/** * Copyright © 2011 Red Hat, Inc. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the next * paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the * Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL * THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER * DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #ifdef HAVE_DIX_CONFIG_H #include <dix-config.h> #endif #include <stdint.h> #include "inputstr.h" #include "assert.h" #include "scrnintstr.h" static void touch_grow_queue(void) { DeviceIntRec dev; ValuatorClassRec val; TouchClassRec touch; size_t size, new_size; int i; memset(&dev, 0, sizeof(dev)); dev.id = 2; dev.valuator = &val; val.numAxes = 5; dev.touch = &touch; inputInfo.devices = &dev; size = 5; dev.last.num_touches = size; dev.last.touches = calloc(dev.last.num_touches, sizeof(*dev.last.touches)); assert(dev.last.touches); for (i = 0; i < size; i++) { dev.last.touches[i].active = TRUE; dev.last.touches[i].ddx_id = i; dev.last.touches[i].client_id = i * 2; } /* no more space, should've scheduled a workproc */ assert(TouchBeginDDXTouch(&dev, 1234) == NULL); ProcessWorkQueue(); new_size = size + size / 2 + 1; assert(dev.last.num_touches == new_size); /* make sure we haven't touched those */ for (i = 0; i < size; i++) { DDXTouchPointInfoPtr t = &dev.last.touches[i]; assert(t->active == TRUE); assert(t->ddx_id == i); assert(t->client_id == i * 2); } /* make sure those are zero-initialized */ for (i = size; i < new_size; i++) { DDXTouchPointInfoPtr t = &dev.last.touches[i]; assert(t->active == FALSE); assert(t->client_id == 0); assert(t->ddx_id == 0); } } static void touch_find_ddxid(void) { DeviceIntRec dev; DDXTouchPointInfoPtr ti; ValuatorClassRec val; TouchClassRec touch; int size = 5; int i; memset(&dev, 0, sizeof(dev)); dev.id = 2; dev.valuator = &val; val.numAxes = 5; dev.touch = &touch; dev.last.num_touches = size; dev.last.touches = calloc(dev.last.num_touches, sizeof(*dev.last.touches)); inputInfo.devices = &dev; assert(dev.last.touches); dev.last.touches[0].active = TRUE; dev.last.touches[0].ddx_id = 10; dev.last.touches[0].client_id = 20; /* existing */ ti = TouchFindByDDXID(&dev, 10, FALSE); assert(ti == &dev.last.touches[0]); /* non-existing */ ti = TouchFindByDDXID(&dev, 20, FALSE); assert(ti == NULL); /* Non-active */ dev.last.touches[0].active = FALSE; ti = TouchFindByDDXID(&dev, 10, FALSE); assert(ti == NULL); /* create on number 2 */ dev.last.touches[0].active = TRUE; ti = TouchFindByDDXID(&dev, 20, TRUE); assert(ti == &dev.last.touches[1]); assert(ti->active); assert(ti->ddx_id == 20); /* set all to active */ for (i = 0; i < size; i++) dev.last.touches[i].active = TRUE; /* Try to create more, fail */ ti = TouchFindByDDXID(&dev, 30, TRUE); assert(ti == NULL); ti = TouchFindByDDXID(&dev, 30, TRUE); assert(ti == NULL); /* make sure we haven't resized, we're in the signal handler */ assert(dev.last.num_touches == size); /* stop one touchpoint, try to create, succeed */ dev.last.touches[2].active = FALSE; ti = TouchFindByDDXID(&dev, 30, TRUE); assert(ti == &dev.last.touches[2]); /* but still grow anyway */ ProcessWorkQueue(); ti = TouchFindByDDXID(&dev, 40, TRUE); assert(ti == &dev.last.touches[size]); } static void touch_begin_ddxtouch(void) { DeviceIntRec dev; DDXTouchPointInfoPtr ti; ValuatorClassRec val; TouchClassRec touch; int ddx_id = 123; unsigned int last_client_id = 0; int size = 5; memset(&dev, 0, sizeof(dev)); dev.id = 2; dev.valuator = &val; val.numAxes = 5; touch.mode = XIDirectTouch; dev.touch = &touch; dev.last.num_touches = size; dev.last.touches = calloc(dev.last.num_touches, sizeof(*dev.last.touches)); inputInfo.devices = &dev; assert(dev.last.touches); ti = TouchBeginDDXTouch(&dev, ddx_id); assert(ti); assert(ti->ddx_id == ddx_id); /* client_id == ddx_id can happen in real life, but not in this test */ assert(ti->client_id != ddx_id); assert(ti->active); assert(ti->client_id > last_client_id); assert(ti->emulate_pointer); last_client_id = ti->client_id; ddx_id += 10; ti = TouchBeginDDXTouch(&dev, ddx_id); assert(ti); assert(ti->ddx_id == ddx_id); /* client_id == ddx_id can happen in real life, but not in this test */ assert(ti->client_id != ddx_id); assert(ti->active); assert(ti->client_id > last_client_id); assert(!ti->emulate_pointer); last_client_id = ti->client_id; } static void touch_begin_touch(void) { DeviceIntRec dev; TouchClassRec touch; ValuatorClassRec val; TouchPointInfoPtr ti; int touchid = 12434; int sourceid = 23; SpriteInfoRec sprite; ScreenRec screen; screenInfo.screens[0] = &screen; memset(&dev, 0, sizeof(dev)); dev.id = 2; memset(&sprite, 0, sizeof(sprite)); dev.spriteInfo = &sprite; memset(&touch, 0, sizeof(touch)); touch.num_touches = 0; memset(&val, 0, sizeof(val)); dev.valuator = &val; val.numAxes = 2; ti = TouchBeginTouch(&dev, sourceid, touchid, TRUE); assert(!ti); dev.touch = &touch; ti = TouchBeginTouch(&dev, sourceid, touchid, TRUE); assert(ti); assert(ti->client_id == touchid); assert(ti->active); assert(ti->sourceid == sourceid); assert(ti->emulate_pointer); assert(touch.num_touches == 1); } static void touch_init(void) { DeviceIntRec dev; Atom labels[2] = { 0 }; int rc; SpriteInfoRec sprite; ScreenRec screen; screenInfo.screens[0] = &screen; memset(&dev, 0, sizeof(dev)); memset(&sprite, 0, sizeof(sprite)); dev.spriteInfo = &sprite; InitAtoms(); rc = InitTouchClassDeviceStruct(&dev, 1, XIDirectTouch, 2); assert(rc == FALSE); InitValuatorClassDeviceStruct(&dev, 2, labels, 10, Absolute); rc = InitTouchClassDeviceStruct(&dev, 1, XIDirectTouch, 2); assert(rc == TRUE); assert(dev.touch); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { touch_grow_queue(); touch_find_ddxid(); touch_begin_ddxtouch(); touch_init(); touch_begin_touch(); return 0; }