
Copyright 1987, 1998  The Open Group

Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its
documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that
the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that
copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
all copies or substantial portions of the Software.


Except as contained in this notice, the name of The Open Group shall not be
used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings
in this Software without prior written authorization from The Open Group.

Copyright 1987 by Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Massachusetts.

                        All Rights Reserved

Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its 
documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, 
provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that
both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in 
supporting documentation, and that the name of Digital not be
used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the
software without specific, written prior permission.  



#include <dix-config.h>

#include <X11/keysym.h>
#include "os.h"

typedef struct _builtinColor {
    unsigned char	red;
    unsigned char	green;
    unsigned char	blue;
    unsigned short	name;
} BuiltinColor;

static const char BuiltinColorNames[] = {
    "alice blue\0"
    "antique white\0"
    "blanched almond\0"
    "blue violet\0"
    "cadet blue\0"
    "cornflower blue\0"
    "dark blue\0"
    "dark cyan\0"
    "dark goldenrod\0"
    "dark gray\0"
    "dark green\0"
    "dark grey\0"
    "dark khaki\0"
    "dark magenta\0"
    "dark olive green\0"
    "dark orange\0"
    "dark orchid\0"
    "dark red\0"
    "dark salmon\0"
    "dark sea green\0"
    "dark slate blue\0"
    "dark slate gray\0"
    "dark slate grey\0"
    "dark turquoise\0"
    "dark violet\0"
    "deep pink\0"
    "deep sky blue\0"
    "dim gray\0"
    "dim grey\0"
    "dodger blue\0"
    "floral white\0"
    "forest green\0"
    "ghost white\0"
    "green yellow\0"
    "hot pink\0"
    "indian red\0"
    "lavender blush\0"
    "lawn green\0"
    "lemon chiffon\0"
    "light blue\0"
    "light coral\0"
    "light cyan\0"
    "light goldenrod\0"
    "light goldenrod yellow\0"
    "light gray\0"
    "light green\0"
    "light grey\0"
    "light pink\0"
    "light salmon\0"
    "light sea green\0"
    "light sky blue\0"
    "light slate blue\0"
    "light slate gray\0"
    "light slate grey\0"
    "light steel blue\0"
    "light yellow\0"
    "lime green\0"
    "medium aquamarine\0"
    "medium blue\0"
    "medium orchid\0"
    "medium purple\0"
    "medium sea green\0"
    "medium slate blue\0"
    "medium spring green\0"
    "medium turquoise\0"
    "medium violet red\0"
    "midnight blue\0"
    "mint cream\0"
    "misty rose\0"
    "navajo white\0"
    "navy blue\0"
    "old lace\0"
    "olive drab\0"
    "orange red\0"
    "pale goldenrod\0"
    "pale green\0"
    "pale turquoise\0"
    "pale violet red\0"
    "papaya whip\0"
    "peach puff\0"
    "powder blue\0"
    "rosy brown\0"
    "royal blue\0"
    "saddle brown\0"
    "sandy brown\0"
    "sea green\0"
    "sky blue\0"
    "slate blue\0"
    "slate gray\0"
    "slate grey\0"
    "spring green\0"
    "steel blue\0"
    "violet red\0"
    "white smoke\0"
    "yellow green\0"

static const BuiltinColor BuiltinColors[] = {
    { 240, 248, 255,      0 }, /* alice blue */
    { 240, 248, 255,     11 }, /* AliceBlue */
    { 250, 235, 215,     21 }, /* antique white */
    { 250, 235, 215,     35 }, /* AntiqueWhite */
    { 255, 239, 219,     48 }, /* AntiqueWhite1 */
    { 238, 223, 204,     62 }, /* AntiqueWhite2 */
    { 205, 192, 176,     76 }, /* AntiqueWhite3 */
    { 139, 131, 120,     90 }, /* AntiqueWhite4 */
    { 127, 255, 212,    104 }, /* aquamarine */
    { 127, 255, 212,    115 }, /* aquamarine1 */
    { 118, 238, 198,    127 }, /* aquamarine2 */
    { 102, 205, 170,    139 }, /* aquamarine3 */
    {  69, 139, 116,    151 }, /* aquamarine4 */
    { 240, 255, 255,    163 }, /* azure */
    { 240, 255, 255,    169 }, /* azure1 */
    { 224, 238, 238,    176 }, /* azure2 */
    { 193, 205, 205,    183 }, /* azure3 */
    { 131, 139, 139,    190 }, /* azure4 */
    { 245, 245, 220,    197 }, /* beige */
    { 255, 228, 196,    203 }, /* bisque */
    { 255, 228, 196,    210 }, /* bisque1 */
    { 238, 213, 183,    218 }, /* bisque2 */
    { 205, 183, 158,    226 }, /* bisque3 */
    { 139, 125, 107,    234 }, /* bisque4 */
    {   0,   0,   0,    242 }, /* black */
    { 255, 235, 205,    248 }, /* blanched almond */
    { 255, 235, 205,    264 }, /* BlanchedAlmond */
    {   0,   0, 255,    279 }, /* blue */
    { 138,  43, 226,    284 }, /* blue violet */
    {   0,   0, 255,    296 }, /* blue1 */
    {   0,   0, 238,    302 }, /* blue2 */
    {   0,   0, 205,    308 }, /* blue3 */
    {   0,   0, 139,    314 }, /* blue4 */
