path: root/ayatanawebmail/application.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ayatanawebmail/application.py')
1 files changed, 1207 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ayatanawebmail/application.py b/ayatanawebmail/application.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..4c1ba92
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ayatanawebmail/application.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1207 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Ayatana Webmail, the main application class
+# Authors: Dmitry Shachnev <mitya57@gmail.com>
+# Robert Tari <robert@tari.in>
+# License: GNU GPL 3 or higher; http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
+import gi
+gi.require_version('Gtk', '3.0')
+gi.require_version('Notify', '0.7')
+import email
+import email.errors
+import email.header
+import email.utils
+import dbus
+import dbus.service
+import logging
+import secretstorage
+import subprocess
+import sys
+import time
+import re
+import ayatanawebmail.imaplib2 as imaplib
+import os.path
+import os
+import urllib3
+import importlib
+import locale
+import psutil
+from gi.repository import Gio, GLib, Gtk, Notify
+from socket import error as socketerror
+from dbus.mainloop.glib import DBusGMainLoop
+from babel.dates import format_timedelta
+from ayatanawebmail.common import g_oTranslation, g_oSettings, openURLOrCommand, g_lstAccounts, g_dctDefaultURLs
+from ayatanawebmail.idler import Idler
+from ayatanawebmail.dialog import PreferencesDialog, MESSAGEACTION
+from ayatanawebmail.actions import DialogActions
+from ayatanawebmail.appdata import APPNAME
+imaplib._MAXLINE = 500000#160000 # See discussion in LP: #1309566
+logger = logging.getLogger('Ayatana Webmail')
+handler = logging.StreamHandler()
+handler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s: %(name)s: %(levelname)s: %(message)s'))
+logger.propagate = False
+m_reThrid = re.compile(b'THRID (\\d+)')
+fixFormat = lambda string: string.replace('%(t0)s', '{t0}').replace('%(t1)s', '{t1}')
+def checkNetwork():
+ try:
+ oResult = urllib3.PoolManager().request('HEAD', 'https://www.google.com', timeout=5)
+ return True
+ except Exception as oException:
+ return False
+def decodeWrapper(header):
+ # Decodes an Email header, returns a string
+ # A hack for headers without a space between decoded name and email
+ try:
+ dec = email.header.decode_header(header.replace('=?=<', '=?= <'))
+ except email.errors.HeaderParseError:
+ logger.warning('Exception in decode, skipping.')
+ return header
+ parts = []
+ for dec_part in dec:
+ if dec_part[1]:
+ try:
+ parts.append(dec_part[0].decode(dec_part[1]))
+ except (AttributeError, LookupError, UnicodeDecodeError):
+ logger.warning('Exception in decode, skipping.')
+ elif isinstance(dec_part[0], bytes):
+ parts.append(dec_part[0].decode())
+ else:
+ parts.append(dec_part[0])
+ return str.join(' ', parts)
+def getHeaderWrapper(message, header_name, decode):
+ header = message[header_name]
+ if isinstance(header, str):
+ header = header.replace(' \r\n', '').replace('\r\n', '')
+ return (decodeWrapper(header) if decode else header)
+ return ''
+def getSenderName(sender):
+ # Strips address, and returns only name
+ sname = email.utils.parseaddr(sender)[0]
+ return sname if sname else sender
+class MessagingMenu(object):
+ oUnity = None
+ oMessagingMenu = None
+ oAppIndicator = None
+ def __init__(self, fnActivate, fnSettings, fnUpdateMessageAges, fnCheckNetwork):
+ self.fnActivate = fnActivate
+ self.launcher = None
+ self.nMenuItems = 0
+ self.nMessageAgeTimer = None
+ self.nNetworkTimer = GLib.timeout_add_seconds(60, fnCheckNetwork)
+ self.oMenuItemClear = None
+ self.oMailIcon = Gio.Icon.new_for_string('mail-unread')
+ try:
+ gi.require_version('Unity', '7.0')
+ self.oUnity = importlib.import_module('gi.repository.Unity')
+ strDesktopId = 'ayatana-webmail.desktop'
+ for strId in self.oUnity.LauncherFavorites.get_default().enumerate_ids():
