (pWMInfo->pDisplay, "WM_DELETE_WINDOW", False); pWMInfo->atmPrivMap = XInternAtom (pWMInfo->pDisplay, WINDOWSWM_NATIVE_HWND, False); if (1) { Cursor cursor = XCreateFontCursor (pWMInfo->pDisplay, XC_left_ptr); if (cursor) { XDefineCursor (pWMInfo->pDisplay, DefaultRootWindow(pWMInfo->pDisplay), cursor); XFreeCursor (pWMInfo->pDisplay, cursor); } } } /* * winSendMessageToWM - Send a message from the X thread to the WM thread */ void winSendMessageToWM (void *pWMInfo, winWMMessagePtr pMsg) { WMMsgNodePtr pNode; winDebug ("winSendMessageToWM ()\n"); pNode = (WMMsgNodePtr)malloc(sizeof(WMMsgNodeRec)); if (pNode != NULL) { memcpy (&pNode->msg, pMsg, sizeof(winWMMessageRec)); PushMessage (&((WMInfoPtr)pWMInfo)->wmMsgQueue, pNode); } } /* * Window manager error handler */ static int winMultiWindowWMErrorHandler (Display *pDisplay, XErrorEvent *pErr) { char pszErrorMsg[100]; if (pErr->request_code == X_ChangeWindowAttributes && pErr->error_code == BadAccess) { ErrorF ("winMultiWindowWMErrorHandler - ChangeWindowAttributes " "BadAccess.\n"); return 0; } XGetErrorText (pDisplay, pErr->error_code, pszErrorMsg, sizeof (pszErrorMsg)); ErrorF ("winMultiWindowWMErrorHandler - ERROR: %s\n" " errorCode %d\n" " serial %d\n" " resourceID 0x%x\n" " majorCode %d\n" " minorCode %d\n" , pszErrorMsg , pErr->error_code , pErr->serial , pErr->resourceid , pErr->request_code , pErr->minor_code); return 0; } /* * Window manager IO error handler */ static int winMultiWindowWMIOErrorHandler (Display *pDisplay) { ErrorF ("\nwinMultiWindowWMIOErrorHandler!\n\n"); if (g_shutdown) pthread_exit(NULL); /* Restart at the main entry point */ longjmp (g_jmpWMEntry, WIN_JMP_ERROR_IO); return 0; } /* * X message procedure error handler */ static int winMultiWindowXMsgProcErrorHandler (Display *pDisplay, XErrorEvent *pErr) { char pszErrorMsg[100]; XGetErrorText (pDisplay, pErr->error_code, pszErrorMsg, sizeof (pszErrorMsg)); ErrorF ("winMultiWindowXMsgProcErrorHandler - ERROR: %s\n" " errorCode %d\n" " serial %d\n" " resourceID 0x%x\n" " majorCode %d\n" " minorCode %d\n" , pszErrorMsg , pErr->error_code , pErr->serial , pErr->resourceid , pErr->request_code , pErr->minor_code); return 0; } /* * X message procedure IO error handler */ static int winMultiWindowXMsgProcIOErrorHandler (Display *pDisplay) { ErrorF ("\nwinMultiWindowXMsgProcIOErrorHandler!\n\n"); /* Restart at the main entry point */ longjmp (g_jmpXMsgProcEntry, WIN_JMP_ERROR_IO); return 0; } /* * Catch RedirectError to detect other window manager running */ static int winRedirectErrorHandler (Display *pDisplay, XErrorEvent *pErr) { redirectError = TRUE; return 0; } /* * Check if another window manager is running */ static Bool CheckAnotherWindowManager (Display *pDisplay, DWORD dwScreen) { /* Try to select the events which only one client at a time is allowed to select. If this causes an error, another window manager is already running... */ redirectError = FALSE; XSetErrorHandler (winRedirectErrorHandler); XSelectInput(pDisplay, RootWindow (pDisplay, dwScreen), ResizeRedirectMask | SubstructureRedirectMask | ButtonPressMask); XSync (pDisplay, 0); XSetErrorHandler (winMultiWindowXMsgProcErrorHandler); /* Side effect: select the events we are actually interested in... */ XSelectInput(pDisplay, RootWindow (pDisplay, dwScreen), SubstructureNotifyMask); XSync (pDisplay, 0); return redirectError; } /* * Notify the MWM thread we're exiting and not to reconnect */ void winDeinitMultiWindowWM (void) { winDebug ("winDeinitMultiWindowWM - Noting shutdown in progress\n"); g_shutdown = TRUE; } /* Windows window styles */ #define HINT_NOFRAME (1l<<0) #define HINT_BORDER (1L<<1) #define HINT_SIZEBOX (1l<<2) #define HINT_CAPTION (1l<<3) /* These two are used on their own */ #define HINT_MAX (1L<<0) #define HINT_MIN (1L<<1) static void winApplyHints (Display *pDisplay, Window iWindow, HWND hWnd, HWND *zstyle) { static Atom windowState, motif_wm_hints, windowType; static Atom hiddenState, fullscreenState, belowState, aboveState; static Atom dockWindow; static int generation; Atom type, *pAtom = NULL; int format; unsigned long hint = 0, maxmin = 0, style, nitems = 0 , left = 0; WindowPtr pWin = GetProp (hWnd, WIN_WINDOW_PROP); MwmHints *mwm_hint = NULL; WinXSizeHints SizeHints; if (!hWnd) return; if (!IsWindow (hWnd)) return; if (generation != serverGeneration) { generation = serverGeneration; windowState = XInternAtom(pDisplay, "_NET_WM_STATE", False); motif_wm_hints = XInternAtom(pDisplay, "_MOTIF_WM_HINTS", False); windowType = XInternAtom(pDisplay, "_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE", False); hiddenState = XInternAtom(pDisplay, "_NET_WM_STATE_HIDDEN", False); fullscreenState = XInternAtom(pDisplay, "_NET_WM_STATE_FULLSCREEN", False); belowState = XInternAtom(pDisplay, "_NET_WM_STATE_BELOW", False); aboveState = XInternAtom(pDisplay, "_NET_WM_STATE_ABOVE", False); dockWindow = XInternAtom(pDisplay, "_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_DOCK", False); } if (XGetWindowProperty(pDisplay, iWindow, windowState, 0L, 1L, False, XA_ATOM, &type, &format, &nitems, &left, (unsigned char **)&pAtom) == Success) { if (pAtom && nitems == 1) { if (*pAtom == hiddenState) maxmin |= HINT_MIN; else if (*pAtom == fullscreenState) maxmin |= HINT_MAX; if (*pAtom == belowState) *zstyle = HWND_BOTTOM; else if (*pAtom == aboveState) *zstyle = HWND_TOPMOST; } if (pAtom) XFree(pAtom); } nitems = left = 0; if (XGetWindowProperty(pDisplay, iWindow, motif_wm_hints, 0L, PropMwmHintsElements, False, motif_wm_hints, &type, &format, &nitems, &left, (unsigned char **)&mwm_hint) == Success) { if (mwm_hint && nitems == PropMwmHintsElements && (mwm_hint->flags & MwmHintsDecorations)) { if (!mwm_hint->decorations) hint |= HINT_NOFRAME; else if (!