    { 138,  43, 226,    320 }, /* BlueViolet */
    { 165,  42,  42,    331 }, /* brown */
    { 255,  64,  64,    337 }, /* brown1 */
    { 238,  59,  59,    344 }, /* brown2 */
    { 205,  51,  51,    351 }, /* brown3 */
    { 139,  35,  35,    358 }, /* brown4 */
    { 222, 184, 135,    365 }, /* burlywood */
    { 255, 211, 155,    375 }, /* burlywood1 */
    { 238, 197, 145,    386 }, /* burlywood2 */
    { 205, 170, 125,    397 }, /* burlywood3 */
    { 139, 115,  85,    408 }, /* burlywood4 */
    {  95, 158, 160,    419 }, /* cadet blue */
    {  95, 158, 160,    430 }, /* CadetBlue */
    { 152, 245, 255,    440 }, /* CadetBlue1 */
    { 142, 229, 238,    451 }, /* CadetBlue2 */
    { 122, 197, 205,    462 }, /* CadetBlue3 */
    {  83, 134, 139,    473 }, /* CadetBlue4 */
    { 127, 255,   0,    484 }, /* chartreuse */
    { 127, 255,   0,    495 }, /* chartreuse1 */
    { 118, 238,   0,    507 }, /* chartreuse2 */
    { 102, 205,   0,    519 }, /* chartreuse3 */
    {  69, 139,   0,    531 }, /* chartreuse4 */
    { 210, 105,  30,    543 }, /* chocolate */
    { 255, 127,  36,    553 }, /* chocolate1 */
    { 238, 118,  33,    564 }, /* chocolate2 */
    { 205, 102,  29,    575 }, /* chocolate3 */
    { 139,  69,  19,    586 }, /* chocolate4 */
    { 255, 127,  80,    597 }, /* coral */
    { 255, 114,  86,    603 }, /* coral1 */
    { 238, 106,  80,    610 }, /* coral2 */
    { 205,  91,  69,    617 }, /* coral3 */
    { 139,  62,  47,    624 }, /* coral4 */
    { 100, 149, 237,    631 }, /* cornflower blue */
    { 100, 149, 237,    647 }, /* CornflowerBlue */
    { 255, 248, 220,    662 }, /* cornsilk */
    { 255, 248, 220,    671 }, /* cornsilk1 */
    { 238, 232, 205,    681 }, /* cornsilk2 */
    { 205, 200, 177,    691 }, /* cornsilk3 */
    { 139, 136, 120,    701 }, /* cornsilk4 */
    {   0, 255, 255,    711 }, /* cyan */
    {   0, 255, 255,    716 }, /* cyan1 */
    {   0, 238, 238,    722 }, /* cyan2 */
    {   0, 205, 205,    728 }, /* cyan3 */
    {   0, 139, 139,    734 }, /* cyan4 */
    {   0,   0, 139,    740 }, /* dark blue */
    {   0, 139, 139,    750 }, /* dark cyan */
    { 184, 134,  11,    760 }, /* dark goldenrod */
    { 169, 169, 169,    775 }, /* dark gray */
    {   0, 100,   0,    785 }, /* dark green */
    { 169, 169, 169,    796 }, /* dark grey */
    { 189, 183, 107,    806 }, /* dark khaki */
    { 139,   0, 139,    817 }, /* dark magenta */
    {  85, 107,  47,    830 }, /* dark olive green */
    { 255, 140,   0,    847 }, /* dark orange */
    { 153,  50, 204,    859 }, /* dark orchid */
    { 139,   0,   0,    871 }, /* dark red */
    { 233, 150, 122,    880 }, /* dark salmon */
    { 143, 188, 143,    892 }, /* dark sea green */
    {  72,  61, 139,    907 }, /* dark slate blue */
    {  47,  79,  79,    923 }, /* dark slate gray */
    {  47,  79,  79,    939 }, /* dark slate grey */
    {   0, 206, 209,    955 }, /* dark turquoise */
    { 148,   0, 211,    970 }, /* dark violet */
    {   0,   0, 139,    982 }, /* DarkBlue */
    {   0, 139, 139,    991 }, /* DarkCyan */
    { 184, 134,  11,   1000 }, /* DarkGoldenrod */
    { 255, 185,  15,   1014 }, /* DarkGoldenrod1 */
    { 238, 173,  14,   1029 }, /* DarkGoldenrod2 */
    { 205, 149,  12,   1044 }, /* DarkGoldenrod3 */
    { 139, 101,   8,   1059 }, /* DarkGoldenrod4 */
    { 169, 169, 169,   1074 }, /* DarkGray */
    {   0, 100,   0,   1083 }, /* DarkGreen */
    { 169, 169, 169,   1093 }, /* DarkGrey */
    { 189, 183, 107,   1102 }, /* DarkKhaki */
    { 139,   0, 139,   1112 }, /* DarkMagenta */
    {  85, 107,  47,   1124 }, /* DarkOliveGreen */
    { 202, 255, 112,   1139 }, /* DarkOliveGreen1 */
    { 188, 238, 104,   1155 }, /* DarkOliveGreen2 */
    { 162, 205,  90,   1171 }, /* DarkOliveGreen3 */
    { 110, 139,  61,   1187 }, /* DarkOliveGreen4 */
    { 255, 140,   0,   1203 }, /* DarkOrange */
    { 255, 127,   0,   1214 }, /* DarkOrange1 */
    { 238, 118,   0,   1226 }, /* DarkOrange2 */
    { 205, 102,   0,   1238 }, /* DarkOrange3 */
    { 139,  69,   0,   1250 }, /* DarkOrange4 */
    { 153,  50, 204,   1262 }, /* DarkOrchid */
    { 191,  62, 255,   1273 }, /* DarkOrchid1 */
    { 178,  58, 238,   1285 }, /* DarkOrchid2 */
    { 154,  50, 205,   1297 }, /* DarkOrchid3 */
    { 104,  34, 139,   1309 }, /* DarkOrchid4 */
    { 139,   0,   0,   1321 }, /* DarkRed */
    { 233, 150, 122,   1329 }, /* DarkSalmon */
    { 143, 188, 143,   1340 }, /* DarkSeaGreen */
    { 193, 255, 193,   1353 }, /* DarkSeaGreen1 */
    { 180, 238, 180,   1367 }, /* DarkSeaGreen2 */
    { 155, 205, 155,   1381 }, /* DarkSeaGreen3 */
    { 105, 139, 105,   1395 }, /* DarkSeaGreen4 */
    {  72,  61, 139,   1409 }, /* DarkSlateBlue */
    {  47,  79,  79,   1423 }, /* DarkSlateGray */
    { 151, 255, 255,   1437 }, /* DarkSlateGray1 */
    { 141, 238, 238,   1452 }, /* DarkSlateGray2 */