+ if APPNAME in strId:
+ strDesktopId = strId
+ break
+ self.oLauncher = self.oUnity.LauncherEntry.get_for_desktop_id(strDesktopId)
+ except Exception as oException:
+ pass
+ lstProcesses = [oProcess.name() for oProcess in psutil.process_iter()]
+ if 'ayatana-indicator-messages-service' in lstProcesses:
+ try:
+ gi.require_version('AyatanaMessagingMenu', '1.0')
+ self.oMessagingMenu = importlib.import_module('gi.repository.AyatanaMessagingMenu')
+ except Exception as oException:
+ gi.require_version('MessagingMenu', '1.0')
+ self.oMessagingMenu = importlib.import_module('gi.repository.MessagingMenu')
+ elif 'indicator-messages-service' in lstProcesses:
+ gi.require_version('MessagingMenu', '1.0')
+ self.oMessagingMenu = importlib.import_module('gi.repository.MessagingMenu')
+ if self.oMessagingMenu:
+ self.oIndicator = self.oMessagingMenu.App(desktop_id='ayatana-webmail.desktop')
+ self.oIndicator.register()
+ self.oIndicator.connect('activate-source', lambda a, i: self.onMenuItemClicked(i))
+ return
+ if 'ayatana-indicator-application-service' in lstProcesses:
+ try:
+ gi.require_version('AyatanaAppIndicator3', '0.1')
+ self.oAppIndicator = importlib.import_module('gi.repository.AyatanaAppIndicator3')
+ except Exception as oException:
+ gi.require_version('AppIndicator3', '0.1')
+ self.oAppIndicator = importlib.import_module('gi.repository.AppIndicator3')
+ if not self.oAppIndicator:
+ gi.require_version('AppIndicator3', '0.1')
+ self.oAppIndicator = importlib.import_module('gi.repository.AppIndicator3')
+ self.oIndicator = self.oAppIndicator.Indicator.new(APPNAME, 'indicator-messages', self.oAppIndicator.IndicatorCategory.APPLICATION_STATUS)
+ self.oIndicator.set_attention_icon('indicator-messages-new')
+ self.oIndicator.set_status(self.oAppIndicator.IndicatorStatus.ACTIVE)
+ self.oMenu = Gtk.Menu()
+ self.oMenu.append(Gtk.SeparatorMenuItem())
+ oMenuItemInbox = Gtk.MenuItem()
+ oMenuItemInbox.connect('activate', lambda w: openURLOrCommand('Home'))
+ oBoxInbox = Gtk.Box.new(Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL, 6)
+ oBoxInbox.pack_start(Gtk.Image.new_from_stock(Gtk.STOCK_HOME, Gtk.IconSize.MENU), False, False, 0)
+ oBoxInbox.pack_start(Gtk.Label(_('Open webmail home page'), xalign=0), True, True, 0)
+ oMenuItemInbox.add(oBoxInbox)
+ self.oMenu.append(oMenuItemInbox)
+ self.oMenuItemClear = Gtk.MenuItem(sensitive=False)
+ self.oMenuItemClear.connect('activate', self.onClear)
+ oBoxClear = Gtk.Box.new(Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL, 6)
+ oBoxClear.pack_start(Gtk.Image.new_from_icon_name('gtk-clear', Gtk.IconSize.MENU), False, False, 0)
+ oBoxClear.pack_start(Gtk.Label(_('Clear'), xalign=0), True, True, 0)
+ self.oMenuItemClear.add(oBoxClear)
+ self.oMenu.append(self.oMenuItemClear)
+ oMenuItemConfig = Gtk.MenuItem()
+ oMenuItemConfig.connect('activate', lambda w: fnSettings())
+ oBoxConfig = Gtk.Box.new(Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL, 6)
+ oBoxConfig.pack_start(Gtk.Image.new_from_stock(Gtk.STOCK_PREFERENCES, Gtk.IconSize.MENU), False, False, 0)
+ oBoxConfig.pack_start(Gtk.Label(_('Settings'), xalign=0), True, True, 0)
+ oMenuItemConfig.add(oBoxConfig)
+ self.oMenu.append(oMenuItemConfig)
+ self.oMenu.show_all()
+ self.oIndicator.set_menu(self.oMenu)
+ self.nMenuItems = len(self.oMenu.get_children())
+ self.nMessageAgeTimer = GLib.timeout_add_seconds(60, fnUpdateMessageAges)
+ def getMessageAge(self, nTimestamp):
+ nTimeDelta = int(time.time() - nTimestamp / 1000000)
+ strGranularity = 'minute'
+ if nTimeDelta > (7 * 24 * 60 * 60):
+ strGranularity = 'week'
+ elif nTimeDelta > (24 * 60 * 60):
+ strGranularity = 'day'
+ elif nTimeDelta > (60 * 60):
+ strGranularity = 'hour'
+ elif nTimeDelta < 60:
+ nTimeDelta = 61
+ return ' (' + format_timedelta(nTimeDelta, granularity=strGranularity, format='short', locale=locale.getlocale()[0]) + ')'
+ def onMenuItemClicked(self, strId):
+ if self.fnActivate(strId):
+ self.setCount(-1, True)
