path: root/lib/Arctica/Services/Audio/Server/PulseAudio/PulseAudio2GST.pm
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/Arctica/Services/Audio/Server/PulseAudio/PulseAudio2GST.pm')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 360 deletions
diff --git a/lib/Arctica/Services/Audio/Server/PulseAudio/PulseAudio2GST.pm b/lib/Arctica/Services/Audio/Server/PulseAudio/PulseAudio2GST.pm
deleted file mode 100644
index 9ac5de0..0000000
--- a/lib/Arctica/Services/Audio/Server/PulseAudio/PulseAudio2GST.pm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,360 +0,0 @@
-# _____ _
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-# |_| |_||_\___|
-# _ _ ____ _ _
-# / \ _ __ ___| |_(_) ___ __ _ | _ \ _ __ ___ (_) ___ ___| |_
-# / _ \ | '__/ __| __| |/ __/ _` | | |_) | '__/ _ \| |/ _ \/ __| __|
-# / ___ \| | | (__| |_| | (_| (_| | | __/| | | (_) | | __/ (__| |_
-# /_/ \_\_| \___|\__|_|\___\__,_| |_| |_| \___// |\___|\___|\__|
-# |__/
-# The Arctica Modular Remote Computing Framework
-# Copyright (C) 2015-2016 The Arctica Project
-# http://arctica-project.org/
-# This code is dual licensed: strictly GPL-2 or AGPL-3+
-# GPL-2
-# -----
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, write to the
-# Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
-# 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
-# AGPL-3+
-# -------
-# This programm is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This programm is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, write to the
-# Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
-# 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
-# Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Guangzhou Nianguan Electronics Technology Co.Ltd.
-# <opensource@gznianguan.com>
-# Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Mike Gabriel <mike.gabriel@das-netzwerkteam.de>
-package Arctica::Services::Audio::Server::PulseAudio::PulseAudio2GST;
-use strict;
-use Exporter qw(import);
-use Arctica::Core::BugOUT::Basics qw( BugOUT );
-use Arctica::Core::Mother::Forker;
-use Data::Dumper;# Remove this before release! (unless we're still dependant)
-# Be very selective about what (if any) gets exported by default:
-our @EXPORT = qw( );
-# And be mindfull of what we lett the caller request here too:
-our @EXPORT_OK = qw( );
-my $arctica_core_object;
-sub new {
- BugOUT(9,"PulseAudio2GST new->ENTER");
- my $class_name = $_[0];# Be EXPLICIT!! DON'T SHIFT OR "@_";
- $arctica_core_object = $_[1];
- my $JBUS_Server = $_[2];
- my $self = {
- isArctica => 1, # Declare that this is a Arctica "something"
- aobject_name => "PulseAudio2GST",
- JBUS_Server => $JBUS_Server,
- _defaults => {
- output_bitrate => 64,
- input_bitrate => 32,
- },
- };
- bless($self, $class_name);
- $arctica_core_object->{'aobj'}{'AudioServer'}{'PulseAudio2GST'} = \$self;
- BugOUT(9,"PulseAudio2GST new->DONE");
- return $self;
-sub start_output {
- BugOUT(9,"PulseAudio2GST start_output->ENTER");
- my $self = $_[0];
- my $id_num = $_[1];
- my $pa_dev = $_[2];
- BugOUT(8,"Starting OUTPUT:\tAIOD#$id_num\tPA: $pa_dev");
- if ($self->{'vdev'}{'output'}{$id_num}{'port'} and $self->{'_settings'}{'socket_type'}) {
- my $pa_dev_monitor = $pa_dev;
- unless ($pa_dev =~ /\.monitor$/) {
- $pa_dev_monitor = "$pa_dev.monitor";
- BugOUT(9,"Append '.monitor' to $pa_dev_monitor");
- }
- my $bitrate = $self->get_bitrate("output");
- $self->{'vdev'}{'output'}{$id_num}{'running'} = 1;
- $self->{'vdev'}{'output'}{$id_num}{'gst_thread'} = Arctica::Core::Mother::Forker->new($arctica_core_object,{
- child_name => 'thread_gst',
- fork_style => 'interactive_pty',
- handle_stdeoc => sub {return 1;},
- return_stdin => 1,
- exec_hold => 0,
- exec_path => "/audiotest/bin/launch_server_ThreadGST",# FIXME GET FULL PATH FROM CFG OR SOMETHING LIKE THAT
- exec_cl_argv => [
- "-src=$self->{'_settings'}{'socket_type'}",
- "-port=$self->{'vdev'}{'output'}{$id_num}{'port'}",
- "-pa_device_name=$pa_dev_monitor",
- "-start_bitrate=$bitrate",
- ],
- });
- } else {
- BugOUT(1,"PulseAudio2GST start_output port and socket type not set?!! WTF?!");
- }
- BugOUT(9,"PulseAudio2GST start_output->DONE");
-sub stop_output {
- BugOUT(9,"PulseAudio2GST stop_output->ENTER");
- my $self = $_[0];
- my $id_num = $_[1];
- if ($self->{'vdev'}{'output'}{$id_num}{'gst_thread'}) {
- $self->{'vdev'}{'output'}{$id_num}{'gst_thread'}->send("cmd:stop:");
-# FIXME FORCE DESTRUCTION OF Mother::Forker object here?
