path: root/tests/notifications-mock.h
diff options
authorRobert Tari <robert@tari.in>2020-08-11 12:20:04 +0200
committerMike Gabriel <mike.gabriel@das-netzwerkteam.de>2020-08-11 21:29:33 +0200
commit11ea05685763cd7a233b56e11cd231c7774f69e1 (patch)
treea5277807f5f415486fb0134dc994e32dd268734d /tests/notifications-mock.h
parenta3bc5a97496f357c47ddf069bd8c67af9143d2bf (diff)
Replace x-canonical attributes
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/notifications-mock.h')
1 files changed, 126 insertions, 126 deletions
diff --git a/tests/notifications-mock.h b/tests/notifications-mock.h
index 3cd8570..f05ffe4 100644
--- a/tests/notifications-mock.h
+++ b/tests/notifications-mock.h
@@ -26,130 +26,130 @@
class NotificationsMock
- DbusTestDbusMock * mock = nullptr;
- DbusTestDbusMockObject * baseobj = nullptr;
- public:
- NotificationsMock (std::vector<std::string> capabilities = {"actions", "body", "body-markup", "icon-static", "image/svg+xml", "x-canonical-private-synchronous", "x-canonical-append", "x-canonical-private-icon-only", "x-canonical-truncation", "private-synchronous", "append", "private-icon-only", "truncation"}) {
- mock = dbus_test_dbus_mock_new("org.freedesktop.Notifications");
- dbus_test_task_set_bus(DBUS_TEST_TASK(mock), DBUS_TEST_SERVICE_BUS_SESSION);
- dbus_test_task_set_name(DBUS_TEST_TASK(mock), "Notify");
- baseobj =dbus_test_dbus_mock_get_object(mock, "/org/freedesktop/Notifications", "org.freedesktop.Notifications", nullptr);
- std::string capspython("ret = ");
- capspython += vector2py(capabilities);
- dbus_test_dbus_mock_object_add_method(mock, baseobj,
- "GetCapabilities", nullptr, G_VARIANT_TYPE("as"),
- capspython.c_str(), nullptr);
- dbus_test_dbus_mock_object_add_method(mock, baseobj,
- "GetServerInformation", nullptr, G_VARIANT_TYPE("(ssss)"),
- "ret = ['notification-mock', 'Testing harness', '1.0', '1.1']", nullptr);
- dbus_test_dbus_mock_object_add_method(mock, baseobj,
- "Notify", G_VARIANT_TYPE("(susssasa{sv}i)"), G_VARIANT_TYPE("u"),
- "ret = 10", nullptr);
- dbus_test_dbus_mock_object_add_method(mock, baseobj,
- "CloseNotification", G_VARIANT_TYPE("u"), nullptr,
- "", nullptr);
- }
- ~NotificationsMock () {
- g_debug("Destroying the Notifications Mock");
- g_clear_object(&mock);
- }
- std::string vector2py (std::vector<std::string> vect) {
- std::string retval("[ ");
- std::for_each(vect.begin(), vect.end() - 1, [&retval](std::string entry) {
- retval += "'";
- retval += entry;
- retval += "', ";
- });
- retval += "'";
- retval += *(vect.end() - 1);
- retval += "']";
- return retval;
- }
- operator std::shared_ptr<DbusTestTask> () {
- std::shared_ptr<DbusTestTask> retval(DBUS_TEST_TASK(g_object_ref(mock)), [](DbusTestTask * task) { g_clear_object(&task); });
- return retval;
- }
- operator DbusTestTask* () {
- return DBUS_TEST_TASK(mock);
- }
- operator DbusTestDbusMock* () {
- return mock;
- }
- struct Notification {
- std::string app_name;
- unsigned int replace_id;
- std::string app_icon;
- std::string summary;
- std::string body;
- std::vector<std::string> actions;
- std::map<std::string, std::shared_ptr<GVariant>> hints;
- int timeout;
- };
- std::shared_ptr<GVariant> childGet (GVariant * tuple, gsize index) {
- return std::shared_ptr<GVariant>(g_variant_get_child_value(tuple, index),
- [](GVariant * v){ if (v != nullptr) g_variant_unref(v); });
- }
- std::vector<Notification> getNotifications (void) {
- std::vector<Notification> notifications;
- unsigned int cnt, i;
- auto calls = dbus_test_dbus_mock_object_get_method_calls(mock, baseobj, "Notify", &cnt, nullptr);
- for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++) {
- auto call = calls[i];
- Notification notification;
- notification.app_name = g_variant_get_string(childGet(call.params, 0).get(), nullptr);
- notification.replace_id = g_variant_get_uint32(childGet(call.params, 1).get());
- notification.app_icon = g_variant_get_string(childGet(call.params, 2).get(), nullptr);
- notification.summary = g_variant_get_string(childGet(call.params, 3).get(), nullptr);
- notification.body = g_variant_get_string(childGet(call.params, 4).get(), nullptr);
- notification.timeout = g_variant_get_int32(childGet(call.params, 7).get());
- auto vactions = childGet(call.params, 5);
- GVariantIter iactions = {0};
- g_variant_iter_init(&iactions, vactions.get());
- const gchar * action = nullptr;
- while (g_variant_iter_loop(&iactions, "&s", &action)) {
- std::string saction(action);
- notification.actions.push_back(saction);
- }
- auto vhints = childGet(call.params, 6);
- GVariantIter ihints = {0};
- g_variant_iter_init(&ihints, vhints.get());
- const gchar * hint_key = nullptr;
- GVariant * hint_value = nullptr;
- while (g_variant_iter_loop(&ihints, "{&sv}", &hint_key, &hint_value)) {
