# XWin Server Resource File - EXAMPLE
# Earle F. Philhower, III

# Place in ~/.XWinrc or in /etc/X11/system.XWinrc

# Keywords are case insensitive, comments legal pretty much anywhere
# you can have an end-of-line

# Comments begin with "#" or "//" and go to the end-of-line

# Paths to commands are **cygwin** based (i.e. /usr/local/bin/xcalc)

# Paths to icons are **WINDOWS** based (i.e. c:\windows\icons)

# Menus are defined as...
# MENU <name> {
#	<Menu Text>	EXEC	<command>
#                               ^^ This command will have any "%display%"
#                                  string replaced with the proper display
#                                  variable (i.e.<display>.0)
#  or	<Menu Text>	MENU	<name-of-some-prior-defined-menu>
#  or	<Menu Text>	ALWAYSONTOP
#                         ^^ Sets the window to display above all others
#  or   <Menu Text>	RELOAD
#                         ^^ Causes ~/.XWinrc or the system.XWinrc file
#                            to be reloaded and icons and menus regenerated
#       ...
# }

# Set the taskmar menu with
# ROOTMENU <name-of-some-prior-defined-menu>

# If you want a menu to be applied to all popup window's system menu
# DEFAULTSYSMENU <name-of-some-prior-defined-menu> <atstart|atend>

# To choose a specific menu for a specific WM_CLASS or WM_NAME use ...
#	<class-or-name-of-window> <name-of-prior-defined-menu> <atstart|atend>
#	...
# }

# When specifying an ICONFILE in the following commands several different
# formats are allowed:
# 1. Name of a regular Windows .ico format file
#    (ex:  "cygwin.ico", "apple.ico")
# 2. Name and index into a Windows .DLL
#    (ex: "c:\windows\system32\shell32.dll,4" gives the default folder icon
#         "c:\windows\system32\shell32.dll,5" gives the floppy drive icon)
# 3. Index into XWin.EXE internal ICON resource
#    (ex: ",101" is the 1st icon inside XWin.exe)

# To define where ICO files live (** Windows path**)
# ICONDIRECTORY	<windows-path i.e. c:\cygwin\usr\icons>
# NOTE: If you specify a fully qualified path to an ICON below
#             (i.e. "c:\xxx" or "d:\xxxx")
#       this ICONDIRECTORY will not be prepended

# To change the taskbar icon use...
# TRAYICON       <name-of-windows-ico-file-in-icondirectory>

# To define a replacement for the standard X icon for apps w/o specified icons
# DEFAULTICON	<name-of-windows-ico-file-in-icondirectory>

# To define substitute icons on a per-window basis use...
#	<class-or-name-of-window> <icon-file-name.ico>
#	...
# }
# In the case where multiple matches occur, the first listed in the ICONS
# section will be chosen.

# To disable exit confirmation dialog add the line containing SilentExit

# DEBUG <string> prints out the string to the XWin.log file

// Below are just some silly menus to demonstrate writing your
// own configuration file.

// Make some menus...
menu apps {
	xcalc	exec	"xcalc"
	xclock	exec	"xclock"
  xwininfo exec "xwininfo -pause"

menu root {
// Comments fit here, too...
	"Reload system.XWinrc"	RELOAD
	"Applications"	menu	apps

menu aot {
	"Always on Top"	alwaysontop

menu xtermspecial {
	"Emacs"		exec	"emacs"
	"Always on Top"	alwaysontop

RootMenu root

DefaultSysMenu aot atend

SysMenu {
	"xterm"	xtermspecial atstart

# IconDirectory	"c:\winnt\"

# DefaultIcon	"reinstall.ico"

# Icons {
# 	"xterm"	"uninstall.ico"
# }

# SilentExit

# DEBUG "Done parsing the configuration file..."