path: root/src/service.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/service.cpp')
1 files changed, 1189 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/service.cpp b/src/service.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e734437
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/service.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1189 @@
+ * Copyright 2014 Canonical Ltd.
+ * Copyright 2023-2024 Robert Tari
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; version 3.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ *
+ * Authors:
+ * Charles Kerr <charles.kerr@canonical.com>
+ * Robert Tari <robert@tari.in>
+ */
+#include <src/service.h>
+#include <glib/gi18n.h>
+ #include <geoclue.h>
+extern "C"
+ #include <ayatana/common/utils.h>
+ #include <act/act.h>
+ #include <pwd.h>
+ #include "solar.h"
+ #endif
+ #define GREETER_BUS_NAME "org.ayatana.greeter"
+ #define GREETER_BUS_PATH "/org/ayatana/greeter"
+ typedef struct
+ {
+ guint nTempLow;
+ guint nTempHigh;
+ const gchar *sName;
+ } TempProfile;
+ TempProfile m_lTempProfiles[] =
+ {
+ {0, 0, N_("Manual")},
+ {4500, 6500, N_("Adaptive (Colder)")},
+ {3627, 4913, N_("Adaptive")},
+ {3058, 4913, N_("Adaptive (Warmer)")},
+ {0, 0, NULL}
+ };
+class DisplayIndicator::Impl
+ Impl()
+ {
+ const gchar *sTest = g_getenv ("TEST_NAME");
+ this->bTest = (sTest != NULL && g_str_equal (sTest, "rotation-lock-test"));
+ const char *sUserName = g_get_user_name();
+ this->bGreeter = g_str_equal (sUserName, "lightdm");
+ GSettingsSchemaSource *pSource = g_settings_schema_source_get_default();
+ if (pSource != NULL)
+ {
+ if (ayatana_common_utils_is_lomiri()) {
+ GSettingsSchema *pSchema = g_settings_schema_source_lookup(pSource, "com.lomiri.touch.system", TRUE);
+ if (pSchema != NULL)
+ {
+ g_settings_schema_unref(pSchema);
+ m_settings = g_settings_new("com.lomiri.touch.system");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ g_error("No schema could be found");
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ GSettingsSchema *pSchema = g_settings_schema_source_lookup(pSource, "org.ayatana.indicator.display", TRUE);
+ if (pSchema != NULL)
+ {
+ g_settings_schema_unref(pSchema);
+ m_settings = g_settings_new("org.ayatana.indicator.display");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ g_error("No schema could be found");
+ }
+ this->pAccountsServiceConnection = g_bus_get_sync (G_BUS_TYPE_SYSTEM, NULL, NULL);
+ if (!this->bGreeter)
+ {
+ const gchar *sSchema = NULL;
+ const gchar *sCursorSchema = NULL;
+ const gchar *sMetacitySchema = NULL;
+ if (this->bTest)
+ {
+ sSchema = "org.ayatana.indicator.display";
+ sCursorSchema = "org.ayatana.indicator.display";
+ sMetacitySchema = "org.ayatana.indicator.display";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (ayatana_common_utils_is_mate ())
+ {
+ sSchema = "org.mate.interface";
+ sCursorSchema = "org.mate.peripherals-mouse";
+ sMetacitySchema = "org.mate.Marco.general";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ sSchema = "org.gnome.desktop.interface";
+ sCursorSchema = "org.gnome.desktop.interface";
+ sMetacitySchema = "org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences";
+ }
+ }
+ pSchema = g_settings_schema_source_lookup (pSource, sSchema, TRUE);
+ if (pSchema != NULL)
+ {
+ g_settings_schema_unref (pSchema);
+ pThemeSettings = g_settings_new (sSchema);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ g_error("No %s schema could be found", sSchema);
+ }
+ pSchema = g_settings_schema_source_lookup (pSource, sCursorSchema, TRUE);
+ if (pSchema != NULL)
+ {
+ g_settings_schema_unref (pSchema);
+ pCursorSettings = g_settings_new (sCursorSchema);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ g_error("No %s schema could be found", sCursorSchema);
+ }
+ pSchema = g_settings_schema_source_lookup (pSource, sMetacitySchema, TRUE);
+ if (pSchema != NULL)
+ {
+ g_settings_schema_unref (pSchema);
+ pMetacitySettings = g_settings_new (sMetacitySchema);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ g_error("No %s schema could be found", sMetacitySchema);
+ }
+ if (this->bTest)
+ {
+ sSchema = "org.ayatana.indicator.display";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ sSchema = "org.gnome.desktop.interface";
+ }
+ pSchema = g_settings_schema_source_lookup (pSource, sSchema, TRUE);
+ if (pSchema != NULL)
+ {
