path: root/src/menubar.vala
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/menubar.vala')
1 files changed, 11 insertions, 258 deletions
diff --git a/src/menubar.vala b/src/menubar.vala
index 5c6fa09..b9772fa 100644
--- a/src/menubar.vala
+++ b/src/menubar.vala
@@ -154,23 +154,7 @@ public class MenuBar : Gtk.MenuBar
ctx.add_class ("osd");
- /* Due to LP #973922 the keyboard has to be loaded after the main window
- * is shown and given focus. Therefore we don't enable the active state
- * until now.
- */
- public void set_keyboard_state ()
- {
- var greeter = new ArcticaGreeter ();
- if (!greeter.test_mode)
- onscreen_keyboard_item.set_active (AGSettings.get_boolean (AGSettings.KEY_ONSCREEN_KEYBOARD));
- }
private List<Indicator.Object> indicator_objects;
- private Gtk.CheckMenuItem high_contrast_item;
- private Gtk.CheckMenuItem big_font_item;
- private Pid keyboard_pid = 0;
- private Pid reader_pid = 0;
- private Gtk.CheckMenuItem onscreen_keyboard_item;
@@ -296,30 +280,6 @@ public class MenuBar : Gtk.MenuBar
setup_indicators ();
- var greeter = new ArcticaGreeter ();
- greeter.starting_session.connect (cleanup);
- }
- private void close_pid (ref Pid pid)
- {
- if (pid > 0)
- {
-#if VALA_0_40
- Posix.kill (pid, Posix.Signal.TERM);
- Posix.kill (pid, Posix.SIGTERM);
- int status;
- Posix.waitpid (pid, out status, 0);
- pid = 0;
- }
- }
- public void cleanup ()
- {
- close_pid (ref keyboard_pid);
- close_pid (ref reader_pid);
public override void get_preferred_height (out int min, out int nat)
@@ -355,52 +315,8 @@ public class MenuBar : Gtk.MenuBar
- private Gtk.Widget make_a11y_indicator ()
- {
- var a11y_item = new Gtk.MenuItem ();
- var hbox = new Gtk.Box (Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL, 3);
- hbox.show ();
- a11y_item.add (hbox);
- var image = new Gtk.Image.from_file (Path.build_filename (Config.PKGDATADIR, "a11y.svg"));
- image.show ();
- hbox.add (image);
- a11y_item.show ();
- a11y_item.set_submenu (new Gtk.Menu ());
- onscreen_keyboard_item = new Gtk.CheckMenuItem.with_label (_("Onscreen keyboard"));
- onscreen_keyboard_item.toggled.connect (keyboard_toggled_cb);
- onscreen_keyboard_item.show ();
- unowned Gtk.Menu submenu = a11y_item.submenu;
- submenu.append (onscreen_keyboard_item);
- high_contrast_item = new Gtk.CheckMenuItem.with_label (_("High Contrast"));
- high_contrast_item.toggled.connect (high_contrast_toggled_cb);
- high_contrast_item.add_accelerator ("activate", accel_group, Gdk.Key.h, Gdk.ModifierType.CONTROL_MASK, Gtk.AccelFlags.VISIBLE);
- high_contrast_item.show ();
- submenu.append (high_contrast_item);
- var agsettings = new AGSettings ();
- debug ("Initializing high contrast menu item to state %s", agsettings.high_contrast.to_string ());
- high_contrast_item.set_active (agsettings.high_contrast);
-/* Hide the Big Font feature until it's available.