+ if not self.oMessagingMenu:
+ self.remove(strId)
+ def append(self, strId, strTitle, nTimestamp, bDrawAttention):
+ if self.oMessagingMenu:
+ self.oIndicator.append_source_with_time(strId, self.oMailIcon, strTitle, nTimestamp)
+ if bDrawAttention:
+ self.oIndicator.draw_attention(strId)
+ else:
+ oMenuItem = Gtk.MenuItem()
+ oMenuItem.props.name = strId
+ oMenuItem.connect('activate', lambda w: self.onMenuItemClicked(w.props.name))
+ oBox = Gtk.Box(Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL, 6)
+ oBox.pack_start(Gtk.Image.new_from_icon_name('mail-unread', Gtk.IconSize.MENU), False, False, 0)
+ oBox.pack_start(Gtk.Label(strTitle + self.getMessageAge(nTimestamp), xalign=0), True, True, 0)
+ oMenuItem.add(oBox)
+ oMenuItem.show_all()
+ self.oMenu.insert(oMenuItem, len(self.oMenu.get_children()) - self.nMenuItems)
+ if bDrawAttention:
+ self.oIndicator.set_status(self.oAppIndicator.IndicatorStatus.ATTENTION)
+ self.oMenuItemClear.set_sensitive(True)
+ return False
+ def remove(self, strId):
+ if self.oMessagingMenu:
+ if self.oIndicator.has_source(strId):
+ self.oIndicator.remove_source(strId)
+ else:
+ for oItem in self.oMenu.get_children()[0:-self.nMenuItems]:
+ if oItem.props.name == strId:
+ self.oMenu.remove(oItem)
+ if len(self.oMenu.get_children()) - self.nMenuItems == 0:
+ self.oIndicator.set_status(self.oAppIndicator.IndicatorStatus.ACTIVE)
+ self.oMenuItemClear.set_sensitive(False)
+ return False
+ def hasSource(self, strId):
+ if self.oMessagingMenu:
+ return self.oIndicator.has_source(strId)
+ else:
+ for oItem in self.oMenu.get_children()[0:-self.nMenuItems]:
+ if oItem.props.name == strId:
+ return True
+ return False
+ def close(self):
+ if not self.oMessagingMenu:
+ GLib.source_remove(self.nMessageAgeTimer)
+ GLib.source_remove(self.nNetworkTimer)
+ def update(self, strId, nTimestamp):
+ for oItem in self.oMenu.get_children()[0:-self.nMenuItems]:
+ if oItem.props.name == strId:
+ oLabel = oItem.get_children()[0].get_children()[1]
+ oLabel.set_text(oLabel.get_text().rpartition(' (')[0] + self.getMessageAge(nTimestamp))
+ return False
+ def onClear(self, oWidget):
+ for oItem in self.oMenu.get_children()[0:-self.nMenuItems]:
+ self.oMenu.remove(oItem)
+ if len(self.oMenu.get_children()) - self.nMenuItems == 0:
+ self.oIndicator.set_status(self.oAppIndicator.IndicatorStatus.ACTIVE)
+ self.oMenuItemClear.set_sensitive(False)
+ self.setCount(0, True)
+ def setCount(self, nCount, bVisible):
+ if nCount == -1:
+ if self.oUnity:
+ nCount = self.oLauncher.get_property('count') - 1
+ elif not self.oMessagingMenu:
+ nCount = int(self.oIndicator.get_label()) - 1
+ bVisible = bVisible and ((nCount > 0) or not g_oSettings.get_boolean('hide-messages-count'))
+ if self.oUnity:
+ self.oLauncher.set_property('count', nCount)
+ self.oLauncher.set_property('count_visible', bVisible)
+ elif not self.oMessagingMenu:
+ self.oIndicator.set_label(str(nCount) if bVisible else '', '')
+ return False
+class SessionBus(dbus.service.Object):
+ fnSettings = None
+ fnClear = None
+ fnIsInit = None
+ def __init__(self, fnSettings, fnClear, fnIsInit, fnOpenURL):
+ oBusName = dbus.service.BusName('org.ayatana.webmail', bus=dbus.SessionBus())
+ dbus.service.Object.__init__(self, oBusName, '/org/ayatana/webmail')
+ self.fnSettings = fnSettings
+ self.fnClear = fnClear
+ self.fnIsInit = fnIsInit
+ self.fnOpenURL = fnOpenURL
+ @dbus.service.method('org.ayatana.webmail')
+ def settings(self):
+ self.fnSettings()
+ @dbus.service.method('org.ayatana.webmail')
+ def clear(self):
+ self.fnClear()
+ @dbus.service.method('org.ayatana.webmail')
+ def isinit(self):
+ return self.fnIsInit()
+ @dbus.service.method('org.ayatana.webmail', in_signature='s')
+ def openurl(self, strURL):
+ return self.fnOpenURL(strURL)
+class Connection(object):
+ def __init__(self, bDebug, host, port, login, passwd, folder, fnIdle, strInbox):
+ self.bDebug = bDebug
+ self.strHost = host
+ self.nPort = port
+ self.strLogin = login
