path: root/ayatanawebmail/imaplib2.py
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authorRobert Tari <robert@tari.in>2020-08-17 17:40:59 +0200
committerRobert Tari <robert@tari.in>2020-08-17 17:40:59 +0200
commit711050055339f6a14f0c3da4d3d28f707b97a102 (patch)
tree7c69fbc7809bc1592bab47c811c6d9e4ddf964da /ayatanawebmail/imaplib2.py
Initial port from Unity Mail
Diffstat (limited to 'ayatanawebmail/imaplib2.py')
1 files changed, 2618 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ayatanawebmail/imaplib2.py b/ayatanawebmail/imaplib2.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..056acb6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ayatanawebmail/imaplib2.py
@@ -0,0 +1,2618 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+"""Threaded IMAP4 client for Python 3.
+Based on RFC 3501 and original imaplib module.
+Public classes: IMAP4
+ IMAP4_stream
+Public functions: Internaldate2Time
+ ParseFlags
+ Time2Internaldate
+__all__ = ("IMAP4", "IMAP4_SSL", "IMAP4_stream",
+ "Internaldate2Time", "ParseFlags", "Time2Internaldate",
+ "Mon2num", "MonthNames", "InternalDate")
+__version__ = "3.05"
+__release__ = "3"
+__revision__ = "05"
+__credits__ = """
+Authentication code contributed by Donn Cave <donn@u.washington.edu> June 1998.
+String method conversion by ESR, February 2001.
+GET/SETACL contributed by Anthony Baxter <anthony@interlink.com.au> April 2001.
+IMAP4_SSL contributed by Tino Lange <Tino.Lange@isg.de> March 2002.
+GET/SETQUOTA contributed by Andreas Zeidler <az@kreativkombinat.de> June 2002.
+PROXYAUTH contributed by Rick Holbert <holbert.13@osu.edu> November 2002.
+IDLE via threads suggested by Philippe Normand <phil@respyre.org> January 2005.
+GET/SETANNOTATION contributed by Tomas Lindroos <skitta@abo.fi> June 2005.
+COMPRESS/DEFLATE contributed by Bron Gondwana <brong@brong.net> May 2009.
+STARTTLS from Jython's imaplib by Alan Kennedy.
+ID contributed by Dave Baggett <dave@baggett.org> November 2009.
+Improved untagged responses handling suggested by Dave Baggett <dave@baggett.org> November 2009.
+Improved thread naming, and 0 read detection contributed by Grant Edwards <grant.b.edwards@gmail.com> June 2010.
+Improved timeout handling contributed by Ivan Vovnenko <ivovnenko@gmail.com> October 2010.
+Timeout handling further improved by Ethan Glasser-Camp <glasse@cs.rpi.edu> December 2010.
+Time2Internaldate() patch to match RFC2060 specification of English month names from bugs.python.org/issue11024 March 2011.
+starttls() bug fixed with the help of Sebastian Spaeth <sebastian@sspaeth.de> April 2011.
+Threads now set the "daemon" flag (suggested by offlineimap-project) April 2011.
+Single quoting introduced with the help of Vladimir Marek <vladimir.marek@oracle.com> August 2011.
+Support for specifying SSL version by Ryan Kavanagh <rak@debian.org> July 2013.
+Fix for gmail "read 0" error provided by Jim Greenleaf <james.a.greenleaf@gmail.com> August 2013.
+Fix for offlineimap "indexerror: string index out of range" bug provided by Eygene Ryabinkin <rea@codelabs.ru> August 2013.
+Fix for missing idle_lock in _handler() provided by Franklin Brook <franklin@brook.se> August 2014.
+Conversion to Python3 provided by F. Malina <fmalina@gmail.com> February 2015.
+Fix for READ-ONLY error from multiple EXAMINE/SELECT calls by Pierre-Louis Bonicoli <pierre-louis.bonicoli@gmx.fr> March 2015.
+Fix for null strings appended to untagged responses by Pierre-Louis Bonicoli <pierre-louis.bonicoli@gmx.fr> March 2015.
+Fix for correct byte encoding for _CRAM_MD5_AUTH taken from python3.5 imaplib.py June 2015.
+Fix for correct Python 3 exception handling by Tobias Brink <tobias.brink@gmail.com> August 2015.
+Fix to allow interruptible IDLE command by Tim Peoples <dromedary512@users.sf.net> September 2015.
+Add support for TLS levels by Ben Boeckel <mathstuf@gmail.com> September 2015.
+Fix for shutown exception by Sebastien Gross <seb@chezwam.org> November 2015."""
+__author__ = "Piers Lauder <piers@janeelix.com>"
+__URL__ = "http://imaplib2.sourceforge.net"
+__license__ = "Python License"
+import binascii, calendar, errno, os, queue, random, re, select, socket, sys, time, threading, zlib
+select_module = select
+# Globals
+CRLF = b'\r\n'
+IMAP4_PORT = 143
+IDLE_TIMEOUT = 60*29 # Don't stay in IDLE state longer
+READ_POLL_TIMEOUT = 30 # Without this timeout interrupted network connections can hang reader
+READ_SIZE = 32768 # Consume all available in socket
+DFLT_DEBUG_BUF_LVL = 3 # Level above which the logging output goes directly to stderr
+TLS_SECURE = "tls_secure" # Recognised TLS levels
+TLS_NO_SSL = "tls_no_ssl"
+TLS_COMPAT = "tls_compat"
+AllowedVersions = ('IMAP4REV1', 'IMAP4') # Most recent first
+# Commands
+Commands = {
+ # name valid states asynchronous
+ 'APPEND': ((AUTH, SELECTED), False),
+ 'CHECK': ((SELECTED,), True),
+ 'CLOSE': ((SELECTED,), False),
+ 'COMPRESS': ((AUTH,), False),
+ 'COPY': ((SELECTED,), True),
+ 'ENABLE': ((AUTH,), False),
+ 'EXPUNGE': ((SELECTED,), True),
+ 'FETCH': ((SELECTED,), True),
+ 'IDLE': ((SELECTED,), False),
+ 'LIST': ((AUTH, SELECTED), True),
+ 'LOGIN': ((NONAUTH,), False),
+ 'LSUB': ((AUTH, SELECTED), True),
+ 'PARTIAL': ((SELECTED,), True),
+ 'PROXYAUTH': ((AUTH,), False),
+ 'SEARCH': ((SELECTED,), True),
+ 'SELECT': ((AUTH, SELECTED), False),
+ 'SETACL': ((AUTH, SELECTED), False),
+ 'SORT': ((SELECTED,), True),
+ 'STARTTLS': ((NONAUTH,), False),
+ 'STORE': ((SELECTED,), True),
+ 'THREAD': ((SELECTED,), True),
+ 'UID': ((SELECTED,), True),
+ }
+UID_direct = ('SEARCH', 'SORT', 'THREAD')
+def Int2AP(num):
+ """string = Int2AP(num)
+ Return 'num' converted to bytes using characters from the set 'A'..'P'
+ """
+ val = b''; AP = b'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP'
+ num = int(abs(num))
+ while num:
+ num, mod = divmod(num, 16)
+ val = AP[mod:mod+1] + val
+ return val
+class Request(object):
+ """Private class to represent a request awaiting response."""
+ def __init__(self, parent, name=None, callback=None, cb_arg=None, cb_self=False):
+ self.parent = parent
+ self.name = name
+ self.callback = callback # Function called to process result
+ if not cb_self:
+ self.callback_arg = cb_arg # Optional arg passed to "callback"
+ else:
+ self.callback_arg = (self, cb_arg) # Self reference required in callback arg
+ self.tag = parent.tagpre + bytes(str(parent.tagnum), 'ASCII')
+ parent.tagnum += 1
+ self.ready = threading.Event()
+ self.response = None
+ self.aborted = None
+ self.data = None
+ def abort(self, typ, val):
+ self.aborted = (typ, val)
+ self.deliver(None)
+ def get_response(self, exc_fmt=None):
+ self.callback = None
+ if __debug__: self.parent._log(3, '%s:%s.ready.wait' % (self.name, self.tag))
+ self.ready.wait()
+ if self.aborted is not None:
+ typ, val = self.aborted
+ if exc_fmt is None:
+ exc_fmt = '%s - %%s' % typ
+ raise typ(exc_fmt % str(val))
+ return self.response
+ def deliver(self, response):
+ if self.callback is not None:
+ self.callback((response, self.callback_arg, self.aborted))
+ return
+ self.response = response
+ self.ready.set()
+ if __debug__: self.parent._log(3, '%s:%s.ready.set' % (self.name, self.tag))
+class IMAP4(object):
+ """Threaded IMAP4 client class.
+ Instantiate with:
+ IMAP4(host=None, port=None, debug=None, debug_file=None, identifier=None, timeout=None, debug_buf_lvl=None)
+ host - host's name (default: localhost);
+ port - port number (default: standard IMAP4 port);
+ debug - debug level (default: 0 - no debug);
+ debug_file - debug stream (default: sys.stderr);
+ identifier - thread identifier prefix (default: host);
+ timeout - timeout in seconds when expecting a command response (default: no timeout),
+ debug_buf_lvl - debug level at which buffering is turned off.
+ All IMAP4rev1 commands are supported by methods of the same name.
+ Each command returns a tuple: (type, [data, ...]) where 'type'
+ is usually 'OK' or 'NO', and 'data' is either the text from the
+ tagged response, or untagged results from command. Each 'data' is
+ either a string, or a tuple. If a tuple, then the first part is the
+ header of the response, and the second part contains the data (ie:
+ 'literal' value).
+ Errors raise the exception class <instance>.error("<reason>").
+ IMAP4 server errors raise <instance>.abort("<reason>"), which is
+ a sub-class of 'error'. Mailbox status changes from READ-WRITE to
+ READ-ONLY raise the exception class <instance>.readonly("<reason>"),
+ which is a sub-class of 'abort'.
+ "error" exceptions imply a program error.
+ "abort" exceptions imply the connection should be reset, and
+ the command re-tried.
+ "readonly" exceptions imply the command should be re-tried.
+ All commands take two optional named arguments:
+ 'callback' and 'cb_arg'
+ If 'callback' is provided then the command is asynchronous, so after
+ the command is queued for transmission, the call returns immediately
+ with the tuple (None, None).
+ The result will be posted by invoking "callback" with one arg, a tuple:
+ callback((result, cb_arg, None))
+ or, if there was a problem:
+ callback((None, cb_arg, (exception class, reason)))
+ Otherwise the command is synchronous (waits for result). But note
+ that state-changing commands will both block until previous commands
+ have completed, and block subsequent commands until they have finished.
+ All (non-callback) string arguments to commands are converted to bytes,
+ except for AUTHENTICATE, and the last argument to APPEND which is
+ passed as an IMAP4 literal. NB: the 'password' argument to the LOGIN
+ command is always quoted.
+ There is one instance variable, 'state', that is useful for tracking
+ whether the client needs to login to the server. If it has the
+ value "AUTH" after instantiating the class, then the connection
+ is pre-authenticated (otherwise it will be "NONAUTH"). Selecting a
+ mailbox changes the state to be "SELECTED", closing a mailbox changes
+ back to "AUTH", and once the client has logged out, the state changes
+ to "LOGOUT" and no further commands may be issued.
