/************************************************************ Copyright 1996 by Thomas E. Dickey <dickey@clark.net> All Rights Reserved Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and that the name of the above listed copyright holder(s) not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specific, written prior permission. THE ABOVE LISTED COPYRIGHT HOLDER(S) DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS, IN NO EVENT SHALL THE ABOVE LISTED COPYRIGHT HOLDER(S) BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. ********************************************************/ /******************************************************************** * Interface of 'exevents.c' */ #ifndef EXEVENTS_H #define EXEVENTS_H #include <X11/extensions/XIproto.h> #include "inputstr.h" /*************************************************************** * Interface available to drivers * ***************************************************************/ /** * Scroll flags for ::SetScrollValuator. */ enum ScrollFlags { SCROLL_FLAG_NONE = 0, /** * Do not emulate legacy button events for valuator events on this axis. */ SCROLL_FLAG_DONT_EMULATE = (1 << 1), /** * This axis is the preferred axis for valuator emulation for this axis' * scroll type. */ SCROLL_FLAG_PREFERRED = (1 << 2) }; extern _X_EXPORT int InitProximityClassDeviceStruct( DeviceIntPtr /* dev */); extern _X_EXPORT Bool InitValuatorAxisStruct( DeviceIntPtr /* dev */, int /* axnum */, Atom /* label */, int /* minval */, int /* maxval */, int /* resolution */, int /* min_res */, int /* max_res */, int /* mode */); extern _X_EXPORT Bool SetScrollValuator( DeviceIntPtr /* dev */, int /* axnum */, enum ScrollType /* type */, double /* increment */, int /* flags */); /* Input device properties */ extern _X_EXPORT void XIDeleteAllDeviceProperties( DeviceIntPtr /* device */ ); extern _X_EXPORT int XIDeleteDeviceProperty( DeviceIntPtr /* device */, Atom /* property */, Bool /* fromClient */ ); extern _X_EXPORT int XIChangeDeviceProperty( DeviceIntPtr /* dev */, Atom /* property */, Atom /* type */, int /* format*/, int /* mode*/, unsigned long /* len*/, const pointer /* value*/, Bool /* sendevent*/ ); extern _X_EXPORT int XIGetDeviceProperty( DeviceIntPtr /* dev */, Atom /* property */, XIPropertyValuePtr* /* value */ ); extern _X_EXPORT int XISetDevicePropertyDeletable( DeviceIntPtr /* dev */, Atom /* property */, Bool /* deletable */ ); extern _X_EXPORT long XIRegisterPropertyHandler( DeviceIntPtr dev, int (*SetProperty) (DeviceIntPtr dev, Atom property, XIPropertyValuePtr prop, BOOL checkonly), int (*GetProperty) (DeviceIntPtr dev, Atom property), int (*DeleteProperty) (DeviceIntPtr dev, Atom property) ); extern _X_EXPORT void XIUnregisterPropertyHandler( DeviceIntPtr dev, long id ); extern _X_EXPORT Atom XIGetKnownProperty( char* name ); extern _X_EXPORT DeviceIntPtr XIGetDevice(xEvent *ev); extern _X_EXPORT int XIPropToInt( XIPropertyValuePtr val, int *nelem_return, int **buf_return ); extern _X_EXPORT int XIPropToFloat( XIPropertyValuePtr val, int *nelem_return, float **buf_return ); /**************************************************************************** * End of driver interface * ****************************************************************************/ /** * Attached to the devPrivates of each client. Specifies the version number as * supported by the client. */ typedef struct _XIClientRec { int major_version; int