+ self.strPasswd = passwd
+ self.oImap = None
+ self.lstNotificationQueue = []
+ self.oIdler = None
+ self.strFolder = folder
+ self.fnIdle = fnIdle
+ self.strInbox = strInbox
+ self.bConnecting = False
+ def close(self):
+ if self.oIdler:
+ self.oIdler.stop()
+ self.oIdler.join()
+ self.oIdler = None
+ if self.oImap:
+ try:
+ self.oImap.close()
+ except Exception as oException:
+ pass
+ try:
+ self.oImap.logout()
+ except Exception as oException:
+ pass
+ self.oImap = None
+ logger.info('"{0}:{1}" has been cleaned up.'.format(self.strLogin, self.strFolder))
+ def connect(self):
+ try:
+ self.oImap = imaplib.IMAP4_SSL(self.strHost, self.nPort, debug=int(self.bDebug)*5)
+ except Exception as e:
+ logger.warning('"{0}:{1}" IMAP4_SSL failed, trying IMAP4.'.format(self.strLogin, self.strFolder))
+ self.oImap = imaplib.IMAP4(self.strHost, self.nPort, debug=int(self.bDebug)*5)
+ if 'STARTTLS' in self.oImap.capabilities:
+ self.oImap.starttls()
+ try:
+ self.oImap.login(self.strLogin, self.strPasswd)
+ except Exception as e:
+ logger.error('"{0}:{1}" login failed.'.format(self.strLogin, self.strFolder))
+ raise
+ strFolderUTF7 = bytes(self.strFolder, 'utf-7').replace(b'+', b'&').replace(b' &', b'- &')
+ if b' ' in strFolderUTF7:
+ strFolderUTF7 = b'"' + strFolderUTF7 + b'"'
+ if self.oImap.select(mailbox=strFolderUTF7)[0] != 'OK':
+ raise Exception('Mailbox "{0}:{1}" does not exist.'.format(self.strLogin, self.strFolder))
+ else:
+ logger.info('"{0}:{1}" is now connected.'.format(self.strLogin, self.strFolder))
+ self.fnIdle(self, False)
+ self.oIdler = Idler(self, self.fnIdle, logger)
+ self.oIdler.start()
+ def isOpen(self):
+ return checkNetwork() and self.oImap and self.oImap.state != imaplib.LOGOUT and not self.oImap.Terminate
+class Message(object):
+ def __init__(self, oConnection, strUId, title, message_id, timestamp, strSender, thread_id=''):
+ self.oConnection = oConnection
+ self.strUId = strUId
+ self.title = title
+ self.message_id = message_id
+ self.timestamp = timestamp
+ self.thread_id = thread_id
+ self.strSender = strSender
+class AyatanaWebmail(object):
+ def __init__(self, bDebug):
+ self.bDebug = bDebug
+ self.dlgSettings = None
+ self.nLastMailTimestamp = 0
+ self.first_run = True
+ self.lstConnections = []
+ self.lstUnreadMessages = []
+ self.bDrawAttention = False
+ self.bIdlerRunning = False
+ self.bNoNetwork = True
+ self.oMessagingMenu = MessagingMenu(self.onMenuItemClicked, self.openDialog, self.updateMessageAges, self.fnCheckNetwork)
+ self.initKeyring()
+ self.initConfig()
+ DBusGMainLoop(set_as_default=True)
+ SessionBus(self.openDialog, self.clear, lambda: bool(g_lstAccounts), openURLOrCommand)
+ oSystemBus = dbus.SystemBus()
+ oSystemBus.add_signal_receiver(self.onPrepareForSleep, 'PrepareForSleep', 'org.freedesktop.login1.Manager', 'org.freedesktop.login1')
+ Notify.init('Ayatana Webmail')
+ GLib.set_application_name('Ayatana Webmail')
+ if not self.bIdlerRunning:
+ self.bIdlerRunning = True
+ for oConnection in self.lstConnections:
+ oConnection.bConnecting = True
+ GLib.timeout_add_seconds(5, self.connect, self.lstConnections)
+ try:
+ GLib.MainLoop().run()
+ except KeyboardInterrupt:
+ self.close(0)
+ def onPrepareForSleep(self, bGoing):
+ if not bGoing:
+ logger.info('The System has resumed from sleep, reconnecting accounts.')
+ for oConnection in self.lstConnections:
+ oConnection.bConnecting = True
+ oConnection.close()
+ GLib.timeout_add_seconds(5, self.connect, self.lstConnections)
+ def fnCheckNetwork(self):
+ if not checkNetwork():
+ logger.info('No network connection, checking in 1 minute.')
+ self.bNoNetwork = True
+ self.bIdlerRunning = False
+ elif self.bNoNetwork:
+ self.bNoNetwork = False
+ if not self.bIdlerRunning:
+ self.bIdlerRunning = True
+ for oConnection in self.lstConnections:
+ oConnection.bConnecting = True
+ GLib.timeout_add_seconds(5, self.connect, self.lstConnections)
+ return True
+ def clear(self):
+ # WARNING: loadDataFromDicts also calls this!
