/* *Copyright (C) 1994-2000 The XFree86 Project, Inc. All Rights Reserved. *Copyright (C) Colin Harrison 2005-2008 * *Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the *"Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including *without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, *distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to *permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to *the following conditions: * *The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be *included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * *THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, *EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF *MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND *NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE XFREE86 PROJECT BE LIABLE FOR *ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF *CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION *WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. * *Except as contained in this notice, the name of the XFree86 Project *shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use *or other dealings in this Software without prior written authorization *from the XFree86 Project. * * Authors: Kensuke Matsuzaki * Earle F. Philhower, III * Harold L Hunt II * Colin Harrison */ #ifdef HAVE_XWIN_CONFIG_H #include #endif #define GC tempGC // This is to avoid name conflicts when including the next headers which also define GC #include #undef GC #include "win.h" #include "dixevents.h" #include "winmultiwindowclass.h" #include "winprefs.h" #include "winmsg.h" #include "inputstr.h" #ifdef XKB #ifndef XKB_IN_SERVER #define XKB_IN_SERVER #endif #include #endif extern void winUpdateWindowPosition (HWND hWnd, Bool reshape, HWND *zstyle); /* * Local globals */ static UINT_PTR g_uipMousePollingTimerID = 0; /* * Constant defines */ #define WIN_MULTIWINDOW_SHAPE YES /* * ConstrainSize - Taken from TWM sources - Respects hints for sizing */ #define makemult(a,b) ((b==1) ? (a) : (((int)((a)/(b))) * (b)) ) static void ConstrainSize (WinXSizeHints hints, int *widthp, int *heightp) { int minWidth, minHeight, maxWidth, maxHeight, xinc, yinc, delta; int baseWidth, baseHeight; int dwidth = *widthp, dheight = *heightp; if (hints.flags & PMinSize) { minWidth = hints.min_width; minHeight = hints.min_height; } else if (hints.flags & PBaseSize) { minWidth = hints.base_width; minHeight = hints.base_height; } else minWidth = minHeight = 1; if (hints.flags & PBaseSize) { baseWidth = hints.base_width; baseHeight = hints.base_height; } else if (hints.flags & PMinSize) { baseWidth = hints.min_width; baseHeight = hints.min_height; } else baseWidth = baseHeight = 0; if (hints.flags & PMaxSize) { maxWidth = hints.max_width; maxHeight = hints.max_height; } else { maxWidth = MAXINT; maxHeight = MAXINT; } if (hints.flags & PResizeInc) { xinc = hints.width_inc; yinc = hints.height_inc; } else xinc = yinc = 1; /* * First, clamp to min and max values */ if (dwidth < minWidth) dwidth = minWidth; if (dheight < minHeight) dheight = minHeight; if (dwidth > maxWidth) dwidth = maxWidth; if (dheight > maxHeight) dheight = maxHeight; /* * Second, fit to base + N * inc */ dwidth = ((dwidth - baseWidth) / xinc * xinc) + baseWidth; dheight = ((dheight - baseHeight) / yinc * yinc) + baseHeight; /* * Third, adjust for aspect ratio */ /* * The math looks like this: * * minAspectX dwidth maxAspectX * ---------- <= ------- <= ---------- * minAspectY dheight maxAspectY * * If that is multiplied out, then the width and height are * invalid in the following situations: * * minAspectX * dheight > minAspectY * dwidth * maxAspectX * dheight < maxAspectY * dwidth * */ if (hints.flags & PAspect) { if (hints.min_aspect.x * dheight > hints.min_aspect.y * dwidth) { delta = makemult(hints.min_aspect.x * dheight / hints.min_aspect.y - dwidth, xinc); if (dwidth + delta <= maxWidth) dwidth += delta; else { delta = makemult(dheight - dwidth*hints.min_aspect.y/hints.min_aspect.x, yinc); if (dheight - delta >= minHeight) dheight -= delta; } } if (hints.max_aspect.x * dheight < hints.max_aspect.y * dwidth) { delta = makemult(dwidth * hints.max_aspect.y / hints.max_aspect.x - dheight, yinc); if (dheight + delta <= maxHeight) dheight += delta; else { delta = makemult(dwidth - hints.max_aspect.x*dheight/hints.max_aspect.y, xinc); if (dwidth - delta >= minWidth) dwidth -= delta; } } } /* Return computed values */ *widthp = dwidth; *heightp = dheight; } #undef makemult /* * ValidateSizing - Ensures size request respects hints */ static int ValidateSizing (HWND hwnd, WindowPtr pWin, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { WinXSizeHints sizeHints; RECT *rect; int iWidth, iHeight; RECT rcClient, rcWindow; int iBorderWidthX, iBorderWidthY; /* Invalid input checking */ if (pWin==NULL || lParam==0) return FALSE; /* No size hints, no checking */ if (!winMultiWindowGetWMNormalHints (pWin, &sizeHints)) return FALSE; /* Avoid divide-by-zero */ if (sizeHints.flags & PResizeInc) { if (sizeHints.width_inc == 0) sizeHints.width_inc = 1; if (sizeHints.height_inc == 0) sizeHints.height_inc = 1; } rect = (RECT*)lParam; iWidth = rect->right - rect->left; iHeight = rect->bottom - rect->top; /* Now remove size of any borders and title bar */ GetClientRect(hwnd, &rcClient); GetWindowRect(hwnd, &rcWindow); iBorderWidthX = (rcWindow.right - rcWindow.left) - (rcClient.right - rcClient.left); iBorderWidthY = (rcWindow.bottom - rcWindow.top) - (rcClient.bottom - rcClient.top); iWidth -= iBorderWidthX; iHeight -= iBorderWidthY; /* Constrain the size to legal values */ ConstrainSize (sizeHints, &iWidth, &iHeight); /* Add back the size of borders and title bar */ iWidth += iBorderWidthX; iHeight += iBorderWidthY; /* Adjust size according to where we're dragging from */ switch(wParam) { case WMSZ_TOP: case WMSZ_TOPRIGHT: case WMSZ_BOTTOM: case WMSZ_BOTTOMRIGHT: case WMSZ_RIGHT: rect->right = rect->left + iWidth; break; default: rect->left = rect->right - iWidth; break; } switch(wParam) { case WMSZ_BOTTOM: case WMSZ_BOTTOMRIGHT: case WMSZ_BOTTOMLEFT: case WMSZ_RIGHT: case WMSZ_LEFT: rect->bottom = rect->top + iHeight; break; default: rect->top = rect->bottom - iHeight; break; } return TRUE; } extern Bool winInDestroyWindowsWindow; static Bool winInRaiseWindow = FALSE; static void winRaiseWindow(WindowPtr pWin) { if (!winInDestroyWindowsWindow && !winInRaiseWindow) { BOOL oldstate = winInRaiseWindow; XID vlist[1] = { 0 }; winInRaiseWindow = TRUE; /* Call configure window directly to make sure it gets processed * in time */ ConfigureWindow(pWin, CWStackMode, vlist, serverClient); winInRaiseWindow = oldstate; } } static void winStartMousePolling(winPrivScreenPtr s_pScreenPriv) { /* * Timer to poll mouse position. This is needed to make * programs like xeyes follow the mouse properly when the * mouse pointer is outside of any X window. */ if (g_uipMousePollingTimerID == 0) g_uipMousePollingTimerID = SetTimer (s_pScreenPriv->hwndScreen, WIN_POLLING_MOUSE_TIMER_ID, MOUSE_POLLING_INTERVAL, NULL); } /* * winTopLevelWindowProc - Window procedure for all top-level Windows windows. */ LRESULT CALLBACK winTopLevelWindowProc (HWND hwnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { POINT ptMouse; HDC hdcUpdate; PAINTSTRUCT ps; WindowPtr pWin = NULL; winPrivWinPtr pWinPriv = NULL; ScreenPtr s_pScreen = NULL; winPrivScreenPtr s_pScreenPriv = NULL; winScreenInfo *s_pScreenInfo = NULL; HWND hwndScreen = NULL; DrawablePtr pDraw = NULL; winWMMessageRec wmMsg; Bool fWMMsgInitialized = FALSE; static Bool s_fTracking = FALSE; Bool needRestack = FALSE; LRESULT ret; winDebugWin32Message("winTopLevelWindowProc", hwnd, message, wParam, lParam); /* Check if the Windows window property for our X window pointer is valid */ if ((pWin = GetProp (hwnd, WIN_WINDOW_PROP)) != NULL) { /* Our X window pointer is valid */ /* Get pointers to the drawable and the screen */ pDraw = &pWin->drawable; s_pScreen = pWin->drawable.pScreen; /* Get a pointer to our window privates */ pWinPriv = winGetWindowPriv(pWin); /* Get pointers to our screen privates and screen info */ s_pScreenPriv = pWinPriv->pScreenPriv; s_pScreenInfo = s_pScreenPriv->pScreenInfo; /* Get the handle for our screen-sized window */ hwndScreen = s_pScreenPriv->hwndScreen; /* */ wmMsg.msg = 0; wmMsg.hwndWindow = hwnd; wmMsg.iWindow = (Window)GetProp (hwnd, WIN_WID_PROP); wmMsg.iX = pDraw->x; wmMsg.iY = pDraw->y; wmMsg.iWidth = pDraw->width; wmMsg.iHeight = pDraw->height; fWMMsgInitialized = TRUE; } #ifdef _DEBUG else if (message!=WM_CREATE) { ErrorF("Error: WIN_WINDOW_PROP should be different from NULL\n"); } #endif /* Branch on message type */ switch (message) { case WM_CREATE: /* */ SetProp (hwnd, WIN_WINDOW_PROP, (HANDLE)((LPCREATESTRUCT) lParam)->lpCreateParams); /* */ SetProp (hwnd, WIN_WID_PROP, (HANDLE)winGetWindowID (((LPCREATESTRUCT) lParam)->lpCreateParams)); /* * Make X windows' Z orders sync with Windows windows because * there can be AlwaysOnTop windows overlapped on the window * currently being created. */ winReorderWindowsMultiWindow (); /* Fix a 'round title bar corner background should be transparent not black' problem when first painted */ { RECT rWindow; HRGN hRgnWindow; GetWindowRect(hwnd, &rWindow); hRgnWindow = CreateRectRgnIndirect(&rWindow); SetWindowRgn (hwnd, hRgnWindow, TRUE); } SetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, GWLP_USERDATA, (LONG_PTR)VCXSRV_SIGNATURE); return 0; case WM_INIT_SYS_MENU: /* * Add whatever the setup file wants to for this window */ SetupSysMenu ((unsigned long)hwnd); return 0; case WM_SYSCOMMAND: /* * Any window menu items go through here */ if (HandleCustomWM_COMMAND ((unsigned long)hwnd, LOWORD(wParam))) { /* Don't pass customized menus to DefWindowProc */ return 0; } if (wParam == SC_RESTORE || wParam == SC_MAXIMIZE) { WINDOWPLACEMENT wndpl; wndpl.length = sizeof(wndpl); if (GetWindowPlacement(hwnd, &wndpl) && wndpl.showCmd == SW_SHOWMINIMIZED) needRestack = TRUE; } break; case WM_INITMENU: /* Checks/Unchecks any menu items before they are displayed */ HandleCustomWM_INITMENU ((unsigned long)hwnd, wParam); break; case WM_ERASEBKGND: /* * Pretend that we did erase the background but we don't care, * since we repaint the entire region anyhow * This avoids some flickering when resizing. */ return TRUE; case WM_PAINT: /* Only paint if our window handle is valid */ if (hwndScreen == NULL) break; /* BeginPaint gives us an hdc that clips to the invalidated region */ hdcUpdate = BeginPaint (hwnd, &ps); /* Avoid the BitBlt's if the PAINTSTRUCT is bogus */ if (ps.rcPaint.right==0 && ps.rcPaint.bottom==0 && ps.rcPaint.left==0 && ps.rcPaint.top==0) { EndPaint (hwnd, &ps); return 0; } #ifdef XWIN_GLX_WINDOWS if (pWinPriv->fWglUsed) { /* For regions which are being drawn by GL, the shadow framebuffer doesn't have the correct bits, so don't bitblt from the shadow framebuffer XXX: For now, just leave it alone, but ideally we want to send an expose event to the window so it really redraws the affected region... */ ValidateRect(hwnd, &(ps.rcPaint)); } else #endif /* Try to copy from the shadow buffer */ if (!BitBlt (hdcUpdate, ps.rcPaint.left, ps.rcPaint.top, ps.rcPaint.right - ps.rcPaint.left, ps.rcPaint.bottom - ps.rcPaint.top, s_pScreenPriv->hdcShadow, ps.rcPaint.left + pWin->drawable.x, ps.rcPaint.top + pWin->drawable.y, SRCCOPY)) { LPVOID lpMsgBuf; /* Display a fancy error message */ FormatMessage (FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER | FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM | FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS, NULL, GetLastError (), MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT), (LPTSTR) &lpMsgBuf, 0, NULL); ErrorF ("winTopLevelWindowProc - BitBlt failed: %s\n", (LPSTR)lpMsgBuf); LocalFree (lpMsgBuf); } /* EndPaint frees the DC */ EndPaint (hwnd, &ps); return 0; case WM_MOUSEMOVE: /* Unpack the client area mouse coordinates */ ptMouse.x = GET_X_LPARAM(lParam); ptMouse.y = GET_Y_LPARAM(lParam); /* Translate the client area mouse coordinates to screen coordinates */ ClientToScreen (hwnd, &ptMouse); /* Screen Coords from (-X, -Y) -> Root Window (0, 0) */ ptMouse.x -= GetSystemMetrics (SM_XVIRTUALSCREEN); ptMouse.y -= GetSystemMetrics (SM_YVIRTUALSCREEN); /* We can't do anything without privates */ if (s_pScreenPriv == NULL || s_pScreenInfo->fIgnoreInput) break; /* Has the mouse pointer crossed screens? */ if (s_pScreen != miPointerGetScreen(g_pwinPointer)) miPointerSetScreen (g_pwinPointer, s_pScreenInfo->dwScreen, ptMouse.x - s_pScreenInfo->dwXOffset, ptMouse.y - s_pScreenInfo->dwYOffset); /* Are we tracking yet? */ if (!s_fTracking) { TRACKMOUSEEVENT tme; /* Setup data structure */ ZeroMemory (&tme, sizeof (tme)); tme.cbSize = sizeof (tme); tme.dwFlags = TME_LEAVE; tme.hwndTrack = hwnd; /* Call the tracking function */ if (!TrackMouseEvent(&tme)) ErrorF ("winTopLevelWindowProc - TrackMouseEvent failed\n"); /* Flag that we are tracking now */ s_fTracking = TRUE; } /* Hide or show the Windows mouse cursor */ if (g_fSoftwareCursor && g_fCursor) { /* Hide Windows cursor */ g_fCursor = FALSE; ShowCursor (FALSE); } /* Kill the timer used to poll mouse events */ if (g_uipMousePollingTimerID != 0) { KillTimer (s_pScreenPriv->hwndScreen, WIN_POLLING_MOUSE_TIMER_ID); g_uipMousePollingTimerID = 0; } /* Deliver absolute cursor position to X Server */ winEnqueueMotion(ptMouse.x - s_pScreenInfo->dwXOffset, ptMouse.y - s_pScreenInfo->dwYOffset); return 0; case WM_NCMOUSEMOVE: /* * We break instead of returning 0 since we need to call * DefWindowProc to get the mouse cursor changes * and min/max/close button highlighting in Windows XP. * The Platform SDK says that you should return 0 if you * process this message, but it fails to mention that you * will give up any default functionality if you do return 0. */ /* We can't do anything without privates */ if (s_pScreenPriv == NULL || s_pScreenInfo->fIgnoreInput) break; /* Non-client mouse movement, show Windows cursor */ if (g_fSoftwareCursor && !g_fCursor) { g_fCursor = TRUE; ShowCursor (TRUE); } winStartMousePolling(s_pScreenPriv); break; case WM_MOUSELEAVE: /* We can't do anything without privates */ if (s_pScreenPriv == NULL || s_pScreenInfo->fIgnoreInput) break; /* Mouse has left our client area */ /* Flag that we are no longer tracking */ s_fTracking = FALSE; /* Show the mouse cursor, if necessary */ if (g_fSoftwareCursor && !g_fCursor) { g_fCursor = TRUE; ShowCursor (TRUE); } winStartMousePolling(s_pScreenPriv); return 0; case WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK: case WM_LBUTTONDOWN: if (s_pScreenPriv == NULL || s_pScreenInfo->fIgnoreInput) break; g_fButton[0] = TRUE; SetCapture(hwnd); return winMouseButtonsHandle (s_pScreen, ButtonPress, Button1, wParam); case WM_LBUTTONUP: if (s_pScreenPriv == NULL || s_pScreenInfo->fIgnoreInput) break; g_fButton[0] = FALSE; ReleaseCapture(); winStartMousePolling(s_pScreenPriv); return winMouseButtonsHandle (s_pScreen, ButtonRelease, Button1, wParam); case WM_MBUTTONDBLCLK: case WM_MBUTTONDOWN: if (s_pScreenPriv == NULL || s_pScreenInfo->fIgnoreInput) break; g_fButton[1] = TRUE; SetCapture(hwnd); return winMouseButtonsHandle (s_pScreen, ButtonPress, Button2, wParam); case WM_MBUTTONUP: if (s_pScreenPriv == NULL || s_pScreenInfo->fIgnoreInput) break; g_fButton[1] = FALSE; ReleaseCapture(); winStartMousePolling(s_pScreenPriv); return winMouseButtonsHandle (s_pScreen, ButtonRelease, Button2, wParam); case WM_RBUTTONDBLCLK: case WM_RBUTTONDOWN: if (s_pScreenPriv == NULL || s_pScreenInfo->fIgnoreInput) break; g_fButton[2] = TRUE; SetCapture(hwnd); return winMouseButtonsHandle (s_pScreen, ButtonPress, Button3, wParam); case WM_RBUTTONUP: if (s_pScreenPriv == NULL || s_pScreenInfo->fIgnoreInput) break; g_fButton[2] = FALSE; ReleaseCapture(); winStartMousePolling(s_pScreenPriv); return winMouseButtonsHandle (s_pScreen, ButtonRelease, Button3, wParam); case WM_XBUTTONDBLCLK: case WM_XBUTTONDOWN: if (s_pScreenPriv == NULL || s_pScreenInfo->fIgnoreInput) break; SetCapture(hwnd); return winMouseButtonsHandle (s_pScreen, ButtonPress, HIWORD(wParam) + 5, wParam); case WM_XBUTTONUP: if (s_pScreenPriv == NULL || s_pScreenInfo->fIgnoreInput) break; ReleaseCapture(); winStartMousePolling(s_pScreenPriv); return winMouseButtonsHandle (s_pScreen, ButtonRelease, HIWORD(wParam) + 5, wParam); case WM_MOUSEWHEEL: if (SendMessage(hwnd, WM_NCHITTEST, 0, MAKELONG(GET_X_LPARAM(lParam), GET_Y_LPARAM(lParam))) == HTCLIENT) { /* Pass the message to the root window */ SendMessage (hwndScreen, message, wParam, lParam); return 0; } else break; case WM_SETFOCUS: if (s_pScreenPriv == NULL || s_pScreenInfo->fIgnoreInput) break; { /* Get the parent window for transient handling */ HWND hParent = GetParent(hwnd); if (hParent && IsIconic(hParent)) ShowWindow (hParent, SW_RESTORE); } winRestoreModeKeyStates (); /* Add the keyboard hook if possible */ if (g_fKeyboardHookLL) g_fKeyboardHookLL = winInstallKeyboardHookLL (); return 0; case WM_KILLFOCUS: /* Pop any pressed keys since we are losing keyboard focus */ winKeybdReleaseKeys (); /* Remove our keyboard hook if it is installed */ winRemoveKeyboardHookLL (); /* Revert the X focus as well, but only if the Windows focus is going to another window */ if (!wParam) if (pWin) DeleteWindowFromAnyEvents(pWin, FALSE); return 0; case WM_SYSDEADCHAR: case WM_DEADCHAR: /* * NOTE: We do nothing with WM_*CHAR messages, * nor does the root window, so we can just toss these messages. */ return 0; case WM_SYSKEYDOWN: case WM_KEYDOWN: /* * Don't pass Alt-F4 key combo to root window, * let Windows translate to WM_CLOSE and close this top-level window. * * NOTE: We purposely don't check the fUseWinKillKey setting because * it should only apply to the key handling for the root window, * not for top-level window-manager windows. * * ALSO NOTE: We do pass Ctrl-Alt-Backspace to the root window * because that is a key combo that no X app should be expecting to * receive, since it has historically been used to shutdown the X server. * Passing Ctrl-Alt-Backspace to the root window preserves that * behavior, assuming that -unixkill has been passed as a parameter. */ if (wParam == VK_F4 && (GetKeyState (VK_MENU) & 0x8000)) break; #ifdef WINDBG if (wParam == VK_ESCAPE) { /* Place for debug: put any tests and dumps here */ WINDOWPLACEMENT windPlace; RECT rc; LPRECT pRect; windPlace.length = sizeof (WINDOWPLACEMENT); GetWindowPlacement (hwnd, &windPlace); pRect = &windPlace.rcNormalPosition; winDebug ("\nCYGWINDOWING Dump:\n" "\tdrawable: (%hd, %hd) - %hdx%hd\n", pDraw->x, pDraw->y, pDraw->width, pDraw->height); winDebug ("\twindPlace: (%ld, %ld) - %ldx%ld\n", pRect->left, pRect->top, pRect->right - pRect->left, pRect->bottom - pRect->top); if (GetClientRect (hwnd, &rc)) { pRect = &rc; winDebug ("\tClientRect: (%ld, %ld) - %ldx%ld\n", pRect->left, pRect->top, pRect->right - pRect->left, pRect->bottom - pRect->top); } if (GetWindowRect (hwnd, &rc)) { pRect = &rc; winDebug ("\tWindowRect: (%ld, %ld) - %ldx%ld\n", pRect->left, pRect->top, pRect->right - pRect->left, pRect->bottom - pRect->top); } winDebug ("\n"); } #endif /* Pass the message to the root window */ return winWindowProc(hwndScreen, message, wParam, lParam); case WM_SYSKEYUP: case WM_KEYUP: /* Pass the message to the root window */ return winWindowProc(hwndScreen, message, wParam, lParam); case WM_HOTKEY: /* Pass the message to the root window */ SendMessage (hwndScreen, message, wParam, lParam); return 0; case WM_ACTIVATE: /* Pass the message to the root window */ SendMessage (hwndScreen, message, wParam, lParam); if (LOWORD(wParam) != WA_INACTIVE) { /* Raise the window to the top in Z order */ /* ago: Activate does not mean putting it to front! */ /* wmMsg.msg = WM_WM_RAISE; if (fWMMsgInitialized) winSendMessageToWM (s_pScreenPriv->pWMInfo, &wmMsg); */ /* Tell our Window Manager thread to activate the window */ wmMsg.msg = WM_WM_ACTIVATE; if (fWMMsgInitialized && pWin->realized && !pWin->overrideRedirect /* for OOo menus */) winSendMessageToWM (s_pScreenPriv->pWMInfo, &wmMsg); } /* Prevent the mouse wheel from stalling when another window is minimized */ if (HIWORD(wParam) == 0 && LOWORD(wParam) == WA_ACTIVE && (HWND)lParam != NULL && (HWND)lParam != (HWND)GetParent(hwnd)) SetFocus(hwnd); return 0; case WM_ACTIVATEAPP: /* * This message is also sent to the root window * so we do nothing for individual multiwindow windows */ break; case WM_CLOSE: /* Branch on if the window was killed in X already */ if (pWinPriv->fXKilled) { /* Window was killed, go ahead and destroy the window */ DestroyWindow (hwnd); } else { /* Tell our Window Manager thread to kill the window */ wmMsg.msg = WM_WM_KILL; if (fWMMsgInitialized) winSendMessageToWM (s_pScreenPriv->pWMInfo, &wmMsg); } return 0; case WM_DESTROY: /* Branch on if the window was killed in X already */ if (pWinPriv && !pWinPriv->fXKilled) { winDebug ("winTopLevelWindowProc - WM_DESTROY - WM_WM_KILL\n"); /* Tell our Window Manager thread to kill the window */ wmMsg.msg = WM_WM_KILL; if (fWMMsgInitialized) winSendMessageToWM (s_pScreenPriv->pWMInfo, &wmMsg); } RemoveProp (hwnd, WIN_WINDOW_PROP); RemoveProp (hwnd, WIN_WID_PROP); RemoveProp (hwnd, WIN_NEEDMANAGE_PROP); break; case WM_MOVE: /* Adjust the X Window to the moved Windows window */ winAdjustXWindow (pWin, hwnd); return 0; case WM_SHOWWINDOW: /* Bail out if the window is being hidden */ if (!wParam) return 0; /* */ if (!pWin->overrideRedirect) { /* Flag that this window needs to be made active when clicked */ SetProp (hwnd, WIN_NEEDMANAGE_PROP, (HANDLE) 1); if (!(GetWindowLongPtr (hwnd, GWL_EXSTYLE) & WS_EX_APPWINDOW)) { HWND zstyle = HWND_NOTOPMOST; /* Set the window extended style flags */ SetWindowLongPtr (hwnd, GWL_EXSTYLE, WS_EX_APPWINDOW); /* Set the transient style flags */ if (GetParent(hwnd)) SetWindowLongPtr (hwnd, GWL_STYLE, WS_POPUP | WS_OVERLAPPED | WS_SYSMENU | WS_CLIPCHILDREN | WS_CLIPSIBLINGS); /* Set the window standard style flags */ else SetWindowLongPtr (hwnd, GWL_STYLE, (WS_POPUP | WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW | WS_CLIPCHILDREN | WS_CLIPSIBLINGS) & ~WS_CAPTION & ~WS_SIZEBOX); winUpdateWindowPosition (hwnd, FALSE, &zstyle); { WinXWMHints hints; if (winMultiWindowGetWMHints(pWin, &hints)) { /* Give the window focus, unless it has an InputHint which is FALSE (this is used by e.g. glean to avoid every test window grabbing the focus) */ if (!((hints.flags & InputHint) && (!hints.input))) { SetForegroundWindow (hwnd); } } } } wmMsg.msg = WM_WM_MAP3; } else /* It is an overridden window so make it top of Z stack */ { HWND forHwnd = GetForegroundWindow(); winDebug ("overridden window is shown\n"); if (forHwnd != NULL) { if (GetWindowLongPtr(forHwnd, GWLP_USERDATA) & (LONG_PTR)VCXSRV_SIGNATURE) { if (GetWindowLongPtr(forHwnd, GWL_EXSTYLE) & WS_EX_TOPMOST) SetWindowPos (hwnd, HWND_TOPMOST, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOACTIVATE); else SetWindowPos (hwnd, HWND_NOTOPMOST, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOACTIVATE); } } wmMsg.msg = WM_WM_MAP2; } /* Tell our Window Manager thread to map the window */ if (fWMMsgInitialized) winSendMessageToWM (s_pScreenPriv->pWMInfo, &wmMsg); winStartMousePolling(s_pScreenPriv); return 0; case WM_SIZING: /* Need to legalize the size according to WM_NORMAL_HINTS */ /* for applications like xterm */ return ValidateSizing (hwnd, pWin, wParam, lParam); case WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED: { LPWINDOWPOS pWinPos = (LPWINDOWPOS) lParam; if (!