+ gboolean bColorScheme = g_settings_schema_has_key (pSchema, "color-scheme");
+ g_settings_schema_unref (pSchema);
+ if (bColorScheme)
+ {
+ pColorSchemeSettings = g_settings_new (sSchema);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ g_warning ("org.gnome.desktop.interface::color-scheme not found. Native theme profile changes will not be triggered.");
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ g_error("No %s schema could be found", sSchema);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ this->pConnection = g_bus_get_sync (G_BUS_TYPE_SESSION, NULL, NULL);
+ this->nGreeterSubscription = g_dbus_connection_signal_subscribe (this->pConnection, NULL, GREETER_BUS_NAME, "UserChanged", GREETER_BUS_PATH, NULL, G_DBUS_SIGNAL_FLAGS_NONE, onUserChanged, this, NULL);
+ loadManager (this);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!this->bGreeter)
+ {
+ gint nUid = geteuid ();
+ getAccountsService (this, nUid);
+ }
+ m_action_group = create_action_group();
+ // build the icon
+ const char *icon_name {"orientation-lock"};
+ if (!ayatana_common_utils_is_lomiri())
+ {
+ icon_name = "display-panel";
+ }
+ auto icon = g_themed_icon_new_with_default_fallbacks(icon_name);
+ auto icon_deleter = [](GIcon* o){g_object_unref(G_OBJECT(o));};
+ m_icon.reset(icon, icon_deleter);
+ // build the phone profile
+ auto menu_model_deleter = [](GMenuModel* o){g_object_unref(G_OBJECT(o));};
+ std::shared_ptr<GMenuModel> phone_menu (create_phone_menu(), menu_model_deleter);
+ m_phone = std::make_shared<SimpleProfile>("phone", phone_menu);
+ update_phone_header();
+ // build the desktop profile
+ std::shared_ptr<GMenuModel> desktop_menu (create_desktop_menu(), menu_model_deleter);
+ m_desktop = std::make_shared<SimpleProfile>("desktop", desktop_menu);
+ update_desktop_header();
+ if (ayatana_common_utils_is_lomiri() == FALSE)
+ {
+ if (!this->bTest)
+ {
+ this->fLatitude = g_settings_get_double (this->m_settings, "latitude");
+ this->fLongitude = g_settings_get_double (this->m_settings, "longitude");
+ gclue_simple_new ("ayatana-indicator-display", GCLUE_ACCURACY_LEVEL_CITY, NULL, onGeoClueLoaded, this);
+ this->nCallback = g_timeout_add_seconds (60, updateColor, this);
+ updateColor (this);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ~Impl()
+ {
+ if (this->nGreeterSubscription)
+ {
+ g_dbus_connection_signal_unsubscribe (this->pConnection, this->nGreeterSubscription);
+ }
+ if (this->lUsers)
+ {
+ g_slist_free (this->lUsers);
+ }
+ if (this->pConnection)
+ {
+ g_object_unref (this->pConnection);
+ }
+ if (nCallback)
+ {
+ g_source_remove (nCallback);
+ }
+ if (sLastTheme)
+ {
+ g_free (sLastTheme);
+ }
+ if (pThemeSettings)
+ {
+ g_clear_object (&pThemeSettings);
+ }
+ if (pCursorSettings)
+ {
+ g_clear_object (&pCursorSettings);
+ }
+ if (pMetacitySettings)
+ {
+ g_clear_object (&pMetacitySettings);
+ }
+ if (pColorSchemeSettings)
+ {
+ g_clear_object (&pColorSchemeSettings);
+ }
+ if (this->pAccountsServiceConnection)
+ {
+ g_object_unref (this->pAccountsServiceConnection);
+ }
+ g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_data(m_settings, this);
+ g_clear_object(&m_action_group);
+ g_clear_object(&m_settings);
+ }
+ GSimpleActionGroup* action_group() const
+ {
+ return m_action_group;
+ }
+ std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Profile>> profiles()
+ {
+ std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Profile>> ret;
+ ret.push_back(m_phone);
+ ret.push_back(m_desktop);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ static void onUserChanged (GDBusConnection *pConnection, const gchar *sSender, const gchar *sPath, const gchar *sInterface, const gchar *sSignal, GVariant *pParameters, gpointer pUserData)
+ {
+ DisplayIndicator::Impl *pImpl = static_cast<DisplayIndicator::Impl*>(pUserData);
+ g_variant_get (pParameters, "(s)", &pImpl->sUser);
+ loadManager (pImpl);
+ }
+ static void getAccountsService (DisplayIndicator::Impl *pImpl, gint nUid)
+ {
+ pImpl->bReadingAccountsService = TRUE;
+ gchar *sPath = g_strdup_printf ("/org/freedesktop/Accounts/User%i", nUid);
+ GDBusProxy *pProxy = g_dbus_proxy_new_sync (pImpl->pAccountsServiceConnection, G_DBUS_PROXY_FLAGS_NONE, NULL, "org.freedesktop.Accounts", sPath, "org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties", NULL, NULL);
+ g_free (sPath);
+ if (pProxy)
+ {
+ const gchar *lProperties[] = {"brightness", "color-temp", "color-temp-profile"};