+ if g_lstAccounts:
+ for oMessage in self.lstUnreadMessages:
+ #self.markMessageAsRead(message)
+ GLib.idle_add(self.oMessagingMenu.remove, oMessage.message_id)
+ time.sleep(0.01)
+ self.setLauncherCount(0)
+ def closeConnections(self):
+ for oConnection in self.lstConnections:
+ oConnection.close()
+ self.lstConnections = []
+ self.bIdlerRunning = False
+ def close(self, nCode):
+ self.oMessagingMenu.close()
+ self.closeConnections()
+ print()
+ sys.exit(nCode)
+ def onMenuItemClicked(self, strId):
+ for message in self.lstUnreadMessages:
+ if message.message_id == strId:
+ if self.nMessageAction == MESSAGEACTION['MARK']:
+ self.markMessageAsRead(message)
+ elif self.nMessageAction == MESSAGEACTION['ASK']:
+ dlg = DialogActions(message.strSender, message.title)
+ nResponse = dlg.run()
+ dlg.destroy()
+ if nResponse == 100:
+ try:
+ if any(s in message.oConnection.strHost for s in ['gmail', 'google']):
+ message.oConnection.oImap.uid('STORE', message.strUId, '+X-GM-LABELS', '\\Trash')
+ else:
+ message.oConnection.oImap.uid('STORE', message.strUId, '+FLAGS', '\\Deleted')
+ message.oConnection.oImap.expunge()
+ except (imaplib.IMAP4.error, socketerror) as oError:
+ logger.error(str(oError))
+ elif nResponse == 200:
+ self.markMessageAsRead(message)
+ elif nResponse == 300:
+ openURLOrCommand(message.oConnection.strInbox.replace('$MSG_THREAD', message.thread_id).replace('$MSG_UID', message.strUId.decode('utf-8')))
+ else:
+ self.bDrawAttention = not message.timestamp < self.nLastMailTimestamp
+ self.appendToIndicator(message)
+ self.bDrawAttention = False
+ return False
+ else:
+ openURLOrCommand(message.oConnection.strInbox.replace('$MSG_THREAD', message.thread_id).replace('$MSG_UID', message.strUId.decode('utf-8')))
+ # True removes the message from Appindicator3
+ return True
+ def markMessageAsRead(self, message):
+ # Mark entire conversation
+ lstIndexes = [message.strUId]
+ if message.thread_id and self.bMergeConversation:
+ lstSearch = []
+ try:
+ lstSearch = message.oConnection.oImap.uid('SEARCH', None, '(X-GM-THRID ' + str(int(message.thread_id, 16)) + ')')
+ except imaplib.IMAP4.error as oError:
+ logger.error(str(oError))
+ return
+ if lstSearch[1][0] is not None:
+ lstIndexes = [m for m in lstSearch[1][0].split()]
+ for strIndex in lstIndexes:
+ try:
+ message.oConnection.oImap.uid('STORE', strIndex, '+FLAGS', '\\Seen')
+ except (imaplib.IMAP4.error, socketerror) as e:
+ logger.error(str(e))
+ def initConfig(self):
+ self.nMaxCount = g_oSettings.get_int('max-item-count')
+ self.bEnableNotifications = g_oSettings.get_boolean('enable-notifications')
+ self.bPlaySound = g_oSettings.get_boolean('enable-sound')
+ self.bHideCount = g_oSettings.get_boolean('hide-messages-count')
+ self.strCommand = g_oSettings.get_string('exec-on-receive')
+ self.custom_sound = g_oSettings.get_string('custom-sound')
+ self.bMergeConversation = g_oSettings.get_boolean('merge-messages')
+ self.nMessageAction = g_oSettings.get_enum('message-action')
+ def initKeyring(self):
+ bus = secretstorage.dbus_init()
+ try:
+ self.collection = secretstorage.get_default_collection(bus)
+ self.collection.is_locked()
+ except secretstorage.SecretStorageException as e:
+ logger.critical(str(e))
+ self.close(1)
+ if self.collection.is_locked():
+ self.collection.unlock()
+ if self.collection.is_locked():
+ logger.critical('Failed to unlock the collection, exiting.')