    { 121, 205, 205,   1467 }, /* DarkSlateGray3 */
    {  82, 139, 139,   1482 }, /* DarkSlateGray4 */
    {  47,  79,  79,   1497 }, /* DarkSlateGrey */
    {   0, 206, 209,   1511 }, /* DarkTurquoise */
    { 148,   0, 211,   1525 }, /* DarkViolet */
    { 255,  20, 147,   1536 }, /* deep pink */
    {   0, 191, 255,   1546 }, /* deep sky blue */
    { 255,  20, 147,   1560 }, /* DeepPink */
    { 255,  20, 147,   1569 }, /* DeepPink1 */
    { 238,  18, 137,   1579 }, /* DeepPink2 */
    { 205,  16, 118,   1589 }, /* DeepPink3 */
    { 139,  10,  80,   1599 }, /* DeepPink4 */
    {   0, 191, 255,   1609 }, /* DeepSkyBlue */
    {   0, 191, 255,   1621 }, /* DeepSkyBlue1 */
    {   0, 178, 238,   1634 }, /* DeepSkyBlue2 */
    {   0, 154, 205,   1647 }, /* DeepSkyBlue3 */
    {   0, 104, 139,   1660 }, /* DeepSkyBlue4 */
    { 105, 105, 105,   1673 }, /* dim gray */
    { 105, 105, 105,   1682 }, /* dim grey */
    { 105, 105, 105,   1691 }, /* DimGray */
    { 105, 105, 105,   1699 }, /* DimGrey */
    {  30, 144, 255,   1707 }, /* dodger blue */
    {  30, 144, 255,   1719 }, /* DodgerBlue */
    {  30, 144, 255,   1730 }, /* DodgerBlue1 */
    {  28, 134, 238,   1742 }, /* DodgerBlue2 */
    {  24, 116, 205,   1754 }, /* DodgerBlue3 */
    {  16,  78, 139,   1766 }, /* DodgerBlue4 */
    { 178,  34,  34,   1778 }, /* firebrick */
    { 255,  48,  48,   1788 }, /* firebrick1 */
    { 238,  44,  44,   1799 }, /* firebrick2 */
    { 205,  38,  38,   1810 }, /* firebrick3 */
    { 139,  26,  26,   1821 }, /* firebrick4 */
    { 255, 250, 240,   1832 }, /* floral white */
    { 255, 250, 240,   1845 }, /* FloralWhite */
    {  34, 139,  34,   1857 }, /* forest green */
    {  34, 139,  34,   1870 }, /* ForestGreen */
    { 220, 220, 220,   1882 }, /* gainsboro */
    { 248, 248, 255,   1892 }, /* ghost white */
    { 248, 248, 255,   1904 }, /* GhostWhite */
    { 255, 215,   0,   1915 }, /* gold */
    { 255, 215,   0,   1920 }, /* gold1 */
    { 238, 201,   0,   1926 }, /* gold2 */
    { 205, 173,   0,   1932 }, /* gold3 */
    { 139, 117,   0,   1938 }, /* gold4 */
    { 218, 165,  32,   1944 }, /* goldenrod */
    { 255, 193,  37,   1954 }, /* goldenrod1 */
    { 238, 180,  34,   1965 }, /* goldenrod2 */
    { 205, 155,  29,   1976 }, /* goldenrod3 */
    { 139, 105,  20,   1987 }, /* goldenrod4 */
    { 190, 190, 190,   1998 }, /* gray */
    {   0,   0,   0,   2003 }, /* gray0 */
    {   3,   3,   3,   2009 }, /* gray1 */
    {  26,  26,  26,   2015 }, /* gray10 */
    { 255, 255, 255,   2022 }, /* gray100 */
    {  28,  28,  28,   2030 }, /* gray11 */
    {  31,  31,  31,   2037 }, /* gray12 */
    {  33,  33,  33,   2044 }, /* gray13 */
    {  36,  36,  36,   2051 }, /* gray14 */
    {  38,  38,  38,   2058 }, /* gray15 */
    {  41,  41,  41,   2065 }, /* gray16 */
    {  43,  43,  43,   2072 }, /* gray17 */
    {  46,  46,  46,   2079 }, /* gray18 */
    {  48,  48,  48,   2086 }, /* gray19 */
    {   5,   5,   5,   2093 }, /* gray2 */
    {  51,  51,  51,   2099 }, /* gray20 */
    {  54,  54,  54,   2106 }, /* gray21 */
    {  56,  56,  56,   2113 }, /* gray22 */
    {  59,  59,  59,   2120 }, /* gray23 */
    {  61,  61,  61,   2127 }, /* gray24 */
    {  64,  64,  64,   2134 }, /* gray25 */
    {  66,  66,  66,   2141 }, /* gray26 */
    {  69,  69,  69,   2148 }, /* gray27 */
    {  71,  71,  71,   2155 }, /* gray28 */
    {  74,  74,  74,   2162 }, /* gray29 */
    {   8,   8,   8,   2169 }, /* gray3 */
    {  77,  77,  77,   2175 }, /* gray30 */
    {  79,  79,  79,   2182 }, /* gray31 */
    {  82,  82,  82,   2189 }, /* gray32 */
    {  84,  84,  84,   2196 }, /* gray33 */
    {  87,  87,  87,   2203 }, /* gray34 */
    {  89,  89,  89,   2210 }, /* gray35 */
    {  92,  92,  92,   2217 }, /* gray36 */
    {  94,  94,  94,   2224 }, /* gray37 */
    {  97,  97,  97,   2231 }, /* gray38 */
    {  99,  99,  99,   2238 }, /* gray39 */
    {  10,  10,  10,   2245 }, /* gray4 */
    { 102, 102, 102,   2251 }, /* gray40 */
    { 105, 105, 105,   2258 }, /* gray41 */
    { 107, 107, 107,   2265 }, /* gray42 */
    { 110, 110, 110,   2272 }, /* gray43 */
    { 112, 112, 112,   2279 }, /* gray44 */
    { 115, 115, 115,   2286 }, /* gray45 */
    { 117, 117, 117,   2293 }, /* gray46 */
    { 120, 120, 120,   2300 }, /* gray47 */
    { 122, 122, 122,   2307 }, /* gray48 */
    { 125, 125, 125,   2314 }, /* gray49 */
    {  13,  13,  13,   2321 }, /* gray5 */
    { 127, 127, 127,   2327 }, /* gray50 */
    { 130, 130, 130,   2334 }, /* gray51 */
    { 133, 133, 133,   2341 }, /* gray52 */
    { 135, 135, 135,   2348 }, /* gray53 */
    { 138, 138, 138,   2355 }, /* gray54 */
    { 140, 140, 140,   2362 }, /* gray55 */
    { 143, 143, 143,   2369 }, /* gray56 */
    { 145, 145, 145,   2376 }, /* gray57 */
    { 148, 148, 148,   2383 }, /* gray58 */
    { 150, 150, 150,   2390 }, /* gray59 */
    {  15,  15,  15,   2397 }, /* gray6 */
