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authorCharles Kerr <charles.kerr@canonical.com>2013-06-14 16:05:17 -0500
committerCharles Kerr <charles.kerr@canonical.com>2013-06-14 16:05:17 -0500
commit0fa8088983a1295b275f1b23af1f5c69fee7dd24 (patch)
parent18f93e6ec8aab4923e192be4d74c83b56626c6d2 (diff)
update documentation about the widgets and GActions
1 files changed, 36 insertions, 39 deletions
diff --git a/README b/README
index ebeed8b..c6a8780 100644
--- a/README
+++ b/README
@@ -1,43 +1,39 @@
- * "aboutToShow"
- Description: notifies the indicator that its menu is about to be shown.
- Workitems that are expensive on startup (such as loading EDS to query
- it for appointments, or loading GeoClue to guess our current location)
- may be deferred until this is called.
- So, calendarDay's state may not be fully populated until this is called.
- FIXME: aboutToShow should be spec'ed once for all indicators, not ad-hoc
- * "activateSettings"
+ * "activate-settings"
Description: opens a page for changing indicator-datetime's settings
- State: NULL
- Parameter: NULL
- * "activatePlanner"
- Description: opens up the appointment editor.
- State: NULL
- Parameter: uint64 (a time_t hinting which day/time to show in the planner,
- or 0 for the current day)
- * "calendarDay"
- Description: set which month/day should be given focus in the indicator's
- calendar and to use as a starting point when listing upcoming
- appointments in the indicator.
- Client code implementing the calendar widget should call this
- when the user clicks to a different day, month, or year.
- State: a dictionary containing these key value pairs:
- "calendarDay": string ("YYYY-MM-DD"). Used by the calendar menuitem
- to know which year/month should be visible and which
- day should have the cursor.
- "daysWithAppointments": an array of day-of-month ints. Used by the
- calendar menuitem to mark appointment days.
- Parameter: uint64 (a time_t specifying which day to give focus to)
- * "location"
- Description: Sets the user's current location. Called by location menuitems.
- State: string containing a location and a timezone
- Parameter: string containing a location and a timezone
+ State: None
+ Parameter: None
+ * "activate-planner"
+ Description: opens up a calendar appointment editor.
+ State: None
+ Parameter: int64, a time_t hinting which day/time to show in the planner,
+ or 0 for the current day
+ * "set-location"
+ Description: Set the current location. This will try to set the current
+ timezone to the new location's timezone.
+ State: None
+ Parameter: a timezone id string followed by a space and location name.
+ Example: "America/Chicago Oklahoma City"
+ * "calendar"
+ Description: set which month/day should be given focus in the indicator's
+ calendar. The planner will look for appointments from this
+ day to the end of the same month.
+ Client code implementing the calendar view should call this
+ when the user clicks on a new day, month, or year.
+ State: a dictionary containing these key value/pairs:
+ "appointment-days": an array of day-of-month ints. Used by the
+ calendar menuitem to mark appointment days.
+ "calendar-day": int64, a time_t. Used by the calendar menuitem
+ to know which year/month should be visible
+ and which day should have the cursor.
+ "show-week-numbers": if true, show week numbers in the calendar.
+ Parameter: int64, a time_t specifying which year/month should be visible
+ and which day should have the cursor.
@@ -47,14 +43,15 @@ CUSTOM MENUITEMS
- x-canonical-type s "com.canonical.indicator.calendar"
* Appointment
+ - label s short summary of the appointment
- x-canonical-type s "com.canonical.indicator.appointment"
- x-canonical-color s color of the appt's type, to give a visual cue
- - label s short summary of the appointment
- - x-canonical-right-label s the date of the appointment
+ - x-canonical-time x the date of the appointment
+ - x-canonical-time-format s strftime format string
* Location
- - x-canonical-type s "com.canonical.indicator.location"
- label s the location's name, eg "Oklahoma City"
+ - x-canonical-type s "com.canonical.indicator.location"
- x-canonical-timezone s timezone that the location is in
- x-canonical-time-format s strftime format string