+ self.close(1)
+ self.mail_keys = list(self.collection.search_items({'application': 'ayatana-webmail'}))
+ if not self.mail_keys:
+ self.openDialog()
+ if not g_lstAccounts:
+ for key in sorted(self.mail_keys, key=lambda item: item.item_path):
+ dctAttributes = key.get_attributes()
+ strHost = dctAttributes['server']
+ nPort = int(dctAttributes['port'])
+ strLogin = dctAttributes['username']
+ strPasswd = key.get_secret().decode('utf-8')
+ strFolders = dctAttributes['folders']
+ strHome = g_oSettings.get_string('home')
+ strCompose = g_oSettings.get_string('compose')
+ strInbox = g_oSettings.get_string('inbox')
+ strSent = g_oSettings.get_string('sent')
+ strInboxAppend = ''
+ try:
+ strHome = dctAttributes['home']
+ strCompose = dctAttributes['compose']
+ strInbox = dctAttributes['inbox']
+ strSent = dctAttributes['sent']
+ except KeyError:
+ pass
+ try:
+ strInboxAppend = dctAttributes['InboxAppend']
+ except KeyError:
+ if strInbox == g_dctDefaultURLs['Inbox']:
+ strInboxAppend = '/$MSG_THREAD'
+ pass
+ g_lstAccounts.append({'Host': strHost, 'Port': nPort, 'Login': strLogin, 'Passwd': strPasswd, 'Folders': strFolders, 'Home': strHome, 'Compose': strCompose, 'Inbox': strInbox, 'Sent': strSent, 'InboxAppend': strInboxAppend})
+ for strFolder in strFolders.split('\t'):
+ self.lstConnections.append(Connection(self.bDebug, strHost, nPort, strLogin, strPasswd, strFolder, self.onIdle, strInbox + strInboxAppend))
+ def createKeyringItem(self, ind, update=False):
+ attrs = {'application': 'ayatana-webmail', 'service': 'imap', 'server': g_lstAccounts[ind]['Host'], 'port': str(g_lstAccounts[ind]['Port']), 'username': g_lstAccounts[ind]['Login'], 'folders': g_lstAccounts[ind]['Folders'], 'home': g_lstAccounts[ind]['Home'], 'compose': g_lstAccounts[ind]['Compose'], 'inbox': g_lstAccounts[ind]['Inbox'], 'sent': g_lstAccounts[ind]['Sent'], 'InboxAppend': g_lstAccounts[ind]['InboxAppend']}
+ label = 'ayatana-webmail: ' + g_lstAccounts[ind]['Login'] + ' at ' + g_lstAccounts[ind]['Host']
+ if update:
+ self.mail_keys[ind].set_attributes(attrs)
+ self.mail_keys[ind].set_secret(g_lstAccounts[ind]['Passwd'])
+ self.mail_keys[ind].set_label(label)
+ else:
+ self.collection.unlock()
+ self.collection.create_item(label, attrs, g_lstAccounts[ind]['Passwd'], True)
+ def openDialog(self):
+ if not self.dlgSettings:
+ self.dlgSettings = PreferencesDialog()
+ self.dlgSettings.connect('response', self.onDialogResponse)
+ if self.mail_keys:
+ self.dlgSettings.setAccounts(g_lstAccounts)
+ self.dlgSettings.run()
+ self.dlgSettings.destroy()
+ self.dlgSettings = None
+ def onDialogResponse(self, dlg, response):
+ global g_lstAccounts
+ if response == Gtk.ResponseType.APPLY:
+ dlg.updateAccounts()
+ dlg.saveAllSettings()
+ g_lstAccounts = dlg.lstDicts[:]
+ self.loadDataFromDicts()
+ for index in range(len(g_lstAccounts), len(self.mail_keys)):
+ # Remove old keys
+ self.mail_keys[index].delete()
+ for index in range(len(g_lstAccounts)):
+ # Create new keys or update existing
+ self.createKeyringItem(index, update=(index < len(self.mail_keys)))
+ self.mail_keys = list(self.collection.search_items({'application': 'ayatana-webmail'}))
+ if self.mail_keys and g_lstAccounts and all(self.lstConnections) and not self.bIdlerRunning:
+ self.bIdlerRunning = True
+ for oConnection in self.lstConnections:
+ oConnection.bConnecting = True
+ GLib.timeout_add_seconds(5, self.connect, self.lstConnections)
+ if response in [Gtk.ResponseType.APPLY, Gtk.ResponseType.CANCEL]:
+ dlg.destroy()
+ def loadDataFromDicts(self):
+ self.closeConnections()
+ self.initConfig()
+ self.clear()
+ self.lstUnreadMessages = []
+ self.nLastMailTimestamp = 0
+ self.first_run = True
+ for dct in g_lstAccounts:
+ strFolders = 'INBOX'
+ try:
+ strFolders = dct['Folders']
+ except KeyError:
+ pass
+ nPort = 993
+ try:
+ nPort = int(dct['Port'])
+ except ValueError:
+ pass
+ for strFolder in strFolders.split('\t'):
+ self.lstConnections.append(Connection(self.bDebug, dct['Host'], nPort, dct['Login'], dct['Passwd'], strFolder, self.onIdle, dct['Inbox'] + dct['InboxAppend']))
+ def appendToIndicator(self, message):
+ if self.oMessagingMenu.hasSource(message.message_id):
+ return
+ title = message.title
+ if len(title) > 50:
+ title = title[:50] + '...'