- big_font_item = new Gtk.CheckMenuItem.with_label (_("Big Font"));
- big_font_item.toggled.connect (big_font_toggled_cb);
- big_font_item.add_accelerator ("activate", accel_group, Gdk.Key.b, Gdk.ModifierType.CONTROL_MASK, Gtk.AccelFlags.VISIBLE);
- big_font_item.show ();
- submenu.append (big_font_item);
- big_font_item.set_active (agsettings.big_font);
- var item = new Gtk.CheckMenuItem.with_label (_("Screen Reader"));
- item.toggled.connect (screen_reader_toggled_cb);
- item.add_accelerator ("activate", accel_group, Gdk.Key.s, Gdk.ModifierType.SUPER_MASK | Gdk.ModifierType.MOD1_MASK, Gtk.AccelFlags.VISIBLE);
- item.show ();
- submenu.append (item);
- item.set_active (AGSettings.get_boolean (AGSettings.KEY_SCREEN_READER));
- return a11y_item;
- }
private Indicator.Object? load_indicator_file (string indicator_name)
string dir = Config.INDICATOR_FILE_DIR;
string path;
Indicator.Object io;
@@ -451,26 +367,18 @@ public class MenuBar : Gtk.MenuBar
var greeter = new ArcticaGreeter ();
if (!greeter.test_mode)
- if (indicator_name == "ug-accessibility")
- {
- var a11y_item = make_a11y_indicator ();
- insert (a11y_item, (int) get_children ().length () - 1);
- }
- else
+ var io = load_indicator_file (indicator_name);
+ if (io == null)
+ io = load_indicator_library (indicator_name);
+ if (io != null)
- var io = load_indicator_file (indicator_name);
- if (io == null)
- io = load_indicator_library (indicator_name);
- if (io != null)
- {
- indicator_objects.append (io);
- io.entry_added.connect (indicator_added_cb);
- io.entry_removed.connect (indicator_removed_cb);
- foreach (var entry in io.get_entries ())
- indicator_added_cb (io, entry);
- }
+ indicator_objects.append (io);
+ io.entry_added.connect (indicator_added_cb);
+ io.entry_removed.connect (indicator_removed_cb);
+ foreach (var entry in io.get_entries ())
+ indicator_added_cb (io, entry);
@@ -502,19 +410,6 @@ public class MenuBar : Gtk.MenuBar
var indicator_list = AGSettings.get_strv(AGSettings.KEY_INDICATORS);
- var update_indicator_list = false;
- for (var i = 0; i < indicator_list.length; i++)
- {
- if (indicator_list[i] == "ug-keyboard")
- {
- indicator_list[i] = "org.ayatana.indicator.keyboard";
- update_indicator_list = true;
- }
- }
- if (update_indicator_list)
- AGSettings.set_strv(AGSettings.KEY_INDICATORS, indicator_list);
foreach (var indicator in indicator_list)
@@ -533,148 +428,6 @@ public class MenuBar : Gtk.MenuBar
debug ("LANG=%s LANGUAGE=%s", Environment.get_variable ("LANG"), Environment.get_variable ("LANGUAGE"));
- private void keyboard_toggled_cb (Gtk.CheckMenuItem item)
- {
- /* FIXME: The below would be sufficient if gnome-session were running
- * to notice and run a screen keyboard in /etc/xdg/autostart... But
- * since we're not running gnome-session, we hardcode onboard here. */
- /* var settings = new Settings ("org.gnome.desktop.a11y.applications");*/
- /*settings.set_boolean ("screen-keyboard-enabled", item.active);*/
- AGSettings.set_boolean (AGSettings.KEY_ONSCREEN_KEYBOARD, item.active);
- if (keyboard_window == null)
- {
- int id = 0;
- try
- {
- string[] argv;
- string cmd;
- int onboard_stdout_fd;
- var arg_layout = "";
- var arg_theme = "";
- var layout = AGSettings.get_string (AGSettings.KEY_ONSCREEN_KEYBOARD_LAYOUT);
- var theme = AGSettings.get_string (AGSettings.KEY_ONSCREEN_KEYBOARD_THEME);
- var fname_layout = "/usr/share/onboard/layouts/%s.onboard".printf (layout);
- var fname_theme = "/usr/share/onboard/themes/%s.theme".printf (theme);
- var file_layout = File.new_for_path (fname_layout);
- var file_theme = File.new_for_path (fname_theme);