- std::string key(hint_key);
- std::shared_ptr<GVariant> value(g_variant_ref(hint_value), [](GVariant * v){ if (v != nullptr) g_variant_unref(v); });
- notification.hints[key] = value;
- }
- notifications.push_back(notification);
- }
- return notifications;
- }
- bool clearNotifications (void) {
- return dbus_test_dbus_mock_object_clear_method_calls(mock, baseobj, nullptr);
- }
+ DbusTestDbusMock * mock = nullptr;
+ DbusTestDbusMockObject * baseobj = nullptr;
+ public:
+ NotificationsMock (std::vector<std::string> capabilities = {"actions", "body", "body-markup", "icon-static", "image/svg+xml", "x-canonical-private-synchronous", "x-canonical-append", "x-canonical-private-icon-only", "x-canonical-truncation", "private-synchronous", "append", "private-icon-only", "truncation"}) {
+ mock = dbus_test_dbus_mock_new("org.freedesktop.Notifications");
+ dbus_test_task_set_bus(DBUS_TEST_TASK(mock), DBUS_TEST_SERVICE_BUS_SESSION);
+ dbus_test_task_set_name(DBUS_TEST_TASK(mock), "Notify");
+ baseobj =dbus_test_dbus_mock_get_object(mock, "/org/freedesktop/Notifications", "org.freedesktop.Notifications", nullptr);
+ std::string capspython("ret = ");
+ capspython += vector2py(capabilities);
+ dbus_test_dbus_mock_object_add_method(mock, baseobj,
+ "GetCapabilities", nullptr, G_VARIANT_TYPE("as"),
+ capspython.c_str(), nullptr);
+ dbus_test_dbus_mock_object_add_method(mock, baseobj,
+ "GetServerInformation", nullptr, G_VARIANT_TYPE("(ssss)"),
+ "ret = ['notification-mock', 'Testing harness', '1.0', '1.1']", nullptr);
+ dbus_test_dbus_mock_object_add_method(mock, baseobj,
+ "Notify", G_VARIANT_TYPE("(susssasa{sv}i)"), G_VARIANT_TYPE("u"),
+ "ret = 10", nullptr);
+ dbus_test_dbus_mock_object_add_method(mock, baseobj,
+ "CloseNotification", G_VARIANT_TYPE("u"), nullptr,
+ "", nullptr);
+ }
+ ~NotificationsMock () {
+ g_debug("Destroying the Notifications Mock");
+ g_clear_object(&mock);
+ }
+ std::string vector2py (std::vector<std::string> vect) {
+ std::string retval("[ ");
+ std::for_each(vect.begin(), vect.end() - 1, [&retval](std::string entry) {
+ retval += "'";
+ retval += entry;
+ retval += "', ";
+ });
+ retval += "'";
+ retval += *(vect.end() - 1);
+ retval += "']";
+ return retval;
+ }
+ operator std::shared_ptr<DbusTestTask> () {
+ std::shared_ptr<DbusTestTask> retval(DBUS_TEST_TASK(g_object_ref(mock)), [](DbusTestTask * task) { g_clear_object(&task); });
+ return retval;
+ }
+ operator DbusTestTask* () {
+ return DBUS_TEST_TASK(mock);
+ }
+ operator DbusTestDbusMock* () {
+ return mock;
+ }
+ struct Notification {
+ std::string app_name;
+ unsigned int replace_id;
+ std::string app_icon;
+ std::string summary;
+ std::string body;
+ std::vector<std::string> actions;
+ std::map<std::string, std::shared_ptr<GVariant>> hints;
+ int timeout;
+ };
+ std::shared_ptr<GVariant> childGet (GVariant * tuple, gsize index) {
+ return std::shared_ptr<GVariant>(g_variant_get_child_value(tuple, index),
+ [](GVariant * v){ if (v != nullptr) g_variant_unref(v); });
+ }
+ std::vector<Notification> getNotifications (void) {
+ std::vector<Notification> notifications;
+ unsigned int cnt, i;
+ auto calls = dbus_test_dbus_mock_object_get_method_calls(mock, baseobj, "Notify", &cnt, nullptr);
+ for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++) {
+ auto call = calls[i];
+ Notification notification;
+ notification.app_name = g_variant_get_string(childGet(call.params, 0).get(), nullptr);
+ notification.replace_id = g_variant_get_uint32(childGet(call.params, 1).get());
+ notification.app_icon = g_variant_get_string(childGet(call.params, 2).get(), nullptr);
+ notification.summary = g_variant_get_string(childGet(call.params, 3).get(), nullptr);
+ notification.body = g_variant_get_string(childGet(call.params, 4).get(), nullptr);
+ notification.timeout = g_variant_get_int32(childGet(call.params, 7).get());
+ auto vactions = childGet(call.params, 5);
+ GVariantIter iactions = {0};
+ g_variant_iter_init(&iactions, vactions.get());
+ const gchar * action = nullptr;
+ while (g_variant_iter_loop(&iactions, "&s", &action)) {
+ std::string saction(action);
+ notification.actions.push_back(saction);
+ }
+ auto vhints = childGet(call.params, 6);
+ GVariantIter ihints = {0};
+ g_variant_iter_init(&ihints, vhints.get());
+ const gchar * hint_key = nullptr;
+ GVariant * hint_value = nullptr;
+ while (g_variant_iter_loop(&ihints, "{&sv}", &hint_key, &hint_value)) {
+ std::string key(hint_key);
+ std::shared_ptr<GVariant> value(g_variant_ref(hint_value), [](GVariant * v){ if (v != nullptr) g_variant_unref(v); });
+ notification.hints[key] = value;
+ }
+ notifications.push_back(notification);
+ }
+ return notifications;
+ }
+ bool clearNotifications (void) {
+ return dbus_test_dbus_mock_object_clear_method_calls(mock, baseobj, nullptr);
+ }