+ if len(g_lstAccounts) > 1:
+ title = '↪ ' + message.oConnection.strLogin + '\n' + title
+ GLib.idle_add(self.oMessagingMenu.append, message.message_id, title, message.timestamp, self.bDrawAttention)
+ time.sleep(0.01)
+ def onIdle(self, oConnection, bAborted):
+ if bAborted or not oConnection.isOpen():
+ if not oConnection.bConnecting:
+ oConnection.bConnecting = True
+ GLib.timeout_add_seconds(1, oConnection.close)
+ logger.info('"{0}:{1}" will try to reconnect in 1 minute.'.format(oConnection.strLogin, oConnection.strFolder))
+ GLib.timeout_add_seconds(60, self.connect, [oConnection])
+ return
+ lstMessages = []
+ lstNewMessages = []
+ lstUnread = []
+ search = oConnection.oImap.uid('SEARCH', '(UNSEEN)')
+ if search[1][0] is not None:
+ lstMessages = search[1][0].split()
+ for m in lstMessages[-self.nMaxCount:]:
+ typ = None
+ msg_data = None
+ thread_id = ''
+ msg = None
+ try:
+ typ, msg_data = oConnection.oImap.uid('FETCH', m, '(X-GM-THRID BODY.PEEK[HEADER.FIELDS (DATE SUBJECT FROM MESSAGE-ID)])')
+ for lstField in msg_data:
+ if 'THRID' in str(lstField):
+ thread_id = '%x' % int(m_reThrid.search(lstField[0]).group(1))
+ break
+ except imaplib.IMAP4.error:
+ typ, msg_data = oConnection.oImap.uid('FETCH', m, '(BODY.PEEK[HEADER.FIELDS (DATE SUBJECT FROM MESSAGE-ID)])')
+ for response_part in msg_data:
+ if isinstance(response_part, tuple):
+ msg = email.message_from_bytes(response_part[1])
+ if msg is None:
+ continue
+ message_id = msg['Message-Id']
+ if not isinstance(message_id, str):
+ message_id = oConnection.strHost + ':' + oConnection.strLogin + ':' + oConnection.strFolder + ':' + str(m.decode())
+ bMessageExists = False
+ for cMessage in self.lstUnreadMessages:
+ if cMessage.message_id == message_id:
+ bMessageExists = True
+ break
+ if not bMessageExists:
+ sender = getHeaderWrapper(msg, 'From', True)
+ subj = getHeaderWrapper(msg, 'Subject', True)
+ date = getHeaderWrapper(msg, 'Date', False)
+ try:
+ tuple_time = email.utils.parsedate_tz(date)
+ timestamp = email.utils.mktime_tz(tuple_time)
+ if timestamp > time.time():
+ # Message time is larger than the current one
+ timestamp = time.time()
+ except TypeError:
+ # Failed to get time from message
+ timestamp = time.time()
+ # Number of seconds to number of microseconds
+ timestamp *= (10**6)
+ while subj.lower().startswith('re:'):
+ subj = subj[3:]
+ while subj.lower().startswith('fwd:'):
+ subj = subj[4:]
+ subj = subj.strip()
+ if sender.startswith('"'):
+ pos = sender[1:].find('"')
+ if pos >= 0:
+ sender = sender[1:pos+1]+sender[pos+2:]
+ ilabel = subj if subj else _('No subject')
+ # Display only last message in thread
+ bConversationInUnread = False
+ bConversationInNew = False
+ if thread_id and self.bMergeConversation:
+ for oMessage in self.lstUnreadMessages:
+ if oMessage.thread_id == thread_id:
+ oMessage.timestamp = max(timestamp, oMessage.timestamp)
+ bConversationInUnread = True
+ break
+ if not bConversationInUnread:
+ for oMessage in lstNewMessages:
+ if oMessage.thread_id == thread_id:
+ oMessage.timestamp = max(timestamp, oMessage.timestamp)
+ bConversationInNew = True
+ break
+ if not bConversationInUnread and not bConversationInNew:
+ message = Message(oConnection, m, ilabel, message_id, timestamp, sender, thread_id)
+ lstNewMessages.append(message)
+ if timestamp > self.nLastMailTimestamp:
+ if self.bEnableNotifications:
+ if not bConversationInNew:
+ oConnection.lstNotificationQueue.append([sender, subj, oConnection, thread_id])
+ else:
+ for lstNotification in oConnection.lstNotificationQueue:
+ if lstNotification[3] == thread_id:
+ lstNotification[0] = sender
+ break
+ self.nLastMailTimestamp = timestamp
+ self.bDrawAttention = True
+ if self.strCommand and not self.first_run:
+ try:
+ subprocess.call((self.strCommand, sender, ilabel))
+ except OSError as e:
+ # File doesn't exist or is not executable
+ logger.warning('Cannot execute command: {0}'.format(str(e)))
+ else:
+ lstUnread.append(message_id)
+ self.updateIndicator(lstNewMessages, [oMessage for oMessage in self.lstUnreadMessages if oMessage.oConnection == oConnection and oMessage.message_id not in lstUnread], oConnection)
+ def updateIndicator(self, lstNewMessages, lstRemovedMessages, oConnection):
+ for oMessage in [oMessage for oMessage in self.lstUnreadMessages if oMessage.oConnection == oConnection]:
+ # Removed outside the app
+ if oMessage in lstRemovedMessages:
+ GLib.idle_add(self.oMessagingMenu.remove, oMessage.message_id)
+ time.sleep(0.01)
+ # Cleared
+ if not self.oMessagingMenu.hasSource(oMessage.message_id) and oMessage not in lstNewMessages:
+ self.markMessageAsRead(oMessage)
+ self.lstUnreadMessages.remove(oMessage)
+ self.lstUnreadMessages = sorted(self.lstUnreadMessages + lstNewMessages, key=lambda m: m.timestamp)[-self.nMaxCount:]
+ #logger.debug('Unread: {0}, New: {1}, Removed: {2}'.format(len(self.lstUnreadMessages), len(lstNewMessages), len(lstRemovedMessages)))
+ if lstNewMessages:
+ for cMessage in lstNewMessages:
+ self.appendToIndicator(cMessage)
+ try:
+ if self.first_run and oConnection != self.lstConnections[-1]:
+ pass
+ elif self.first_run and oConnection == self.lstConnections[-1]:
+ self.showNotifications()
+ self.first_run = False
+ elif lstNewMessages:
+ self.showNotifications()
+ except GLib.GError as e:
+ logger.warning(str(e))
+ self.setLauncherCount(len(self.lstUnreadMessages))
+ if not self.first_run:
+ self.bDrawAttention = False
+ def updateMessageAges(self):
+ for oMessage in self.lstUnreadMessages:
+ GLib.idle_add(self.oMessagingMenu.update, oMessage.message_id, oMessage.timestamp)
+ time.sleep(0.01)
+ return True
+ def connect(self, lstConnections):
+ logger.info('Checking network...')