+ Note: to use this module, you must read the RFCs pertaining to the
+ IMAP4 protocol, as the semantics of the arguments to each IMAP4
+ command are left to the invoker, not to mention the results. Also,
+ most IMAP servers implement a sub-set of the commands available here.
+ Note also that you must call logout() to shut down threads before
+ discarding an instance.
+ """
+ class error(Exception): pass # Logical errors - debug required
+ class abort(error): pass # Service errors - close and retry
+ class readonly(abort): pass # Mailbox status changed to READ-ONLY
+ # These must be encoded according to utf8 setting in _mode_xxx():
+ _literal = br'.*{(?P<size>\d+)}$'
+ _untagged_status = br'\* (?P<data>\d+) (?P<type>[A-Z-]+)( (?P<data2>.*))?'
+ continuation_cre = re.compile(br'\+( (?P<data>.*))?')
+ mapCRLF_cre = re.compile(br'\r\n|\r|\n')
+ response_code_cre = re.compile(br'\[(?P<type>[A-Z-]+)( (?P<data>[^\]]*))?\]')
+ untagged_response_cre = re.compile(br'\* (?P<type>[A-Z-]+)( (?P<data>.*))?')
+ def __init__(self, host=None, port=None, debug=None, debug_file=None, identifier=None, timeout=None, debug_buf_lvl=None):
+ self.state = NONAUTH # IMAP4 protocol state
+ self.literal = None # A literal argument to a command
+ self.tagged_commands = {} # Tagged commands awaiting response
+ self.untagged_responses = [] # [[typ: [data, ...]], ...]
+ self.mailbox = None # Current mailbox selected
+ self.is_readonly = False # READ-ONLY desired state
+ self.idle_rqb = None # Server IDLE Request - see _IdleCont
+ self.idle_timeout = None # Must prod server occasionally
+ self._expecting_data = False # Expecting message data
+ self._expecting_data_len = 0 # How many characters we expect
+ self._accumulated_data = [] # Message data accumulated so far
+ self._literal_expected = None # Message data descriptor
+ self.compressor = None # COMPRESS/DEFLATE if not None
+ self.decompressor = None
+ self._tls_established = False
+ # Create unique tag for this session,
+ # and compile tagged response matcher.
+ self.tagnum = 0
+ self.tagpre = Int2AP(random.randint(4096, 65535))
+ self.tagre = re.compile(br'(?P<tag>'
+ + self.tagpre
+ + br'\d+) (?P<type>[A-Z]+) (?P<data>.*)', re.ASCII)
+ self._mode_ascii()
+ if __debug__: self._init_debug(debug, debug_file, debug_buf_lvl)
+ self.resp_timeout = timeout # Timeout waiting for command response
+ if timeout is not None and timeout < READ_POLL_TIMEOUT:
+ self.read_poll_timeout = timeout
+ else:
+ self.read_poll_timeout = READ_POLL_TIMEOUT
+ self.read_size = READ_SIZE
+ # Open socket to server.
+ self.open(host, port)
+ if __debug__:
+ if debug:
+ self._mesg('connected to %s on port %s' % (self.host, self.port))
+ # Threading
+ if identifier is not None:
+ self.identifier = identifier
+ else:
+ self.identifier = self.host
+ if self.identifier:
+ self.identifier += ' '
+ self.Terminate = self.TerminateReader = False
+ self.state_change_free = threading.Event()
+ self.state_change_pending = threading.Lock()
+ self.commands_lock = threading.Lock()
+ self.idle_lock = threading.Lock()
+ self.ouq = queue.Queue(10)
+ self.inq = queue.Queue()
+ self.wrth = threading.Thread(target=self._writer)
+ self.wrth.setDaemon(True)
+ self.wrth.start()
+ self.rdth = threading.Thread(target=self._reader)
+ self.rdth.setDaemon(True)
+ self.rdth.start()
+ self.inth = threading.Thread(target=self._handler)
+ self.inth.setDaemon(True)
+ self.inth.start()
+ # Get server welcome message,
+ # request and store CAPABILITY response.
+ try:
+ self.welcome = self._request_push(name='welcome', tag='continuation').get_response('IMAP4 protocol error: %s')[1]
+ if self._get_untagged_response('PREAUTH'):
+ self.state = AUTH
+ if __debug__: self._log(1, 'state => AUTH')
+ elif self._get_untagged_response('OK'):
+ if __debug__: self._log(1, 'state => NONAUTH')
+ else:
+ raise self.error('unrecognised server welcome message: %s' % repr(self.welcome))
+ self._get_capabilities()
+ if __debug__: self._log(1, 'CAPABILITY: %r' % (self.capabilities,))
+ for version in AllowedVersions:
+ if not version in self.capabilities:
+ continue
+ self.PROTOCOL_VERSION = version
+ break
+ else:
+ raise self.error('server not IMAP4 compliant')
+ except:
+ self._close_threads()
+ raise
+ def __getattr__(self, attr):
+ # Allow UPPERCASE variants of IMAP4 command methods.
+ if attr in Commands:
+ return getattr(self, attr.lower())
+ raise AttributeError("Unknown IMAP4 command: '%s'" % attr)
+ def __enter__(self):
+ return self
+ def __exit__(self, *args):
+ try:
+ self.logout()
+ except OSError:
+ pass
+ def _mode_ascii(self):
+ self.utf8_enabled = False
+ self._encoding = 'ascii'
+ self.literal_cre = re.compile(self._literal, re.ASCII)
+ self.untagged_status_cre = re.compile(self._untagged_status, re.ASCII)
+ def _mode_utf8(self):
+ self.utf8_enabled = True
+ self._encoding = 'utf-8'
+ self.literal_cre = re.compile(self._literal)
+ self.untagged_status_cre = re.compile(self._untagged_status)
+ # Overridable methods
+ def open(self, host=None, port=None):
+ """open(host=None, port=None)
+ Setup connection to remote server on "host:port"
+ (default: localhost:standard IMAP4 port).
+ This connection will be used by the routines:
+ read, send, shutdown, socket."""
+ self.host = self._choose_nonull_or_dflt('', host)
+ self.port = self._choose_nonull_or_dflt(IMAP4_PORT, port)
+ self.sock = self.open_socket()
+ self.read_fd = self.sock.fileno()
+ def open_socket(self):
+ """open_socket()
+ Open socket choosing first address family available."""
+ return socket.create_connection((self.host, self.port))
+ def ssl_wrap_socket(self):
+ try:
+ import ssl
+ TLS_MAP = {}
+ if hasattr(ssl, "PROTOCOL_TLSv1_2"):
+ "tls1_2": ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1_2,
+ "tls1_1": ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1_1,
+ }
+ else:
+ TLS_MAP[TLS_NO_SSL].update({
+ "tls1": ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1,
+ })
+ TLS_MAP[TLS_COMPAT].update({
+ "ssl23": ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv23,
+ None: ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv23,
+ })
+ if hasattr(ssl, "PROTOCOL_SSLv3"): # Might not be available.
+ TLS_MAP[TLS_COMPAT].update({
+ "ssl3": ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv3
+ })
+ if self.ca_certs is not None:
+ cert_reqs = ssl.CERT_REQUIRED
+ else:
+ cert_reqs = ssl.CERT_NONE
+ if self.tls_level not in TLS_MAP:
+ raise RuntimeError("unknown tls_level: %s" % self.tls_level)
+ if self.ssl_version not in TLS_MAP[self.tls_level]:
+ raise socket.sslerror("Invalid SSL version '%s' requested for tls_version '%s'" % (self.ssl_version, self.tls_level))
+ ssl_version = TLS_MAP[self.tls_level][self.ssl_version]
+ self.sock = ssl.wrap_socket(self.sock, self.keyfile, self.certfile, ca_certs=self.ca_certs, cert_reqs=cert_reqs, ssl_version=ssl_version)
+ ssl_exc = ssl.SSLError
+ self.read_fd = self.sock.fileno()
+ except ImportError:
+ # No ssl module, and socket.ssl has no fileno(), and does not allow certificate verification
+ raise socket.sslerror("imaplib SSL mode does not work without ssl module")
+ if self.cert_verify_cb is not None:
+ cert_err = self.cert_verify_cb(self.sock.getpeercert(), self.host)
+ if cert_err:
+ raise ssl_exc(cert_err)
+ # Allow sending of keep-alive messages - seems to prevent some servers
+ # from closing SSL, leading to deadlocks.
+ self.sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_KEEPALIVE, 1)
+ def start_compressing(self):
+ """start_compressing()
+ Enable deflate compression on the socket (RFC 4978)."""
+ # rfc 1951 - pure DEFLATE, so use -15 for both windows
+ self.decompressor = zlib.decompressobj(-15)
+ self.compressor = zlib.compressobj(zlib.Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION, zlib.DEFLATED, -15)
+ def read(self, size):
+ """data = read(size)
+ Read at most 'size' bytes from remote."""
+ if self.decompressor is None:
+ return self.sock.recv(size)
+ if self.decompressor.unconsumed_tail:
+ data = self.decompressor.unconsumed_tail
+ else:
+ data = self.sock.recv(READ_SIZE)
+ return self.decompressor.decompress(data, size)
+ def send(self, data):
+ """send(data)
+ Send 'data' to remote."""
+ if self.compressor is not None:
+ data = self.compressor.compress(data)
+ data += self.compressor.flush(zlib.Z_SYNC_FLUSH)
+ self.sock.sendall(data)
+ def shutdown(self):
+ """shutdown()
+ Close I/O established in "open"."""
+ try:
+ self.sock.shutdown(socket.SHUT_RDWR)
+ except Exception as e:
+ # The server might already have closed the connection
+ if e.errno != errno.ENOTCONN:
+ raise
+ finally:
+ self.sock.close()
+ def socket(self):
+ """socket = socket()
+ Return socket instance used to connect to IMAP4 server."""
+ return self.sock
+ # Utility methods
+ def enable_compression(self):
+ """enable_compression()
+ Ask the server to start compressing the connection.
+ Should be called from user of this class after instantiation, as in:
+ if 'COMPRESS=DEFLATE' in imapobj.capabilities:
+ imapobj.enable_compression()"""
+ try:
+ typ, dat = self._simple_command('COMPRESS', 'DEFLATE')
+ if typ == 'OK':
+ self.start_compressing()
+ if __debug__: self._log(1, 'Enabled COMPRESS=DEFLATE')
+ finally:
+ self._release_state_change()
+ def pop_untagged_responses(self):
+ """ for typ,data in pop_untagged_responses(): pass
+ Generator for any remaining untagged responses.
+ Returns and removes untagged responses in order of reception.
+ Use at your own risk!"""
+ while self.untagged_responses:
+ self.commands_lock.acquire()
+ try:
+ yield self.untagged_responses.pop(0)
+ finally:
+ self.commands_lock.release()
+ def recent(self, **kw):
+ """(typ, [data]) = recent()
+ Return 'RECENT' responses if any exist,
+ else prompt server for an update using the 'NOOP' command.
