/* *Copyright (C) 1994-2000 The XFree86 Project, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * *Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the *"Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including *without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, *distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to *permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to *the following conditions: * *The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be *included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * *THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, *EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF *MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND *NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE XFREE86 PROJECT BE LIABLE FOR *ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF *CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION *WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. * *Except as contained in this notice, the name of the XFree86 Project *shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use *or other dealings in this Software without prior written authorization *from the XFree86 Project. * * Authors: Kensuke Matsuzaki * Earle F. Philhower, III * Harold L Hunt II */ /* * Look at hw/darwin/quartz/xpr/xprFrame.c and hw/darwin/quartz/cr/crFrame.c */ #ifdef HAVE_XWIN_CONFIG_H #include <xwin-config.h> #endif #include "win.h" #include <winuser.h> #define _WINDOWSWM_SERVER_ #include <X11/extensions/windowswmstr.h> #include "dixevents.h" #include "winmultiwindowclass.h" #include <X11/Xatom.h> /* * Constant defines */ #ifndef ULW_COLORKEY #define ULW_COLORKEY 0x00000001 #endif #ifndef ULW_ALPHA #define ULW_ALPHA 0x00000002 #endif #ifndef ULW_OPAQUE #define ULW_OPAQUE 0x00000004 #endif #define AC_SRC_ALPHA 0x01 /* * Local function */ DEFINE_ATOM_HELPER(AtmWindowsWmNativeHwnd, WINDOWSWM_NATIVE_HWND) static void winMWExtWMSetNativeProperty(RootlessWindowPtr pFrame); /* * Global variables */ Bool g_fNoConfigureWindow = FALSE; /* * Internal function to get the DIB format that is compatible with the screen * Fixme: Share code with winshadgdi.c */ static Bool winMWExtWMQueryDIBFormat(win32RootlessWindowPtr pRLWinPriv, BITMAPINFOHEADER * pbmih) { HBITMAP hbmp; #ifdef _DEBUG LPDWORD pdw = NULL; #endif /* Create a memory bitmap compatible with the screen */ hbmp = CreateCompatibleBitmap(pRLWinPriv->hdcScreen, 1, 1); if (hbmp == NULL) { ErrorF("winMWExtWMQueryDIBFormat - CreateCompatibleBitmap failed\n"); return FALSE; } /* Initialize our bitmap info header */ ZeroMemory(pbmih, sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER) + 256 * sizeof(RGBQUAD)); pbmih->biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER); /* Get the biBitCount */ if (!GetDIBits(pRLWinPriv->hdcScreen, hbmp, 0, 1, NULL, (BITMAPINFO *) pbmih, DIB_RGB_COLORS)) { ErrorF("winMWExtWMQueryDIBFormat - First call to GetDIBits failed\n"); DeleteObject(hbmp); return FALSE; } #ifdef _DEBUG /* Get a pointer to bitfields */ pdw = (DWORD *) ((CARD8 *) pbmih + sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER)); winDebug("winMWExtWMQueryDIBFormat - First call masks: %08x %08x %08x\n", (unsigned int) pdw[0], (unsigned int) pdw[1], (unsigned int) pdw[2]); #endif /* Get optimal color table, or the optimal bitfields */ if (!GetDIBits(pRLWinPriv->hdcScreen, hbmp, 0, 1, NULL, (BITMAPINFO *) pbmih, DIB_RGB_COLORS)) { ErrorF("winMWExtWMQueryDIBFormat - Second call to GetDIBits " "failed\n"); DeleteObject(hbmp); return FALSE; } /* Free memory */ DeleteObject(hbmp); return TRUE; } static HRGN winMWExtWMCreateRgnFromRegion(RegionPtr pShape) { int nRects; BoxPtr pRects, pEnd; HRGN hRgn, hRgnRect; if (pShape == NULL) return NULL; nRects = RegionNumRects(pShape); pRects = RegionRects(pShape); hRgn = CreateRectRgn(0, 0, 0, 0); if (hRgn == NULL) { ErrorF("winReshape - Initial CreateRectRgn (%d, %d, %d, %d) " "failed: %d\n", 0, 0, 0, 0, (int) GetLastError()); } /* Loop through all rectangles in the X region */ for (pEnd = pRects + nRects; pRects < pEnd; pRects++) { /* Create a Windows region for the X rectangle */ hRgnRect = CreateRectRgn(pRects->x1, pRects->y1, pRects->x2, pRects->y2); if (hRgnRect == NULL) { ErrorF("winReshape - Loop CreateRectRgn (%d, %d, %d, %d) " "failed: %d\n", pRects->x1, pRects->y1, pRects->x2, pRects->y2, (int) GetLastError()); } /* Merge the Windows region with the accumulated region */ if (CombineRgn(hRgn, hRgn, hRgnRect, RGN_OR) == ERROR) { ErrorF("winReshape - CombineRgn () failed: %d\n", (int) GetLastError()); } /* Delete the temporary Windows region */ DeleteObject(hRgnRect); } return hRgn; } static void InitWin32RootlessEngine(win32RootlessWindowPtr pRLWinPriv) { pRLWinPriv->hdcScreen = GetDC(pRLWinPriv->hWnd); pRLWinPriv->hdcShadow = CreateCompatibleDC(pRLWinPriv->hdcScreen); pRLWinPriv->hbmpShadow = NULL; /* Allocate bitmap info header */ pRLWinPriv->pbmihShadow = (BITMAPINFOHEADER *) malloc(sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER) + 256 * sizeof(RGBQUAD)); if (pRLWinPriv->pbmihShadow == NULL) { ErrorF("InitWin32RootlessEngine - malloc () failed\n"); return; } /* Query the screen format */ winMWExtWMQueryDIBFormat(pRLWinPriv, pRLWinPriv->pbmihShadow); } Bool winMWExtWMCreateFrame(RootlessWindowPtr pFrame, ScreenPtr pScreen, int newX, int newY, RegionPtr pShape) { #define CLASS_NAME_LENGTH 512 Bool fResult = TRUE; win32RootlessWindowPtr pRLWinPriv; WNDCLASSEX wc; char pszClass[CLASS_NAME_LENGTH], pszWindowID[12]; HICON hIcon; HICON hIconSmall; char *res_name, *res_class, *res_role; static int s_iWindowID = 0; winDebug("winMWExtWMCreateFrame %d %d - %d %d\n", newX, newY, pFrame->width, pFrame->height); pRLWinPriv = (win32RootlessWindowPtr) malloc(sizeof(win32RootlessWindowRec)); pRLWinPriv->pFrame = pFrame; pRLWinPriv->pfb = NULL; pRLWinPriv->hbmpShadow = NULL; pRLWinPriv->hdcShadow = NULL; pRLWinPriv->hdcScreen = NULL; pRLWinPriv->pbmihShadow = NULL; pRLWinPriv->fResized = TRUE; pRLWinPriv->fClose = FALSE; pRLWinPriv->fRestackingNow = FALSE; pRLWinPriv->fDestroyed = FALSE; pRLWinPriv->fMovingOrSizing = FALSE; // Store the implementation private frame ID pFrame->wid = (RootlessFrameID) pRLWinPriv; winSelectIcons(pFrame->win, &hIcon, &hIconSmall); /* Set standard class name prefix so we can identify window easily */ strncpy(pszClass, WINDOW_CLASS_X, sizeof(pszClass)); if (winMultiWindowGetClassHint(pFrame->win, &res_name, &res_class)) { strncat(pszClass, "-", 1); strncat(pszClass, res_name, CLASS_NAME_LENGTH - strlen(pszClass)); strncat(pszClass, "-", 1); strncat(pszClass, res_class, CLASS_NAME_LENGTH - strlen(pszClass)); /* Check if a window class is provided by the WM_WINDOW_ROLE property, * if not use the WM_CLASS information. * For further information see: * http://tronche.com/gui/x/icccm/sec-5.html */ if (winMultiWindowGetWindowRole(pFrame->win, &res_role)) { strcat(pszClass, "-"); strcat(pszClass, res_role); free(res_role); } free(res_name); free(res_class); } /* Add incrementing window ID to make unique class name */ snprintf(pszWindowID, sizeof(pszWindowID), "-%x", s_iWindowID++); pszWindowID[sizeof(pszWindowID) - 1] = 0; strcat(pszClass, pszWindowID); winDebug("winCreateWindowsWindow - Creating class: %s\n", pszClass); /* Setup our window class */ wc.cbSize = sizeof(wc); wc.style = CS_HREDRAW | CS_VREDRAW; wc.lpfnWndProc = winMWExtWMWindowProc; wc.cbClsExtra = 0; wc.cbWndExtra = 0; wc.hInstance = g_hInstance; wc.hIcon = hIcon; wc.hIconSm = hIconSmall; wc.hCursor = 0; wc.hbrBackground = (HBRUSH) GetStockObject(WHITE_BRUSH); wc.lpszMenuName = NULL; wc.lpszClassName = pszClass; RegisterClassEx(&wc); /* Create the window */ g_fNoConfigureWindow = TRUE; pRLWinPriv->hWnd = CreateWindowExA(WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW, /* Extended styles */ pszClass, /* Class name */ WINDOW_TITLE_X, /* Window name */ WS_POPUP | WS_CLIPCHILDREN, newX, /* Horizontal position */ newY, /* Vertical position */ pFrame->width, /* Right edge */ pFrame->height, /* Bottom edge */ (HWND) NULL, /* No parent or owner window */ (HMENU) NULL, /* No menu */ GetModuleHandle(NULL), /* Instance handle */ pRLWinPriv); /* ScreenPrivates */ if (pRLWinPriv->hWnd == NULL) { ErrorF("winMWExtWMCreateFrame - CreateWindowExA () failed: %d\n", (int) GetLastError()); fResult = FALSE; } winDebug("winMWExtWMCreateFrame - ShowWindow\n"); //ShowWindow (pRLWinPriv->hWnd, SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE); g_fNoConfigureWindow = FALSE; if (pShape != NULL) { winMWExtWMReshapeFrame(pFrame->wid, pShape); } winDebug("winMWExtWMCreateFrame - (%08x) %08x\n", (int) pFrame->wid, (int) pRLWinPriv->hWnd); winMWExtWMSetNativeProperty(pFrame); return fResult; } void winMWExtWMDestroyFrame(RootlessFrameID wid) { win32RootlessWindowPtr pRLWinPriv = (win32RootlessWindowPtr) wid; HICON hIcon; HICON hIconSm; HMODULE hInstance; int iReturn; char pszClass[CLASS_NAME_LENGTH]; winDebug("winMWExtWMDestroyFrame (%08x) %08x\n", (int) pRLWinPriv, (int) pRLWinPriv->hWnd); /* Store the