    { 153, 153, 153,   2403 }, /* gray60 */
    { 156, 156, 156,   2410 }, /* gray61 */
    { 158, 158, 158,   2417 }, /* gray62 */
    { 161, 161, 161,   2424 }, /* gray63 */
    { 163, 163, 163,   2431 }, /* gray64 */
    { 166, 166, 166,   2438 }, /* gray65 */
    { 168, 168, 168,   2445 }, /* gray66 */
    { 171, 171, 171,   2452 }, /* gray67 */
    { 173, 173, 173,   2459 }, /* gray68 */
    { 176, 176, 176,   2466 }, /* gray69 */
    {  18,  18,  18,   2473 }, /* gray7 */
    { 179, 179, 179,   2479 }, /* gray70 */
    { 181, 181, 181,   2486 }, /* gray71 */
    { 184, 184, 184,   2493 }, /* gray72 */
    { 186, 186, 186,   2500 }, /* gray73 */
    { 189, 189, 189,   2507 }, /* gray74 */
    { 191, 191, 191,   2514 }, /* gray75 */
    { 194, 194, 194,   2521 }, /* gray76 */
    { 196, 196, 196,   2528 }, /* gray77 */
    { 199, 199, 199,   2535 }, /* gray78 */
    { 201, 201, 201,   2542 }, /* gray79 */
    {  20,  20,  20,   2549 }, /* gray8 */
    { 204, 204, 204,   2555 }, /* gray80 */
    { 207, 207, 207,   2562 }, /* gray81 */
    { 209, 209, 209,   2569 }, /* gray82 */
    { 212, 212, 212,   2576 }, /* gray83 */
    { 214, 214, 214,   2583 }, /* gray84 */
    { 217, 217, 217,   2590 }, /* gray85 */
    { 219, 219, 219,   2597 }, /* gray86 */
    { 222, 222, 222,   2604 }, /* gray87 */
    { 224, 224, 224,   2611 }, /* gray88 */
    { 227, 227, 227,   2618 }, /* gray89 */
    {  23,  23,  23,   2625 }, /* gray9 */
    { 229, 229, 229,   2631 }, /* gray90 */
    { 232, 232, 232,   2638 }, /* gray91 */
    { 235, 235, 235,   2645 }, /* gray92 */
    { 237, 237, 237,   2652 }, /* gray93 */
    { 240, 240, 240,   2659 }, /* gray94 */
    { 242, 242, 242,   2666 }, /* gray95 */
    { 245, 245, 245,   2673 }, /* gray96 */
    { 247, 247, 247,   2680 }, /* gray97 */
    { 250, 250, 250,   2687 }, /* gray98 */
    { 252, 252, 252,   2694 }, /* gray99 */
    {   0, 255,   0,   2701 }, /* green */
    { 173, 255,  47,   2707 }, /* green yellow */
    {   0, 255,   0,   2720 }, /* green1 */
    {   0, 238,   0,   2727 }, /* green2 */
    {   0, 205,   0,   2734 }, /* green3 */
    {   0, 139,   0,   2741 }, /* green4 */
    { 173, 255,  47,   2748 }, /* GreenYellow */
    { 190, 190, 190,   2760 }, /* grey */
    {   0,   0,   0,   2765 }, /* grey0 */
    {   3,   3,   3,   2771 }, /* grey1 */
    {  26,  26,  26,   2777 }, /* grey10 */
    { 255, 255, 255,   2784 }, /* grey100 */
    {  28,  28,  28,   2792 }, /* grey11 */
    {  31,  31,  31,   2799 }, /* grey12 */
    {  33,  33,  33,   2806 }, /* grey13 */
    {  36,  36,  36,   2813 }, /* grey14 */
    {  38,  38,  38,   2820 }, /* grey15 */
    {  41,  41,  41,   2827 }, /* grey16 */
    {  43,  43,  43,   2834 }, /* grey17 */
    {  46,  46,  46,   2841 }, /* grey18 */
    {  48,  48,  48,   2848 }, /* grey19 */
    {   5,   5,   5,   2855 }, /* grey2 */
    {  51,  51,  51,   2861 }, /* grey20 */
    {  54,  54,  54,   2868 }, /* grey21 */
    {  56,  56,  56,   2875 }, /* grey22 */
    {  59,  59,  59,   2882 }, /* grey23 */
    {  61,  61,  61,   2889 }, /* grey24 */
    {  64,  64,  64,   2896 }, /* grey25 */
    {  66,  66,  66,   2903 }, /* grey26 */
    {  69,  69,  69,   2910 }, /* grey27 */
    {  71,  71,  71,   2917 }, /* grey28 */
    {  74,  74,  74,   2924 }, /* grey29 */
    {   8,   8,   8,   2931 }, /* grey3 */
    {  77,  77,  77,   2937 }, /* grey30 */
    {  79,  79,  79,   2944 }, /* grey31 */
    {  82,  82,  82,   2951 }, /* grey32 */
    {  84,  84,  84,   2958 }, /* grey33 */
    {  87,  87,  87,   2965 }, /* grey34 */
    {  89,  89,  89,   2972 }, /* grey35 */
    {  92,  92,  92,   2979 }, /* grey36 */
    {  94,  94,  94,   2986 }, /* grey37 */
    {  97,  97,  97,   2993 }, /* grey38 */
    {  99,  99,  99,   3000 }, /* grey39 */
    {  10,  10,  10,   3007 }, /* grey4 */
    { 102, 102, 102,   3013 }, /* grey40 */
    { 105, 105, 105,   3020 }, /* grey41 */
    { 107, 107, 107,   3027 }, /* grey42 */
    { 110, 110, 110,   3034 }, /* grey43 */
    { 112, 112, 112,   3041 }, /* grey44 */
    { 115, 115, 115,   3048 }, /* grey45 */
    { 117, 117, 117,   3055 }, /* grey46 */
    { 120, 120, 120,   3062 }, /* grey47 */
    { 122, 122, 122,   3069 }, /* grey48 */
    { 125, 125, 125,   3076 }, /* grey49 */
    {  13,  13,  13,   3083 }, /* grey5 */
    { 127, 127, 127,   3089 }, /* grey50 */
    { 130, 130, 130,   3096 }, /* grey51 */
    { 133, 133, 133,   3103 }, /* grey52 */
    { 135, 135, 135,   3110 }, /* grey53 */
    { 138, 138, 138,   3117 }, /* grey54 */
    { 140, 140, 140,   3124 }, /* grey55 */
    { 143, 143, 143,   3131 }, /* grey56 */
    { 145, 145, 145,   3138 }, /* grey57 */
    { 148, 148, 148,   3145 }, /* grey58 */
    { 150, 150, 150,   3152 }, /* grey59 */
    {  15,  15,  15,   3159 }, /* grey6 */
    { 153, 153, 153,   3165 }, /* grey60 */
    { 156, 156, 156,   3172 }, /* grey61 */
