/** * Copyright © 2009 Red Hat, Inc. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the next * paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the * Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL * THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER * DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #ifdef HAVE_DIX_CONFIG_H #include <dix-config.h> #endif #include <stdint.h> #include <X11/X.h> #include <X11/Xproto.h> #include <X11/extensions/XI2proto.h> #include <X11/Xatom.h> #include "inputstr.h" #include "extinit.h" #include "scrnintstr.h" #include "xkbsrv.h" #include "xiquerydevice.h" #include "protocol-common.h" /* * Protocol testing for XIQueryDevice request and reply. * * Test approach: * Wrap WriteToClient to intercept server's reply. ProcXIQueryDevice returns * data in two batches, once for the request, once for the trailing data * with the device information. * Repeatedly test with varying deviceids and check against data in reply. */ struct test_data { int which_device; int num_devices_in_reply; }; static void reply_XIQueryDevice_data(ClientPtr client, int len, char *data, void *userdata); static void reply_XIQueryDevice(ClientPtr client, int len, char* data, void *userdata); /* reply handling for the first bytes that constitute the reply */ static void reply_XIQueryDevice(ClientPtr client, int len, char* data, void *userdata) { xXIQueryDeviceReply *rep = (xXIQueryDeviceReply*)data; struct test_data *querydata = (struct test_data*)userdata; if (client->swapped) { char n; swapl(&rep->length, n); swaps(&rep->sequenceNumber, n); swaps(&rep->num_devices, n); } reply_check_defaults(rep, len, XIQueryDevice); if (querydata->which_device == XIAllDevices) assert(rep->num_devices == devices.num_devices); else if (querydata->which_device == XIAllMasterDevices) assert(rep->num_devices == devices.num_master_devices); else assert(rep->num_devices == 1); querydata->num_devices_in_reply = rep->num_devices; reply_handler = reply_XIQueryDevice_data; } /* reply handling for the trailing bytes that constitute the device info */ static void reply_XIQueryDevice_data(ClientPtr client, int len, char *data, void *userdata) { char n; int i, j; struct test_data *querydata = (struct test_data*)userdata; DeviceIntPtr dev; xXIDeviceInfo *info = (xXIDeviceInfo*)data; xXIAnyInfo *any; for (i = 0; i < querydata->num_devices_in_reply; i++) { if (client->swapped) { swaps(&info->deviceid, n); swaps(&info->attachment, n); swaps(&info->use, n); swaps(&info->num_classes, n); swaps(&info->name_len, n); } if (querydata->which_device > XIAllMasterDevices) assert(info->deviceid == querydata->which_device); assert(info->deviceid >= 2); /* 0 and 1 is reserved */ switch(info->deviceid) { case 2: /* VCP */ dev = devices.vcp; assert(info->use == XIMasterPointer); assert(info->attachment == devices.vck->id); assert(info->num_classes == 3); /* 2 axes + button */ break; case 3: /* VCK */ dev = devices.vck; assert(info->use == XIMasterKeyboard); assert(info->attachment == devices.vcp->id); assert(info->num_classes == 1); break; case 4: /* mouse */ dev = devices.mouse; assert(info->use == XISlavePointer); assert(info->attachment == devices.vcp->id); assert(info->num_classes == 3); /* 2 axes + button */ break; case 5: /* keyboard */ dev = devices.kbd; assert(info->use == XISlaveKeyboard); assert(info->attachment == devices.vck->id); assert(info->num_classes == 1); break; default: /* We shouldn't get here */ assert(0); break; } assert(info->enabled == dev->enabled); assert(info->name_len == strlen(dev->name)); assert(strncmp((char*)&info[1], dev->name, info->name_len) == 0); any = (xXIAnyInfo*)((char*)&info[1] + ((info->name_len + 3)/4) * 4); for (j = 0; j < info->num_classes; j++) { if (client->swapped) { swaps(&any->type, n); swaps(&any->length, n); swaps(&any->sourceid, n); } switch(info->deviceid) { case 3: /* VCK and kbd have the same properties */ case 5: { int k; xXIKeyInfo *ki = (xXIKeyInfo*)any; XkbDescPtr xkb = devices.vck->key->xkbInfo->desc; uint32_t *kc; if (client->swapped) swaps(&ki->num_keycodes, n); assert(any->type == XIKeyClass); assert(ki->num_keycodes == (xkb->max_key_code - xkb->min_key_code + 1)); assert(any->length == (2 + ki->num_keycodes)); kc = (uint32_t*)&ki[1]; for (k = 0; k < ki->num_keycodes; k++, kc++) { if (client->swapped) swapl(kc, n); assert(*kc >= xkb->min_key_code); assert(*kc <= xkb->max_key_code); } break; } case 2: /* VCP and mouse have the same properties */ case 4: { assert(any->type == XIButtonClass || any->type == XIValuatorClass); if (any->type == XIButtonClass) { int len; xXIButtonInfo *bi = (xXIButtonInfo*)any; if (client->swapped) swaps(&bi->num_buttons, n); assert(bi->num_buttons == devices.vcp->button->numButtons); len = 2 + bi->num_buttons + bytes_to_int32(bits_to_bytes(bi->num_buttons)); assert(bi->length == len); } else if (any->type == XIValuatorClass) { xXIValuatorInfo *vi = (xXIValuatorInfo*)any; if (client->swapped) { swaps(&vi->number, n); swapl(&vi->label, n); swapl(&vi->min.integral, n); swapl(&vi->min.frac, n); swapl(&vi->max.integral, n); swapl(&vi->max.frac, n); swapl(&vi->resolution, n); } assert(vi->length == 11); assert(vi->number == 0 || vi->number == 1); assert(vi->mode == XIModeRelative); /* device was set up as relative, so standard * values here. */ assert(vi->min.integral == -1); assert(vi->min.frac == 0); assert(vi->max.integral == -1); assert(vi->max.frac == 0); assert(vi->resolution == 0); } } break; } any = (xXIAnyInfo*)(((char*)any) + any->length * 4); } info = (xXIDeviceInfo*)any; } } static void request_XIQueryDevice(struct test_data *querydata, int deviceid, int error) { int rc; char n; ClientRec client; xXIQueryDeviceReq request; request_init(&request, XIQueryDevice); client = init_client(request.length, &request); reply_handler = reply_XIQueryDevice; querydata->which_device = deviceid; request.deviceid = deviceid; rc = ProcXIQueryDevice(&client); assert(rc == error); if (rc != Success) assert(client.errorValue == deviceid); reply_handler = reply_XIQueryDevice; client.swapped = TRUE; swaps(&request.length, n); swaps(&request.deviceid, n); rc = SProcXIQueryDevice(&client); assert(rc == error); if (rc != Success) assert(client.errorValue == deviceid); } static void test_XIQueryDevice(void) { int i; xXIQueryDeviceReq request; struct test_data data; reply_handler = reply_XIQueryDevice; userdata = &data; request_init(&request, XIQueryDevice); printf("Testing XIAllDevices.\n"); request_XIQueryDevice(&data, XIAllDevices, Success); printf("Testing XIAllMasterDevices.\n"); request_XIQueryDevice(&data, XIAllMasterDevices, Success); printf("Testing existing device ids.\n"); for (i = 2; i < 6; i++) request_XIQueryDevice(&data, i, Success); printf("Testing non-existing device ids.\n"); for (i = 6; i <= 0xFFFF; i++) request_XIQueryDevice(&data, i, BadDevice); reply_handler = NULL; } int main(int argc, char** argv) { init_simple(); test_XIQueryDevice(); return 0; }