// Eliminate CapsLock, making it another Ctrl. partial modifier_keys xkb_symbols "nocaps" { replace key <CAPS> { [ Control_L, Control_L ] }; modifier_map Control { <CAPS>, <LCTL> }; }; // Make the left Ctrl key a left Meta. xkb_symbols "lctrl_meta" { replace key <LCTL> { [ Meta_L ] }; }; // Swap the functions of the CapsLock key and the left Ctrl key. partial modifier_keys xkb_symbols "swapcaps" { replace key <CAPS> { [ Control_L ] }; replace key <LCTL> { [ Caps_Lock ] }; }; // Move Ctrl to the leftmost key on the middle row and CapsLock to the // leftmost key on the bottom row. Only works if the geometry or keycodes // file has defined appropriate aliases for the keys in question. partial modifier_keys xkb_symbols "ac_ctrl" { replace key <AC00> { [ Control_L ] }; replace key <AA00> { [ Caps_Lock ] }; }; // Move Ctrl to the leftmost key on the bottom row and CapsLock to the // leftmost key on the middle row. Only works if the geometry or keycodes // file has defined appropriate aliases for the keys in question. partial modifier_keys xkb_symbols "aa_ctrl" { replace key <AA00> { [ Control_L ] }; replace key <AC00> { [ Caps_Lock ] }; }; // Right Ctrl key functions as another right Alt. partial modifier_keys xkb_symbols "rctrl_ralt" { key <RCTL> { symbols[Group1]= [ Alt_R ] }; }; // Menu key functions as another right Ctrl. partial modifier_keys xkb_symbols "menu_rctrl" { replace key <MENU> { [ Control_R, Control_R ] }; modifier_map Control { Control_L, <MENU> }; }; // Right Alt key functions as another right Ctrl. partial modifier_keys xkb_symbols "ralt_rctrl" { replace key <RALT> { type[Group1] = "TWO_LEVEL", symbols[Group1] = [ Control_R, Control_R ] }; modifier_map Control { <RALT> }; }; // Swap the functions of the left Alt key and the left Ctrl key. partial modifier_keys xkb_symbols "swap_lalt_lctl" { replace key <LALT> { [ Control_L, Control_L ] }; replace key <LCTL> { [ Alt_L, Meta_L ] }; }; // Swap the functions of the left Win key and the left Ctrl key. partial modifier_keys xkb_symbols "swap_lwin_lctl" { replace key <LWIN> { [ Control_L ] }; replace key <LCTL> { [ Super_L ] }; }; // Map Ctrl to the left Alt key, Alt to the left Win key, // and Super to the left Ctrl key. partial modifier_keys xkb_symbols "swap_lalt_lctl_lwin" { replace key <LALT> { [ Control_L, Control_L ] }; replace key <LWIN> { [ Alt_L, Meta_L ] }; replace key <LCTL> { [ Super_L ] }; };