partial hidden keypad_keys xkb_symbols "overlay" { include "keypad(overlay1)" }; partial hidden keypad_keys xkb_symbols "overlay1" { // Begin "Keypad" section key { [ KP_Home ], overlay1= }; key { [ KP_Up ], overlay1= }; key { [ KP_Prior ], overlay1= }; key { [ KP_Left ], overlay1= }; key { [ KP_Begin ], overlay1= }; key { [ KP_Right ], overlay1= }; key { [ KP_End ], overlay1= }; key { [ KP_Down ], overlay1= }; key { [ KP_Next ], overlay1= }; key { [ KP_Insert ], overlay1= }; key { [ KP_Delete ], overlay1= }; key { [ KP_7 ] }; key { [ KP_8 ] }; key { [ KP_9 ] }; key { [ KP_4 ] }; key { [ KP_5 ] }; key { [ KP_6 ] }; key { [ KP_1 ] }; key { [ KP_2 ] }; key { [ KP_3 ] }; key { [ KP_0 ] }; key { [ KP_Decimal ] }; // End "Keypad" section }; partial hidden keypad_keys xkb_symbols "overlay2" { // Begin "Keypad" section key { [ KP_Home ], overlay2= }; key { [ KP_Up ], overlay2= }; key { [ KP_Prior ], overlay2= }; key { [ KP_Left ], overlay2= }; key { [ KP_Begin ], overlay2= }; key { [ KP_Right ], overlay2= }; key { [ KP_End ], overlay2= }; key { [ KP_Down ], overlay2= }; key { [ KP_Next ], overlay2= }; key { [ KP_Insert ], overlay2= }; key { [ KP_Delete ], overlay2= }; key { [ KP_7 ] }; key { [ KP_8 ] }; key { [ KP_9 ] }; key { [ KP_4 ] }; key { [ KP_5 ] }; key { [ KP_6 ] }; key { [ KP_1 ] }; key { [ KP_2 ] }; key { [ KP_3 ] }; key { [ KP_0 ] }; key { [ KP_Decimal ] }; // End "Keypad" section }; partial hidden default keypad_keys xkb_symbols "x11" { // Ungrab cancels server/keyboard/pointer grabs key { type="CTRL+ALT", symbols[Group1]= [ KP_Divide, KP_Divide, KP_Divide, KP_Divide, XF86_Ungrab ] }; // ClsGrb kills whichever client has a grab in effect key { type="CTRL+ALT", symbols[Group1]= [ KP_Multiply, KP_Multiply, KP_Multiply, KP_Multiply, XF86_ClearGrab ] }; // -VMode switches to the previous video mode key { type="CTRL+ALT", symbols[Group1]= [ KP_Subtract, KP_Subtract, KP_Subtract, KP_Subtract, XF86_Prev_VMode ] }; key { [ KP_Home, KP_7 ] }; key { [ KP_Up, KP_8 ] }; key { [ KP_Prior, KP_9 ] }; // +VMode switches to the next video mode key { type="CTRL+ALT", symbols[Group1]= [ KP_Add, KP_Add, KP_Add, KP_Add, XF86_Next_VMode ] }; key { [ KP_Left, KP_4 ] }; key { [ KP_Begin, KP_5 ] }; key { [ KP_Right, KP_6 ] }; key { [ KP_End, KP_1 ] }; key { [ KP_Down, KP_2 ] }; key { [ KP_Next, KP_3 ] }; key { [ KP_Enter ] }; key { [ KP_Equal ] }; key { [ KP_Insert, KP_0 ] }; key { [ KP_Delete, KP_Decimal ] }; key { [ KP_Decimal, KP_Decimal ] }; }; // Legacy PC keypad definition // Copyright © 2006-2007 Nicolas Mailhot keypad_keys xkb_symbols "legacy" { include "keypad(core)" include "keypad(legacymath)" include "keypad(legacynumber)" include "kpdl(dot)" }; // Legacy Wang 725-3771-ae and 725-3771-uk keypad definition // Copyright © 2006-2007 Nicolas Mailhot keypad_keys xkb_symbols "legacy_wang" { include "keypad(core)" include "keypad(legacymath)" include "keypad(legacynumber_wang)" include "kpdl(dot)" }; // Complete new keypad definition // Copyright © 2006-2007 Nicolas Mailhot keypad_keys xkb_symbols "oss" { include "keypad(core)" include "keypad(ossmath)" include "keypad(ossnumber)" include "kpdl(dotoss)" }; // Latin9 restriction of new keypad definition // Copyright © 2006-2007 Nicolas Mailhot keypad_keys xkb_symbols "oss_latin9" { include "keypad(core)" include "keypad(ossmath_latin9)" include "keypad(legacynumber)" include "kpdl(dotoss_latin9)" }; // Wang 725-3771-ae and 725-3771-uk keypad variant of oss keypad // Copyright © 2006-2007 Nicolas Mailhot keypad_keys xkb_symbols "oss_wang" { include "keypad(core)" include "keypad(ossmath)" include "keypad(ossnumber_wang)" include "kpdl(dotoss)" }; // Forward-looking keypad definition // Won't work with applications that make ASCII assumptions // Copyright © 2007 Nicolas Mailhot keypad_keys xkb_symbols "future" { include "keypad(core)" include "keypad(futuremath)" include "keypad(ossnumber)" include "kpdl(commaoss)" }; // Forward-looking keypad definition // Won't work with applications that make ASCII assumptions // Copyright © 2007 Nicolas Mailhot keypad_keys xkb_symbols "future_wang" { include "keypad(core)" include "keypad(futuremath)" include "keypad(ossnumber_wang)" include "kpdl(commaoss)" }; // Keypad keys nobody changes // Copyright © 2006 Nicolas Mailhot partial keypad_keys xkb_symbols "core" { modifier_map Mod2 { Num_Lock }; key { [ Num_Lock, Pointer_EnableKeys ] }; key { [ KP_Enter ] }; key { [ KP_Equal ] }; }; // Legacy keypad math area // Copyright © 2006 Nicolas Mailhot // // ┏━━━━━┱─────┬─────┬─────┐ // ┃Num ┃ ₁ │ ₂ │ ₃ │ ₁ // ┃Lock⇭┃ / │ * │ - │ ₂ // ┡━━━━━╃─────┼─────┼─────┤ ₃ // │ ₄ │ ₄ // │ │ // ┤ │ 1 None // │ │ 2 Ctrl+Alt // │ + │ // ╆━━━━━┪ partial keypad_keys xkb_symbols "legacymath" { key.type[Group1]="CTRL+ALT" ; key { [ KP_Divide, KP_Divide, KP_Divide, KP_Divide, XF86_Ungrab ] }; // / key { [ KP_Multiply, KP_Multiply, KP_Multiply, KP_Multiply, XF86_ClearGrab ] }; // * key { [ KP_Subtract, KP_Subtract, KP_Subtract, KP_Subtract, XF86_Prev_VMode ] }; // - key { [ KP_Add, KP_Add, KP_Add, KP_Add, XF86_Next_VMode ] }; // + }; // Keypad math area with non-CS operators // Copyright © 2006 Nicolas Mailhot // // ┏━━━━━┱─────┬─────┬─────┐ // ┃Num ┃ ∕ ₁ │ . ₂ │ − ₃ │ ₁ // ┃Lock⇭┃ / ÷ │ * × │ - − │ ₂ // ┡━━━━━╃─────┼─────┼─────┤ ₃ // │ + ₄ │ ₄ // │ │ // ┤ │ 1 None // │ │ 2 Level3 ⇮ // │ + + │ 3 Shift+Level3 ⇧⇮ // ╆━━━━━┪ 4 Ctrl+Alt partial keypad_keys xkb_symbols "ossmath" { key.type[Group1]="CTRL+ALT" ; key { [ KP_Divide, 0x1002215, 0x10000F7, VoidSymbol, XF86_Ungrab ] }; // / ∕ ÷ key { [ KP_Multiply, 0x10022C5, 0x10000D7, VoidSymbol, XF86_ClearGrab ] }; // * ⋅ × key { [ KP_Subtract, 0x1002212, 0x1002212, VoidSymbol, XF86_Prev_VMode ] }; // - − − key { [ KP_Add, 0x100002B, 0x100002B, VoidSymbol, XF86_Next_VMode ] }; // + + + }; // Keypad math area with non-CS operators in first levels // As demanded by users not interested in legacy pre-unicode junk // Copyright © 2007 Nicolas Mailhot // // ┏━━━━━┱─────┬─────┬─────┐ // ┃Num ┃ / ₁ │ * ₂ │ - ₃ │ ₁ // ┃Lock⇭┃ ∕ ÷ │ . × │ − − │ ₂ // ┡━━━━━╃─────┼─────┼─────┤ ₃ // │ + ₄ │ ₄ // │ │ // ┤ │ 1 None // │ │ 2 Level3 ⇮ // │ + + │ 3 Shift+Level3 ⇧⇮ // ╆━━━━━┪ 4 Ctrl+Alt partial keypad_keys xkb_symbols "futuremath" { key.type[Group1]="FOUR_LEVEL_X" ; key { [ 0x1002215, KP_Divide, 0x10000F7, XF86_Ungrab ] }; // ∕ / ÷ key { [ 0x10022C5, KP_Multiply, 0x10000D7, XF86_ClearGrab ] }; // ⋅ * × key { [ 0x1002212, KP_Subtract, 0x1002212, XF86_Prev_VMode ] }; // − - − key { [ 0x100002B, KP_Add, 0x100002B, XF86_Next_VMode ] }; // + + + }; // Keypad math area with non-CS operators, restricted to latin9 // Copyright © 2006 Nicolas Mailhot // // ┏━━━━━┱─────┬─────┬─────┐ // ┃Num ┃ / ₁ │ · ₂ │ - ₃ │ ₁ // ┃Lock⇭┃ / ÷ │ * × │ - - │ ₂ // ┡━━━━━╃─────┼─────┼─────┤ ₃ // │ + ₄ │ ₄ // │ │ // ┤ │ 1 None // │ │ 2 Level3 ⇮ // │ + + │ 3 Shift+Level3 ⇧⇮ // ╆━━━━━┪ 4 Ctrl+Alt partial keypad_keys xkb_symbols "ossmath_latin9" { key.type[Group1]="FOUR_LEVEL_X"; key { [ KP_Divide, slash, division, XF86_Ungrab ] }; // / / ÷ key { [ KP_Multiply, periodcentered, multiply, XF86_ClearGrab ] }; // * · × key { [ KP_Subtract, minus, minus, XF86_Prev_VMode ] }; // - - - key { [ KP_Add, plus, plus, XF86_Next_VMode ] }; // + + + }; // Legacy keypad number area // Copyright © 2006 Nicolas Mailhot // // ┏━━━━━┱ ⇱ Home // ┃Num ┃ ⇲ End // ┃Lock⇭┃ ⇞ Page up // ┡━━━━━╃─────┼─────┼ ⇟ Page down // │ 7 │ 8 │ 9 │ ⇞ Page up // │ ⇱ │ ⇧ │ ⇞ │ ⎀ Insert // ├─────┼─────┼─────┤ ␥ Delete // │ 4 │ 5 │ 6 │ ⇦⇧⇨⇩ Directions // │ ⇦ │ │ ⇨ │ // ├─────┼─────┼─────╆ // │ 1 │ 2 │ 3 ┃ // │ ⇲ │ ⇩ │ ⇟ ┃ 1 None // ├─────┴─────┼─────┨ 2 Num Lock ⇭ // │ 0 │ // │ ⎀ │ // └───────────┴ partial keypad_keys xkb_symbols "legacynumber" { key.type[Group1]="KEYPAD" ; key { [ KP_Home, KP_7 ] }; // 7 key { [ KP_Up, KP_8 ] }; // 8 key { [ KP_Prior, KP_9 ] }; // 9 key { [ KP_Left, KP_4 ] }; // 4 key { [ KP_Begin, KP_5 ] }; // 5 key { [ KP_Right, KP_6 ] }; // 6 key { [ KP_End, KP_1 ] }; // 1 key { [ KP_Down, KP_2 ] }; // 2 key { [ KP_Next, KP_3 ] }; // 3 key { [ KP_Insert, KP_0 ] }; // 0 }; // Legacy Wang 725-3771-ae and 725-3771-uk keypad number area // Copyright © 2007 Nicolas Mailhot // This is actually a three-level keypad, declared as four-level // to avoid defining a new type // // ┏━━━━━┱ ⇱ Home // ┃Num ┃ ⇲ End // ┃Lock⇭┃ ⇞ Page up // ┡━━━━━╃─────┼─────┼ ⇟ Page down // │ 7 │ 8 │ 9 │ ⇞ Page up // │ ⇱ < │ ⇧ > │ ⇞ ^ │ ⎀ Insert // ├─────┼─────┼─────┤ ␥ Delete // │ 4 │ 5 │ 6 │ ⇦⇧⇨⇩ Directions // │ ⇦ [ │ ] │ ⇨ $ │ // ├─────┼─────┼─────╆ // │ 1 │ 2 │ 3 ┃ // │ ⇲ & │ ⇩ @ │ ⇟ # ┃ 1 None // ├─────┴─────┼─────┨ 2 Num Lock ⇭ // │ 0 │ 3 Level3 ⇮ // │ ⎀ │ // └───────────┴ partial keypad_keys xkb_symbols "legacynumber_wang" { key.type[Group1]="FOUR_LEVEL_MIXED_KEYPAD" ; key { [ KP_Home, KP_7, less ] }; // 7 < key { [ KP_Up, KP_8, greater ] }; // 8 > key { [ KP_Prior, KP_9, asciicircum ] }; // 9 ^ key { [ KP_Left, KP_4, bracketleft ] }; // 4 [ key { [ KP_Begin, KP_5, bracketright ] }; // 5 ] key { [ KP_Right, KP_6, dollar ] }; // 6 $ key { [ KP_End, KP_1, ampersand ] }; // 1 & key { [ KP_Down, KP_2, at ] }; // 2 @ key { [ KP_Next, KP_3, numbersign ] }; // 3 # key { [ KP_Insert, KP_0, apostrophe ] }; // 0 ' }; // Keypad number area with arrow symbols // Copyright © 2006 Nicolas Mailhot // // ┏━━━━━┱ ⇱ Home // ┃Num ┃ ⇲ End // ┃Lock⇭┃ ⇞ Page up // ┡━━━━━╃─────┼─────┼ ⇟ Page down // │ 7 ⇖ │ 8 ⇑ │ 9 ⇗ │ ⇞ Page up // │ ⇱ ↖ │ ⇧ ↑ │ ⇞ ↗ │ ⎀ Insert // ├─────┼─────┼─────┤ ␥ Delete // │ 4 ⇐ │ 5 ⇔ │ 6 ⇗ │ ⇦⇧⇨⇩ Directions // │ ⇦ ← │ ↔ │ ⇨ ↗ │ ⍽ narrow no-break space // ├─────┼─────┼─────╆ // │ 1 ⇙ │ 2 ⇓ │ 3 ⇘ ┃ // │ ⇲ ↙ │ ⇩ ↓ │ ⇟ ↘ ┃ 1 None // ├─────┴─────┼─────┨ 2 Num Lock ⇭ // │ 0 ⇕ │ 3 Level3 ⇮ // │ ⎀ ↕ │ 4 Shift+Level3 ⇧⇮ // └───────────┴ partial keypad_keys xkb_symbols "ossnumber" { key.type[Group1]="FOUR_LEVEL_MIXED_KEYPAD" ; key { [ KP_Home, KP_7, 0x1002196, 0x10021D6 ] }; // 7 ↖ ⇖ key { [ KP_Up, KP_8, 0x1002191, 0x10021D1 ] }; // 8 ↑ ⇑ key { [ KP_Prior, KP_9, 0x1002197, 0x10021D7 ] }; // 9 ↗ ⇗ key { [ KP_Left, KP_4, 0x1002190, 0x10021D0 ] }; // 4 ← ⇐ key { [ KP_Begin, KP_5, 0x1002194, 0x10021D4 ] }; // 5 ↔ ⇔ key { [ KP_Right, KP_6, 0x1002192, 0x10021D2 ] }; // 6 → ⇒ key { [ KP_End, KP_1, 0x1002199, 0x10021D9 ] }; // 1 ↙ ⇙ key { [ KP_Down, KP_2, 0x1002193, 0x10021D3 ] }; // 2 ↓ ⇓ key { [ KP_Next, KP_3, 0x1002198, 0x10021D8 ] }; // 3 ↘ ⇘ key { [ KP_Insert, KP_0, 0x1002195, 0x10021D5 ] }; // 0 ↕ ⇕ }; // Wang 725-3771-ae and 725-3771-uk keypad number area with additional arrow symbols // Copyright © 2007 Nicolas Mailhot // // ┏━━━━━┱ ⇱ Home // ┃Num ┃ ⇲ End // ┃Lock⇭┃ ⇞ Page up // ┡━━━━━╃─────┼─────┼ ⇟ Page down // │ 7 ↖ │ 8 ↑ │ 9 ↗ │ ⇞ Page up // │ ⇱ < │ ⇧ > │ ⇞ ^ │ ⎀ Insert // ├─────┼─────┼─────┤ ␥ Delete // │ 4 ← │ 5 ↔ │ 6 → │ ⇦⇧⇨⇩ Directions // │ ⇦ [ │ ] │ ⇨ $ │ ⍽ narrow no-break space // ├─────┼─────┼─────╆ // │ 1 ↙ │ 2 ↓ │ 3 ↘ ┃ // │ ⇲ & │ ⇩ @ │ ⇟ # ┃ 1 None // ├─────┴─────┼─────┨ 2 Num Lock ⇭ // │ 0 ↕ │ 3 Level3 ⇮ // │ ⎀ ' │ 4 Shift+Level3 ⇧⇮ // └───────────┴ partial keypad_keys xkb_symbols "ossnumber_wang" { key.type[Group1]="FOUR_LEVEL_MIXED_KEYPAD" ; key { [ KP_Home, KP_7, less, 0x1002196 ] }; // 7 < ↖ key { [ KP_Up, KP_8, greater, 0x1002191 ] }; // 8 > ↑ key { [ KP_Prior, KP_9, asciicircum, 0x1002197 ] }; // 9 ^ ↗ key { [ KP_Left, KP_4, bracketleft, 0x1002190 ] }; // 4 [ ← key { [ KP_Begin, KP_5, bracketright, 0x1002194 ] }; // 5 ] ↔ key { [ KP_Right, KP_6, dollar, 0x1002192 ] }; // 6 $ → key { [ KP_End, KP_1, ampersand, 0x1002199 ] }; // 1 & ↙ key { [ KP_Down, KP_2, at, 0x1002193 ] }; // 2 @ ↓ key { [ KP_Next, KP_3, numbersign, 0x1002198 ] }; // 3 # ↘ key { [ KP_Insert, KP_0, apostrophe, 0x1002195 ] }; // 0 ' ↕ }; // Standard base "pc" layout only contains cursor keys, and then gets // augmented with the digits later. If you define your own layout for // the numpad you can inherit the cursors, but you'll have to define // the digits yourself. This module can be included in the rules to // define math operators; these are the variants used in computer // languages that are based on ASCII. NoSymbol doesn't mean that // nothing is bound to the key but that no assignment is done here. // srvr_ctrl(stdkeypad) and keypad(x11) declare the operator keys to // be of type CTRL+ALT in order to assign server control events to // them, but it uses the second level which is overwritten if we have // more than one definition (shift state) for the key. Instead, here // the commands are put at the fourth level. partial keypad_keys xkb_symbols "ops" { key { [ NoSymbol, slash, NoSymbol, XF86_Ungrab ] }; key { [ NoSymbol, asterisk, NoSymbol, XF86_ClearGrab ] }; key { [ NoSymbol, minus, NoSymbol, XF86_Prev_VMode ] }; key { [ NoSymbol, plus, NoSymbol, XF86_Next_VMode ] }; key { [ NoSymbol, equal ] }; }; // Hexadecimal Numpad, by Roland Kaufmann // License: BSD (also covers variant with ATM digit order) // Third-level gives the letters used in hexadecimal numbers, or // columns in small spreadsheets. As a bonus, having 'e' available at // the center of the keyboard makes it easy to enter floating point // numbers in scientific notation. // Equal is added to start formulas (most numpads on PCs don't have // their own equal key), comma as a list separator (as most // programming languages wants period as a decimal separator) and // colon to enter times and ranges. Someone also may want to represent // multiplication and division in prose using x and