info we need to destroy after this window is gone */ hInstance = (HINSTANCE) GetClassLongPtr(pRLWinPriv->hWnd, GCLP_HMODULE); hIcon = (HICON) SendMessage(pRLWinPriv->hWnd, WM_GETICON, ICON_BIG, 0); hIconSm = (HICON) SendMessage(pRLWinPriv->hWnd, WM_GETICON, ICON_SMALL, 0); iReturn = GetClassName(pRLWinPriv->hWnd, pszClass, CLASS_NAME_LENGTH); pRLWinPriv->fClose = TRUE; pRLWinPriv->fDestroyed = TRUE; /* Destroy the Windows window */ DestroyWindow(pRLWinPriv->hWnd); /* Only if we were able to get the name */ if (iReturn) { winDebug("winMWExtWMDestroyFrame - Unregistering %s: ", pszClass); iReturn = UnregisterClass(pszClass, hInstance); winDebug ("winMWExtWMDestroyFramew - Deleting Icon\n"); } winDestroyIcon(hiconClass); winDestroyIcon(hiconSmClass); winDebug("winMWExtWMDestroyFrame - done\n"); } void winMWExtWMMoveFrame(RootlessFrameID wid, ScreenPtr pScreen, int iNewX, int iNewY) { win32RootlessWindowPtr pRLWinPriv = (win32RootlessWindowPtr) wid; RECT rcNew; DWORD dwExStyle; DWORD dwStyle; int iX, iY, iWidth, iHeight; winDebug("winMWExtWMMoveFrame (%08x) (%d %d)\n", (int) pRLWinPriv, iNewX, iNewY); /* Get the Windows window style and extended style */ dwExStyle = GetWindowLongPtr(pRLWinPriv->hWnd, GWL_EXSTYLE); dwStyle = GetWindowLongPtr(pRLWinPriv->hWnd, GWL_STYLE); /* Get the X and Y location of the X window */ iX = iNewX + GetSystemMetrics(SM_XVIRTUALSCREEN); iY = iNewY + GetSystemMetrics(SM_YVIRTUALSCREEN); /* Get the height and width of the X window */ iWidth = pRLWinPriv->pFrame->width; iHeight = pRLWinPriv->pFrame->height; /* Store the origin, height, and width in a rectangle structure */ SetRect(&rcNew, iX, iY, iX + iWidth, iY + iHeight); winDebug("\tWindow {%d, %d, %d, %d}, {%d, %d}\n", rcNew.left, rcNew.top, rcNew.right, rcNew.bottom, rcNew.right - rcNew.left, rcNew.bottom - rcNew.top); /* * Calculate the required size of the Windows window rectangle, * given the size of the Windows window client area. */ AdjustWindowRectEx(&rcNew, dwStyle, FALSE, dwExStyle); winDebug("\tAdjusted {%d, %d, %d, %d}, {%d, %d}\n", rcNew.left, rcNew.top, rcNew.right, rcNew.bottom, rcNew.right - rcNew.left, rcNew.bottom - rcNew.top); g_fNoConfigureWindow = TRUE; SetWindowPos(pRLWinPriv->hWnd, NULL, rcNew.left, rcNew.top, 0, 0, SWP_NOACTIVATE | SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOZORDER); g_fNoConfigureWindow = FALSE; winDebug("winMWExtWMMoveFrame (%08x) done\n", (int) pRLWinPriv); } void winMWExtWMResizeFrame(RootlessFrameID wid, ScreenPtr pScreen, int iNewX, int iNewY, unsigned int uiNewWidth, unsigned int uiNewHeight, unsigned int uiGravity) { win32RootlessWindowPtr pRLWinPriv = (win32RootlessWindowPtr) wid; RECT rcNew; RECT rcOld; DWORD dwExStyle; DWORD dwStyle; int iX, iY; winDebug("winMWExtWMResizeFrame (%08x) (%d %d)-(%d %d)\n", (int) pRLWinPriv, iNewX, iNewY, uiNewWidth, uiNewHeight); pRLWinPriv->fResized = TRUE; /* Get the Windows window style and extended style */ dwExStyle = GetWindowLongPtr(pRLWinPriv->hWnd, GWL_EXSTYLE); dwStyle = GetWindowLongPtr(pRLWinPriv->hWnd, GWL_STYLE); /* Get the X and Y location of the X window */ iX = iNewX + GetSystemMetrics(SM_XVIRTUALSCREEN); iY = iNewY + GetSystemMetrics(SM_YVIRTUALSCREEN); /* Store the origin, height, and width in a rectangle structure */ SetRect(&rcNew, iX, iY, iX + uiNewWidth, iY + uiNewHeight); /* * Calculate the required size of the Windows window rectangle, * given the size of the Windows window client area. */ AdjustWindowRectEx(&rcNew, dwStyle, FALSE, dwExStyle); /* Get a rectangle describing the old Windows window */ GetWindowRect(pRLWinPriv->hWnd, &rcOld); /* Check if the old rectangle and new rectangle are the same */ if (!EqualRect(&rcNew, &rcOld)) { g_fNoConfigureWindow = TRUE; MoveWindow(pRLWinPriv->hWnd, rcNew.left, rcNew.top, rcNew.right - rcNew.left, rcNew.bottom - rcNew.top, TRUE); g_fNoConfigureWindow = FALSE; } } void winMWExtWMRestackFrame(RootlessFrameID wid, RootlessFrameID nextWid) { win32RootlessWindowPtr pRLWinPriv = (win32RootlessWindowPtr) wid; win32RootlessWindowPtr pRLNextWinPriv = (win32RootlessWindowPtr) nextWid; winScreenPriv(pRLWinPriv->pFrame->win->drawable.pScreen); winScreenInfo *pScreenInfo = NULL; DWORD dwCurrentProcessID = GetCurrentProcessId(); DWORD dwWindowProcessID = 0; HWND hWnd; Bool fFirst = TRUE; Bool fNeedRestack = TRUE; winDebug("winMWExtWMRestackFrame (%08x)\n", (int) pRLWinPriv); if (pScreenPriv && pScreenPriv->fRestacking) return; if (pScreenPriv) pScreenInfo = pScreenPriv->pScreenInfo; pRLWinPriv->fRestackingNow = TRUE; /* Show window */ if (!IsWindowVisible(pRLWinPriv->hWnd)) ShowWindow(pRLWinPriv->hWnd, SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE); if (pRLNextWinPriv == NULL) { winDebug("Win %08x is top\n", pRLWinPriv); pScreenPriv->widTop = wid; SetWindowPos(pRLWinPriv->hWnd, HWND_TOP, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOACTIVATE); } #ifdef XWIN_MULTIWINDOWINTWM else if (winIsInternalWMRunning(pScreenInfo)) { /* using mulwinidow wm */ winDebug("Win %08x is not top\n", pRLWinPriv); for (hWnd = GetNextWindow(pRLWinPriv->hWnd, GW_HWNDPREV); fNeedRestack && hWnd != NULL; hWnd = GetNextWindow(hWnd, GW_HWNDPREV)) { GetWindowThreadProcessId(hWnd, &dwWindowProcessID); if ((dwWindowProcessID == dwCurrentProcessID) && GetProp(hWnd, WIN_WINDOW_PROP)) { if (hWnd == pRLNextWinPriv->hWnd) { /* Enable interleave X window and Windows window */ if (!fFirst) { winDebug("raise: Insert after Win %08x\n", pRLNextWinPriv); SetWindowPos(pRLWinPriv->hWnd, pRLNextWinPriv->hWnd, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOACTIVATE); } else { winDebug("No change\n"); } fNeedRestack = FALSE; break; } if (fFirst) fFirst = FALSE; } } for (hWnd = GetNextWindow(pRLWinPriv->hWnd, GW_HWNDNEXT); fNeedRestack && hWnd != NULL; hWnd = GetNextWindow(hWnd, GW_HWNDNEXT)) { GetWindowThreadProcessId(hWnd, &dwWindowProcessID); if ((dwWindowProcessID == dwCurrentProcessID) && GetProp(hWnd, WIN_WINDOW_PROP)) { if (hWnd == pRLNextWinPriv->hWnd) { winDebug("lower: Insert after Win %08x\n", pRLNextWinPriv); SetWindowPos(pRLWinPriv->hWnd, pRLNextWinPriv->hWnd, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOACTIVATE); fNeedRestack = FALSE; break; } } } } #endif else { /* using general wm like twm, wmaker etc. Interleave X window and Windows window will cause problem. */ SetWindowPos(pRLWinPriv->hWnd, pRLNextWinPriv->hWnd, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOACTIVATE); } winDebug("winMWExtWMRestackFrame - done (%08x)\n", (int) pRLWinPriv); pRLWinPriv->fRestackingNow = FALSE; } void winMWExtWMReshapeFrame(RootlessFrameID wid, RegionPtr pShape) { win32RootlessWindowPtr pRLWinPriv = (win32RootlessWindowPtr) wid; HRGN hRgn, hRgnWindow, hRgnClient; RECT rcWindow, rcClient; winDebug("winMWExtWMReshapeFrame (%08x)\n", (int) pRLWinPriv); hRgn = winMWExtWMCreateRgnFromRegion(pShape); /* Create region for non-client area */ GetWindowRect(pRLWinPriv->hWnd, &rcWindow); GetClientRect(pRLWinPriv->hWnd, &rcClient); MapWindowPoints(pRLWinPriv->hWnd, HWND_DESKTOP, (LPPOINT) & rcClient, 2); OffsetRgn(hRgn, rcClient.left - rcWindow.left, rcClient.top - rcWindow.top); OffsetRect(&rcClient, -rcWindow.left, -rcWindow.top); OffsetRect(&rcWindow, -rcWindow.left, -rcWindow.top); hRgnWindow = CreateRectRgnIndirect(&rcWindow); hRgnClient = CreateRectRgnIndirect(&rcClient); CombineRgn(hRgnWindow, hRgnWindow, hRgnClient, RGN_DIFF); CombineRgn(hRgn, hRgnWindow, hRgn, RGN_OR); SetWindowRgn(pRLWinPriv->hWnd, hRgn, TRUE); DeleteObject(hRgnWindow); DeleteObject(hRgnClient); } void winMWExtWMUnmapFrame(RootlessFrameID wid) { win32RootlessWindowPtr pRLWinPriv = (win32RootlessWindowPtr) wid; winDebug("winMWExtWMUnmapFrame (%08x)\n", (int) pRLWinPriv); g_fNoConfigureWindow = TRUE; //ShowWindow (pRLWinPriv->hWnd, SW_MINIMIZE); ShowWindow(pRLWinPriv->hWnd, SW_HIDE); g_fNoConfigureWindow = FALSE; } /* * Fixme: Code sharing with winshadgdi.c and other engine support */ void winMWExtWMStartDrawing(RootlessFrameID wid, char **pixelData, int *bytesPerRow) { win32RootlessWindowPtr pRLWinPriv = (win32RootlessWindowPtr) wid; winPrivScreenPtr pScreenPriv = NULL; winScreenInfo *pScreenInfo = NULL; ScreenPtr pScreen = NULL; DIBSECTION dibsection; Bool fReturn = TRUE; HDC hdcNew; HBITMAP hbmpNew; winDebug("winMWExtWMStartDrawing (%08x) %08x\n", (int) pRLWinPriv, pRLWinPriv->fDestroyed); if (!pRLWinPriv->fDestroyed) { pScreen = pRLWinPriv->pFrame->win->drawable.pScreen; if (pScreen) pScreenPriv = winGetScreenPriv(pScreen); if (pScreenPriv) pScreenInfo = pScreenPriv->pScreenInfo; winDebug("\tpScreenPriv %08X\n", (int) pScreenPriv); winDebug("\tpScreenInfo %08X\n", (int) pScreenInfo); winDebug("\t(%d, %d)\n", (int) pRLWinPriv->pFrame->width, (int) pRLWinPriv->pFrame->height); if (pRLWinPriv->hdcScreen == NULL) { InitWin32RootlessEngine(pRLWinPriv); } if (pRLWinPriv->fResized) { /* width * bpp must be multiple of 4 to match 32bit alignment */ int stridesize; int misalignment; pRLWinPriv->pbmihShadow->biWidth = pRLWinPriv->pFrame->width; pRLWinPriv->pbmihShadow->biHeight = -pRLWinPriv->pFrame->height; stridesize = pRLWinPriv->pFrame->width * (pScreenInfo->dwBPP >> 3); misalignment = stridesize & 3; if (misalignment != 0) { stridesize += 4 - misalignment; pRLWinPriv->pbmihShadow->biWidth = stridesize / (pScreenInfo->dwBPP >> 3); winDebug("\tresizing to %d (was %d)\n", pRLWinPriv->pbmihShadow->biWidth, pRLWinPriv->pFrame->width); } hdcNew = CreateCompatibleDC(pRLWinPriv->hdcScreen); /* Create a DI shadow bitmap with a bit pointer */ hbmpNew = CreateDIBSection(pRLWinPriv->hdcScreen, (BITMAPINFO *) pRLWinPriv->pbmihShadow, DIB_RGB_COLORS, (VOID **) & pRLWinPriv->pfb, NULL, 0); if (hbmpNew == NULL || pRLWinPriv->pfb == NULL) { ErrorF("winMWExtWMStartDrawing - CreateDIBSection failed\n"); //return FALSE; } else { winDebug("winMWExtWMStartDrawing - Shadow buffer allocated\n"); } /* Get information about the bitmap that was allocated */ GetObject(hbmpNew, sizeof(dibsection), &dibsection); /* Print information about bitmap allocated */ winDebug("winMWExtWMStartDrawing - Dibsection width: %d height: %d " "depth: %d size image: %d\n", (unsigned int) dibsection.dsBmih.biWidth, (unsigned int) dibsection.dsBmih.biHeight, (unsigned int) dibsection.dsBmih.biBitCount, (unsigned int) dibsection.dsBmih.biSizeImage); /* Select the shadow bitmap into the shadow DC */ SelectObject(hdcNew, hbmpNew); winDebug("winMWExtWMStartDrawing - Attempting a shadow blit\n"); /* Blit from the old shadow to the new shadow */ fReturn = BitBlt(hdcNew, 0, 0, pRLWinPriv->pFrame->width, pRLWinPriv->pFrame->height, pRLWinPriv->hdcShadow, 0, 0, SRCCOPY); if (fReturn) { winDebug("winMWExtWMStartDrawing - Shadow blit success\n"); } else { ErrorF("winMWExtWMStartDrawing - Shadow blit failure\n"); } /* Look for height weirdness */ if (dibsection.dsBmih.biHeight < 0) { /* FIXME: Figure out why biHeight is sometimes negative */ ErrorF("winMWExtWMStartDrawing - WEIRDNESS - " "biHeight still negative: %d\n", (int) dibsection.dsBmih.biHeight); ErrorF("winMWExtWMStartDrawing - WEIRDNESS - " "Flipping biHeight sign\n"); dibsection.dsBmih.biHeight = -dibsection.dsBmih.biHeight; } pRLWinPriv->dwWidthBytes = dibsection.dsBm.bmWidthBytes; winDebug("winMWExtWMStartDrawing - bytesPerRow: %d\n", (unsigned int) dibsection.dsBm.bmWidthBytes); /* Free the old shadow bitmap */ DeleteObject(pRLWinPriv->hdcShadow); DeleteObject(pRLWinPriv->hbmpShadow); pRLWinPriv->hdcShadow = hdcNew; pRLWinPriv->hbmpShadow = hbmpNew; pRLWinPriv->fResized = FALSE; winDebug("winMWExtWMStartDrawing - 0x%08x %d\n", (unsigned int) pRLWinPriv->pfb, (unsigned int) dibsection.dsBm.bmWidthBytes); } } else { ErrorF("winMWExtWMStartDrawing - Already window was destroyed \n"); } winDebug("winMWExtWMStartDrawing - done (0x%08x) 0x%08x %d\n", (int) pRLWinPriv, (unsigned int) pRLWinPriv->pfb, (unsigned int) pRLWinPriv->dwWidthBytes); *pixelData = pRLWinPriv->pfb; *bytesPerRow = pRLWinPriv->dwWidthBytes; } void winMWExtWMStopDrawing(RootlessFrameID wid, Bool fFlush) { } void winMWExtWMUpdateRegion(RootlessFrameID wid, RegionPtr