+ for (gint nIndex = 0; nIndex < 3; nIndex++)
+ {
+ GVariant *pParams = g_variant_new ("(ss)", "org.ayatana.indicator.display.AccountsService", lProperties[nIndex]);
+ GVariant *pValue = g_dbus_proxy_call_sync (pProxy, "Get", pParams, G_DBUS_CALL_FLAGS_NONE, -1, NULL, NULL);
+ if (pValue)
+ {
+ GVariant *pChild0 = g_variant_get_child_value (pValue, 0);
+ g_variant_unref (pValue);
+ GVariant *pChild1 = g_variant_get_child_value (pChild0, 0);
+ g_variant_unref (pChild0);
+ g_settings_set_value (pImpl->m_settings, lProperties[nIndex], pChild1);
+ g_variant_unref (pChild1);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ pImpl->bReadingAccountsService = FALSE;
+ }
+ static void onUserLoaded (DisplayIndicator::Impl *pImpl, ActUser *pUser)
+ {
+ g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func (G_OBJECT (pUser), (gpointer) G_CALLBACK (onUserLoaded), pImpl);
+ if (!pImpl->sUser)
+ {
+ GError *pError = NULL;
+ GVariant *pGreeterUser = g_dbus_connection_call_sync (pImpl->pConnection, GREETER_BUS_NAME, GREETER_BUS_PATH, GREETER_BUS_NAME, "GetUser", NULL, G_VARIANT_TYPE ("(s)"), G_DBUS_CALL_FLAGS_NONE, -1, NULL, &pError);
+ if (pError)
+ {
+ g_debug ("Failed calling GetUser, the greeter may not be ready yet: %s", pError->message);
+ g_error_free (pError);
+ return;
+ }
+ g_variant_get (pGreeterUser, "(s)", &pImpl->sUser);
+ }
+ gboolean bPrefix = g_str_has_prefix (pImpl->sUser, "*");
+ if (!bPrefix)
+ {
+ const gchar *sUserName = act_user_get_user_name (pUser);
+ gboolean bSame = g_str_equal (pImpl->sUser, sUserName);
+ if (bSame)
+ {
+ gint nUid = act_user_get_uid (pUser);
+ getAccountsService (pImpl, nUid);
+ updateColor (pImpl);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ static void onManagerLoaded (DisplayIndicator::Impl *pImpl)
+ {
+ ActUserManager *pManager = act_user_manager_get_default ();
+ if (!pImpl->lUsers)
+ {
+ pImpl->lUsers = act_user_manager_list_users (pManager);
+ }
+ for (GSList *lUser = pImpl->lUsers; lUser; lUser = lUser->next)
+ {
+ ActUser *pUser = static_cast<ActUser*>(lUser->data);
+ gboolean bLoaded = act_user_is_loaded (pUser);
+ if (bLoaded)
+ {
+ onUserLoaded (pImpl, pUser);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ g_signal_connect_swapped (pUser, "notify::is-loaded", G_CALLBACK (onUserLoaded), pImpl);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ static void loadManager (DisplayIndicator::Impl *pImpl)
+ {
+ ActUserManager *pManager = act_user_manager_get_default ();
+ gboolean bLoaded = FALSE;
+ g_object_get (pManager, "is-loaded", &bLoaded, NULL);
+ if (bLoaded)
+ {
+ onManagerLoaded (pImpl);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ g_signal_connect_swapped (pManager, "notify::is-loaded", G_CALLBACK (onManagerLoaded), pImpl);
+ }
+ }
+ static gboolean updateColor (gpointer pData)
+ {
+ DisplayIndicator::Impl *pImpl = static_cast<DisplayIndicator::Impl*>(pData);
+ if (pImpl->bReadingAccountsService)
+ {
+ }
+ guint nProfile = 0;
+ g_settings_get (pImpl->m_settings, "color-temp-profile", "q", &nProfile);
+ gdouble fBrightness = g_settings_get_double (pImpl->m_settings, "brightness");
+ gchar *sThemeProfile = NULL;
+ gboolean bThemeAdaptive = FALSE;
+ if (!pImpl->bGreeter)
+ {
+ sThemeProfile = g_settings_get_string (pImpl->m_settings, "theme-profile");
+ bThemeAdaptive = g_str_equal (sThemeProfile, "adaptive");
+ }
+ guint nTemperature = 0;
+ const gchar *sColorScheme = NULL;
+ gchar *sTheme = NULL;
+ gint64 nNow = g_get_real_time ();
+ gdouble fElevation = solar_elevation((gdouble) nNow / 1000000.0, pImpl->fLatitude, pImpl->fLongitude);
+ if (nProfile == 0)
+ {
+ g_settings_get (pImpl->m_settings, "color-temp", "q", &nTemperature);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ gdouble fShifting = 0.0;
+ {
+ fShifting = 1.0;
+ }
+ else if (fElevation < 3.0)
+ {
+ fShifting = 1.0 - ((SOLAR_CIVIL_TWILIGHT_ELEV - fElevation) / (SOLAR_CIVIL_TWILIGHT_ELEV - 3.0));
+ }
+ nTemperature = m_lTempProfiles[nProfile].nTempHigh - (m_lTempProfiles[nProfile].nTempHigh - m_lTempProfiles[nProfile].nTempLow) * fShifting;
+ pImpl->bAutoSliderUpdate = TRUE;
+ }
+ if (!pImpl->bGreeter)
+ {
+ if (!bThemeAdaptive)
+ {
+ gchar *sThemeKey = g_strdup_printf ("%s-theme", sThemeProfile);
+ sTheme = g_settings_get_string (pImpl->m_settings, sThemeKey);
+ g_free (sThemeKey);
+ gboolean bLightTheme = g_str_equal (sThemeProfile, "light");