(mwm_hint->decorations & MwmDecorAll)) { if (mwm_hint->decorations & MwmDecorBorder) hint |= HINT_BORDER; if (mwm_hint->decorations & MwmDecorTitle) hint |= HINT_CAPTION; } } if (mwm_hint) XFree(mwm_hint); } nitems = left = 0; pAtom = NULL; if (XGetWindowProperty(pDisplay, iWindow, windowType, 0L, 1L, False, XA_ATOM, &type, &format, &nitems, &left, (unsigned char **)&pAtom) == Success) { if (pAtom && nitems == 1) { if (*pAtom == dockWindow) { hint = (hint & ~HINT_NOFRAME); /* Xming puts a sizebox on dock windows */ *zstyle = HWND_TOPMOST; } } if (pAtom) XFree(pAtom); } /* Apply Styles, overriding hint settings from above */ style = winOverrideStyle((unsigned long)pWin); if (style & STYLE_TOPMOST) *zstyle = HWND_TOPMOST; else if (style & STYLE_MAXIMIZE) maxmin = (hint & ~HINT_MIN) | HINT_MAX; else if (style & STYLE_MINIMIZE) maxmin = (hint & ~HINT_MAX) | HINT_MIN; else if (style & STYLE_BOTTOM) *zstyle = HWND_BOTTOM; if (maxmin & HINT_MAX) SendMessage(hWnd, WM_SYSCOMMAND, SC_MAXIMIZE, 0); else if (maxmin & HINT_MIN) SendMessage(hWnd, WM_SYSCOMMAND, SC_MINIMIZE, 0); if (style & STYLE_NOTITLE) hint = (hint & ~HINT_NOFRAME & ~HINT_BORDER & ~HINT_CAPTION); else if (style & STYLE_OUTLINE) hint = (hint & ~HINT_NOFRAME & ~HINT_CAPTION) | HINT_BORDER; else if (style & STYLE_NOFRAME) hint = (hint & ~HINT_BORDER & ~HINT_CAPTION) | HINT_NOFRAME; style = GetWindowLongPtr(hWnd, GWL_STYLE) & ~WS_CAPTION & ~WS_SIZEBOX; /* Just in case */ if (!hint) /* All on, but no resize of children is allowed */ style = style | WS_CAPTION; else if (hint & HINT_NOFRAME); /* All off, so do nothing */ else style = style | ((hint & HINT_BORDER) ? WS_BORDER : 0) | ((hint & HINT_CAPTION) ? WS_CAPTION : 0); if (winMultiWindowGetWMNormalHints(pWin, &SizeHints)) { if (!((SizeHints.min_width == SizeHints.max_width)&&(SizeHints.min_height == SizeHints.max_height) )) style|=WS_SIZEBOX; } else style|=WS_SIZEBOX; SetWindowLongPtr (hWnd, GWL_STYLE, style); } void winUpdateWindowPosition (HWND hWnd, Bool reshape, HWND *zstyle) { int iX, iY, iWidth, iHeight; int iDx, iDy; RECT rcNew; WindowPtr pWin = GetProp (hWnd, WIN_WINDOW_PROP); DrawablePtr pDraw = NULL; if (!pWin) return; pDraw = &pWin->drawable; if (!pDraw) return; /* Get the X and Y location of the X window */ iX = pWin->drawable.x + GetSystemMetrics (SM_XVIRTUALSCREEN); iY = pWin->drawable.y + GetSystemMetrics (SM_YVIRTUALSCREEN); /* Get the height and width of the X window */ iWidth = pWin->drawable.width; iHeight = pWin->drawable.height; /* Setup a rectangle with the X window position and size */ SetRect (&rcNew, iX, iY, iX + iWidth, iY + iHeight); AdjustWindowRectEx (&rcNew, GetWindowLongPtr (hWnd, GWL_STYLE), FALSE, WS_EX_APPWINDOW); /* Don't allow window decoration to disappear off to top-left as a result of this adjustment */ if (rcNew.left < GetSystemMetrics(SM_XVIRTUALSCREEN)) { iDx = GetSystemMetrics(SM_XVIRTUALSCREEN) - rcNew.left; rcNew.left += iDx; rcNew.right += iDx; } if (rcNew.top < GetSystemMetrics(SM_YVIRTUALSCREEN)) { iDy = GetSystemMetrics(SM_YVIRTUALSCREEN) - rcNew.top; rcNew.top += iDy; rcNew.bottom += iDy; } /* Position the Windows window */ SetWindowPos (hWnd, *zstyle, rcNew.left, rcNew.top, rcNew.right - rcNew.left, rcNew.bottom - rcNew.top, 0); if (reshape) { winReshapeMultiWindow(pWin); winUpdateRgnMultiWindow(pWin); } }