+ 'data' is None if no new messages,
+ else list of RECENT responses, most recent last."""
+ name = 'RECENT'
+ typ, dat = self._untagged_response(None, [None], name)
+ if dat != [None]:
+ return self._deliver_dat(typ, dat, kw)
+ kw['untagged_response'] = name
+ return self.noop(**kw) # Prod server for response
+ def response(self, code, **kw):
+ """(code, [data]) = response(code)
+ Return data for response 'code' if received, or None.
+ Old value for response 'code' is cleared."""
+ typ, dat = self._untagged_response(code, [None], code.upper())
+ return self._deliver_dat(typ, dat, kw)
+ # IMAP4 commands
+ def append(self, mailbox, flags, date_time, message, **kw):
+ """(typ, [data]) = append(mailbox, flags, date_time, message)
+ Append message to named mailbox.
+ All args except `message' can be None."""
+ name = 'APPEND'
+ if not mailbox:
+ mailbox = 'INBOX'
+ if flags:
+ if (flags[0],flags[-1]) != ('(',')'):
+ flags = '(%s)' % flags
+ else:
+ flags = None
+ if date_time:
+ date_time = Time2Internaldate(date_time)
+ else:
+ date_time = None
+ if isinstance(message, str):
+ message = bytes(message, 'ASCII')
+ literal = self.mapCRLF_cre.sub(CRLF, message)
+ if self.utf8_enabled:
+ literal = b'UTF8 (' + literal + b')'
+ self.literal = literal
+ try:
+ return self._simple_command(name, mailbox, flags, date_time, **kw)
+ finally:
+ self._release_state_change()
+ def authenticate(self, mechanism, authobject, **kw):
+ """(typ, [data]) = authenticate(mechanism, authobject)
+ Authenticate command - requires response processing.
+ 'mechanism' specifies which authentication mechanism is to
+ be used - it must appear in <instance>.capabilities in the
+ form AUTH=<mechanism>.
+ 'authobject' must be a callable object:
+ data = authobject(response)
+ It will be called to process server continuation responses,
+ the 'response' argument will be a 'bytes'. It should return
+ bytes that will be encoded and sent to server. It should
+ return None if the client abort response '*' should be sent
+ instead."""
+ self.literal = _Authenticator(authobject).process
+ try:
+ typ, dat = self._simple_command('AUTHENTICATE', mechanism.upper())
+ if typ != 'OK':
+ self._deliver_exc(self.error, dat[-1], kw)
+ self.state = AUTH
+ if __debug__: self._log(1, 'state => AUTH')
+ finally:
+ self._release_state_change()
+ return self._deliver_dat(typ, dat, kw)
+ def capability(self, **kw):
+ """(typ, [data]) = capability()
+ Fetch capabilities list from server."""
+ name = 'CAPABILITY'
+ kw['untagged_response'] = name
+ return self._simple_command(name, **kw)
+ def check(self, **kw):
+ """(typ, [data]) = check()
+ Checkpoint mailbox on server."""
+ return self._simple_command('CHECK', **kw)
+ def close(self, **kw):
+ """(typ, [data]) = close()
+ Close currently selected mailbox.
+ Deleted messages are removed from writable mailbox.
+ This is the recommended command before 'LOGOUT'."""
+ if self.state != 'SELECTED':
+ raise self.error('No mailbox selected.')
+ try:
+ typ, dat = self._simple_command('CLOSE')
+ finally:
+ self.state = AUTH
+ if __debug__: self._log(1, 'state => AUTH')
+ self._release_state_change()
+ return self._deliver_dat(typ, dat, kw)
+ def copy(self, message_set, new_mailbox, **kw):
+ """(typ, [data]) = copy(message_set, new_mailbox)
+ Copy 'message_set' messages onto end of 'new_mailbox'."""
+ return self._simple_command('COPY', message_set, new_mailbox, **kw)
+ def create(self, mailbox, **kw):
+ """(typ, [data]) = create(mailbox)
+ Create new mailbox."""
+ return self._simple_command('CREATE', mailbox, **kw)
+ def delete(self, mailbox, **kw):
+ """(typ, [data]) = delete(mailbox)
+ Delete old mailbox."""
+ return self._simple_command('DELETE', mailbox, **kw)
+ def deleteacl(self, mailbox, who, **kw):
+ """(typ, [data]) = deleteacl(mailbox, who)
+ Delete the ACLs (remove any rights) set for who on mailbox."""
+ return self._simple_command('DELETEACL', mailbox, who, **kw)
+ def enable(self, capability):
+ """Send an RFC5161 enable string to the server.
+ (typ, [data]) = <intance>.enable(capability)
+ """
+ if 'ENABLE' not in self.capabilities:
+ raise self.error("Server does not support ENABLE")
+ typ, data = self._simple_command('ENABLE', capability)
+ if typ == 'OK' and 'UTF8=ACCEPT' in capability.upper():
+ self._mode_utf8()
+ return typ, data
+ def examine(self, mailbox='INBOX', **kw):
+ """(typ, [data]) = examine(mailbox='INBOX')
+ Select a mailbox for READ-ONLY access. (Flushes all untagged responses.)
+ 'data' is count of messages in mailbox ('EXISTS' response).
+ Mandated responses are ('FLAGS', 'EXISTS', 'RECENT', 'UIDVALIDITY'), so
+ other responses should be obtained via "response('FLAGS')" etc."""
+ return self.select(mailbox=mailbox, readonly=True, **kw)
+ def expunge(self, **kw):
+ """(typ, [data]) = expunge()
+ Permanently remove deleted items from selected mailbox.
+ Generates 'EXPUNGE' response for each deleted message.
+ 'data' is list of 'EXPUNGE'd message numbers in order received."""
+ name = 'EXPUNGE'
+ kw['untagged_response'] = name
+ return self._simple_command(name, **kw)
+ def fetch(self, message_set, message_parts, **kw):
+ """(typ, [data, ...]) = fetch(message_set, message_parts)
+ Fetch (parts of) messages.
+ 'message_parts' should be a string of selected parts
+ enclosed in parentheses, eg: "(UID BODY[TEXT])".
+ 'data' are tuples of message part envelope and data,
+ followed by a string containing the trailer."""
+ name = 'FETCH'
+ kw['untagged_response'] = name
+ return self._simple_command(name, message_set, message_parts, **kw)
+ def getacl(self, mailbox, **kw):
+ """(typ, [data]) = getacl(mailbox)
+ Get the ACLs for a mailbox."""
+ kw['untagged_response'] = 'ACL'
+ return self._simple_command('GETACL', mailbox, **kw)
+ def getannotation(self, mailbox, entry, attribute, **kw):
+ """(typ, [data]) = getannotation(mailbox, entry, attribute)
+ Retrieve ANNOTATIONs."""
+ kw['untagged_response'] = 'ANNOTATION'
+ return self._simple_command('GETANNOTATION', mailbox, entry, attribute, **kw)
+ def getquota(self, root, **kw):
+ """(typ, [data]) = getquota(root)
+ Get the quota root's resource usage and limits.
+ (Part of the IMAP4 QUOTA extension defined in rfc2087.)"""
+ kw['untagged_response'] = 'QUOTA'
+ return self._simple_command('GETQUOTA', root, **kw)
+ def getquotaroot(self, mailbox, **kw):
+ # Hmmm, this is non-std! Left for backwards-compatibility, sigh.
+ # NB: usage should have been defined as:
+ # (typ, [QUOTAROOT responses...]) = getquotaroot(mailbox)
+ # (typ, [QUOTA responses...]) = response('QUOTA')
+ """(typ, [[QUOTAROOT responses...], [QUOTA responses...]]) = getquotaroot(mailbox)
+ Get the list of quota roots for the named mailbox."""
+ typ, dat = self._simple_command('GETQUOTAROOT', mailbox)
+ typ, quota = self._untagged_response(typ, dat, 'QUOTA')
+ typ, quotaroot = self._untagged_response(typ, dat, 'QUOTAROOT')
+ return self._deliver_dat(typ, [quotaroot, quota], kw)
+ def id(self, *kv_pairs, **kw):
+ """(typ, [data]) = <instance>.id(kv_pairs)
+ 'kv_pairs' is a possibly empty list of keys and values.
+ 'data' is a list of ID key value pairs or NIL.
+ NB: a single argument is assumed to be correctly formatted and is passed through unchanged
+ (for backward compatibility with earlier version).
+ Exchange information for problem analysis and determination.
+ The ID extension is defined in RFC 2971. """
+ name = 'ID'
+ kw['untagged_response'] = name
+ if not kv_pairs:
+ data = 'NIL'
+ elif len(kv_pairs) == 1:
+ data = kv_pairs[0] # Assume invoker passing correctly formatted string (back-compat)
+ else:
+ data = '(%s)' % ' '.join([(arg and self._quote(arg) or 'NIL') for arg in kv_pairs])
+ return self._simple_command(name, data, **kw)
+ def idle(self, timeout=None, **kw):
+ """"(typ, [data]) = idle(timeout=None)
+ Put server into IDLE mode until server notifies some change,
+ or 'timeout' (secs) occurs (default: 29 minutes),
+ or another IMAP4 command is scheduled."""
+ name = 'IDLE'
+ self.literal = _IdleCont(self, timeout).process
+ try:
+ return self._simple_command(name, **kw)
+ finally:
+ self._release_state_change()
+ def list(self, directory='""', pattern='*', **kw):
+ """(typ, [data]) = list(directory='""', pattern='*')
+ List mailbox names in directory matching pattern.
+ 'data' is list of LIST responses.
+ NB: for 'pattern':
+ % matches all except separator ( so LIST "" "%" returns names at root)
+ * matches all (so LIST "" "*" returns whole directory tree from root)"""
+ name = 'LIST'
+ kw['untagged_response'] = name
+ return self._simple_command(name, directory, pattern, **kw)
+ def login(self, user, password, **kw):
+ """(typ, [data]) = login(user, password)
+ Identify client using plaintext password.
+ NB: 'password' will be quoted."""
+ try:
+ typ, dat = self._simple_command('LOGIN', user, self._quote(password))
+ if typ != 'OK':
+ self._deliver_exc(self.error, dat[-1], kw)
+ self.state = AUTH
+ if __debug__: self._log(1, 'state => AUTH')
+ finally:
+ self._release_state_change()
+ return self._deliver_dat(typ, dat, kw)
+ def login_cram_md5(self, user, password, **kw):
+ """(typ, [data]) = login_cram_md5(user, password)
+ Force use of CRAM-MD5 authentication."""
+ self.user, self.password = user, password
+ return self.authenticate('CRAM-MD5', self._CRAM_MD5_AUTH, **kw)
+ def _CRAM_MD5_AUTH(self, challenge):
+ """Authobject to use with CRAM-MD5 authentication."""
+ import hmac
+ pwd = (self.password.encode('utf-8') if isinstance(self.password, str)
+ else self.password)
+ return self.user + " " + hmac.HMAC(pwd, challenge, 'md5').hexdigest()
+ def logout(self, **kw):
+ """(typ, [data]) = logout()
+ Shutdown connection to server.