+ if (bLightTheme)
+ {
+ sColorScheme = "prefer-light";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ sColorScheme = "prefer-dark";
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ {
+ sColorScheme = "prefer-dark";
+ sTheme = g_settings_get_string (pImpl->m_settings, "dark-theme");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ sColorScheme = "prefer-light";
+ sTheme = g_settings_get_string (pImpl->m_settings, "light-theme");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (pImpl->fLastBrightness != fBrightness || pImpl->nLasColorTemp != nTemperature)
+ {
+ g_debug ("Calling xsct with %u %f", nTemperature, fBrightness);
+ GAction *pAction = g_action_map_lookup_action (G_ACTION_MAP (pImpl->m_action_group), "color-temp");
+ GVariant *pTemperature = g_variant_new_double (nTemperature);
+ g_action_change_state (pAction, pTemperature);
+ GError *pError = NULL;
+ gchar *sCommand = g_strdup_printf ("xsct %u %f", nTemperature, fBrightness);
+ gboolean bSuccess = g_spawn_command_line_sync (sCommand, NULL, NULL, NULL, &pError);
+ if (!bSuccess)
+ {
+ g_error ("The call to '%s' failed: %s", sCommand, pError->message);
+ g_error_free (pError);
+ }
+ pImpl->fLastBrightness = fBrightness;
+ pImpl->nLasColorTemp = nTemperature;
+ g_free (sCommand);
+ gint nUid = 0;
+ if (!pImpl->bGreeter)
+ {
+ nUid = geteuid ();
+ }
+ else if (pImpl->sUser)
+ {
+ const struct passwd *pPasswd = getpwnam (pImpl->sUser);
+ if (pPasswd)
+ {
+ nUid = pPasswd->pw_uid;
+ }
+ }
+ if (nUid)
+ {
+ gchar *sPath = g_strdup_printf ("/org/freedesktop/Accounts/User%i", nUid);
+ GDBusProxy *pProxy = g_dbus_proxy_new_sync (pImpl->pAccountsServiceConnection, G_DBUS_PROXY_FLAGS_NONE, NULL, "org.freedesktop.Accounts", sPath, "org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties", NULL, NULL);
+ g_free (sPath);
+ GVariant *pBrightnessValue = g_variant_new ("d", pImpl->fLastBrightness);
+ GVariant *pBrightnessParams = g_variant_new ("(ssv)", "org.ayatana.indicator.display.AccountsService", "brightness", pBrightnessValue);
+ g_dbus_proxy_call (pProxy, "Set", pBrightnessParams, G_DBUS_CALL_FLAGS_NONE, -1, NULL, NULL, NULL);
+ GVariant *pColorTempValue = g_variant_new ("q", pImpl->nLasColorTemp);
+ GVariant *pColorTempParams = g_variant_new ("(ssv)", "org.ayatana.indicator.display.AccountsService", "color-temp", pColorTempValue);
+ g_dbus_proxy_call (pProxy, "Set", pColorTempParams, G_DBUS_CALL_FLAGS_NONE, -1, NULL, NULL, NULL);
+ GVariant *pProfileValue = g_variant_new ("q", nProfile);
+ GVariant *pProfileParams = g_variant_new ("(ssv)", "org.ayatana.indicator.display.AccountsService", "color-temp-profile", pProfileValue);
+ g_dbus_proxy_call (pProxy, "Set", pProfileParams, G_DBUS_CALL_FLAGS_NONE, -1, NULL, NULL, NULL);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!pImpl->bGreeter)
+ {
+ gboolean bSameColorScheme = g_str_equal (sColorScheme, pImpl->sLastColorScheme);
+ if (pImpl->pColorSchemeSettings && !bSameColorScheme)
+ {
+ g_debug ("Changing color scheme to %s", sColorScheme);
+ g_settings_set_string (pImpl->pColorSchemeSettings, "color-scheme", sColorScheme);
+ pImpl->sLastColorScheme = sColorScheme;
+ }
+ gboolean bSameTheme = FALSE;
+ if (pImpl->sLastTheme)
+ {
+ bSameTheme = g_str_equal (pImpl->sLastTheme, sTheme);
+ }
+ gboolean bCurrentTheme = g_str_equal ("current", sTheme);
+ if (!bSameTheme && !bCurrentTheme)
+ {
+ g_debug ("Changing theme to %s", sTheme);
+ g_settings_set_string (pImpl->pThemeSettings, "gtk-theme", sTheme);
+ gchar *sThemePath = g_strdup_printf ("/usr/share/themes/%s/index.theme", sTheme);
+ gboolean bThemePath = g_file_test (sThemePath, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS);
+ if (bThemePath)
+ {
+ gchar *sFile = NULL;
+ GError *pError = NULL;
+ g_file_get_contents (sThemePath, &sFile, NULL, &pError);
+ if (!pError)
+ {
+ #if GLIB_CHECK_VERSION(2, 73, 0)
+ GRegex *pRegex = g_regex_new ("IconTheme *= *(.*)", G_REGEX_DEFAULT, G_REGEX_MATCH_DEFAULT, &pError);
+ #else
+ GRegex *pRegex = g_regex_new ("IconTheme *= *(.*)", (GRegexCompileFlags) 0, (GRegexMatchFlags) 0, &pError);
+ #endif
+ if (!pError)
+ {
+ GMatchInfo *pMatchInfo = NULL;
+ #if GLIB_CHECK_VERSION(2, 73, 0)
+ gboolean bMatch = g_regex_match (pRegex, sFile, G_REGEX_MATCH_DEFAULT, &pMatchInfo);
+ #else
+ gboolean bMatch = g_regex_match (pRegex, sFile, (GRegexMatchFlags) 0, &pMatchInfo);
+ #endif
+ if (bMatch)
+ {