    { 158, 158, 158,   3179 }, /* grey62 */
    { 161, 161, 161,   3186 }, /* grey63 */
    { 163, 163, 163,   3193 }, /* grey64 */
    { 166, 166, 166,   3200 }, /* grey65 */
    { 168, 168, 168,   3207 }, /* grey66 */
    { 171, 171, 171,   3214 }, /* grey67 */
    { 173, 173, 173,   3221 }, /* grey68 */
    { 176, 176, 176,   3228 }, /* grey69 */
    {  18,  18,  18,   3235 }, /* grey7 */
    { 179, 179, 179,   3241 }, /* grey70 */
    { 181, 181, 181,   3248 }, /* grey71 */
    { 184, 184, 184,   3255 }, /* grey72 */
    { 186, 186, 186,   3262 }, /* grey73 */
    { 189, 189, 189,   3269 }, /* grey74 */
    { 191, 191, 191,   3276 }, /* grey75 */
    { 194, 194, 194,   3283 }, /* grey76 */
    { 196, 196, 196,   3290 }, /* grey77 */
    { 199, 199, 199,   3297 }, /* grey78 */
    { 201, 201, 201,   3304 }, /* grey79 */
    {  20,  20,  20,   3311 }, /* grey8 */
    { 204, 204, 204,   3317 }, /* grey80 */
    { 207, 207, 207,   3324 }, /* grey81 */
    { 209, 209, 209,   3331 }, /* grey82 */
    { 212, 212, 212,   3338 }, /* grey83 */
    { 214, 214, 214,   3345 }, /* grey84 */
    { 217, 217, 217,   3352 }, /* grey85 */
    { 219, 219, 219,   3359 }, /* grey86 */
    { 222, 222, 222,   3366 }, /* grey87 */
    { 224, 224, 224,   3373 }, /* grey88 */
    { 227, 227, 227,   3380 }, /* grey89 */
    {  23,  23,  23,   3387 }, /* grey9 */
    { 229, 229, 229,   3393 }, /* grey90 */
    { 232, 232, 232,   3400 }, /* grey91 */
    { 235, 235, 235,   3407 }, /* grey92 */
    { 237, 237, 237,   3414 }, /* grey93 */
    { 240, 240, 240,   3421 }, /* grey94 */
    { 242, 242, 242,   3428 }, /* grey95 */
    { 245, 245, 245,   3435 }, /* grey96 */
    { 247, 247, 247,   3442 }, /* grey97 */
    { 250, 250, 250,   3449 }, /* grey98 */
    { 252, 252, 252,   3456 }, /* grey99 */
    { 240, 255, 240,   3463 }, /* honeydew */
    { 240, 255, 240,   3472 }, /* honeydew1 */
    { 224, 238, 224,   3482 }, /* honeydew2 */
    { 193, 205, 193,   3492 }, /* honeydew3 */
    { 131, 139, 131,   3502 }, /* honeydew4 */
    { 255, 105, 180,   3512 }, /* hot pink */
    { 255, 105, 180,   3521 }, /* HotPink */
    { 255, 110, 180,   3529 }, /* HotPink1 */
    { 238, 106, 167,   3538 }, /* HotPink2 */
    { 205,  96, 144,   3547 }, /* HotPink3 */
    { 139,  58,  98,   3556 }, /* HotPink4 */
    { 205,  92,  92,   3565 }, /* indian red */
    { 205,  92,  92,   3576 }, /* IndianRed */
    { 255, 106, 106,   3586 }, /* IndianRed1 */
    { 238,  99,  99,   3597 }, /* IndianRed2 */
    { 205,  85,  85,   3608 }, /* IndianRed3 */
    { 139,  58,  58,   3619 }, /* IndianRed4 */
    { 255, 255, 240,   3630 }, /* ivory */
    { 255, 255, 240,   3636 }, /* ivory1 */
    { 238, 238, 224,   3643 }, /* ivory2 */
    { 205, 205, 193,   3650 }, /* ivory3 */
    { 139, 139, 131,   3657 }, /* ivory4 */
    { 240, 230, 140,   3664 }, /* khaki */
    { 255, 246, 143,   3670 }, /* khaki1 */
    { 238, 230, 133,   3677 }, /* khaki2 */
    { 205, 198, 115,   3684 }, /* khaki3 */
    { 139, 134,  78,   3691 }, /* khaki4 */
    { 230, 230, 250,   3698 }, /* lavender */
    { 255, 240, 245,   3707 }, /* lavender blush */
    { 255, 240, 245,   3722 }, /* LavenderBlush */
    { 255, 240, 245,   3736 }, /* LavenderBlush1 */
    { 238, 224, 229,   3751 }, /* LavenderBlush2 */
    { 205, 193, 197,   3766 }, /* LavenderBlush3 */
    { 139, 131, 134,   3781 }, /* LavenderBlush4 */
    { 124, 252,   0,   3796 }, /* lawn green */
    { 124, 252,   0,   3807 }, /* LawnGreen */
    { 255, 250, 205,   3817 }, /* lemon chiffon */
    { 255, 250, 205,   3831 }, /* LemonChiffon */
    { 255, 250, 205,   3844 }, /* LemonChiffon1 */
    { 238, 233, 191,   3858 }, /* LemonChiffon2 */
    { 205, 201, 165,   3872 }, /* LemonChiffon3 */
    { 139, 137, 112,   3886 }, /* LemonChiffon4 */
    { 173, 216, 230,   3900 }, /* light blue */
    { 240, 128, 128,   3911 }, /* light coral */
    { 224, 255, 255,   3923 }, /* light cyan */
    { 238, 221, 130,   3934 }, /* light goldenrod */
    { 250, 250, 210,   3950 }, /* light goldenrod yellow */
    { 211, 211, 211,   3973 }, /* light gray */
    { 144, 238, 144,   3984 }, /* light green */
    { 211, 211, 211,   3996 }, /* light grey */
    { 255, 182, 193,   4007 }, /* light pink */
    { 255, 160, 122,   4018 }, /* light salmon */
    {  32, 178, 170,   4031 }, /* light sea green */
    { 135, 206, 250,   4047 }, /* light sky blue */
    { 132, 112, 255,   4062 }, /* light slate blue */
    { 119, 136, 153,   4079 }, /* light slate gray */
    { 119, 136, 153,   4096 }, /* light slate grey */
    { 176, 196, 222,   4113 }, /* light steel blue */
    { 255, 255, 224,   4130 }, /* light yellow */
    { 173, 216, 230,   4143 }, /* LightBlue */
    { 191, 239, 255,   4153 }, /* LightBlue1 */
    { 178, 223, 238,   4164 }, /* LightBlue2 */
    { 154, 192, 205,   4175 }, /* LightBlue3 */
    { 104, 131, 139,   4186 }, /* LightBlue4 */
    { 240, 128, 128,   4197 }, /* LightCoral */
