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1 files changed, 10 insertions, 221 deletions
diff --git a/ayatanawebmail/imaplib2.py b/ayatanawebmail/imaplib2.py
index aa4a1d4..e4ff61c 100755
--- a/ayatanawebmail/imaplib2.py
+++ b/ayatanawebmail/imaplib2.py
@@ -506,7 +506,16 @@ class IMAP4(object):
ssl_version = TLS_MAP[self.tls_level][self.ssl_version]
- self.sock = ssl.wrap_socket(self.sock, self.keyfile, self.certfile, ca_certs=self.ca_certs, cert_reqs=cert_reqs, ssl_version=ssl_version)
+ pContext = ssl.SSLContext (ssl_version)
+ pContext.verify_mode = cert_reqs
+ if self.ca_certs:
+ pContext.load_verify_locations (self.ca_certs)
+ if self.keyfile and self.certfile:
+ pContext.load_cert_chain (self.certfile, self.keyfile)
+ self.sock = pContext.wrap_socket (self.sock, server_hostname=self.host)
ssl_exc = ssl.SSLError
self.read_fd = self.sock.fileno()
except ImportError:
@@ -2413,223 +2422,3 @@ def ParseFlags(resp):
return ()
return tuple(mo.group('flags').split())
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- # To test: invoke either as 'python imaplib2.py [IMAP4_server_hostname]',
- # or as 'python imaplib2.py -s "rsh IMAP4_server_hostname exec /etc/rimapd"'
- # or as 'python imaplib2.py -l keyfile[:certfile]|: [IMAP4_SSL_server_hostname]'
- #
- # Option "-d <level>" turns on debugging (use "-d 5" for everything)
- # Option "-i" tests that IDLE is interruptible
- # Option "-p <port>" allows alternate ports
- if not __debug__:
- raise ValueError('Please run without -O')
- import getopt, getpass
- try:
- optlist, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'd:il:s:p:')
- except getopt.error as val:
- optlist, args = (), ()
- debug, debug_buf_lvl, port, stream_command, keyfile, certfile, idle_intr = (None,)*7
- for opt,val in optlist:
- if opt == '-d':
- debug = int(val)
- debug_buf_lvl = debug - 1
- elif opt == '-i':
- idle_intr = 1
- elif opt == '-l':
- try:
- keyfile,certfile = val.split(':')
- except ValueError:
- keyfile,certfile = val,val
- elif opt == '-p':
- port = int(val)
- elif opt == '-s':
- stream_command = val
- if not args: args = (stream_command,)
- if not args: args = ('',)
- if not port: port = (keyfile is not None) and IMAP4_SSL_PORT or IMAP4_PORT
- host = args[0]
- USER = getpass.getuser()
- data = open(os.path.exists("test.data") and "test.data" or __file__).read(1000)
- test_mesg = 'From: %(user)s@localhost%(lf)sSubject: IMAP4 test%(lf)s%(lf)s%(data)s' \
- % {'user':USER, 'lf':'\n', 'data':data}
- test_seq1 = [
- ('list', ('""', '""')),
- ('list', ('""', '"%"')),
- ('create', ('imaplib2_test0',)),
- ('rename', ('imaplib2_test0', 'imaplib2_test1')),
- ('CREATE', ('imaplib2_test2',)),
- ('append', ('imaplib2_test2', None, None, test_mesg)),
- ('list', ('""', '"imaplib2_test%"')),
- ('select', ('imaplib2_test2',)),
- ('search', (None, 'SUBJECT', '"IMAP4 test"')),
- ('fetch', ('1:*', '(FLAGS INTERNALDATE RFC822)')),
- ('store', ('1', 'FLAGS', '(\Deleted)')),
- ('namespace', ()),
- ('expunge', ()),
- ('recent', ()),
- ('close', ()),
- ]
- test_seq2 = (
- ('select', ()),
- ('response', ('UIDVALIDITY',)),
- ('response', ('EXISTS',)),
- ('append', (None, None, None, test_mesg)),
- ('examine', ()),
- ('select', ()),
- ('fetch', ('1:*', '(FLAGS UID)')),
- ('examine', ()),
- ('select', ()),
- ('uid', ('SEARCH', 'SUBJECT', '"IMAP4 test"')),
- ('uid', ('SEARCH', 'ALL')),
- ('uid', ('THREAD', 'references', 'UTF-8', '(SEEN)')),
- ('recent', ()),
- )
- AsyncError, M = None, None
- def responder(cb_arg_list):
- response, cb_arg, error = cb_arg_list
- global AsyncError
- cmd, args = cb_arg
- if error is not None:
- AsyncError = error
- M._log(0, '[cb] ERROR %s %.100s => %s' % (cmd, args, error))
- return