(pWinPos->flags & SWP_NOZORDER)) { #if CYGWINDOWING_DEBUG winDebug ("\twindow z order was changed\n"); #endif if (pWinPos->hwndInsertAfter == HWND_TOP ||pWinPos->hwndInsertAfter == HWND_TOPMOST ||pWinPos->hwndInsertAfter == HWND_NOTOPMOST) { #if CYGWINDOWING_DEBUG winDebug ("\traise to top\n"); #endif /* Raise the window to the top in Z order */ winRaiseWindow(pWin); } else if (pWinPos->hwndInsertAfter == HWND_BOTTOM) { } else { /* Check if this window is top of X windows. */ HWND hWndAbove = NULL; DWORD dwCurrentProcessID = GetCurrentProcessId (); DWORD dwWindowProcessID = 0; for (hWndAbove = pWinPos->hwndInsertAfter; hWndAbove != NULL; hWndAbove = GetNextWindow (hWndAbove, GW_HWNDPREV)) { /* Ignore other XWin process's window */ GetWindowThreadProcessId (hWndAbove, &dwWindowProcessID); if ((dwWindowProcessID == dwCurrentProcessID) && GetProp (hWndAbove, WIN_WINDOW_PROP) && !IsWindowVisible (hWndAbove) && !IsIconic (hWndAbove) ) /* ignore minimized windows */ break; } /* If this is top of X windows in Windows stack, raise it in X stack. */ if (hWndAbove == NULL) { #if CYGWINDOWING_DEBUG winDebug ("\traise to top\n"); #endif winRaiseWindow(pWin); } } } } /* * Pass the message to DefWindowProc to let the function * break down WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED to WM_MOVE and WM_SIZE. */ break; case WM_SIZE: /* see dix/window.c */ #ifdef WINDBG { char buf[64]; switch (wParam) { case SIZE_MINIMIZED: strcpy(buf, "SIZE_MINIMIZED"); break; case SIZE_MAXIMIZED: strcpy(buf, "SIZE_MAXIMIZED"); break; case SIZE_RESTORED: strcpy(buf, "SIZE_RESTORED"); break; default: strcpy(buf, "UNKNOWN_FLAG"); } winDebug ("winTopLevelWindowProc - WM_SIZE to %dx%d (%s) - %d ms\n", (int)LOWORD(lParam), (int)HIWORD(lParam), buf, (int)(GetTickCount ())); } #endif /* Adjust the X Window to the moved Windows window */ winAdjustXWindow (pWin, hwnd); if (wParam == SIZE_MINIMIZED) winReorderWindowsMultiWindow(); return 0; /* end of WM_SIZE handler */ case WM_STYLECHANGED: /* when the style changes, adjust the window size so the client area remains the same */ { LONG x,y; DrawablePtr pDraw = &pWin->drawable; x = pDraw->x - wBorderWidth(pWin); y = pDraw->y - wBorderWidth(pWin); winPositionWindowMultiWindow(pWin, x, y); } return 0; case WM_MOUSEACTIVATE: /* Check if this window needs to be made active when clicked */ if (!GetProp (pWinPriv->hWnd, WIN_NEEDMANAGE_PROP)) { winDebug ("winTopLevelWindowProc - WM_MOUSEACTIVATE - " "MA_NOACTIVATE\n"); /* */ return MA_NOACTIVATE; } break; case WM_SETCURSOR: if (LOWORD(lParam) == HTCLIENT) { if (!g_fSoftwareCursor) SetCursor (s_pScreenPriv->cursor.handle); return TRUE; } break; default: break; } ret = DefWindowProc (hwnd, message, wParam, lParam); /* * If the window was minized we get the stack change before the window is restored * and so it gets lost. Ensure there stacking order is correct. */ if (needRestack) winReorderWindowsMultiWindow(); return ret; }