    { 224, 255, 255,   4208 }, /* LightCyan */
    { 224, 255, 255,   4218 }, /* LightCyan1 */
    { 209, 238, 238,   4229 }, /* LightCyan2 */
    { 180, 205, 205,   4240 }, /* LightCyan3 */
    { 122, 139, 139,   4251 }, /* LightCyan4 */
    { 238, 221, 130,   4262 }, /* LightGoldenrod */
    { 255, 236, 139,   4277 }, /* LightGoldenrod1 */
    { 238, 220, 130,   4293 }, /* LightGoldenrod2 */
    { 205, 190, 112,   4309 }, /* LightGoldenrod3 */
    { 139, 129,  76,   4325 }, /* LightGoldenrod4 */
    { 250, 250, 210,   4341 }, /* LightGoldenrodYellow */
    { 211, 211, 211,   4362 }, /* LightGray */
    { 144, 238, 144,   4372 }, /* LightGreen */
    { 211, 211, 211,   4383 }, /* LightGrey */
    { 255, 182, 193,   4393 }, /* LightPink */
    { 255, 174, 185,   4403 }, /* LightPink1 */
    { 238, 162, 173,   4414 }, /* LightPink2 */
    { 205, 140, 149,   4425 }, /* LightPink3 */
    { 139,  95, 101,   4436 }, /* LightPink4 */
    { 255, 160, 122,   4447 }, /* LightSalmon */
    { 255, 160, 122,   4459 }, /* LightSalmon1 */
    { 238, 149, 114,   4472 }, /* LightSalmon2 */
    { 205, 129,  98,   4485 }, /* LightSalmon3 */
    { 139,  87,  66,   4498 }, /* LightSalmon4 */
    {  32, 178, 170,   4511 }, /* LightSeaGreen */
    { 135, 206, 250,   4525 }, /* LightSkyBlue */
    { 176, 226, 255,   4538 }, /* LightSkyBlue1 */
    { 164, 211, 238,   4552 }, /* LightSkyBlue2 */
    { 141, 182, 205,   4566 }, /* LightSkyBlue3 */
    {  96, 123, 139,   4580 }, /* LightSkyBlue4 */
    { 132, 112, 255,   4594 }, /* LightSlateBlue */
    { 119, 136, 153,   4609 }, /* LightSlateGray */
    { 119, 136, 153,   4624 }, /* LightSlateGrey */
    { 176, 196, 222,   4639 }, /* LightSteelBlue */
    { 202, 225, 255,   4654 }, /* LightSteelBlue1 */
    { 188, 210, 238,   4670 }, /* LightSteelBlue2 */
    { 162, 181, 205,   4686 }, /* LightSteelBlue3 */
    { 110, 123, 139,   4702 }, /* LightSteelBlue4 */
    { 255, 255, 224,   4718 }, /* LightYellow */
    { 255, 255, 224,   4730 }, /* LightYellow1 */
    { 238, 238, 209,   4743 }, /* LightYellow2 */
    { 205, 205, 180,   4756 }, /* LightYellow3 */
    { 139, 139, 122,   4769 }, /* LightYellow4 */
    {  50, 205,  50,   4782 }, /* lime green */
    {  50, 205,  50,   4793 }, /* LimeGreen */
    { 250, 240, 230,   4803 }, /* linen */
    { 255,   0, 255,   4809 }, /* magenta */
    { 255,   0, 255,   4817 }, /* magenta1 */
    { 238,   0, 238,   4826 }, /* magenta2 */
    { 205,   0, 205,   4835 }, /* magenta3 */
    { 139,   0, 139,   4844 }, /* magenta4 */
    { 176,  48,  96,   4853 }, /* maroon */
    { 255,  52, 179,   4860 }, /* maroon1 */
    { 238,  48, 167,   4868 }, /* maroon2 */
    { 205,  41, 144,   4876 }, /* maroon3 */
    { 139,  28,  98,   4884 }, /* maroon4 */
    { 102, 205, 170,   4892 }, /* medium aquamarine */
    {   0,   0, 205,   4910 }, /* medium blue */
    { 186,  85, 211,   4922 }, /* medium orchid */
    { 147, 112, 219,   4936 }, /* medium purple */
    {  60, 179, 113,   4950 }, /* medium sea green */
    { 123, 104, 238,   4967 }, /* medium slate blue */
    {   0, 250, 154,   4985 }, /* medium spring green */
    {  72, 209, 204,   5005 }, /* medium turquoise */
    { 199,  21, 133,   5022 }, /* medium violet red */
    { 102, 205, 170,   5040 }, /* MediumAquamarine */
    {   0,   0, 205,   5057 }, /* MediumBlue */
    { 186,  85, 211,   5068 }, /* MediumOrchid */
    { 224, 102, 255,   5081 }, /* MediumOrchid1 */
    { 209,  95, 238,   5095 }, /* MediumOrchid2 */
    { 180,  82, 205,   5109 }, /* MediumOrchid3 */
    { 122,  55, 139,   5123 }, /* MediumOrchid4 */
    { 147, 112, 219,   5137 }, /* MediumPurple */
    { 171, 130, 255,   5150 }, /* MediumPurple1 */
    { 159, 121, 238,   5164 }, /* MediumPurple2 */
    { 137, 104, 205,   5178 }, /* MediumPurple3 */
    {  93,  71, 139,   5192 }, /* MediumPurple4 */
    {  60, 179, 113,   5206 }, /* MediumSeaGreen */
    { 123, 104, 238,   5221 }, /* MediumSlateBlue */
    {   0, 250, 154,   5237 }, /* MediumSpringGreen */
    {  72, 209, 204,   5255 }, /* MediumTurquoise */
    { 199,  21, 133,   5271 }, /* MediumVioletRed */
    {  25,  25, 112,   5287 }, /* midnight blue */
    {  25,  25, 112,   5301 }, /* MidnightBlue */
    { 245, 255, 250,   5314 }, /* mint cream */
    { 245, 255, 250,   5325 }, /* MintCream */
    { 255, 228, 225,   5335 }, /* misty rose */
    { 255, 228, 225,   5346 }, /* MistyRose */
    { 255, 228, 225,   5356 }, /* MistyRose1 */
    { 238, 213, 210,   5367 }, /* MistyRose2 */
    { 205, 183, 181,   5378 }, /* MistyRose3 */
    { 139, 125, 123,   5389 }, /* MistyRose4 */
    { 255, 228, 181,   5400 }, /* moccasin */
    { 255, 222, 173,   5409 }, /* navajo white */
    { 255, 222, 173,   5422 }, /* NavajoWhite */
    { 255, 222, 173,   5434 }, /* NavajoWhite1 */
    { 238, 207, 161,   5447 }, /* NavajoWhite2 */
    { 205, 179, 139,   5460 }, /* NavajoWhite3 */