colon. // Two first levels are specified as NoSymbol to not override any // previous specification. Combine this with another keypad specifier, // e.g. "legacy". partial keypad_keys xkb_symbols "hex" { key.type[Group1]="FOUR_LEVEL_MIXED_KEYPAD" ; // None NumLock AltGr // symbol row key { [ NoSymbol, NoSymbol, parenleft ] }; key { [ NoSymbol, NoSymbol, parenright ] }; key { [ NoSymbol, NoSymbol, dollar ] }; // upper row key { [ NoSymbol, NoSymbol, a ] }; key { [ NoSymbol, NoSymbol, b ] }; key { [ NoSymbol, NoSymbol, c ] }; // home row key { [ NoSymbol, NoSymbol, d ] }; key { [ NoSymbol, NoSymbol, e ] }; key { [ NoSymbol, NoSymbol, f ] }; key { [ NoSymbol, NoSymbol, comma ] }; // lower row key { [ NoSymbol, NoSymbol, equal ] }; key { [ NoSymbol, NoSymbol, x ] }; key { [ NoSymbol, NoSymbol, colon ] }; // decimal row key { [ NoSymbol, NoSymbol, backslash ] }; }; // Main numbers follows the traditions from ATMs and phones with // numbers increasing downwards to the right. (It is easier to // change the keyboard layout than to reprogram your local ATM; // also cell-phones are becoming more common while calculators are // becoming more rare). // First level is left unspecified, so it may be combined with another // layout, e.g. "legacy". partial keypad_keys xkb_symbols "atm" { // upper row key { [ NoSymbol, KP_1 ] }; key { [ NoSymbol, KP_2 ] }; key { [ NoSymbol, KP_3 ] }; // lower row key { [ NoSymbol, KP_7 ] }; key { [ NoSymbol, KP_8 ] }; key { [ NoSymbol, KP_9 ] }; }; partial default modifier_keys xkb_symbols "pointerkeys" { key { [ Num_Lock, Pointer_EnableKeys ] }; }; // Only numbers, operators and decimal separator, // as seen on keypad overlay on Japanese keyboard. // ┌─┬─┬─┬─┐ // │7│8│9│*│ // ├─┼─┼─┼─┤ // │4│5│6│-│ // ├─┼─┼─┼─┤ // │1│2│3│+│ // ├─┼─┼─┼─┤ // │0│ │·│/│ // └─┴─┴─┴─┘ partial keypad_keys xkb_symbols "numoperdecsep" { key { [ KP_7 ] }; key { [ KP_8 ] }; key { [ KP_9 ] }; // ClsGrb kills whichever client has a grab in effect key { type="CTRL+ALT", symbols[Group1]= [ KP_Multiply, KP_Multiply, KP_Multiply, KP_Multiply, XF86_ClearGrab ] }; key { [ KP_4 ] }; key { [ KP_5 ] }; key { [ KP_6 ] }; // -VMode switches to the previous video mode key { type="CTRL+ALT", symbols[Group1]= [ KP_Subtract, KP_Subtract, KP_Subtract, KP_Subtract, XF86_Prev_VMode ] }; key { [ KP_1 ] }; key { [ KP_2 ] }; key { [ KP_3 ] }; // +VMode switches to the next video mode key { type="CTRL+ALT", symbols[Group1]= [ KP_Add, KP_Add, KP_Add, KP_Add, XF86_Next_VMode ] }; key { [ KP_0 ] }; key { [ KP_Decimal ] }; // Ungrab cancels server/keyboard/pointer grabs key { type="CTRL+ALT", symbols[Group1]= [ KP_Divide, KP_Divide, KP_Divide, KP_Divide, XF86_Ungrab ] }; };