pDamage) { win32RootlessWindowPtr pRLWinPriv = (win32RootlessWindowPtr) wid; if (!g_fNoConfigureWindow) UpdateWindow(pRLWinPriv->hWnd); } void winMWExtWMDamageRects(RootlessFrameID wid, int nCount, const BoxRec * pRects, int shift_x, int shift_y) { win32RootlessWindowPtr pRLWinPriv = (win32RootlessWindowPtr) wid; const BoxRec *pEnd; winDebug("winMWExtWMDamageRects (%08x, %d, %08x, %d, %d)\n", pRLWinPriv, nCount, pRects, shift_x, shift_y); for (pEnd = pRects + nCount; pRects < pEnd; pRects++) { RECT rcDmg; rcDmg.left = pRects->x1 + shift_x; rcDmg.top = pRects->y1 + shift_y; rcDmg.right = pRects->x2 + shift_x; rcDmg.bottom = pRects->y2 + shift_y; InvalidateRect(pRLWinPriv->hWnd, &rcDmg, FALSE); } } void winMWExtWMRootlessSwitchWindow(RootlessWindowPtr pFrame, WindowPtr oldWin) { win32RootlessWindowPtr pRLWinPriv = (win32RootlessWindowPtr) pFrame->wid; winDebug("winMWExtWMRootlessSwitchWindow (%08x) %08x\n", (int) pRLWinPriv, (int) pRLWinPriv->hWnd); pRLWinPriv->pFrame = pFrame; pRLWinPriv->fResized = TRUE; /* Set the window extended style flags */ SetWindowLongPtr(pRLWinPriv->hWnd, GWL_EXSTYLE, WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW); /* Set the window standard style flags */ SetWindowLongPtr(pRLWinPriv->hWnd, GWL_STYLE, WS_POPUP | WS_CLIPCHILDREN); DeleteProperty(serverClient, oldWin, AtmWindowsWmNativeHwnd()); winMWExtWMSetNativeProperty(pFrame); } void winMWExtWMCopyBytes(unsigned int width, unsigned int height, const void *src, unsigned int srcRowBytes, void *dst, unsigned int dstRowBytes) { winDebug("winMWExtWMCopyBytes - Not implemented\n"); } void winMWExtWMCopyWindow(RootlessFrameID wid, int nDstRects, const BoxRec * pDstRects, int nDx, int nDy) { win32RootlessWindowPtr pRLWinPriv = (win32RootlessWindowPtr) wid; const BoxRec *pEnd; RECT rcDmg; winDebug("winMWExtWMCopyWindow (%08x, %d, %08x, %d, %d)\n", (int) pRLWinPriv, nDstRects, (int) pDstRects, nDx, nDy); for (pEnd = pDstRects + nDstRects; pDstRects < pEnd; pDstRects++) { winDebug("BitBlt (%d, %d, %d, %d) (%d, %d)\n", pDstRects->x1, pDstRects->y1, pDstRects->x2 - pDstRects->x1, pDstRects->y2 - pDstRects->y1, pDstRects->x1 + nDx, pDstRects->y1 + nDy); if (!BitBlt(pRLWinPriv->hdcShadow, pDstRects->x1, pDstRects->y1, pDstRects->x2 - pDstRects->x1, pDstRects->y2 - pDstRects->y1, pRLWinPriv->hdcShadow, pDstRects->x1 + nDx, pDstRects->y1 + nDy, SRCCOPY)) { ErrorF("winMWExtWMCopyWindow - BitBlt failed.\n"); } rcDmg.left = pDstRects->x1; rcDmg.top = pDstRects->y1; rcDmg.right = pDstRects->x2; rcDmg.bottom = pDstRects->y2; InvalidateRect(pRLWinPriv->hWnd, &rcDmg, FALSE); } winDebug("winMWExtWMCopyWindow - done\n"); } /* * winMWExtWMSetNativeProperty */ static void winMWExtWMSetNativeProperty(RootlessWindowPtr pFrame) { win32RootlessWindowPtr pRLWinPriv = (win32RootlessWindowPtr) pFrame->wid; long lData; /* FIXME: move this to WindowsWM extension */ lData = (long) pRLWinPriv->hWnd; dixChangeWindowProperty(serverClient, pFrame->win, AtmWindowsWmNativeHwnd(), XA_INTEGER, 32, PropModeReplace, 1, &lData, TRUE); }