+ gchar *sIconTheme = g_match_info_fetch (pMatchInfo, 1);
+ g_settings_set_string (pImpl->pThemeSettings, "icon-theme", sIconTheme);
+ g_free (sIconTheme);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ g_warning ("/usr/share/themes/%s/index.theme does not define an IconTheme", sTheme);
+ }
+ g_match_info_free (pMatchInfo);
+ g_regex_unref (pRegex);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ g_error ("PANIC: Failed to compile regex: %s", pError->message);
+ g_error_free (pError);
+ }
+ #if GLIB_CHECK_VERSION(2, 73, 0)
+ pRegex = g_regex_new ("MetacityTheme *= *(.*)", G_REGEX_DEFAULT, G_REGEX_MATCH_DEFAULT, &pError);
+ #else
+ pRegex = g_regex_new ("MetacityTheme *= *(.*)", (GRegexCompileFlags) 0, (GRegexMatchFlags) 0, &pError);
+ #endif
+ if (!pError)
+ {
+ GMatchInfo *pMatchInfo = NULL;
+ #if GLIB_CHECK_VERSION(2, 73, 0)
+ gboolean bMatch = g_regex_match (pRegex, sFile, G_REGEX_MATCH_DEFAULT, &pMatchInfo);
+ #else
+ gboolean bMatch = g_regex_match (pRegex, sFile, (GRegexMatchFlags) 0, &pMatchInfo);
+ #endif
+ if (bMatch)
+ {
+ gchar *sMetacityTheme = g_match_info_fetch (pMatchInfo, 1);
+ g_settings_set_string (pImpl->pMetacitySettings, "theme", sMetacityTheme);
+ g_free (sMetacityTheme);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ g_warning ("/usr/share/themes/%s/index.theme does not define a MetacityTheme", sTheme);
+ }
+ g_match_info_free (pMatchInfo);
+ g_regex_unref (pRegex);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ g_error ("PANIC: Failed to compile regex: %s", pError->message);
+ g_error_free (pError);
+ }
+ #if GLIB_CHECK_VERSION(2, 73, 0)
+ pRegex = g_regex_new ("CursorTheme *= *(.*)", G_REGEX_DEFAULT, G_REGEX_MATCH_DEFAULT, &pError);
+ #else
+ pRegex = g_regex_new ("CursorTheme *= *(.*)", (GRegexCompileFlags) 0, (GRegexMatchFlags) 0, &pError);
+ #endif
+ if (!pError)
+ {
+ GMatchInfo *pMatchInfo = NULL;
+ #if GLIB_CHECK_VERSION(2, 73, 0)
+ gboolean bMatch = g_regex_match (pRegex, sFile, G_REGEX_MATCH_DEFAULT, &pMatchInfo);
+ #else
+ gboolean bMatch = g_regex_match (pRegex, sFile, (GRegexMatchFlags) 0, &pMatchInfo);
+ #endif
+ if (bMatch)
+ {
+ gchar *sCursorTheme = g_match_info_fetch (pMatchInfo, 1);
+ g_settings_set_string (pImpl->pCursorSettings, "cursor-theme", sTheme);
+ g_free (sCursorTheme);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ g_warning ("/usr/share/themes/%s/index.theme does not define a CursorTheme", sTheme);
+ }
+ g_match_info_free (pMatchInfo);
+ g_regex_unref (pRegex);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ g_error ("PANIC: Failed to compile regex: %s", pError->message);
+ g_error_free (pError);
+ }
+ g_free (sFile);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ g_error ("PANIC: Failed to get index.theme contents: %s", pError->message);
+ g_error_free (pError);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ g_warning ("/usr/share/themes/%s/index.theme does not exist", sTheme);
+ }
+ g_free (sThemePath);
+ if (pImpl->sLastTheme)
+ {
+ g_free (pImpl->sLastTheme);
+ }
+ pImpl->sLastTheme = g_strdup (sTheme);
+ }
+ g_free (sTheme);
+ g_free (sThemeProfile);
+ }
+ }
+ static void onGeoClueLoaded (GObject *pObject, GAsyncResult *pResult, gpointer pData)
+ {
+ DisplayIndicator::Impl *pImpl = static_cast<DisplayIndicator::Impl*>(pData);
+ GError *pError = NULL;
+ GClueSimple *pSimple = gclue_simple_new_finish (pResult, &pError);
+ if (pError != NULL)
+ {
+ g_warning ("Failed to connect to GeoClue2 service: %s", pError->message);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ GClueLocation *pLocation = gclue_simple_get_location (pSimple);
+ pImpl->fLatitude = gclue_location_get_latitude (pLocation);
+ pImpl->fLongitude = gclue_location_get_longitude (pLocation);
+ g_settings_set_double (pImpl->m_settings, "latitude", pImpl->fLatitude);
+ g_settings_set_double (pImpl->m_settings, "longitude", pImpl->fLongitude);
+ }
+ updateColor (pImpl);
+ }
+ static void onColorTempSettings (GSettings *pSettings, const gchar *sKey, gpointer pData)
+ {
+ GVariant *pProfile = g_variant_new_uint16 (0);
+ g_settings_set_value (pSettings, "color-temp-profile", pProfile);
+ updateColor (pData);
+ }
+ static gboolean settingsIntToActionStateString (GValue *pValue, GVariant *pVariant, gpointer pData)
+ {
+ guint16 nVariant = g_variant_get_uint16 (pVariant);
+ gchar *sVariant = g_strdup_printf ("%u", nVariant);
+ GVariant *pVariantString = g_variant_new_string (sVariant);