- typ, dat = response
- M._log(0, '[cb] %s %.100s => %s %.100s' % (cmd, args, typ, dat))
- if typ == 'NO':
- AsyncError = (Exception, dat[0])
- def run(cmd, args, cb=True):
- if AsyncError:
- M._log(1, 'AsyncError %s' % repr(AsyncError))
- M.logout()
- typ, val = AsyncError
- raise typ(val)
- if not M.debug: M._log(0, '%s %.100s' % (cmd, args))
- try:
- if cb:
- typ, dat = getattr(M, cmd)(callback=responder, cb_arg=(cmd, args), *args)
- M._log(1, '%s %.100s => %s %.100s' % (cmd, args, typ, dat))
- else:
- typ, dat = getattr(M, cmd)(*args)
- M._log(1, '%s %.100s => %s %.100s' % (cmd, args, typ, dat))
- except:
- M._log(1, '%s - %s' % sys.exc_info()[:2])
- M.logout()
- raise
- if typ == 'NO':
- M._log(1, 'NO')
- M.logout()
- raise Exception(dat[0])
- return dat
- try:
- threading.currentThread().setName('main')
- if keyfile is not None:
- if not keyfile: keyfile = None
- if not certfile: certfile = None
- M = IMAP4_SSL(host=host, port=port, keyfile=keyfile, certfile=certfile, ssl_version="tls1", debug=debug, identifier='', timeout=10, debug_buf_lvl=debug_buf_lvl, tls_level="tls_no_ssl")
- elif stream_command:
- M = IMAP4_stream(stream_command, debug=debug, identifier='', timeout=10, debug_buf_lvl=debug_buf_lvl)
- else:
- M = IMAP4(host=host, port=port, debug=debug, identifier='', timeout=10, debug_buf_lvl=debug_buf_lvl)
- if M.state != 'AUTH': # Login needed
- PASSWD = getpass.getpass("IMAP password for %s on %s: " % (USER, host or "localhost"))
- test_seq1.insert(0, ('login', (USER, PASSWD)))
- if 'COMPRESS=DEFLATE' in M.capabilities:
- M.enable_compression()
- for cmd,args in test_seq1:
- run(cmd, args)
- for ml in run('list', ('""', '"imaplib2_test%"'), cb=False):
- mo = re.match(br'.*"([^"]+)"$', ml)
- if mo: path = mo.group(1)
- else: path = ml.split()[-1]
- run('delete', (path,))
- if 'ID' in M.capabilities:
- run('id', ())
- run('id', ("(name imaplib2)",))
- run('id', ("version", __version__, "os", os.uname()[0]))
- for cmd,args in test_seq2:
- if (cmd,args) != ('uid', ('SEARCH', 'SUBJECT', 'IMAP4 test')):
- run(cmd, args)
- continue
- dat = run(cmd, args, cb=False)
- uid = dat[-1].split()
- if not uid: continue
- run('uid', ('FETCH', uid[-1],
- run('uid', ('STORE', uid[-1], 'FLAGS', '(\Deleted)'))
- run('expunge', ())
- if 'IDLE' in M.capabilities:
- run('idle', (2,), cb=False)
- run('idle', (99,)) # Asynchronous, to test interruption of 'idle' by 'noop'
- time.sleep(1)
- run('noop', (), cb=False)
- run('append', (None, None, None, test_mesg), cb=False)
- num = run('search', (None, 'ALL'), cb=False)[0].split()[0]
- dat = run('fetch', (num, '(FLAGS INTERNALDATE RFC822)'), cb=False)
- M._mesg('fetch %s => %s' % (num, repr(dat)))
- run('idle', (2,))
- run('store', (num, '-FLAGS', '(\Seen)'), cb=False),
- dat = run('fetch', (num, '(FLAGS INTERNALDATE RFC822)'), cb=False)
- M._mesg('fetch %s => %s' % (num, repr(dat)))
- run('uid', ('STORE', num, 'FLAGS', '(\Deleted)'))
- run('expunge', ())
- if idle_intr:
- M._mesg('HIT CTRL-C to interrupt IDLE')
- try:
- run('idle', (99,), cb=False) # Synchronous, to test interruption of 'idle' by INTR
- except KeyboardInterrupt:
- M._mesg('Thanks!')
- M._mesg('')
- raise
- elif idle_intr:
- M._mesg('chosen server does not report IDLE capability')
- run('logout', (), cb=False)
- if debug:
- M._mesg('')
- M._print_log()
- M._mesg('')
- M._mesg('unused untagged responses in order, most recent last:')
- for typ,dat in M.pop_untagged_responses(): M._mesg('\t%s %s' % (typ, dat))
- print('All tests OK.')
- except:
- if not idle_intr or M is None or not 'IDLE' in M.capabilities:
- print('Tests failed.')
- if not debug:
- print('''
-If you would like to see debugging output,
-try: %s -d5
-''' % sys.argv[0])
- raise