+ Returns server 'BYE' response.
+ NB: You must call this to shut down threads before discarding an instance."""
+ self.state = LOGOUT
+ if __debug__: self._log(1, 'state => LOGOUT')
+ try:
+ try:
+ typ, dat = self._simple_command('LOGOUT')
+ except:
+ typ, dat = 'NO', ['%s: %s' % sys.exc_info()[:2]]
+ if __debug__: self._log(1, dat)
+ self._close_threads()
+ finally:
+ self._release_state_change()
+ if __debug__: self._log(1, 'connection closed')
+ bye = self._get_untagged_response('BYE', leave=True)
+ if bye:
+ typ, dat = 'BYE', bye
+ return self._deliver_dat(typ, dat, kw)
+ def lsub(self, directory='""', pattern='*', **kw):
+ """(typ, [data, ...]) = lsub(directory='""', pattern='*')
+ List 'subscribed' mailbox names in directory matching pattern.
+ 'data' are tuples of message part envelope and data."""
+ name = 'LSUB'
+ kw['untagged_response'] = name
+ return self._simple_command(name, directory, pattern, **kw)
+ def myrights(self, mailbox, **kw):
+ """(typ, [data]) = myrights(mailbox)
+ Show my ACLs for a mailbox (i.e. the rights that I have on mailbox)."""
+ name = 'MYRIGHTS'
+ kw['untagged_response'] = name
+ return self._simple_command(name, mailbox, **kw)
+ def namespace(self, **kw):
+ """(typ, [data, ...]) = namespace()
+ Returns IMAP namespaces ala rfc2342."""
+ name = 'NAMESPACE'
+ kw['untagged_response'] = name
+ return self._simple_command(name, **kw)
+ def noop(self, **kw):
+ """(typ, [data]) = noop()
+ Send NOOP command."""
+ if __debug__: self._dump_ur(3)
+ return self._simple_command('NOOP', **kw)
+ def partial(self, message_num, message_part, start, length, **kw):
+ """(typ, [data, ...]) = partial(message_num, message_part, start, length)
+ Fetch truncated part of a message.
+ 'data' is tuple of message part envelope and data.
+ NB: obsolete."""
+ name = 'PARTIAL'
+ kw['untagged_response'] = 'FETCH'
+ return self._simple_command(name, message_num, message_part, start, length, **kw)
+ def proxyauth(self, user, **kw):
+ """(typ, [data]) = proxyauth(user)
+ Assume authentication as 'user'.
+ (Allows an authorised administrator to proxy into any user's mailbox.)"""
+ try:
+ return self._simple_command('PROXYAUTH', user, **kw)
+ finally:
+ self._release_state_change()
+ def rename(self, oldmailbox, newmailbox, **kw):
+ """(typ, [data]) = rename(oldmailbox, newmailbox)
+ Rename old mailbox name to new."""
+ return self._simple_command('RENAME', oldmailbox, newmailbox, **kw)
+ def search(self, charset, *criteria, **kw):
+ """(typ, [data]) = search(charset, criterion, ...)
+ Search mailbox for matching messages.
+ If UTF8 is enabled, charset MUST be None.
+ 'data' is space separated list of matching message numbers."""
+ name = 'SEARCH'
+ kw['untagged_response'] = name
+ if charset:
+ if self.utf8_enabled:
+ raise self.error("Non-None charset not valid in UTF8 mode")
+ return self._simple_command(name, 'CHARSET', charset, *criteria, **kw)
+ return self._simple_command(name, *criteria, **kw)
+ def select(self, mailbox='INBOX', readonly=False, **kw):
+ """(typ, [data]) = select(mailbox='INBOX', readonly=False)
+ Select a mailbox. (Flushes all untagged responses.)
+ 'data' is count of messages in mailbox ('EXISTS' response).
+ Mandated responses are ('FLAGS', 'EXISTS', 'RECENT', 'UIDVALIDITY'), so
+ other responses should be obtained via "response('FLAGS')" etc."""
+ self.mailbox = mailbox
+ self.is_readonly = bool(readonly)
+ if readonly:
+ name = 'EXAMINE'
+ else:
+ name = 'SELECT'
+ try:
+ rqb = self._command(name, mailbox)
+ typ, dat = rqb.get_response('command: %s => %%s' % rqb.name)
+ if typ != 'OK':
+ if self.state == SELECTED:
+ self.state = AUTH
+ if __debug__: self._log(1, 'state => AUTH')
+ if typ == 'BAD':
+ self._deliver_exc(self.error, '%s command error: %s %s. Data: %.100s' % (name, typ, dat, mailbox), kw)
+ return self._deliver_dat(typ, dat, kw)
+ self.state = SELECTED
+ if __debug__: self._log(1, 'state => SELECTED')
+ finally:
+ self._release_state_change()
+ if self._get_untagged_response('READ-ONLY', leave=True) and not readonly:
+ if __debug__: self._dump_ur(1)
+ self._deliver_exc(self.readonly, '%s is not writable' % mailbox, kw)
+ typ, dat = self._untagged_response(typ, [None], 'EXISTS')
+ return self._deliver_dat(typ, dat, kw)
+ def setacl(self, mailbox, who, what, **kw):
+ """(typ, [data]) = setacl(mailbox, who, what)
+ Set a mailbox acl."""
+ try:
+ return self._simple_command('SETACL', mailbox, who, what, **kw)
+ finally:
+ self._release_state_change()
+ def setannotation(self, *args, **kw):
+ """(typ, [data]) = setannotation(mailbox[, entry, attribute]+)
+ kw['untagged_response'] = 'ANNOTATION'
+ return self._simple_command('SETANNOTATION', *args, **kw)
+ def setquota(self, root, limits, **kw):
+ """(typ, [data]) = setquota(root, limits)
+ Set the quota root's resource limits."""
+ kw['untagged_response'] = 'QUOTA'
+ try:
+ return self._simple_command('SETQUOTA', root, limits, **kw)
+ finally:
+ self._release_state_change()
+ def sort(self, sort_criteria, charset, *search_criteria, **kw):
+ """(typ, [data]) = sort(sort_criteria, charset, search_criteria, ...)
+ IMAP4rev1 extension SORT command."""
+ name = 'SORT'
+ if (sort_criteria[0],sort_criteria[-1]) != ('(',')'):
+ sort_criteria = '(%s)' % sort_criteria
+ kw['untagged_response'] = name
+ return self._simple_command(name, sort_criteria, charset, *search_criteria, **kw)
+ def starttls(self, keyfile=None, certfile=None, ca_certs=None, cert_verify_cb=None, ssl_version="ssl23", tls_level=TLS_COMPAT, **kw):
+ """(typ, [data]) = starttls(keyfile=None, certfile=None, ca_certs=None, cert_verify_cb=None, ssl_version="ssl23", tls_level="tls_compat")
+ Start TLS negotiation as per RFC 2595."""
+ name = 'STARTTLS'
+ if name not in self.capabilities:
+ raise self.abort('TLS not supported by server')
+ if self._tls_established:
+ raise self.abort('TLS session already established')
+ # Must now shutdown reader thread after next response, and restart after changing read_fd
+ self.read_size = 1 # Don't consume TLS handshake
+ self.TerminateReader = True
+ try:
+ typ, dat = self._simple_command(name)
+ finally:
+ self._release_state_change()
+ self.rdth.join()
+ self.TerminateReader = False
+ self.read_size = READ_SIZE
+ if typ != 'OK':
+ # Restart reader thread and error
+ self.rdth = threading.Thread(target=self._reader)
+ self.rdth.setDaemon(True)
+ self.rdth.start()
+ raise self.error("Couldn't establish TLS session: %s" % dat)
+ self.keyfile = keyfile
+ self.certfile = certfile
+ self.ca_certs = ca_certs
+ self.cert_verify_cb = cert_verify_cb
+ self.ssl_version = ssl_version
+ self.tls_level = tls_level
+ try:
+ self.ssl_wrap_socket()
+ finally:
+ # Restart reader thread
+ self.rdth = threading.Thread(target=self._reader)
+ self.rdth.setDaemon(True)
+ self.rdth.start()
+ self._get_capabilities()
+ self._tls_established = True
+ typ, dat = self._untagged_response(typ, dat, name)
+ return self._deliver_dat(typ, dat, kw)
+ def status(self, mailbox, names, **kw):
+ """(typ, [data]) = status(mailbox, names)
+ Request named status conditions for mailbox."""
+ name = 'STATUS'
+ kw['untagged_response'] = name
+ return self._simple_command(name, mailbox, names, **kw)
+ def store(self, message_set, command, flags, **kw):
+ """(typ, [data]) = store(message_set, command, flags)
+ Alters flag dispositions for messages in mailbox."""
+ if (flags[0],flags[-1]) != ('(',')'):
+ flags = '(%s)' % flags # Avoid quoting the flags
+ kw['untagged_response'] = 'FETCH'
+ return self._simple_command('STORE', message_set, command, flags, **kw)
+ def subscribe(self, mailbox, **kw):
+ """(typ, [data]) = subscribe(mailbox)
+ Subscribe to new mailbox."""
+ try:
+ return self._simple_command('SUBSCRIBE', mailbox, **kw)
+ finally:
+ self._release_state_change()
+ def thread(self, threading_algorithm, charset, *search_criteria, **kw):
+ """(type, [data]) = thread(threading_alogrithm, charset, search_criteria, ...)
+ IMAPrev1 extension THREAD command."""
+ name = 'THREAD'
+ kw['untagged_response'] = name
+ return self._simple_command(name, threading_algorithm, charset, *search_criteria, **kw)
+ def uid(self, command, *args, **kw):
+ """(typ, [data]) = uid(command, arg, ...)
+ Execute "command arg ..." with messages identified by UID,
+ rather than message number.
+ Assumes 'command' is legal in current state.
+ Returns response appropriate to 'command'."""
+ command = command.upper()
+ if command in UID_direct:
+ resp = command
+ else:
+ resp = 'FETCH'
+ kw['untagged_response'] = resp
+ return self._simple_command('UID', command, *args, **kw)
+ def unsubscribe(self, mailbox, **kw):
+ """(typ, [data]) = unsubscribe(mailbox)
+ Unsubscribe from old mailbox."""
+ try:
+ return self._simple_command('UNSUBSCRIBE', mailbox, **kw)
+ finally:
+ self._release_state_change()
+ def xatom(self, name, *args, **kw):
+ """(typ, [data]) = xatom(name, arg, ...)
+ Allow simple extension commands notified by server in CAPABILITY response.
+ Assumes extension command 'name' is legal in current state.
+ Returns response appropriate to extension command 'name'."""
+ name = name.upper()
+ if not name in Commands:
+ Commands[name] = ((self.state,), False)
+ try:
+ return self._simple_command(name, *args, **kw)
+ finally:
+ self._release_state_change()
+ # Internal methods
+ def _append_untagged(self, typ, dat):
+ # Append new 'dat' to end of last untagged response if same 'typ',
+ # else append new response.