+ g_free (sVariant);
+ g_value_set_variant (pValue, pVariantString);
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ static GVariant* actionStateStringToSettingsInt (const GValue *pValue, const GVariantType *pVariantType, gpointer pData)
+ {
+ GVariant *pVariantString = g_value_get_variant (pValue);
+ const gchar *sValue = g_variant_get_string (pVariantString, NULL);
+ guint16 nValue = (guint16) g_ascii_strtoull (sValue, NULL, 10);
+ GVariant *pVariantInt = g_variant_new_uint16 (nValue);
+ GValue cValue = G_VALUE_INIT;
+ g_value_init (&cValue, G_TYPE_VARIANT);
+ g_value_set_variant (&cValue, pVariantInt);
+ return g_value_dup_variant (&cValue);
+ }
+ static void onColorTempState (GSimpleAction *pAction, GVariant *pVariant, gpointer pData)
+ {
+ g_simple_action_set_state (pAction, pVariant);
+ DisplayIndicator::Impl *pImpl = static_cast<DisplayIndicator::Impl*>(pData);
+ if (pImpl->bAutoSliderUpdate)
+ {
+ pImpl->bAutoSliderUpdate = FALSE;
+ return;
+ }
+ GVariant *pProfile = g_variant_new_uint16 (0);
+ g_settings_set_value (pImpl->m_settings, "color-temp-profile", pProfile);
+ guint16 nTemperature = (guint16) g_variant_get_double (pVariant);
+ GVariant *pTemperature = g_variant_new_uint16 (nTemperature);
+ g_settings_set_value (pImpl->m_settings, "color-temp", pTemperature);
+ }
+ /***
+ **** Actions
+ ***/
+ static gboolean settings_to_action_state(GValue *value,
+ GVariant *variant,
+ gpointer /*unused*/)
+ {
+ g_value_set_variant(value, variant);
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ static GVariant* action_state_to_settings(const GValue *value,
+ const GVariantType * /*expected_type*/,
+ gpointer /*unused*/)
+ {
+ return g_value_dup_variant(value);
+ }
+ GSimpleActionGroup* create_action_group()
+ {
+ GSimpleActionGroup* group;
+ GSimpleAction* action;
+ group = g_simple_action_group_new();
+ GVariantType *pVariantType = g_variant_type_new("b");
+ action = g_simple_action_new_stateful("rotation-lock",
+ pVariantType,
+ g_variant_new_boolean(false));
+ g_variant_type_free(pVariantType);
+ g_settings_bind_with_mapping(m_settings, "rotation-lock",
+ action, "state",
+ settings_to_action_state,
+ action_state_to_settings,
+ nullptr,
+ nullptr);
+ g_action_map_add_action(G_ACTION_MAP(group), G_ACTION(action));
+ g_object_unref(G_OBJECT(action));
+ g_signal_connect_swapped(m_settings, "changed::rotation-lock",
+ G_CALLBACK(on_rotation_lock_setting_changed), this);
+ if (ayatana_common_utils_is_lomiri() == FALSE)
+ {
+ pVariantType = g_variant_type_new ("d");
+ guint nTemperature = 0;
+ g_settings_get (this->m_settings, "color-temp", "q", &nTemperature);
+ action = g_simple_action_new_stateful ("color-temp", pVariantType, g_variant_new_double (nTemperature));
+ g_variant_type_free (pVariantType);
+ g_action_map_add_action (G_ACTION_MAP (group), G_ACTION (action));
+ g_signal_connect (m_settings, "changed::color-temp", G_CALLBACK (onColorTempSettings), this);
+ g_signal_connect (action, "change-state", G_CALLBACK (onColorTempState), this);
+ g_object_unref(G_OBJECT (action));
+ pVariantType = g_variant_type_new ("s");
+ guint nProfile = 0;
+ g_settings_get (this->m_settings, "color-temp-profile", "q", &nProfile);
+ gchar *sProfile = g_strdup_printf ("%i", nProfile);
+ action = g_simple_action_new_stateful ("profile", pVariantType, g_variant_new_string (sProfile));
+ g_free (sProfile);
+ g_variant_type_free (pVariantType);
+ g_settings_bind_with_mapping (this->m_settings, "color-temp-profile", action, "state", G_SETTINGS_BIND_DEFAULT, settingsIntToActionStateString, actionStateStringToSettingsInt, NULL, NULL);
+ g_action_map_add_action(G_ACTION_MAP(group), G_ACTION(action));
+ g_object_unref(G_OBJECT(action));
+ g_signal_connect_swapped (m_settings, "changed::color-temp-profile", G_CALLBACK (updateColor), this);
+ pVariantType = g_variant_type_new("d");
+ gdouble fBrightness = g_settings_get_double (this->m_settings, "brightness");
+ action = g_simple_action_new_stateful ("brightness", pVariantType, g_variant_new_double (fBrightness));
+ g_variant_type_free(pVariantType);
+ g_settings_bind_with_mapping (m_settings, "brightness", action, "state", G_SETTINGS_BIND_DEFAULT, settings_to_action_state, action_state_to_settings, NULL, NULL);
+ g_action_map_add_action (G_ACTION_MAP (group), G_ACTION (action));
+ g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (action));