    { 139, 121,  94,   5473 }, /* NavajoWhite4 */
    {   0,   0, 128,   5486 }, /* navy */
    {   0,   0, 128,   5491 }, /* navy blue */
    {   0,   0, 128,   5501 }, /* NavyBlue */
    { 253, 245, 230,   5510 }, /* old lace */
    { 253, 245, 230,   5519 }, /* OldLace */
    { 107, 142,  35,   5527 }, /* olive drab */
    { 107, 142,  35,   5538 }, /* OliveDrab */
    { 192, 255,  62,   5548 }, /* OliveDrab1 */
    { 179, 238,  58,   5559 }, /* OliveDrab2 */
    { 154, 205,  50,   5570 }, /* OliveDrab3 */
    { 105, 139,  34,   5581 }, /* OliveDrab4 */
    { 255, 165,   0,   5592 }, /* orange */
    { 255,  69,   0,   5599 }, /* orange red */
    { 255, 165,   0,   5610 }, /* orange1 */
    { 238, 154,   0,   5618 }, /* orange2 */
    { 205, 133,   0,   5626 }, /* orange3 */
    { 139,  90,   0,   5634 }, /* orange4 */
    { 255,  69,   0,   5642 }, /* OrangeRed */
    { 255,  69,   0,   5652 }, /* OrangeRed1 */
    { 238,  64,   0,   5663 }, /* OrangeRed2 */
    { 205,  55,   0,   5674 }, /* OrangeRed3 */
    { 139,  37,   0,   5685 }, /* OrangeRed4 */
    { 218, 112, 214,   5696 }, /* orchid */
    { 255, 131, 250,   5703 }, /* orchid1 */
    { 238, 122, 233,   5711 }, /* orchid2 */
    { 205, 105, 201,   5719 }, /* orchid3 */
    { 139,  71, 137,   5727 }, /* orchid4 */
    { 238, 232, 170,   5735 }, /* pale goldenrod */
    { 152, 251, 152,   5750 }, /* pale green */
    { 175, 238, 238,   5761 }, /* pale turquoise */
    { 219, 112, 147,   5776 }, /* pale violet red */
    { 238, 232, 170,   5792 }, /* PaleGoldenrod */
    { 152, 251, 152,   5806 }, /* PaleGreen */
    { 154, 255, 154,   5816 }, /* PaleGreen1 */
    { 144, 238, 144,   5827 }, /* PaleGreen2 */
    { 124, 205, 124,   5838 }, /* PaleGreen3 */
    {  84, 139,  84,   5849 }, /* PaleGreen4 */
    { 175, 238, 238,   5860 }, /* PaleTurquoise */
    { 187, 255, 255,   5874 }, /* PaleTurquoise1 */
    { 174, 238, 238,   5889 }, /* PaleTurquoise2 */
    { 150, 205, 205,   5904 }, /* PaleTurquoise3 */
    { 102, 139, 139,   5919 }, /* PaleTurquoise4 */
    { 219, 112, 147,   5934 }, /* PaleVioletRed */
    { 255, 130, 171,   5948 }, /* PaleVioletRed1 */
    { 238, 121, 159,   5963 }, /* PaleVioletRed2 */
    { 205, 104, 137,   5978 }, /* PaleVioletRed3 */
    { 139,  71,  93,   5993 }, /* PaleVioletRed4 */
    { 255, 239, 213,   6008 }, /* papaya whip */
    { 255, 239, 213,   6020 }, /* PapayaWhip */
    { 255, 218, 185,   6031 }, /* peach puff */
    { 255, 218, 185,   6042 }, /* PeachPuff */
    { 255, 218, 185,   6052 }, /* PeachPuff1 */
    { 238, 203, 173,   6063 }, /* PeachPuff2 */
    { 205, 175, 149,   6074 }, /* PeachPuff3 */
    { 139, 119, 101,   6085 }, /* PeachPuff4 */
    { 205, 133,  63,   6096 }, /* peru */
    { 255, 192, 203,   6101 }, /* pink */
    { 255, 181, 197,   6106 }, /* pink1 */
    { 238, 169, 184,   6112 }, /* pink2 */
    { 205, 145, 158,   6118 }, /* pink3 */
    { 139,  99, 108,   6124 }, /* pink4 */
    { 221, 160, 221,   6130 }, /* plum */
    { 255, 187, 255,   6135 }, /* plum1 */
    { 238, 174, 238,   6141 }, /* plum2 */
    { 205, 150, 205,   6147 }, /* plum3 */
    { 139, 102, 139,   6153 }, /* plum4 */
    { 176, 224, 230,   6159 }, /* powder blue */
    { 176, 224, 230,   6171 }, /* PowderBlue */
    { 160,  32, 240,   6182 }, /* purple */
    { 155,  48, 255,   6189 }, /* purple1 */
    { 145,  44, 238,   6197 }, /* purple2 */
    { 125,  38, 205,   6205 }, /* purple3 */
    {  85,  26, 139,   6213 }, /* purple4 */
    { 255,   0,   0,   6221 }, /* red */
    { 255,   0,   0,   6225 }, /* red1 */
    { 238,   0,   0,   6230 }, /* red2 */
    { 205,   0,   0,   6235 }, /* red3 */
    { 139,   0,   0,   6240 }, /* red4 */
    { 188, 143, 143,   6245 }, /* rosy brown */
    { 188, 143, 143,   6256 }, /* RosyBrown */
    { 255, 193, 193,   6266 }, /* RosyBrown1 */
    { 238, 180, 180,   6277 }, /* RosyBrown2 */
    { 205, 155, 155,   6288 }, /* RosyBrown3 */
    { 139, 105, 105,   6299 }, /* RosyBrown4 */
    {  65, 105, 225,   6310 }, /* royal blue */
    {  65, 105, 225,   6321 }, /* RoyalBlue */
    {  72, 118, 255,   6331 }, /* RoyalBlue1 */
    {  67, 110, 238,   6342 }, /* RoyalBlue2 */
    {  58,  95, 205,   6353 }, /* RoyalBlue3 */
    {  39,  64, 139,   6364 }, /* RoyalBlue4 */
    { 139,  69,  19,   6375 }, /* saddle brown */
    { 139,  69,  19,   6388 }, /* SaddleBrown */
    { 250, 128, 114,   6400 }, /* salmon */
    { 255, 140, 105,   6407 }, /* salmon1 */
    { 238, 130,  98,   6415 }, /* salmon2 */
    { 205, 112,  84,   6423 }, /* salmon3 */
    { 139,  76,  57,   6431 }, /* salmon4 */
    { 244, 164,  96,   6439 }, /* sandy brown */
    { 244, 164,  96,   6451 }, /* SandyBrown */
    {  46, 139,  87,   6462 }, /* sea green */
    {  46, 139,  87,   6472 }, /* SeaGreen */
    {  84, 255, 159,   6481 }, /* SeaGreen1 */
    {  78, 238, 148,   6491 }, /* SeaGreen2 */
    {  67, 205, 128,   6501 }, /* SeaGreen3 */
