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--- /dev/null
+++ b/INSTALL.md
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+# Build and installation instructions
+## Compile-time build dependencies
+ - cmake (>= 3.13)
+ - cmake-extras
+ - glib-2.0 (>= 2.58)
+ - gobject-introspection
+ - vala (>= 0.16)
+ - gtk+-3.0 (>= 3.24)
+ - libayatana-ido (>=0.8.2)
+ - gtest (>= 1.6.0)
+ - gcovr (>= 2.4)
+ - lcov (>= 1.9)
+## For end-users and packagers
+cd libayatana-indicator-X.Y.Z
+mkdir build
+cd build
+cmake ..
+sudo make install
+## For testers - unit tests only
+cd libayatana-indicator-X.Y.Z
+mkdir build
+cd build
+make test
+## For testers - both unit tests and code coverage
+cd libayatana-indicator-X.Y.Z
+mkdir build
+cd build
+make test
+make coverage-html
+**The install prefix defaults to `/usr`, change it with `-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/some/path`**
+**You can build a Gtk 2 version using `-DFLAVOUR_GTK2=ON`**
+**You can build a version without Ayatana IDO support using `-DENABLE_IDO=OFF`**
diff --git a/README b/README
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index 154935f..0000000
--- a/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-The indicator service file format
-Modern desktop panels find out about indicator by looking at indicator
-service files in `/usr/share/ayatana/indicators`. These files have to have
-the same name as the well-known D-Bus name that the corresponding service
-An indicator file is a normal key file (like desktop files). It must have
-an `[Indicator Service]` section, that must contain the service's name (`Name`)
-and the object path at which its action group is found (`ObjectPath`). For
- [Indicator Service]
- Name=indicator-example
- ObjectPath=/org/ayatana/indicator/example
-It should also contain a hint to where the indicator should appear in the panel:
- Position=70
-The smaller the position, the further to the right (or left when RTL is
-enabled) the indicator appears.
-An indicator can only export one action group, but a menu for each profile
-("desktop", "greeter", "phone") supports. There must be a section for each
-of those profiles, containing the object path on which the menu is
- [desktop]
- ObjectPath=/org/ayatana/indicator/example/desktop
- [greeter]
- ObjectPath=/org/ayatana/indicator/example/desktop
- [phone]
- ObjectPath=/org/ayatana/indicator/example/phone
-Object paths can be reused for different profiles (the greeter uses the
-same menu as the desktop in the above example).
-There are no fallbacks. If a profile is not mentioned in the service file,
-the indicator will not show up for that profile.
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8214ee6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+# libayatana-indicator - Ayatana Indicators Shared Library [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.com/AyatanaIndicators/libayatana-indicator.svg)](https://travis-ci.com/AyatanaIndicators/libayatana-indicator)
+## About Ayatana Indicators
+The Ayatana Indicators project is the continuation of Application
+Indicators and System Indicators, two technologies developed by Canonical
+Ltd. for the Unity7 desktop.
+Application Indicators are a GTK implementation of the StatusNotifierItem
+Specification (SNI) that was originally submitted to freedesktop.org by
+System Indicators are an extensions to the Application Indicators idea.
+System Indicators allow for far more widgets to be displayed in the
+indicator's menu.
+The Ayatana Indicators project is the new upstream for application
+indicators, system indicators and associated projects with a focus on
+making Ayatana Indicators a desktop agnostic technology.
+On GNU/Linux, Ayatana Indicators are currently available for desktop
+envinronments like MATE (used by default in [Ubuntu
+MATE](https://ubuntu-mate.com)), XFCE (used by default in
+LXDE, and the Budgie Desktop.
+The Lomiri Operating Environment (UI of the Ubuntu Touch OS, formerly
+known as Unity8) uses Ayatana Indicators for rendering its notification
+area and the [UBports](https://ubports.com) project is a core contributor
+to the Ayatana Indicators project.
+For further info, please visit:
+## About this Software Component
+Modern desktop panels find out about indicators by looking at indicator
+service files in `/usr/share/ayatana/indicators`. These files need to have
+the same name as the well-known D-Bus name that the corresponding service
+An indicator file is a normal key file (like desktop files). It must have
+an `[Indicator Service]` section, that must contain the service's name (`Name`)
+and the object path at which its action group is found (`ObjectPath`). For
+[Indicator Service]
+It should also contain a hint to where the indicator should appear in the panel:
+The lower the position, the further to the right (or left when RTL is
+enabled) the indicator appears.
+An indicator can only export one action group, but it supports a menu for each profile
+("desktop", "greeter", "phone"). There is a section for each
+of those profiles, containing the object path on which the menu is
+Object paths can be reused for different profiles (the greeter uses the
+same menu as the desktop in the above example).
+There are no fallbacks. If a profile is not mentioned in the service file,
+the indicator will not show up for that profile.
+## License and Copyright
+See COPYING and AUTHORS file in this project.
+## Building and Testing
+For instructions on building and running built-in tests, see the INSTALL.md file.