minor_version; } XIClientRec, *XIClientPtr; typedef struct _GrabParameters { int grabtype; /* GRABTYPE_CORE, etc. */ unsigned int ownerEvents; unsigned int this_device_mode; unsigned int other_devices_mode; Window grabWindow; Window confineTo; Cursor cursor; unsigned int modifiers; } GrabParameters; extern int UpdateDeviceState ( DeviceIntPtr /* device */, DeviceEvent* /* xE */); extern void ProcessOtherEvent ( InternalEvent* /* ev */, DeviceIntPtr /* other */); extern void DeviceFocusEvent( DeviceIntPtr /* dev */, int /* type */, int /* mode */, int /* detail */, WindowPtr /* pWin */); extern int CheckGrabValues( ClientPtr /* client */, GrabParameters* /* param */); extern int GrabButton( ClientPtr /* client */, DeviceIntPtr /* dev */, DeviceIntPtr /* modifier_device */, int /* button */, GrabParameters* /* param */, GrabType /* grabtype */, GrabMask* /* eventMask */); extern int GrabKey( ClientPtr /* client */, DeviceIntPtr /* dev */, DeviceIntPtr /* modifier_device */, int /* key */, GrabParameters* /* param */, GrabType /* grabtype */, GrabMask* /* eventMask */); extern int GrabWindow( ClientPtr /* client */, DeviceIntPtr /* dev */, int /* type */, GrabParameters* /* param */, GrabMask* /* eventMask */); extern int SelectForWindow( DeviceIntPtr /* dev */, WindowPtr /* pWin */, ClientPtr /* client */, Mask /* mask */, Mask /* exclusivemasks */); extern int AddExtensionClient ( WindowPtr /* pWin */, ClientPtr /* client */, Mask /* mask */, int /* mskidx */); extern void RecalculateDeviceDeliverableEvents( WindowPtr /* pWin */); extern int InputClientGone( WindowPtr /* pWin */, XID /* id */); extern int SendEvent ( ClientPtr /* client */, DeviceIntPtr /* d */, Window /* dest */, Bool /* propagate */, xEvent * /* ev */, Mask /* mask */, int /* count */); extern int SetButtonMapping ( ClientPtr /* client */, DeviceIntPtr /* dev */, int /* nElts */, BYTE * /* map */); extern int ChangeKeyMapping( ClientPtr /* client */, DeviceIntPtr /* dev */, unsigned /* len */, int /* type */, KeyCode /* firstKeyCode */, CARD8 /* keyCodes */, CARD8 /* keySymsPerKeyCode */, KeySym * /* map */); extern void DeleteWindowFromAnyExtEvents( WindowPtr /* pWin */, Bool /* freeResources */); extern int MaybeSendDeviceMotionNotifyHint ( deviceKeyButtonPointer * /* pEvents */, Mask /* mask */); extern void CheckDeviceGrabAndHintWindow ( WindowPtr /* pWin */, int /* type */, deviceKeyButtonPointer * /* xE */, GrabPtr /* grab */, ClientPtr /* client */, Mask /* deliveryMask */); extern void MaybeStopDeviceHint( DeviceIntPtr /* dev */, ClientPtr /* client */); extern int DeviceEventSuppressForWindow( WindowPtr /* pWin */, ClientPtr /* client */, Mask /* mask */, int /* maskndx */); extern void SendEventToAllWindows( DeviceIntPtr /* dev */, Mask /* mask */, xEvent * /* ev */, int /* count */); extern _X_HIDDEN void XI2EventSwap( xGenericEvent * /* from */, xGenericEvent * /* to */); /* For an event such as MappingNotify which affects client interpretation * of input events sent by device dev, should we notify the client, or * would it merely be irrelevant and confusing? */ extern int XIShouldNotify(ClientPtr client, DeviceIntPtr dev); extern void XISendDeviceChangedEvent(DeviceIntPtr device, DeviceIntPtr master, DeviceChangedEvent *dce); extern int XISetEventMask(DeviceIntPtr dev, WindowPtr win, ClientPtr client, unsigned int len, unsigned char* mask); extern int XICheckInvalidMaskBits(ClientPtr client, unsigned char *mask, int len); #endif /* EXEVENTS_H */