- $self->{'vdev'}{'output'}{$id_num}{'running'} = 0;
- }
- BugOUT(9,"PulseAudio2GST stop_output->DONE");
-sub start_input {
- BugOUT(9,"PulseAudio2GST start_input->ENTER");
- my $self = $_[0];
- my $id_num = $_[1];
- my $pa_dev = $_[2];
- my $run_on_ready = $_[3];
- BugOUT(8,"Starting INPUT:\tAIOD#$id_num\tPA: $pa_dev");
- if ($self->{'vdev'}{'input'}{$id_num}{'port'} and $self->{'_settings'}{'socket_type'}) {
- $self->{'vdev'}{'input'}{$id_num}{'running'} = 1;
- $self->{'vdev'}{'input'}{$id_num}{'gst_thread'} = Arctica::Core::Mother::Forker->new($arctica_core_object,{
- child_name => 'thread_gst',
- fork_style => 'interactive_pty',
- handle_stdeoc => sub {
- if ($_[0] =~ /^status:sink_ready:(\d{1,3}):$/) {
- $run_on_ready->($1);
- }
- },
- return_stdin => 1,
- exec_hold => 0,
- exec_path => "/audiotest/bin/launch_server_ThreadGST",# FIXME GET FULL PATH FROM CFG OR SOMETHING LIKE THAT
- exec_cl_argv => [
- "-snk=$self->{'_settings'}{'socket_type'}",
- "-port=$self->{'vdev'}{'input'}{$id_num}{'port'}",
- "-pa_device_name=$pa_dev",
- ],
- });
- } else {
- BugOUT(1,"PulseAudio2GST start_input port and socket type not set?!! WTF?!");
- }
- BugOUT(9,"PulseAudio2GST start_input->DONE");
-sub stop_input {
- BugOUT(9,"PulseAudio2GST stop_input->ENTER");
- my $self = $_[0];
- my $id_num = $_[1];
- if ($self->{'vdev'}{'input'}{$id_num}{'gst_thread'}) {
- $self->{'vdev'}{'input'}{$id_num}{'gst_thread'}->send("cmd:stop:");
-# FIXME FORCE DESTRUCTION OF Mother::Forker object here?
- $self->{'vdev'}{'input'}{$id_num}{'running'} = 0;
- }
- BugOUT(9,"PulseAudio2GST stop_input->DONE");
-sub thread_cmd {
- BugOUT(9,"PulseAudio2GST thread_cmd->ENTER");
- my $self = $_[0];
- my $type = $_[1];
- my $idnum= $_[2];
- my $cmd = $_[3];
- BugOUT(9,"$type\t$idnum\t$cmd\n");
- if ($self->{'vdev'}{$type}{$idnum}{'gst_thread'}) {
- BugOUT(9,"sTEP 2; $type\t$idnum\t$cmd\n");
- if ($cmd =~ /^([a-z]{1,10})$/) {
- BugOUT(9,"sTEP 3; $type\t$idnum\t$cmd\n");
- $self->{'vdev'}{$type}{$idnum}{'gst_thread'}->send("cmd:$1:");
- BugOUT(8,"PulseAudio2GST: thread_cmd: Sent '$1' to $type #$idnum");
- }
- }
- BugOUT(9,"PulseAudio2GST thread_cmd->DONE");
- return 1;
-sub set_jbus_client_id {
- my $self = $_[0];
- $self->{'jbus_client_id'} = $_[1];
-sub set_device_socket_type {
- BugOUT(9,"PulseAudio2GST set_device_socket_type->ENTER");
- my $self = $_[0];
- if (($_[1] eq "tcp") or ($_[1] eq "unixs")) {
- $self->{'_settings'}{'socket_type'} = $_[1];
- $self->{'_settings'}{'com_style'} = "stream";
- BugOUT(9,"set_device_socket_type: socket type set to $_[1]/stream");
- } elsif (($_[1] eq "udp") or ($_[1] eq "unixd")) {
- $self->{'_settings'}{'socket_type'} = $_[1];
- $self->{'_settings'}{'com_style'} = "datagram";
- BugOUT(9,"set_device_socket_type: socket type set to $_[1]/datagram");
- } else {
- BugOUT(0,"set_device_socket_type: '$_[1]' is not a valid socket_type");
- }
- BugOUT(9,"PulseAudio2GST set_device_socket_type->DONE");
-sub get_device_socket_type {
- my $self = $_[0];
- if ($self->{'_settings'}{'socket_type'} and $self->{'_settings'}{'com_style'}) {
- return ($self->{'_settings'}{'socket_type'},$self->{'_settings'}{'com_style'});
- } else {
- return (0,0);
