/*********************************************************** Copyright 1987, 1998 The Open Group Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation. The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE OPEN GROUP BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. Except as contained in this notice, the name of The Open Group shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings in this Software without prior written authorization from The Open Group. Copyright 1987 by Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Massachusetts. All Rights Reserved Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and that the name of Digital not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specific, written prior permission. DIGITAL DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS, IN NO EVENT SHALL DIGITAL BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. ******************************************************************/ #ifndef MI_H #define MI_H #include #include "region.h" #include "validate.h" #include "window.h" #include "gc.h" #include #include "input.h" #include "cursor.h" #include "privates.h" #include "colormap.h" #include "events.h" #define MiBits CARD32 typedef struct _miDash *miDashPtr; #define EVEN_DASH 0 #define ODD_DASH ~0 #ifdef _MSC_VER #define _X_COLD #endif /* miarc.c */ extern _X_EXPORT void miWideArc(DrawablePtr pDraw, GCPtr pGC, int narcs, xArc * parcs); extern _X_EXPORT void miPolyArc(DrawablePtr /*pDraw */ , GCPtr /*pGC */ , int /*narcs */ , xArc * /*parcs */ ); /* mibitblt.c */ extern _X_EXPORT RegionPtr miCopyArea(DrawablePtr /*pSrcDrawable */ , DrawablePtr /*pDstDrawable */ , GCPtr /*pGC */ , int /*xIn */ , int /*yIn */ , int /*widthSrc */ , int /*heightSrc */ , int /*xOut */ , int /*yOut */ ); extern _X_EXPORT RegionPtr miCopyPlane(DrawablePtr /*pSrcDrawable */ , DrawablePtr /*pDstDrawable */ , GCPtr /*pGC */ , int /*srcx */ , int /*srcy */ , int /*width */ , int /*height */ , int /*dstx */ , int /*dsty */ , unsigned long /*bitPlane */ ); extern _X_EXPORT void miGetImage(DrawablePtr /*pDraw */ , int /*sx */ , int /*sy */ , int /*w */ , int /*h */ , unsigned int /*format */ , unsigned long /*planeMask */ , char * /*pdstLine */ ); extern _X_EXPORT void miPutImage(DrawablePtr /*pDraw */ , GCPtr /*pGC */ , int /*depth */ , int /*x */ , int /*y */ , int /*w */ , int /*h */ , int /*leftPad */ , int /*format */ , char * /*pImage */ ); /* micopy.c */ #define miGetCompositeClip(pGC) ((pGC)->pCompositeClip) typedef void (*miCopyProc) (DrawablePtr pSrcDrawable, DrawablePtr pDstDrawable, GCPtr pGC, BoxPtr pDstBox, int nbox, int dx, int dy, Bool reverse, Bool upsidedown, Pixel bitplane, void *closure); extern _X_EXPORT void miCopyRegion(DrawablePtr pSrcDrawable, DrawablePtr pDstDrawable, GCPtr pGC, RegionPtr pDstRegion, int dx, int dy, miCopyProc copyProc, Pixel bitPlane, void *closure); extern _X_EXPORT RegionPtr miDoCopy(DrawablePtr pSrcDrawable, DrawablePtr pDstDrawable, GCPtr pGC, int xIn, int yIn, int widthSrc, int heightSrc, int xOut, int yOut, miCopyProc copyProc, Pixel bitplane, void *closure); /* micursor.c */ extern _X_EXPORT void miRecolorCursor(DeviceIntPtr /* pDev */ , ScreenPtr /*pScr */ , CursorPtr /*pCurs */ , Bool /*displayed */ ); /* midash.c */ extern _X_EXPORT void miStepDash(int /*dist */ , int * /*pDashIndex */ , unsigned char * /*pDash */ , int /*numInDashList */ , int * /*pDashOffset */ ); /* mieq.c */ #ifndef INPUT_H typedef struct _DeviceRec *DevicePtr; #endif extern _X_EXPORT Bool mieqInit(void ); extern _X_EXPORT void mieqFini(void); extern _X_EXPORT void mieqEnqueue(DeviceIntPtr /*pDev */ , InternalEvent * /*e */ ); extern _X_EXPORT void mieqSwitchScreen(DeviceIntPtr /* pDev */ , ScreenPtr /*pScreen */ , Bool /*set_dequeue_screen */ ); extern _X_EXPORT void mieqProcessDeviceEvent(DeviceIntPtr /* dev */ , InternalEvent * /* event */ , ScreenPtr /* screen */ ); extern _X_EXPORT void mieqProcessInputEvents(void ); extern DeviceIntPtr CopyGetMasterEvent(DeviceIntPtr /* sdev */ , InternalEvent * /* original */ , InternalEvent * /* copy */ ); /** * Custom input event handler. If you need to process input events in some * other way than the default path, register an input event handler for the * given internal event type. */ typedef void (*mieqHandler) (int screen, InternalEvent *event, DeviceIntPtr dev); void _X_EXPORT mieqSetHandler(int event, mieqHandler handler); /* miexpose.c */ extern _X_EXPORT RegionPtr miHandleExposures(DrawablePtr /*pSrcDrawable */ , DrawablePtr /*pDstDrawable */ , GCPtr /*pGC */ , int /*srcx */ , int /*srcy */ , int /*width */ , int /*height */ , int /*dstx */ , int /*dsty */ ); extern _X_EXPORT void miSendExposures(WindowPtr /*pWin */ , RegionPtr /*pRgn */ , int /*dx */ , int /*dy */ ); extern _X_EXPORT void miWindowExposures(WindowPtr /*pWin */ , RegionPtr /*prgn */); extern _X_EXPORT void miPaintWindow(WindowPtr /*pWin */ , RegionPtr /*prgn */ , int /*what */ ); extern _X_EXPORT void miClearDrawable(DrawablePtr /*pDraw */ , GCPtr /*pGC */ ); /* mifillrct.c */ extern _X_EXPORT void miPolyFillRect(DrawablePtr /*pDrawable */ , GCPtr /*pGC */ , int /*nrectFill */ , xRectangle * /*prectInit */ ); /* miglblt.c */ extern _X_EXPORT void miPolyGlyphBlt(DrawablePtr pDrawable, GCPtr pGC, int x, int y, unsigned int nglyph, CharInfoPtr *ppci, void *pglyphBase ); extern _X_EXPORT void miImageGlyphBlt(DrawablePtr pDrawable, GCPtr pGC, int x, int y, unsigned int nglyph, CharInfoPtr *ppci, void *pglyphBase ); /* mipoly.c */ extern _X_EXPORT void miFillPolygon(DrawablePtr /*dst */ , GCPtr /*pgc */ , int /*shape */ , int /*mode */ , int /*count */ , DDXPointPtr /*pPts */ ); /* mipolycon.c */ extern _X_EXPORT Bool miFillConvexPoly(DrawablePtr /*dst */ , GCPtr /*pgc */ , int /*count */ , DDXPointPtr /*ptsIn */ ); /* mipolygen.c */ extern _X_EXPORT Bool miFillGeneralPoly(DrawablePtr /*dst */ , GCPtr /*pgc */ , int /*count */ , DDXPointPtr /*ptsIn */ ); /* mipolypnt.c */ extern _X_EXPORT void miPolyPoint(DrawablePtr /*pDrawable */ , GCPtr /*pGC */ , int /*mode */ , int /*npt */ , xPoint * /*pptInit */ ); /* mipolyrect.c */ extern _X_EXPORT void miPolyRectangle(DrawablePtr /*pDraw */ , GCPtr /*pGC */ , int /*nrects */ , xRectangle * /*pRects */ ); /* mipolyseg.c */ extern _X_EXPORT void miPolySegment(DrawablePtr /*pDraw */ , GCPtr /*pGC */ , int /*nseg */ , xSegment * /*pSegs */ ); /* mipolytext.c */ extern _X_EXPORT int miPolyText8(DrawablePtr /*pDraw */ , GCPtr /*pGC */ , int /*x */ , int /*y */ , int /*count */ , char * /*chars */ ); extern _X_EXPORT int miPolyText16(DrawablePtr /*pDraw */ , GCPtr /*pGC */ , int /*x */ , int /*y */ , int /*count */ , unsigned short * /*chars */ ); extern _X_EXPORT void miImageText8(DrawablePtr /*pDraw */ , GCPtr /*pGC */ , int /*x */ , int /*y */ , int /*count */ , char * /*chars */ ); extern _X_EXPORT void miImageText16(DrawablePtr /*pDraw */ , GCPtr /*pGC */ , int /*x */ , int /*y */ , int /*count */ , unsigned short * /*chars */ ); /* mipushpxl.c */ extern _X_EXPORT void miPushPixels(GCPtr /*pGC */ , PixmapPtr /*pBitMap */ , DrawablePtr /*pDrawable */ , int /*dx */ , int /*dy */ , int /*xOrg */ , int /*yOrg */ ); /* miscrinit.c */ extern _X_EXPORT Bool miModifyPixmapHeader(PixmapPtr pPixmap, int width, int height, int depth, int bitsPerPixel, int devKind, void *pPixData ); extern _X_EXPORT Bool miCreateScreenResources(ScreenPtr /*pScreen */ ); extern _X_EXPORT Bool miScreenDevPrivateInit(ScreenPtr pScreen, int width, void *pbits ); extern _X_EXPORT Bool miScreenInit(ScreenPtr pScreen, void *pbits, int xsize, int ysize, int dpix, int dpiy, int width, int rootDepth, int numDepths, DepthPtr depths, VisualID rootVisual, int numVisuals, VisualPtr visuals ); /* mivaltree.c */ extern _X_EXPORT int miShapedWindowIn(RegionPtr /*universe */ , RegionPtr /*bounding */ , BoxPtr /*rect */ , int /*x */ , int /*y */ ); extern _X_EXPORT int miValidateTree(WindowPtr /*pParent */ , WindowPtr /*pChild */ , VTKind /*kind */ ); extern _X_EXPORT void miWideLine(DrawablePtr /*pDrawable */ , GCPtr /*pGC */ , int /*mode */ , int /*npt */ , DDXPointPtr /*pPts */ ); extern _X_EXPORT void miWideDash(DrawablePtr /*pDrawable */ , GCPtr /*pGC */ , int /*mode */ , int /*npt */ , DDXPointPtr /*pPts */ ); extern _X_EXPORT void miPolylines(DrawablePtr pDrawable, GCPtr pGC, int mode, int npt, DDXPointPtr pPts); /* miwindow.c */ extern _X_EXPORT void miClearToBackground(WindowPtr /*pWin */ , int /*x */ , int /*y */ , int /*w */ , int /*h */ , Bool /*generateExposures */ ); extern _X_EXPORT void miMarkWindow(WindowPtr /*pWin */ ); extern _X_EXPORT Bool miMarkOverlappedWindows(WindowPtr /*pWin */ , WindowPtr /*pFirst */ , WindowPtr * /*ppLayerWin */ ); extern _X_EXPORT void miHandleValidateExposures(WindowPtr /*pWin */ ); extern _X_EXPORT void miMoveWindow(WindowPtr /*pWin */ , int /*x */ , int /*y */ , WindowPtr /*pNextSib */ , VTKind /*kind */ ); extern _X_EXPORT void miResizeWindow(WindowPtr /*pWin */ , int /*x */ , int /*y */ , unsigned int /*w */ , unsigned int /*h */ , WindowPtr /*pSib */ ); extern _X_EXPORT WindowPtr miGetLayerWindow(WindowPtr /*pWin */ ); extern _X_EXPORT void miSetShape(WindowPtr /*pWin */ , int /*kind */ ); extern _X_EXPORT void miChangeBorderWidth(WindowPtr /*pWin */ , unsigned int /*width */ ); extern _X_EXPORT void miMarkUnrealizedWindow(WindowPtr /*pChild */ , WindowPtr /*pWin */ , Bool /*fromConfigure */ ); extern _X_EXPORT WindowPtr miSpriteTrace(SpritePtr pSprite, int x, int y); extern _X_EXPORT WindowPtr miXYToWindow(ScreenPtr pScreen, SpritePtr pSprite, int x, int y); /* mizerarc.c */ extern _X_EXPORT void miZeroPolyArc(DrawablePtr /*pDraw */ , GCPtr /*pGC */ , int /*narcs */ , xArc * /*parcs */ ); /* mizerline.c */ extern _X_EXPORT void miZeroLine(DrawablePtr /*dst */ , GCPtr /*pgc */ , int /*mode */ , int /*nptInit */ , DDXPointRec * /*pptInit */ ); extern _X_EXPORT void miZeroDashLine(DrawablePtr /*dst */ , GCPtr /*pgc */ , int /*mode */ , int /*nptInit */ , DDXPointRec * /*pptInit */ ); extern _X_EXPORT void miPolyFillArc(DrawablePtr /*pDraw */ , GCPtr /*pGC */ , int /*narcs */ , xArc * /*parcs */ ); #endif /* MI_H */