+ if not checkNetwork():
+ return False
+ logger.info('Network connection active, connecting...')
+ for oConnection in lstConnections:
+ oConnection.close()
+ try:
+ oConnection.connect()
+ oConnection.bConnecting = False
+ except KeyboardInterrupt:
+ self.close(0)
+ except Exception as oException:
+ logger.error('"{0}:{1}" could not connect: {2}'.format(oConnection.strLogin, oConnection.strFolder, str(oException)))
+ oNotification = Notify.Notification.new(_('Connection error'), '', APPNAME)
+ oNotification.set_property('body', _('Unable to connect to account "{accountName}", the application will now exit.').format(accountName=oConnection.strLogin) + '\n\n' + _('You can run "{command}" to delete all your login settings.').format(command='ayatana-webmail-reset'))
+ oNotification.set_hint('desktop-entry', GLib.Variant.new_string(APPNAME))
+ oNotification.set_timeout(Notify.EXPIRES_NEVER)
+ oNotification.show()
+ self.close(1)
+ return False
+ def setLauncherCount(self, nCount):
+ GLib.idle_add(self.oMessagingMenu.setCount, nCount, any([oImap for oImap in self.lstConnections]))
+ time.sleep(0.01)
+ def showNotifications(self):
+ lstNotificationsQueue = []
+ for oConnection in self.lstConnections:
+ if oConnection:
+ lstNotificationsQueue += oConnection.lstNotificationQueue
+ oConnection.lstNotificationQueue = []
+ number_of_mails = len(lstNotificationsQueue)
+ basemessage = g_oTranslation.ngettext('You have %d unread mail', 'You have %d unread mails', number_of_mails)
+ basemessage = basemessage.replace('%d', '{0}')
+ if number_of_mails and self.bPlaySound:
+ try:
+ if self.custom_sound:
+ subprocess.call(('canberra-gtk-play', '-f', self.custom_sound))
+ else:
+ subprocess.call(('canberra-gtk-play', '-i', 'message-new-email'))
+ except OSError as e:
+ logger.warning(str(e))
+ if number_of_mails > 1:
+ senders = set(getSenderName(lstNotification[0]) for lstNotification in lstNotificationsQueue)
+ unknown_sender = ('' in senders)
+ if unknown_sender:
+ senders.remove('')
+ ts = tuple(senders)
+ if len(ts) > 2 or (len(ts) == 2 and unknown_sender):
+ message = fixFormat(_('from %(t0)s, %(t1)s and others')).format(t0=ts[0], t1=ts[1])
+ elif len(ts) == 2 and not unknown_sender:
+ message = fixFormat(_('from %(t0)s and %(t1)s')).format(t0=ts[0], t1=ts[1])
+ elif len(ts) == 1 and not unknown_sender:
+ message = _('from %s').replace('%s', '{0}').format(getSenderName(ts[0]))
+ else:
+ message = None
+ oNotification = Notify.Notification.new(basemessage.format(number_of_mails), message, APPNAME)
+ oNotification.set_hint('desktop-entry', GLib.Variant.new_string(APPNAME))
+ oNotification.show()
+ elif number_of_mails:
+ lstNotification = lstNotificationsQueue[0]
+ if lstNotification[0]:
+ message = _('New mail from %s').replace('%s', '{0}').format(getSenderName(lstNotification[0]))
+ else:
+ message = basemessage.format(1)
+ oNotification = Notify.Notification.new(message, lstNotification[1], APPNAME)
+ oNotification.set_hint('desktop-entry', GLib.Variant.new_string(APPNAME))
+ oNotification.show()