- }
-sub set_device_gst_port {
- BugOUT(9,"PulseAudio2GST set_device_gst_port->ENTER");
- my $self = $_[0];
- my $device = $_[1];
- my $port = $_[2];
- if ($device =~ /^o(\d{1,})/) {
- $self->{'vdev'}{'output'}{$1}{'port'} = $port;
- BugOUT(9,"set_device_gst_port: output:$1:$port");
- } elsif ($device =~ /^i(\d{1,})/) {
- $self->{'vdev'}{'input'}{$1}{'port'} = $port;
- BugOUT(9,"set_device_gst_port: input:$1:$port");
- } else {
- BugOUT(2,"set_device_gst_port: Failed to set device '$device' port to '$port'");
- }
- BugOUT(9,"PulseAudio2GST set_device_gst_port->DONE");
-sub set_bitrate {
- BugOUT(9,"PulseAudio2GST set_bitrate->ENTER");
- my $self = $_[0];
- my $new_output_rate = 0;
- my $new_input_rate = 0;
-# We only check that things are somewhat sane here... If we're above or bellow the accepted range, the closest supported range is used
-# Redundant sanity checks are good, but would like to avoid having redundant decission making... (decision is made in the GST thread).
- if ($_[1] =~ /^(\d{1,})\:(\d{1,})$/) {
- $new_output_rate = $1;
- $new_input_rate = $2;
- BugOUT(9,"Got asymetrical I/O BW ($1 : $2)");
- } elsif ($1 =~ /^(\d{1,})$/) {
- $new_output_rate = $1;
- $new_input_rate = $1;
- BugOUT(9,"Symetrical I/O BW? ($1)");
- } else {
- BugOUT(8,"Weird bitrate format... Using previously set or default BW...");
- }
- if (($new_output_rate > 0) and ($new_input_rate > 0)) {
- if (($new_output_rate > 1000) or($new_input_rate > 1000)) {
- BugOUT(1,"Bitrates0 ($new_output_rate : $new_input_rate) seem high, expecting KILO bit values so maybe knock of a few zeros?");
- }
- if ($self->{'_settings'}{'output_bitrate'} ne $new_output_rate) {
- $self->{'_settings'}{'output_bitrate'} = $new_output_rate;
- foreach my $idnum (keys %{$self->{'vdev'}{'output'}}) {
- if ($self->{'vdev'}{'output'}{$idnum}{'running'}) {
- if ($self->{'vdev'}{'output'}{$idnum}{'gst_thread'}) {
- $self->{'vdev'}{'output'}{$idnum}{'gst_thread'}->send("set:bitrate:$new_output_rate");
- }
- }
- }
- BugOUT(9,"Output bitrate set to $new_output_rate");
- } else {
- BugOUT(9,"Output bitrate is unchanged...");
- }
- if ($self->{'_settings'}{'input_bitrate'} ne $new_input_rate) {
- $self->{'_settings'}{'input_bitrate'} = $new_input_rate;
-# FIXME Add function to brodcast rate change to "live" input threads
- BugOUT(9,"Input bitrate set to $new_input_rate");
- } else {
- BugOUT(9,"Input bitrate is unchanged...");
- }
- }
- BugOUT(9,"PulseAudio2GST set_bitrate->DONE");
-sub get_bitrate {
- my $self = $_[0];
- if ($_[1] eq "output") {
- if ($self->{'_settings'}{'output_bitrate'}) {
- return $self->{'_settings'}{'output_bitrate'};
- } else {
- return $self->{'_defaults'}{'output_bitrate'};
- }
- } elsif ($_[1] eq "input") {
- if ($self->{'_settings'}{'input_bitrate'}) {
- return $self->{'_settings'}{'input_bitrate'};
- } else {
- return $self->{'_defaults'}{'input_bitrate'};
- }
- } else {
- BugOUT(2,"And you want bitrate for what? ($_[1])");
- }
-sub get_active_client_id {
- my $self = $_[0];
- if ($self->{'jbus_client_id'}) {# FIXME Add stuff to chek if this client is still really truly active.
- return $self->{'jbus_client_id'};
- } else {
- return 0;
- }