+ g_signal_connect_swapped (m_settings, "changed::brightness", G_CALLBACK (updateColor), this);
+ if (!this->bGreeter)
+ {
+ pVariantType = g_variant_type_new ("s");
+ action = g_simple_action_new_stateful ("theme", pVariantType, g_variant_new_string ("light"));
+ g_variant_type_free (pVariantType);
+ g_settings_bind_with_mapping (this->m_settings, "theme-profile", action, "state", G_SETTINGS_BIND_DEFAULT, settings_to_action_state, action_state_to_settings, NULL, NULL);
+ g_action_map_add_action(G_ACTION_MAP(group), G_ACTION(action));
+ g_object_unref(G_OBJECT(action));
+ g_signal_connect_swapped (m_settings, "changed::theme-profile", G_CALLBACK (updateColor), this);
+ g_signal_connect_swapped (m_settings, "changed::light-theme", G_CALLBACK (updateColor), this);
+ g_signal_connect_swapped (m_settings, "changed::dark-theme", G_CALLBACK (updateColor), this);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!this->bGreeter)
+ {
+ action = g_simple_action_new ("settings", NULL);
+ g_action_map_add_action (G_ACTION_MAP (group), G_ACTION (action));
+ g_signal_connect (action, "activate", G_CALLBACK (onSettings), this);
+ g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (action));
+ }
+ return group;
+ }
+ /***
+ **** Phone profile
+ ***/
+ static void on_rotation_lock_setting_changed (gpointer gself)
+ {
+ static_cast<Impl*>(gself)->update_phone_header();
+ }
+ GMenuModel* create_phone_menu()
+ {
+ GMenu* menu;
+ GMenu* section;
+ GMenuItem* menu_item;
+ menu = g_menu_new();
+ section = g_menu_new();
+ menu_item = g_menu_item_new(_("Rotation Lock"), "indicator.rotation-lock(true)");
+ g_menu_item_set_attribute(menu_item, "x-ayatana-type", "s", "org.ayatana.indicator.switch");
+ g_menu_append_item(section, menu_item);
+ g_menu_append_section(menu, NULL, G_MENU_MODEL(section));
+ g_object_unref(section);
+ g_object_unref(menu_item);
+ return G_MENU_MODEL(menu);
+ }
+ static void onSettings (GSimpleAction *pAction, GVariant *pVariant, gpointer pData)
+ {
+ if (ayatana_common_utils_is_mate ())
+ {
+ ayatana_common_utils_execute_command ("mate-display-properties");
+ }
+ else if (ayatana_common_utils_is_xfce ())
+ {
+ ayatana_common_utils_execute_command ("xfce4-display-settings");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ayatana_common_utils_execute_command ("gnome-control-center display");
+ }
+ }
+ GMenuModel* create_desktop_menu()
+ {
+ GMenu* menu;
+ GMenu* section;
+ GMenuItem* menu_item;
+ menu = g_menu_new();
+ if (ayatana_common_utils_is_lomiri())
+ {
+ section = g_menu_new();
+ menu_item = g_menu_item_new(_("Rotation Lock"), "indicator.rotation-lock(true)");
+ g_menu_item_set_attribute(menu_item, "x-ayatana-type", "s", "org.ayatana.indicator.switch");
+ g_menu_append_item(section, menu_item);
+ g_menu_append_section(menu, NULL, G_MENU_MODEL(section));
+ g_object_unref(section);
+ g_object_unref(menu_item);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ section = g_menu_new ();
+ GIcon *pIconMin = g_themed_icon_new_with_default_fallbacks ("ayatana-indicator-display-brightness-low");
+ GIcon *pIconMax = g_themed_icon_new_with_default_fallbacks ("ayatana-indicator-display-brightness-high");
+ GVariant *pIconMinSerialised = g_icon_serialize (pIconMin);
+ GVariant *pIconMaxSerialised = g_icon_serialize (pIconMax);
+ menu_item = g_menu_item_new (_("Brightness"), "indicator.brightness");
+ g_menu_item_set_attribute (menu_item, "x-ayatana-type", "s", "org.ayatana.indicator.slider");
+ g_menu_item_set_attribute (menu_item, "x-ayatana-type", "s", "org.ayatana.indicator.slider");
+ g_menu_item_set_attribute_value (menu_item, "min-icon", pIconMinSerialised);
+ g_menu_item_set_attribute_value (menu_item, "max-icon", pIconMaxSerialised);
+ g_menu_item_set_attribute (menu_item, "min-value", "d", 0.5);
+ g_menu_item_set_attribute (menu_item, "max-value", "d", 1.0);
+ g_menu_item_set_attribute (menu_item, "step", "d", 0.01);
+ g_menu_item_set_attribute (menu_item, "digits", "y", 2);
+ g_menu_append_item (section, menu_item);
+ pIconMin = g_themed_icon_new_with_default_fallbacks ("ayatana-indicator-display-colortemp-on");
+ pIconMax = g_themed_icon_new_with_default_fallbacks ("ayatana-indicator-display-colortemp-off");
+ pIconMinSerialised = g_icon_serialize (pIconMin);
+ pIconMaxSerialised = g_icon_serialize (pIconMax);
+ menu_item = g_menu_item_new (_("Color temperature"), "indicator.color-temp");