+ if dat is None: dat = b''
+ self.commands_lock.acquire()
+ if self.untagged_responses:
+ urn, urd = self.untagged_responses[-1]
+ if urn != typ:
+ urd = None
+ else:
+ urd = None
+ if urd is None:
+ urd = []
+ self.untagged_responses.append([typ, urd])
+ urd.append(dat)
+ self.commands_lock.release()
+ if __debug__: self._log(5, 'untagged_responses[%s] %s += ["%.80r"]' % (typ, len(urd)-1, dat))
+ def _check_bye(self):
+ bye = self._get_untagged_response('BYE', leave=True)
+ if bye:
+ raise self.abort(bye[-1].decode('ASCII', 'replace'))
+ def _choose_nonull_or_dflt(self, dflt, *args):
+ if isinstance(dflt, str):
+ dflttyp = str # Allow any string type
+ else:
+ dflttyp = type(dflt)
+ for arg in args:
+ if arg is not None:
+ if isinstance(arg, dflttyp):
+ return arg
+ if __debug__: self._log(0, 'bad arg is %s, expecting %s' % (type(arg), dflttyp))
+ return dflt
+ def _command(self, name, *args, **kw):
+ if Commands[name][CMD_VAL_ASYNC]:
+ cmdtyp = 'async'
+ else:
+ cmdtyp = 'sync'
+ if __debug__: self._log(1, '[%s] %s %s' % (cmdtyp, name, args))
+ if __debug__: self._log(3, 'state_change_pending.acquire')
+ self.state_change_pending.acquire()
+ self._end_idle()
+ if cmdtyp == 'async':
+ self.state_change_pending.release()
+ if __debug__: self._log(3, 'state_change_pending.release')
+ else:
+ # Need to wait for all async commands to complete
+ self._check_bye()
+ self.commands_lock.acquire()
+ if self.tagged_commands:
+ self.state_change_free.clear()
+ need_event = True
+ else:
+ need_event = False
+ self.commands_lock.release()
+ if need_event:
+ if __debug__: self._log(3, 'sync command %s waiting for empty commands Q' % name)
+ self.state_change_free.wait()
+ if __debug__: self._log(3, 'sync command %s proceeding' % name)
+ if self.state not in Commands[name][CMD_VAL_STATES]:
+ self.literal = None
+ raise self.error('command %s illegal in state %s'
+ % (name, self.state))
+ self._check_bye()
+ if name in ('EXAMINE', 'SELECT'):
+ self.commands_lock.acquire()
+ self.untagged_responses = [] # Flush all untagged responses
+ self.commands_lock.release()
+ else:
+ for typ in ('OK', 'NO', 'BAD'):
+ while self._get_untagged_response(typ):
+ continue
+ if not self.is_readonly and self._get_untagged_response('READ-ONLY', leave=True):
+ self.literal = None
+ raise self.readonly('mailbox status changed to READ-ONLY')
+ if self.Terminate:
+ raise self.abort('connection closed')
+ rqb = self._request_push(name=name, **kw)
+ name = bytes(name, self._encoding)
+ data = rqb.tag + b' ' + name
+ for arg in args:
+ if arg is None: continue
+ if isinstance(arg, str):
+ arg = bytes(arg, self._encoding)
+ data = data + b' ' + arg
+ literal = self.literal
+ if literal is not None:
+ self.literal = None
+ if type(literal) is type(self._command):
+ literator = literal
+ else:
+ literator = None
+ data = data + bytes(' {%s}' % len(literal), self._encoding)
+ if __debug__: self._log(4, 'data=%r' % data)
+ rqb.data = data + CRLF
+ if literal is None:
+ self.ouq.put(rqb)
+ return rqb
+ # Must setup continuation expectancy *before* ouq.put
+ crqb = self._request_push(name=name, tag='continuation')
+ self.ouq.put(rqb)
+ while True:
+ # Wait for continuation response
+ ok, data = crqb.get_response('command: %s => %%s' % name)
+ if __debug__: self._log(4, 'continuation => %s, %r' % (ok, data))
+ # NO/BAD response?
+ if not ok:
+ break
+ if data == 'go ahead': # Apparently not uncommon broken IMAP4 server response to AUTHENTICATE command
+ data = ''
+ # Send literal
+ if literator is not None:
+ literal = literator(data, rqb)
+ if literal is None:
+ break
+ if literator is not None:
+ # Need new request for next continuation response
+ crqb = self._request_push(name=name, tag='continuation')
+ if __debug__: self._log(4, 'write literal size %s' % len(literal))
+ crqb.data = literal + CRLF
+ self.ouq.put(crqb)
+ if literator is None:
+ break
+ return rqb
+ def _command_complete(self, rqb, kw):
+ # Called for non-callback commands
+ self._check_bye()
+ typ, dat = rqb.get_response('command: %s => %%s' % rqb.name)
+ if typ == 'BAD':
+ if __debug__: self._print_log()
+ raise self.error('%s command error: %s %s. Data: %.100s' % (rqb.name, typ, dat, rqb.data))
+ if 'untagged_response' in kw:
+ return self._untagged_response(typ, dat, kw['untagged_response'])
+ return typ, dat
+ def _command_completer(self, cb_arg_list):
+ # Called for callback commands
+ response, cb_arg, error = cb_arg_list
+ rqb, kw = cb_arg
+ rqb.callback = kw['callback']
+ rqb.callback_arg = kw.get('cb_arg')
+ if error is not None:
+ if __debug__: self._print_log()
+ typ, val = error
+ rqb.abort(typ, val)
+ return
+ bye = self._get_untagged_response('BYE', leave=True)
+ if bye:
+ rqb.abort(self.abort, bye[-1].decode('ASCII', 'replace'))
+ return
+ typ, dat = response
+ if typ == 'BAD':
+ if __debug__: self._print_log()
+ rqb.abort(self.error, '%s command error: %s %s. Data: %.100s' % (rqb.name, typ, dat, rqb.data))
+ return
+ if __debug__: self._log(4, '_command_completer(%s, %s, None) = %s' % (response, cb_arg, rqb.tag))
+ if 'untagged_response' in kw:
+ response = self._untagged_response(typ, dat, kw['untagged_response'])
+ rqb.deliver(response)
+ def _deliver_dat(self, typ, dat, kw):
+ if 'callback' in kw:
+ kw['callback'](((typ, dat), kw.get('cb_arg'), None))
+ return typ, dat
+ def _deliver_exc(self, exc, dat, kw):
+ if 'callback' in kw:
+ kw['callback']((None, kw.get('cb_arg'), (exc, dat)))
+ raise exc(dat)
+ def _end_idle(self):
+ self.idle_lock.acquire()
+ irqb = self.idle_rqb
+ if irqb is None:
+ self.idle_lock.release()
+ return
+ self.idle_rqb = None
+ self.idle_timeout = None
+ self.idle_lock.release()
+ irqb.data = bytes('DONE', 'ASCII') + CRLF
+ self.ouq.put(irqb)
+ if __debug__: self._log(2, 'server IDLE finished')
+ def _get_capabilities(self):
+ typ, dat = self.capability()
+ if dat == [None]:
+ raise self.error('no CAPABILITY response from server')
+ dat = str(dat[-1], "ASCII")
+ dat = dat.upper()
+ self.capabilities = tuple(dat.split())
+ def _get_untagged_response(self, name, leave=False):
+ self.commands_lock.acquire()
+ for i, (typ, dat) in enumerate(self.untagged_responses):
+ if typ == name:
+ if not leave:
+ del self.untagged_responses[i]
+ self.commands_lock.release()
+ if __debug__: self._log(5, '_get_untagged_response(%s) => %.80r' % (name, dat))
+ return dat
+ self.commands_lock.release()
+ return None
+ def _match(self, cre, s):
+ # Run compiled regular expression 'cre' match method on 's'.
+ # Save result, return success.
+ self.mo = cre.match(s)
+ return self.mo is not None
+ def _put_response(self, resp):
+ if self._expecting_data:
+ rlen = len(resp)
+ dlen = min(self._expecting_data_len, rlen)
+ if __debug__: self._log(5, '_put_response expecting data len %s, got %s' % (self._expecting_data_len, rlen))
+ self._expecting_data_len -= dlen
+ self._expecting_data = (self._expecting_data_len != 0)
+ if rlen <= dlen:
+ self._accumulated_data.append(resp)
+ return
+ self._accumulated_data.append(resp[:dlen])
+ resp = resp[dlen:]
+ if self._accumulated_data:
+ typ, dat = self._literal_expected
+ self._append_untagged(typ, (dat, b''.join(self._accumulated_data)))
+ self._accumulated_data = []
+ # Protocol mandates all lines terminated by CRLF
+ resp = resp[:-2]
+ if __debug__: self._log(5, '_put_response(%r)' % resp)
+ if 'continuation' in self.tagged_commands:
+ continuation_expected = True
+ else:
+ continuation_expected = False
+ if self._literal_expected is not None:
+ dat = resp
+ if self._match(self.literal_cre, dat):
+ self._literal_expected[1] = dat
+ self._expecting_data = True
+ self._expecting_data_len = int(self.mo.group('size'))
+ if __debug__: self._log(4, 'expecting literal size %s' % self._expecting_data_len)
+ return
+ typ = self._literal_expected[0]
+ self._literal_expected = None
+ if dat:
+ self._append_untagged(typ, dat) # Tail
+ if __debug__: self._log(4, 'literal completed')
+ else:
+ # Command completion response?
+ if self._match(self.tagre, resp):
+ tag = self.mo.group('tag')
+ typ = str(self.mo.group('type'), 'ASCII')
+ dat = self.mo.group('data')
+ if typ in ('OK', 'NO', 'BAD') and self._match(self.response_code_cre, dat):
+ self._append_untagged(str(self.mo.group('type'), 'ASCII'), self.mo.group('data'))
+ if not tag in self.tagged_commands:
+ if __debug__: self._log(1, 'unexpected tagged response: %r' % resp)
+ else:
+ self._request_pop(tag, (typ, [dat]))
+ else:
+ dat2 = None
+ # '*' (untagged) responses?
+ if not self._match(self.untagged_response_cre, resp):
+ if self._match(self.untagged_status_cre, resp):
+ dat2 = self.mo.group('data2')
+ if self.mo is None:
+ # Only other possibility is '+' (continuation) response...
+ if self._match(self.continuation_cre, resp):
+ if not continuation_expected:
+ if __debug__: self._log(1, "unexpected continuation response: '%r'" % resp)
+ return
+ self._request_pop('continuation', (True, self.mo.group('data')))
+ return
+ if __debug__: self._log(1, "unexpected response: '%r'" % resp)
+ return
+ typ = str(self.mo.group('type'), 'ASCII')
+ dat = self.mo.group('data')
+ if dat is None: dat = b'' # Null untagged response
+ if dat2: dat = dat + b' ' + dat2
+ # Is there a literal to come?