- if (file_layout.query_exists ()) {
- arg_layout = "--layout='%s'".printf (fname_layout);
- }
- if (file_theme.query_exists ()) {
- arg_theme = "--theme='%s'".printf (fname_theme);
- }
- cmd = "onboard --xid %s %s".printf (arg_layout, arg_theme);
- Shell.parse_argv (cmd, out argv);
- Process.spawn_async_with_pipes (null,
- argv,
- null,
- SpawnFlags.SEARCH_PATH,
- null,
- out keyboard_pid,
- null,
- out onboard_stdout_fd,
- null);
- var f = FileStream.fdopen (onboard_stdout_fd, "r");
- var stdout_text = new char[1024];
- if (f.gets (stdout_text) != null)
- id = int.parse ((string) stdout_text);
- }
- catch (Error e)
- {
- warning ("Error setting up keyboard: %s", e.message);
- return;
- }
- var keyboard_socket = new Gtk.Socket ();
- keyboard_socket.show ();
- keyboard_window = new Gtk.Window ();
- keyboard_window.accept_focus = false;
- keyboard_window.focus_on_map = false;
- keyboard_window.add (keyboard_socket);
- keyboard_socket.add_id (id);
- /* Put keyboard at the bottom of the screen */
- var display = get_display ();
- var monitor = display.get_monitor_at_window (get_window ());
- Gdk.Rectangle geom;
- geom = monitor.get_geometry ();
- keyboard_window.move (geom.x, geom.y + geom.height - 200);
- keyboard_window.resize (geom.width, 200);
- }
- keyboard_window.visible = item.active;
- }
- private void high_contrast_toggled_cb (Gtk.CheckMenuItem item)
- {
- var agsettings = new AGSettings ();
- agsettings.high_contrast = item.active;
- }
- /*private void big_font_toggled_cb (Gtk.CheckMenuItem item)
- {
- var agsettings = new AGSettings ();
- agsettings.big_font = item.active;
- }*/
- private void screen_reader_toggled_cb (Gtk.CheckMenuItem item)
- {
- /* FIXME: The below would be sufficient if gnome-session were running
- * to notice and run a screen reader in /etc/xdg/autostart... But
- * since we're not running gnome-session, we hardcode orca here.
- /*var settings = new Settings ("org.gnome.desktop.a11y.applications");*/
- /*settings.set_boolean ("screen-reader-enabled", item.active);*/
- AGSettings.set_boolean (AGSettings.KEY_SCREEN_READER, item.active);
- /* Hardcoded orca: */
- if (item.active)
- {
- try
- {
- string[] argv;
- Shell.parse_argv ("orca --replace --no-setup --disable splash-window,", out argv);
- Process.spawn_async (null,
- argv,
- null,
- SpawnFlags.SEARCH_PATH,
- null,
- out reader_pid);
- // This is a workaround for bug https://launchpad.net/bugs/944159
- // The problem is that orca seems to not notice that it's in a
- // password field on startup. We just need to kick orca in the
- // pants. We do this two ways: a racy way and a non-racy way.
- // We kick it after a second which is ideal if we win the race,
- // because the user gets to hear what widget they are in, and
- // the first character will be masked. Otherwise, if we lose
- // that race, the first time the user types (see
- // DashEntry.key_press_event), we will kick orca again. While
- // this is not racy with orca startup, it is racy with whether
- // orca will read the first character or not out loud. Hence
- // why we do both. Ideally this would be fixed in orca itself.
- var greeter = new ArcticaGreeter ();
- greeter.orca_needs_kick = true;
- Timeout.add_seconds (1, () =>
- {
- Gtk.Window pWindow = (Gtk.Window) get_toplevel ();
- Signal.emit_by_name (pWindow.get_focus ().get_accessible (), "focus-event", true);
- return false;
- });
- }
- catch (Error e)
- {
- warning ("Failed to run Orca: %s", e.message);
- }
- }
- else
- close_pid (ref reader_pid);
- }
private uint get_indicator_index (Indicator.Object object)
uint index = 0;