    {  46, 139,  87,   6511 }, /* SeaGreen4 */
    { 255, 245, 238,   6521 }, /* seashell */
    { 255, 245, 238,   6530 }, /* seashell1 */
    { 238, 229, 222,   6540 }, /* seashell2 */
    { 205, 197, 191,   6550 }, /* seashell3 */
    { 139, 134, 130,   6560 }, /* seashell4 */
    { 160,  82,  45,   6570 }, /* sienna */
    { 255, 130,  71,   6577 }, /* sienna1 */
    { 238, 121,  66,   6585 }, /* sienna2 */
    { 205, 104,  57,   6593 }, /* sienna3 */
    { 139,  71,  38,   6601 }, /* sienna4 */
    { 135, 206, 235,   6609 }, /* sky blue */
    { 135, 206, 235,   6618 }, /* SkyBlue */
    { 135, 206, 255,   6626 }, /* SkyBlue1 */
    { 126, 192, 238,   6635 }, /* SkyBlue2 */
    { 108, 166, 205,   6644 }, /* SkyBlue3 */
    {  74, 112, 139,   6653 }, /* SkyBlue4 */
    { 106,  90, 205,   6662 }, /* slate blue */
    { 112, 128, 144,   6673 }, /* slate gray */
    { 112, 128, 144,   6684 }, /* slate grey */
    { 106,  90, 205,   6695 }, /* SlateBlue */
    { 131, 111, 255,   6705 }, /* SlateBlue1 */
    { 122, 103, 238,   6716 }, /* SlateBlue2 */
    { 105,  89, 205,   6727 }, /* SlateBlue3 */
    {  71,  60, 139,   6738 }, /* SlateBlue4 */
    { 112, 128, 144,   6749 }, /* SlateGray */
    { 198, 226, 255,   6759 }, /* SlateGray1 */
    { 185, 211, 238,   6770 }, /* SlateGray2 */
    { 159, 182, 205,   6781 }, /* SlateGray3 */
    { 108, 123, 139,   6792 }, /* SlateGray4 */
    { 112, 128, 144,   6803 }, /* SlateGrey */
    { 255, 250, 250,   6813 }, /* snow */
    { 255, 250, 250,   6818 }, /* snow1 */
    { 238, 233, 233,   6824 }, /* snow2 */
    { 205, 201, 201,   6830 }, /* snow3 */
    { 139, 137, 137,   6836 }, /* snow4 */
    {   0, 255, 127,   6842 }, /* spring green */
    {   0, 255, 127,   6855 }, /* SpringGreen */
    {   0, 255, 127,   6867 }, /* SpringGreen1 */
    {   0, 238, 118,   6880 }, /* SpringGreen2 */
    {   0, 205, 102,   6893 }, /* SpringGreen3 */
    {   0, 139,  69,   6906 }, /* SpringGreen4 */
    {  70, 130, 180,   6919 }, /* steel blue */
    {  70, 130, 180,   6930 }, /* SteelBlue */
    {  99, 184, 255,   6940 }, /* SteelBlue1 */
    {  92, 172, 238,   6951 }, /* SteelBlue2 */
    {  79, 148, 205,   6962 }, /* SteelBlue3 */
    {  54, 100, 139,   6973 }, /* SteelBlue4 */
    { 210, 180, 140,   6984 }, /* tan */
    { 255, 165,  79,   6988 }, /* tan1 */
    { 238, 154,  73,   6993 }, /* tan2 */
    { 205, 133,  63,   6998 }, /* tan3 */
    { 139,  90,  43,   7003 }, /* tan4 */
    { 216, 191, 216,   7008 }, /* thistle */
    { 255, 225, 255,   7016 }, /* thistle1 */
    { 238, 210, 238,   7025 }, /* thistle2 */
    { 205, 181, 205,   7034 }, /* thistle3 */
    { 139, 123, 139,   7043 }, /* thistle4 */
    { 255,  99,  71,   7052 }, /* tomato */
    { 255,  99,  71,   7059 }, /* tomato1 */
    { 238,  92,  66,   7067 }, /* tomato2 */
    { 205,  79,  57,   7075 }, /* tomato3 */
    { 139,  54,  38,   7083 }, /* tomato4 */
    {  64, 224, 208,   7091 }, /* turquoise */
    {   0, 245, 255,   7101 }, /* turquoise1 */
    {   0, 229, 238,   7112 }, /* turquoise2 */
    {   0, 197, 205,   7123 }, /* turquoise3 */
    {   0, 134, 139,   7134 }, /* turquoise4 */
    { 238, 130, 238,   7145 }, /* violet */
    { 208,  32, 144,   7152 }, /* violet red */
    { 208,  32, 144,   7163 }, /* VioletRed */
    { 255,  62, 150,   7173 }, /* VioletRed1 */
    { 238,  58, 140,   7184 }, /* VioletRed2 */
    { 205,  50, 120,   7195 }, /* VioletRed3 */
    { 139,  34,  82,   7206 }, /* VioletRed4 */
    { 245, 222, 179,   7217 }, /* wheat */
    { 255, 231, 186,   7223 }, /* wheat1 */
    { 238, 216, 174,   7230 }, /* wheat2 */
    { 205, 186, 150,   7237 }, /* wheat3 */
    { 139, 126, 102,   7244 }, /* wheat4 */
    { 255, 255, 255,   7251 }, /* white */
    { 245, 245, 245,   7257 }, /* white smoke */
    { 245, 245, 245,   7269 }, /* WhiteSmoke */
    { 255, 255,   0,   7280 }, /* yellow */
    { 154, 205,  50,   7287 }, /* yellow green */
    { 255, 255,   0,   7300 }, /* yellow1 */
    { 238, 238,   0,   7308 }, /* yellow2 */
    { 205, 205,   0,   7316 }, /* yellow3 */
    { 139, 139,   0,   7324 }, /* yellow4 */
    { 154, 205,  50,   7332 }, /* YellowGreen */

#define NUM_BUILTIN_COLORS  (sizeof (BuiltinColors) / sizeof (BuiltinColors[0]))

OsLookupColor(int		screen,
	      char		*name,
	      unsigned int	len,
	      unsigned short	*pred,
	      unsigned short	*pgreen,
	      unsigned short	*pblue)
    const BuiltinColor	*c;
    int			low, mid, high;
    int			r;

    low = 0;
    high = NUM_BUILTIN_COLORS - 1;
    while (high >= low)
	mid = (low + high) / 2;
	c = &BuiltinColors[mid];
	r = strncasecmp (&BuiltinColorNames[c->name], name, len);
	if (r == 0 && len == strlen (&BuiltinColorNames[c->name]))
	    *pred = c->red * 0x101;
	    *pgreen = c->green * 0x101;
	    *pblue = c->blue * 0x101;
	    return TRUE;
	if (r < 0)
	    low = mid + 1;
	    high = mid - 1;
    return FALSE;