+ if self._match(self.literal_cre, dat):
+ self._expecting_data = True
+ self._expecting_data_len = int(self.mo.group('size'))
+ if __debug__: self._log(4, 'read literal size %s' % self._expecting_data_len)
+ self._literal_expected = [typ, dat]
+ return
+ self._append_untagged(typ, dat)
+ if typ in ('OK', 'NO', 'BAD') and self._match(self.response_code_cre, dat):
+ self._append_untagged(str(self.mo.group('type'), 'ASCII'), self.mo.group('data'))
+ if typ != 'OK': # NO, BYE, IDLE
+ self._end_idle()
+ # Command waiting for aborted continuation response?
+ if continuation_expected:
+ self._request_pop('continuation', (False, resp))
+ # Bad news?
+ if typ in ('NO', 'BAD', 'BYE'):
+ if typ == 'BYE':
+ self.Terminate = True
+ if __debug__: self._log(1, '%s response: %r' % (typ, dat))
+ def _quote(self, arg):
+ return '"%s"' % arg.replace('\\', '\\\\').replace('"', '\\"')
+ def _release_state_change(self):
+ if self.state_change_pending.locked():
+ self.state_change_pending.release()
+ if __debug__: self._log(3, 'state_change_pending.release')
+ def _request_pop(self, name, data):
+ self.commands_lock.acquire()
+ rqb = self.tagged_commands.pop(name)
+ if not self.tagged_commands:
+ need_event = True
+ else:
+ need_event = False
+ self.commands_lock.release()
+ if __debug__: self._log(4, '_request_pop(%s, %r) [%d] = %s' % (name, data, len(self.tagged_commands), rqb.tag))
+ rqb.deliver(data)
+ if need_event:
+ if __debug__: self._log(3, 'state_change_free.set')
+ self.state_change_free.set()
+ def _request_push(self, tag=None, name=None, **kw):
+ self.commands_lock.acquire()
+ rqb = Request(self, name=name, **kw)
+ if tag is None:
+ tag = rqb.tag
+ self.tagged_commands[tag] = rqb
+ self.commands_lock.release()
+ if __debug__: self._log(4, '_request_push(%s, %s, %s) = %s' % (tag, name, repr(kw), rqb.tag))
+ return rqb
+ def _simple_command(self, name, *args, **kw):
+ if 'callback' in kw:
+ # Note: old calling sequence for back-compat with python <2.6
+ self._command(name, callback=self._command_completer, cb_arg=kw, cb_self=True, *args)
+ return (None, None)
+ return self._command_complete(self._command(name, *args), kw)
+ def _untagged_response(self, typ, dat, name):
+ if typ == 'NO':
+ return typ, dat
+ data = self._get_untagged_response(name)
+ if not data:
+ return typ, [None]
+ while True:
+ dat = self._get_untagged_response(name)
+ if not dat:
+ break
+ data += dat
+ if __debug__: self._log(4, '_untagged_response(%s, ?, %s) => %.80r' % (typ, name, data))
+ return typ, data
+ # Threads
+ def _close_threads(self):
+ if __debug__: self._log(1, '_close_threads')
+ self.ouq.put(None)
+ self.wrth.join()
+ if __debug__: self._log(1, 'call shutdown')
+ self.shutdown()
+ self.rdth.join()
+ self.inth.join()
+ def _handler(self):
+ resp_timeout = self.resp_timeout
+ threading.currentThread().setName(self.identifier + 'handler')
+ time.sleep(0.1) # Don't start handling before main thread ready
+ if __debug__: self._log(1, 'starting')
+ typ, val = self.abort, 'connection terminated'
+ while not self.Terminate:
+ self.idle_lock.acquire()
+ if self.idle_timeout is not None:
+ timeout = self.idle_timeout - time.time()
+ if timeout <= 0:
+ timeout = 1
+ if __debug__:
+ if self.idle_rqb is not None:
+ self._log(5, 'server IDLING, timeout=%.2f' % timeout)
+ else:
+ timeout = resp_timeout
+ self.idle_lock.release()
+ try:
+ line = self.inq.get(True, timeout)
+ except queue.Empty:
+ if self.idle_rqb is None:
+ if resp_timeout is not None and self.tagged_commands:
+ if __debug__: self._log(1, 'response timeout')
+ typ, val = self.abort, 'no response after %s secs' % resp_timeout
+ break
+ continue
+ if self.idle_timeout > time.time():
+ continue
+ if __debug__: self._log(2, 'server IDLE timedout')
+ if line is None:
+ if __debug__: self._log(1, 'inq None - terminating')
+ break
+ if not isinstance(line, bytes):
+ typ, val = line
+ break
+ try:
+ self._put_response(line)
+ except:
+ typ, val = self.error, 'program error: %s - %s' % sys.exc_info()[:2]
+ break
+ self.Terminate = True
+ if __debug__: self._log(1, 'terminating: %s' % repr(val))
+ while not self.ouq.empty():
+ try:
+ qel = self.ouq.get_nowait()
+ if qel is not None:
+ qel.abort(typ, val)
+ except queue.Empty:
+ break
+ self.ouq.put(None)
+ self.commands_lock.acquire()
+ for name in list(self.tagged_commands.keys()):
+ rqb = self.tagged_commands.pop(name)
+ rqb.abort(typ, val)
+ self.state_change_free.set()
+ self.commands_lock.release()
+ if __debug__: self._log(3, 'state_change_free.set')
+ if __debug__: self._log(1, 'finished')
+ if hasattr(select_module, "poll"):
+ def _reader(self):
+ threading.currentThread().setName(self.identifier + 'reader')
+ if __debug__: self._log(1, 'starting using poll')
+ def poll_error(state):
+ PollErrors = {
+ select.POLLERR: 'Error',
+ select.POLLHUP: 'Hang up',
+ select.POLLNVAL: 'Invalid request: descriptor not open',
+ }
+ return ' '.join([PollErrors[s] for s in PollErrors.keys() if (s & state)])
+ line_part = b''
+ poll = select.poll()
+ poll.register(self.read_fd, select.POLLIN)
+ rxzero = 0
+ terminate = False
+ read_poll_timeout = self.read_poll_timeout * 1000 # poll() timeout is in millisecs
+ while not (terminate or self.Terminate):
+ if self.state == LOGOUT:
+ timeout = 10
+ else:
+ timeout = read_poll_timeout
+ try:
+ r = poll.poll(timeout)
+ if __debug__: self._log(5, 'poll => %s' % repr(r))
+ if not r:
+ continue # Timeout
+ fd,state = r[0]
+ if state & select.POLLIN:
+ data = self.read(self.read_size) # Drain ssl buffer if present
+ start = 0
+ dlen = len(data)
+ if __debug__: self._log(5, 'rcvd %s' % dlen)
+ if dlen == 0:
+ rxzero += 1
+ if rxzero > 5:
+ raise IOError("Too many read 0")
+ time.sleep(0.1)
+ continue # Try again
+ rxzero = 0
+ while True:
+ stop = data.find(b'\n', start)
+ if stop < 0:
+ line_part += data[start:]
+ break
+ stop += 1
+ line_part, start, line = \
+ b'', stop, line_part + data[start:stop]
+ if __debug__: self._log(4, '< %r' % line)
+ self.inq.put(line)
+ if self.TerminateReader:
+ terminate = True
+ if state & ~(select.POLLIN):
+ raise IOError(poll_error(state))
+ except:
+ reason = 'socket error: %s - %s' % sys.exc_info()[:2]
+ if __debug__:
+ if not self.Terminate:
+ self._print_log()
+ if self.debug: self.debug += 4 # Output all
+ self._log(1, reason)
+ self.inq.put((self.abort, reason))
+ break
+ poll.unregister(self.read_fd)
+ if __debug__: self._log(1, 'finished')
+ else:
+ # No "poll" - use select()
+ def _reader(self):
+ threading.currentThread().setName(self.identifier + 'reader')
+ if __debug__: self._log(1, 'starting using select')
+ line_part = b''
+ rxzero = 0
+ terminate = False
+ while not (terminate or self.Terminate):
+ if self.state == LOGOUT:
+ timeout = 1
+ else:
+ timeout = self.read_poll_timeout
+ try:
+ r,w,e = select.select([self.read_fd], [], [], timeout)
+ if __debug__: self._log(5, 'select => %s, %s, %s' % (r,w,e))
+ if not r: # Timeout
+ continue
+ data = self.read(self.read_size) # Drain ssl buffer if present
+ start = 0
+ dlen = len(data)
+ if __debug__: self._log(5, 'rcvd %s' % dlen)
+ if dlen == 0:
+ rxzero += 1
+ if rxzero > 5:
+ raise IOError("Too many read 0")
+ time.sleep(0.1)
+ continue # Try again
+ rxzero = 0
+ while True:
+ stop = data.find(b'\n', start)
+ if stop < 0:
+ line_part += data[start:]
+ break
+ stop += 1
+ line_part, start, line = \
+ b'', stop, (line_part + data[start:stop]).decode(errors='ignore')
+ if __debug__: self._log(4, '< %r' % line)
+ self.inq.put(line)
+ if self.TerminateReader:
+ terminate = True
+ except:
+ reason = 'socket error: %s - %s' % sys.exc_info()[:2]
+ if __debug__:
+ if not self.Terminate:
+ self._print_log()
+ if self.debug: self.debug += 4 # Output all
+ self._log(1, reason)
+ self.inq.put((self.abort, reason))
+ break
+ if __debug__: self._log(1, 'finished')
+ def _writer(self):
+ threading.currentThread().setName(self.identifier + 'writer')
+ if __debug__: self._log(1, 'starting')
+ reason = 'Terminated'
+ while not self.Terminate:
+ rqb = self.ouq.get()
+ if rqb is None:
+ break # Outq flushed
+ try:
+ self.send(rqb.data)
+ if __debug__: self._log(4, '> %r' % rqb.data)
+ except:
+ reason = 'socket error: %s - %s' % sys.exc_info()[:2]
+ if __debug__:
+ if not self.Terminate:
+ self._print_log()
+ if self.debug: self.debug += 4 # Output all
+ self._log(1, reason)
+ rqb.abort(self.abort, reason)
+ break
+ self.inq.put((self.abort, reason))
+ if __debug__: self._log(1, 'finished')
+ # Debugging
+ if __debug__:
+ def _init_debug(self, debug=None, debug_file=None, debug_buf_lvl=None):
+ self.debug_lock = threading.Lock()
+ self.debug = self._choose_nonull_or_dflt(0, debug)
+ self.debug_file = self._choose_nonull_or_dflt(sys.stderr, debug_file)
+ self.debug_buf_lvl = self._choose_nonull_or_dflt(DFLT_DEBUG_BUF_LVL, debug_buf_lvl)
+ self._cmd_log_len = 20
+ self._cmd_log_idx = 0
+ self._cmd_log = {} # Last `_cmd_log_len' interactions
+ if self.debug:
+ self._mesg('imaplib2 version %s' % __version__)
+ self._mesg('imaplib2 debug level %s, buffer level %s' % (self.debug, self.debug_buf_lvl))
+ def _dump_ur(self, lvl):
+ if lvl > self.debug:
+ return
+ l = self.untagged_responses # NB: bytes array
+ if not l:
+ return
+ t = '\n\t\t'
+ l = ['%s: "%s"' % (x[0], x[1][0] and b'" "'.join(x[1]) or '') for x in l]
+ self.debug_lock.acquire()
+ self._mesg('untagged responses dump:%s%s' % (t, t.join(l)))
+ self.debug_lock.release()
+ def _log(self, lvl, line):
+ if lvl > self.debug:
+ return
+ if line[-2:] == CRLF:
+ line = line[:-2] + '\\r\\n'
+ tn = threading.currentThread().getName()
+ if lvl <= 1 or self.debug > self.debug_buf_lvl:
+ self.debug_lock.acquire()
+ self._mesg(line, tn)
+ self.debug_lock.release()
+ if lvl != 1:
+ return
+ # Keep log of last `_cmd_log_len' interactions for debugging.