+ g_menu_item_set_attribute (menu_item, "x-ayatana-type", "s", "org.ayatana.indicator.slider");
+ g_menu_item_set_attribute (menu_item, "x-ayatana-type", "s", "org.ayatana.indicator.slider");
+ g_menu_item_set_attribute_value (menu_item, "min-icon", pIconMinSerialised);
+ g_menu_item_set_attribute_value (menu_item, "max-icon", pIconMaxSerialised);
+ g_menu_item_set_attribute (menu_item, "min-value", "d", 3000.0);
+ g_menu_item_set_attribute (menu_item, "max-value", "d", 6500.0);
+ g_menu_item_set_attribute (menu_item, "step", "d", 100.0);
+ g_menu_item_set_attribute (menu_item, "digits", "y", 0);
+ g_menu_append_item (section, menu_item);
+ GMenu *pMenuProfiles = g_menu_new ();
+ GMenuItem *pItemProfiles = g_menu_item_new_submenu (_("Color temperature profile"), G_MENU_MODEL (pMenuProfiles));
+ guint nProfile = 0;
+ while (m_lTempProfiles[nProfile].sName != NULL)
+ {
+ gchar *sAction = g_strdup_printf ("indicator.profile::%u", nProfile);
+ gchar *sName = gettext (m_lTempProfiles[nProfile].sName);
+ GMenuItem *pItemProfile = g_menu_item_new (sName, sAction);
+ g_free(sAction);
+ g_menu_append_item (pMenuProfiles, pItemProfile);
+ g_object_unref (pItemProfile);
+ nProfile++;
+ }
+ g_menu_append_item (section, pItemProfiles);
+ g_object_unref (pItemProfiles);
+ g_object_unref (pMenuProfiles);
+ g_menu_append_section (menu, NULL, G_MENU_MODEL (section));
+ g_object_unref (pIconMin);
+ g_object_unref (pIconMax);
+ g_variant_unref (pIconMinSerialised);
+ g_variant_unref (pIconMaxSerialised);
+ g_object_unref (section);
+ g_object_unref (menu_item);
+ if (!this->bGreeter)
+ {
+ section = g_menu_new ();
+ pMenuProfiles = g_menu_new ();
+ pItemProfiles = g_menu_item_new_submenu (_("Theme profile"), G_MENU_MODEL (pMenuProfiles));
+ GMenuItem *pItemProfile = g_menu_item_new (_("Light"), "indicator.theme::light");
+ g_menu_append_item (pMenuProfiles, pItemProfile);
+ g_object_unref (pItemProfile);
+ pItemProfile = g_menu_item_new (_("Dark"), "indicator.theme::dark");
+ g_menu_append_item (pMenuProfiles, pItemProfile);
+ g_object_unref (pItemProfile);
+ pItemProfile = g_menu_item_new (_("Adaptive"), "indicator.theme::adaptive");
+ g_menu_append_item (pMenuProfiles, pItemProfile);
+ g_object_unref (pItemProfile);
+ g_menu_append_item (section, pItemProfiles);
+ g_object_unref (pItemProfiles);
+ g_object_unref (pMenuProfiles);
+ g_menu_append_section (menu, NULL, G_MENU_MODEL (section));
+ g_object_unref (section);
+ }
+ // cppcheck fails on !this->bGreeter
+ if (this->bGreeter == FALSE)
+ {
+ section = g_menu_new ();
+ menu_item = g_menu_item_new (_("Display settingsā€¦"), "indicator.settings");
+ g_menu_append_item (section, menu_item);
+ g_menu_append_section (menu, NULL, G_MENU_MODEL (section));
+ g_object_unref (section);
+ g_object_unref (menu_item);
+ }
+ }
+ return G_MENU_MODEL(menu);
+ }
+ void update_phone_header()
+ {
+ Header h;
+ h.title = _("Rotation");
+ h.tooltip = h.title;
+ h.a11y = h.title;
+ h.is_visible = g_settings_get_boolean(m_settings, "rotation-lock");
+ h.icon = m_icon;
+ m_phone->header().set(h);
+ }
+ void update_desktop_header()
+ {
+ Header h;
+ h.title = _("Display");
+ h.tooltip = _("Display settings and features");
+ h.a11y = h.title;
+ h.is_visible = TRUE;
+ h.icon = m_icon;
+ m_desktop->header().set(h);
+ }
+ /***
+ ****
+ ***/
+ GSettings* m_settings = nullptr;
+ GSimpleActionGroup* m_action_group = nullptr;
+ std::shared_ptr<SimpleProfile> m_phone;
+ std::shared_ptr<SimpleProfile> m_desktop;
+ std::shared_ptr<GIcon> m_icon;
+ gboolean bGreeter;
+ gdouble fLatitude = 0.0;
+ gdouble fLongitude = 0.0;
+ gboolean bAutoSliderUpdate = FALSE;
+ guint nCallback = 0;
+ gdouble fLastBrightness = 0.0;
+ guint nLasColorTemp = 0;
+ gchar *sLastTheme = NULL;
+ const gchar *sLastColorScheme = "default";
+ GSettings *pThemeSettings = NULL;
+ GSettings *pCursorSettings = NULL;
+ GSettings *pMetacitySettings = NULL;
+ GSettings *pColorSchemeSettings = NULL;
+ gboolean bTest;
+ guint nGreeterSubscription = 0;
+ GDBusConnection *pConnection = NULL;
+ gchar *sUser = NULL;
+ GSList *lUsers = NULL;
+ gboolean bReadingAccountsService = FALSE;
+ GDBusConnection *pAccountsServiceConnection = NULL;
+ impl(new Impl())
+DisplayIndicator::profiles() const
+ return impl->profiles();
+DisplayIndicator::action_group() const
+ return impl->action_group();
+const char*
+DisplayIndicator::name() const
+ return "display";