+ self.debug_lock.acquire()
+ self._cmd_log[self._cmd_log_idx] = (line, tn, time.time())
+ self._cmd_log_idx += 1
+ if self._cmd_log_idx >= self._cmd_log_len:
+ self._cmd_log_idx = 0
+ self.debug_lock.release()
+ def _mesg(self, s, tn=None, secs=None):
+ if secs is None:
+ secs = time.time()
+ if tn is None:
+ tn = threading.currentThread().getName()
+ tm = time.strftime('%M:%S', time.localtime(secs))
+ try:
+ self.debug_file.write(' %s.%02d %s %s\n' % (tm, (secs*100)%100, tn, s))
+ self.debug_file.flush()
+ finally:
+ pass
+ def _print_log(self):
+ self.debug_lock.acquire()
+ i, n = self._cmd_log_idx, self._cmd_log_len
+ if n: self._mesg('last %d log messages:' % n)
+ while n:
+ try:
+ self._mesg(*self._cmd_log[i])
+ except:
+ pass
+ i += 1
+ if i >= self._cmd_log_len:
+ i = 0
+ n -= 1
+ self.debug_lock.release()
+class IMAP4_SSL(IMAP4):
+ """IMAP4 client class over SSL connection
+ Instantiate with:
+ IMAP4_SSL(host=None, port=None, keyfile=None, certfile=None, ca_certs=None, cert_verify_cb=None, ssl_version="ssl23", debug=None, debug_file=None, identifier=None, timeout=None, debug_buf_lvl=None, tls_level="tls_compat")
+ host - host's name (default: localhost);
+ port - port number (default: standard IMAP4 SSL port);
+ keyfile - PEM formatted file that contains your private key (default: None);
+ certfile - PEM formatted certificate chain file (default: None);
+ ca_certs - PEM formatted certificate chain file used to validate server certificates (default: None);
+ cert_verify_cb - function to verify authenticity of server certificates (default: None);
+ ssl_version - SSL version to use (default: "ssl23", choose from: "tls1","ssl3","ssl23");
+ debug - debug level (default: 0 - no debug);
+ debug_file - debug stream (default: sys.stderr);
+ identifier - thread identifier prefix (default: host);
+ timeout - timeout in seconds when expecting a command response.
+ debug_buf_lvl - debug level at which buffering is turned off.
+ tls_level - TLS security level (default: "tls_compat").
+ The recognized values for tls_level are:
+ tls_secure: accept only TLS protocols recognized as "secure"
+ tls_no_ssl: disable SSLv2 and SSLv3 support
+ tls_compat: accept all SSL/TLS versions
+ For more documentation see the docstring of the parent class IMAP4.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, host=None, port=None, keyfile=None, certfile=None, ca_certs=None, cert_verify_cb=None, ssl_version="ssl23", debug=None, debug_file=None, identifier=None, timeout=None, debug_buf_lvl=None, tls_level=TLS_COMPAT):
+ self.keyfile = keyfile
+ self.certfile = certfile
+ self.ca_certs = ca_certs
+ self.cert_verify_cb = cert_verify_cb
+ self.ssl_version = ssl_version
+ self.tls_level = tls_level
+ IMAP4.__init__(self, host, port, debug, debug_file, identifier, timeout, debug_buf_lvl)
+ def open(self, host=None, port=None):
+ """open(host=None, port=None)
+ Setup secure connection to remote server on "host:port"
+ (default: localhost:standard IMAP4 SSL port).
+ This connection will be used by the routines:
+ read, send, shutdown, socket, ssl."""
+ self.host = self._choose_nonull_or_dflt('', host)
+ self.port = self._choose_nonull_or_dflt(IMAP4_SSL_PORT, port)
+ self.sock = self.open_socket()
+ self.ssl_wrap_socket()
+ def read(self, size):
+ """data = read(size)
+ Read at most 'size' bytes from remote."""
+ if self.decompressor is None:
+ return self.sock.read(size)
+ if self.decompressor.unconsumed_tail:
+ data = self.decompressor.unconsumed_tail
+ else:
+ data = self.sock.read(READ_SIZE)
+ return self.decompressor.decompress(data, size)
+ def send(self, data):
+ """send(data)
+ Send 'data' to remote."""
+ if self.compressor is not None:
+ data = self.compressor.compress(data)
+ data += self.compressor.flush(zlib.Z_SYNC_FLUSH)
+ if hasattr(self.sock, "sendall"):
+ self.sock.sendall(data)
+ else:
+ dlen = len(data)
+ while dlen > 0:
+ sent = self.sock.write(data)
+ if sent == dlen:
+ break # avoid copy
+ data = data[sent:]
+ dlen = dlen - sent
+ def ssl(self):
+ """ssl = ssl()
+ Return ssl instance used to communicate with the IMAP4 server."""
+ return self.sock
+class IMAP4_stream(IMAP4):
+ """IMAP4 client class over a stream
+ Instantiate with:
+ IMAP4_stream(command, debug=None, debug_file=None, identifier=None, timeout=None, debug_buf_lvl=None)
+ command - string that can be passed to subprocess.Popen();
+ debug - debug level (default: 0 - no debug);
+ debug_file - debug stream (default: sys.stderr);
+ identifier - thread identifier prefix (default: host);
+ timeout - timeout in seconds when expecting a command response.
+ debug_buf_lvl - debug level at which buffering is turned off.
+ For more documentation see the docstring of the parent class IMAP4.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, command, debug=None, debug_file=None, identifier=None, timeout=None, debug_buf_lvl=None):
+ self.command = command
+ self.host = command
+ self.port = None
+ self.sock = None
+ self.writefile, self.readfile = None, None
+ self.read_fd = None
+ IMAP4.__init__(self, None, None, debug, debug_file, identifier, timeout, debug_buf_lvl)
+ def open(self, host=None, port=None):
+ """open(host=None, port=None)
+ Setup a stream connection via 'self.command'.
+ This connection will be used by the routines:
+ read, send, shutdown, socket."""
+ from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
+ from io import DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE
+ if __debug__: self._log(0, 'opening stream from command "%s"' % self.command)
+ self._P = Popen(self.command, shell=True, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, close_fds=True, bufsize=DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE)
+ self.writefile, self.readfile = self._P.stdin, self._P.stdout
+ self.read_fd = self.readfile.fileno()
+ def read(self, size):
+ """Read 'size' bytes from remote."""
+ if self.decompressor is None:
+ return os.read(self.read_fd, size)
+ if self.decompressor.unconsumed_tail:
+ data = self.decompressor.unconsumed_tail
+ else:
+ data = os.read(self.read_fd, READ_SIZE)
+ return self.decompressor.decompress(data, size)
+ def send(self, data):
+ """Send data to remote."""
+ if self.compressor is not None:
+ data = self.compressor.compress(data)
+ data += self.compressor.flush(zlib.Z_SYNC_FLUSH)
+ self.writefile.write(data)
+ self.writefile.flush()
+ def shutdown(self):
+ """Close I/O established in "open"."""
+ self.readfile.close()
+ self.writefile.close()
+ self._P.wait()
+class _Authenticator(object):
+ """Private class to provide en/de-coding
+ for base64 authentication conversation."""
+ def __init__(self, mechinst):
+ self.mech = mechinst # Callable object to provide/process data
+ def process(self, data, rqb):
+ ret = self.mech(self.decode(data))
+ if ret is None:
+ return b'*' # Abort conversation
+ return self.encode(ret)
+ def encode(self, inp):
+ #
+ # Invoke binascii.b2a_base64 iteratively with
+ # short even length buffers, strip the trailing
+ # line feed from the result and append. "Even"
+ # means a number that factors to both 6 and 8,
+ # so when it gets to the end of the 8-bit input
+ # there's no partial 6-bit output.
+ #
+ oup = b''
+ if isinstance(inp, str):
+ inp = inp.encode('utf-8')
+ while inp:
+ if len(inp) > 48:
+ t = inp[:48]
+ inp = inp[48:]
+ else:
+ t = inp
+ inp = b''
+ e = binascii.b2a_base64(t)
+ if e:
+ oup = oup + e[:-1]
+ return oup
+ def decode(self, inp):
+ if not inp:
+ return b''
+ return binascii.a2b_base64(inp)
+class _IdleCont(object):
+ """When process is called, server is in IDLE state
+ and will send asynchronous changes."""
+ def __init__(self, parent, timeout):
+ self.parent = parent
+ self.timeout = parent._choose_nonull_or_dflt(IDLE_TIMEOUT, timeout)
+ self.parent.idle_timeout = self.timeout + time.time()
+ def process(self, data, rqb):
+ self.parent.idle_lock.acquire()
+ self.parent.idle_rqb = rqb
+ self.parent.idle_timeout = self.timeout + time.time()
+ self.parent.idle_lock.release()
+ if __debug__: self.parent._log(2, 'server IDLE started, timeout in %.2f secs' % self.timeout)
+ return None
+MonthNames = [None, 'Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun',
+ 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec']
+Mon2num = {s.encode():n+1 for n, s in enumerate(MonthNames[1:])}
+InternalDate = re.compile(br'.*INTERNALDATE "'
+ br'(?P<day>[ 0123][0-9])-(?P<mon>[A-Z][a-z][a-z])-(?P<year>[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9])'
+ br' (?P<hour>[0-9][0-9]):(?P<min>[0-9][0-9]):(?P<sec>[0-9][0-9])'
+ br' (?P<zonen>[-+])(?P<zoneh>[0-9][0-9])(?P<zonem>[0-9][0-9])'
+ br'"')
+def Internaldate2Time(resp):
+ """time_tuple = Internaldate2Time(resp)
+ Parse an IMAP4 INTERNALDATE string.
+ Return corresponding local time. The return value is a
+ time.struct_time instance or None if the string has wrong format."""
+ mo = InternalDate.match(resp)
+ if not mo:
+ return None
+ mon = Mon2num[mo.group('mon')]
+ zonen = mo.group('zonen')
+ day = int(mo.group('day'))
+ year = int(mo.group('year'))
+ hour = int(mo.group('hour'))
+ min = int(mo.group('min'))
+ sec = int(mo.group('sec'))
+ zoneh = int(mo.group('zoneh'))
+ zonem = int(mo.group('zonem'))
+ # INTERNALDATE timezone must be subtracted to get UT
+ zone = (zoneh*60 + zonem)*60
+ if zonen == b'-':
+ zone = -zone
+ tt = (year, mon, day, hour, min, sec, -1, -1, -1)
+ return time.localtime(calendar.timegm(tt) - zone)
+Internaldate2tuple = Internaldate2Time # (Backward compatible)
+def Time2Internaldate(date_time):
+ """'"DD-Mmm-YYYY HH:MM:SS +HHMM"' = Time2Internaldate(date_time)
+ Convert 'date_time' to IMAP4 INTERNALDATE representation.
+ The date_time argument can be a number (int or float) representing
+ seconds since epoch (as returned by time.time()), a 9-tuple
+ representing local time, an instance of time.struct_time (as
+ returned by time.localtime()), an aware datetime instance or a
+ double-quoted string. In the last case, it is assumed to already
+ be in the correct format."""
+ from datetime import datetime, timezone, timedelta
+ if isinstance(date_time, (int, float)):
+ tt = time.localtime(date_time)
+ elif isinstance(date_time, tuple):
+ try:
+ gmtoff = date_time.tm_gmtoff
+ except AttributeError:
+ if time.daylight:
+ dst = date_time[8]
+ if dst == -1:
+ dst = time.localtime(time.mktime(date_time))[8]
+ gmtoff = -(time.timezone, time.altzone)[dst]
+ else:
+ gmtoff = -time.timezone
+ delta = timedelta(seconds=gmtoff)
+ dt = datetime(*date_time[:6], tzinfo=timezone(delta))
+ elif isinstance(date_time, datetime):
+ if date_time.tzinfo is None:
+ raise ValueError("date_time must be aware")
+ dt = date_time
+ elif isinstance(date_time, str) and (date_time[0],date_time[-1]) == ('"','"'):
+ return date_time # Assume in correct format
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("date_time not of a known type")
+ fmt = '"%d-{}-%Y %H:%M:%S %z"'.format(MonthNames[dt.month])
+ return dt.strftime(fmt)
+FLAGS_cre = re.compile(br'.*FLAGS \((?P<flags>[^\)]*)\)')
+def ParseFlags(resp):
+ """('flag', ...) = ParseFlags(line)
+ Convert IMAP4 flags response to python tuple."""
+ mo = FLAGS_cre.match(resp)
+ if not mo:
+ return ()
+ return tuple(mo.group('flags').split())
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ # To test: invoke either as 'python imaplib2.py [IMAP4_server_hostname]',
+ # or as 'python imaplib2.py -s "rsh IMAP4_server_hostname exec /etc/rimapd"'
+ # or as 'python imaplib2.py -l keyfile[:certfile]|: [IMAP4_SSL_server_hostname]'
+ #
+ # Option "-d <level>" turns on debugging (use "-d 5" for everything)
+ # Option "-i" tests that IDLE is interruptible
+ # Option "-p <port>" allows alternate ports
+ if not __debug__:
+ raise ValueError('Please run without -O')
+ import getopt, getpass
+ try:
+ optlist, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'd:il:s:p:')
+ except getopt.error as val:
+ optlist, args = (), ()
+ debug, debug_buf_lvl, port, stream_command, keyfile, certfile, idle_intr = (None,)*7
+ for opt,val in optlist:
+ if opt == '-d':
+ debug = int(val)
+ debug_buf_lvl = debug - 1
+ elif opt == '-i':
+ idle_intr = 1
+ elif opt == '-l':
+ try:
+ keyfile,certfile = val.split(':')
+ except ValueError:
+ keyfile,certfile = val,val
+ elif opt == '-p':
+ port = int(val)
+ elif opt == '-s':
+ stream_command = val
+ if not args: args = (stream_command,)
+ if not args: args = ('',)
+ if not port: port = (keyfile is not None) and IMAP4_SSL_PORT or IMAP4_PORT
+ host = args[0]
+ USER = getpass.getuser()
+ data = open(os.path.exists("test.data") and "test.data" or __file__).read(1000)
+ test_mesg = 'From: %(user)s@localhost%(lf)sSubject: IMAP4 test%(lf)s%(lf)s%(data)s' \
+ % {'user':USER, 'lf':'\n', 'data':data}
+ test_seq1 = [
+ ('list', ('""', '""')),
+ ('list', ('""', '"%"')),
+ ('create', ('imaplib2_test0',)),
+ ('rename', ('imaplib2_test0', 'imaplib2_test1')),
+ ('CREATE', ('imaplib2_test2',)),
+ ('append', ('imaplib2_test2', None, None, test_mesg)),
+ ('list', ('""', '"imaplib2_test%"')),
+ ('select', ('imaplib2_test2',)),
+ ('search', (None, 'SUBJECT', '"IMAP4 test"')),
+ ('fetch', ('1:*', '(FLAGS INTERNALDATE RFC822)')),
+ ('store', ('1', 'FLAGS', '(\Deleted)')),
+ ('namespace', ()),
+ ('expunge', ()),
+ ('recent', ()),
+ ('close', ()),
+ ]
+ test_seq2 = (
+ ('select', ()),
+ ('response', ('UIDVALIDITY',)),
+ ('response', ('EXISTS',)),
+ ('append', (None, None, None, test_mesg)),
+ ('examine', ()),
+ ('select', ()),
+ ('fetch', ('1:*', '(FLAGS UID)')),
+ ('examine', ()),
+ ('select', ()),
+ ('uid', ('SEARCH', 'SUBJECT', '"IMAP4 test"')),
+ ('uid', ('SEARCH', 'ALL')),
+ ('uid', ('THREAD', 'references', 'UTF-8', '(SEEN)')),
+ ('recent', ()),
+ )
+ AsyncError, M = None, None
+ def responder(cb_arg_list):
+ response, cb_arg, error = cb_arg_list
+ global AsyncError
+ cmd, args = cb_arg
+ if error is not None:
+ AsyncError = error
+ M._log(0, '[cb] ERROR %s %.100s => %s' % (cmd, args, error))
+ return
+ typ, dat = response
+ M._log(0, '[cb] %s %.100s => %s %.100s' % (cmd, args, typ, dat))
+ if typ == 'NO':
+ AsyncError = (Exception, dat[0])
+ def run(cmd, args, cb=True):
+ if AsyncError:
+ M._log(1, 'AsyncError %s' % repr(AsyncError))
+ M.logout()
+ typ, val = AsyncError
+ raise typ(val)
+ if not M.debug: M._log(0, '%s %.100s' % (cmd, args))
+ try:
+ if cb:
+ typ, dat = getattr(M, cmd)(callback=responder, cb_arg=(cmd, args), *args)
+ M._log(1, '%s %.100s => %s %.100s' % (cmd, args, typ, dat))
+ else:
+ typ, dat = getattr(M, cmd)(*args)
+ M._log(1, '%s %.100s => %s %.100s' % (cmd, args, typ, dat))
+ except:
+ M._log(1, '%s - %s' % sys.exc_info()[:2])
+ M.logout()
+ raise
+ if typ == 'NO':
+ M._log(1, 'NO')
+ M.logout()
+ raise Exception(dat[0])
+ return dat
+ try:
+ threading.currentThread().setName('main')
+ if keyfile is not None:
+ if not keyfile: keyfile = None
+ if not certfile: certfile = None
+ M = IMAP4_SSL(host=host, port=port, keyfile=keyfile, certfile=certfile, ssl_version="tls1", debug=debug, identifier='', timeout=10, debug_buf_lvl=debug_buf_lvl, tls_level="tls_no_ssl")
+ elif stream_command:
+ M = IMAP4_stream(stream_command, debug=debug, identifier='', timeout=10, debug_buf_lvl=debug_buf_lvl)
+ else:
+ M = IMAP4(host=host, port=port, debug=debug, identifier='', timeout=10, debug_buf_lvl=debug_buf_lvl)
+ if M.state != 'AUTH': # Login needed
+ PASSWD = getpass.getpass("IMAP password for %s on %s: " % (USER, host or "localhost"))
+ test_seq1.insert(0, ('login', (USER, PASSWD)))
+ if 'COMPRESS=DEFLATE' in M.capabilities:
+ M.enable_compression()
+ for cmd,args in test_seq1:
+ run(cmd, args)
+ for ml in run('list', ('""', '"imaplib2_test%"'), cb=False):
+ mo = re.match(br'.*"([^"]+)"$', ml)
+ if mo: path = mo.group(1)
+ else: path = ml.split()[-1]
+ run('delete', (path,))
+ if 'ID' in M.capabilities:
+ run('id', ())
+ run('id', ("(name imaplib2)",))
+ run('id', ("version", __version__, "os", os.uname()[0]))
+ for cmd,args in test_seq2:
+ if (cmd,args) != ('uid', ('SEARCH', 'SUBJECT', 'IMAP4 test')):
+ run(cmd, args)
+ continue
+ dat = run(cmd, args, cb=False)
+ uid = dat[-1].split()
+ if not uid: continue
+ run('uid', ('FETCH', uid[-1],
+ run('uid', ('STORE', uid[-1], 'FLAGS', '(\Deleted)'))
+ run('expunge', ())
+ if 'IDLE' in M.capabilities:
+ run('idle', (2,), cb=False)
+ run('idle', (99,)) # Asynchronous, to test interruption of 'idle' by 'noop'
+ time.sleep(1)
+ run('noop', (), cb=False)
+ run('append', (None, None, None, test_mesg), cb=False)
+ num = run('search', (None, 'ALL'), cb=False)[0].split()[0]
+ dat = run('fetch', (num, '(FLAGS INTERNALDATE RFC822)'), cb=False)
+ M._mesg('fetch %s => %s' % (num, repr(dat)))
+ run('idle', (2,))
+ run('store', (num, '-FLAGS', '(\Seen)'), cb=False),
+ dat = run('fetch', (num, '(FLAGS INTERNALDATE RFC822)'), cb=False)
+ M._mesg('fetch %s => %s' % (num, repr(dat)))
+ run('uid', ('STORE', num, 'FLAGS', '(\Deleted)'))
+ run('expunge', ())
+ if idle_intr:
+ M._mesg('HIT CTRL-C to interrupt IDLE')
+ try:
+ run('idle', (99,), cb=False) # Synchronous, to test interruption of 'idle' by INTR
+ except KeyboardInterrupt:
+ M._mesg('Thanks!')
+ M._mesg('')
+ raise
+ elif idle_intr:
+ M._mesg('chosen server does not report IDLE capability')
+ run('logout', (), cb=False)
+ if debug:
+ M._mesg('')
+ M._print_log()
+ M._mesg('')
+ M._mesg('unused untagged responses in order, most recent last:')
+ for typ,dat in M.pop_untagged_responses(): M._mesg('\t%s %s' % (typ, dat))
+ print('All tests OK.')
+ except:
+ if not idle_intr or M is None or not 'IDLE' in M.capabilities:
+ print('Tests failed.')
+ if not debug:
+ print('''
+If you would like to see debugging output,
+try: %s -d5
+''' % sys.argv[0])
+ raise