path: root/tools/bison++/bison.info-4
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authormarha <marha@users.sourceforge.net>2010-11-19 15:19:19 +0000
committermarha <marha@users.sourceforge.net>2010-11-19 15:19:19 +0000
commitd12ad2fa1165573df95c857ce59f582f964b7cee (patch)
tree8d5546283940c928290a23c50748b3f5c431ef06 /tools/bison++/bison.info-4
parentbd5413c3a7e500fa8c8ccd68a33d2fcc4c172e28 (diff)
parent12f606ce06ef926f366a03079c5e3107c23f18af (diff)
svn merge ^/branches/released .
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+This is bison.info, produced by makeinfo version 4.1 from bison.texinfo.
+* bison: (bison). GNU Project parser generator (yacc replacement).
+ This file documents the Bison parser generator.
+ Copyright (C) 1988, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 95, 98, 1999 Free Software
+Foundation, Inc.
+ Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this
+manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are
+preserved on all copies.
+ Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of
+this manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided also
+that the sections entitled "GNU General Public License" and "Conditions
+for Using Bison" are included exactly as in the original, and provided
+that the entire resulting derived work is distributed under the terms
+of a permission notice identical to this one.
+ Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this
+manual into another language, under the above conditions for modified
+versions, except that the sections entitled "GNU General Public
+License", "Conditions for Using Bison" and this permission notice may be
+included in translations approved by the Free Software Foundation
+instead of in the original English.
+File: bison.info, Node: How Precedence, Prev: Precedence Examples, Up: Precedence
+How Precedence Works
+ The first effect of the precedence declarations is to assign
+precedence levels to the terminal symbols declared. The second effect
+is to assign precedence levels to certain rules: each rule gets its
+precedence from the last terminal symbol mentioned in the components.
+(You can also specify explicitly the precedence of a rule. *Note
+Context-Dependent Precedence: Contextual Precedence.)
+ Finally, the resolution of conflicts works by comparing the
+precedence of the rule being considered with that of the look-ahead
+token. If the token's precedence is higher, the choice is to shift.
+If the rule's precedence is higher, the choice is to reduce. If they
+have equal precedence, the choice is made based on the associativity of
+that precedence level. The verbose output file made by `-v' (*note
+Invoking Bison: Invocation.) says how each conflict was resolved.
+ Not all rules and not all tokens have precedence. If either the
+rule or the look-ahead token has no precedence, then the default is to
+File: bison.info, Node: Contextual Precedence, Next: Parser States, Prev: Precedence, Up: Algorithm
+Context-Dependent Precedence
+ Often the precedence of an operator depends on the context. This
+sounds outlandish at first, but it is really very common. For example,
+a minus sign typically has a very high precedence as a unary operator,
+and a somewhat lower precedence (lower than multiplication) as a binary
+ The Bison precedence declarations, `%left', `%right' and
+`%nonassoc', can only be used once for a given token; so a token has
+only one precedence declared in this way. For context-dependent
+precedence, you need to use an additional mechanism: the `%prec'
+modifier for rules.
+ The `%prec' modifier declares the precedence of a particular rule by
+specifying a terminal symbol whose precedence should be used for that
+rule. It's not necessary for that symbol to appear otherwise in the
+rule. The modifier's syntax is:
+and it is written after the components of the rule. Its effect is to
+assign the rule the precedence of TERMINAL-SYMBOL, overriding the
+precedence that would be deduced for it in the ordinary way. The
+altered rule precedence then affects how conflicts involving that rule
+are resolved (*note Operator Precedence: Precedence.).
+ Here is how `%prec' solves the problem of unary minus. First,
+declare a precedence for a fictitious terminal symbol named `UMINUS'.
+There are no tokens of this type, but the symbol serves to stand for its
+ ...
+ %left '+' '-'
+ %left '*'
+ %left UMINUS
+ Now the precedence of `UMINUS' can be used in specific rules:
+ exp: ...
+ | exp '-' exp
+ ...
+ | '-' exp %prec UMINUS
+File: bison.info, Node: Parser States, Next: Reduce/Reduce, Prev: Contextual Precedence, Up: Algorithm
+Parser States
+ The function `yyparse' is implemented using a finite-state machine.
+The values pushed on the parser stack are not simply token type codes;
+they represent the entire sequence of terminal and nonterminal symbols
+at or near the top of the stack. The current state collects all the
+information about previous input which is relevant to deciding what to
+do next.
+ Each time a look-ahead token is read, the current parser state
+together with the type of look-ahead token are looked up in a table.
+This table entry can say, "Shift the look-ahead token." In this case,
+it also specifies the new parser state, which is pushed onto the top of
+the parser stack. Or it can say, "Reduce using rule number N." This
+means that a certain number of tokens or groupings are taken off the
+top of the stack, and replaced by one grouping. In other words, that
+number of states are popped from the stack, and one new state is pushed.
+ There is one other alternative: the table can say that the
+look-ahead token is erroneous in the current state. This causes error
+processing to begin (*note Error Recovery::).
+File: bison.info, Node: Reduce/Reduce, Next: Mystery Conflicts, Prev: Parser States, Up: Algorithm
+Reduce/Reduce Conflicts
+ A reduce/reduce conflict occurs if there are two or more rules that
+apply to the same sequence of input. This usually indicates a serious
+error in the grammar.
+ For example, here is an erroneous attempt to define a sequence of
+zero or more `word' groupings.
+ sequence: /* empty */
+ { printf ("empty sequence\n"); }
+ | maybeword
+ | sequence word
+ { printf ("added word %s\n", $2); }
+ ;
+ maybeword: /* empty */
+ { printf ("empty maybeword\n"); }
+ | word
+ { printf ("single word %s\n", $1); }
+ ;
+The error is an ambiguity: there is more than one way to parse a single
+`word' into a `sequence'. It could be reduced to a `maybeword' and
+then into a `sequence' via the second rule. Alternatively,
+nothing-at-all could be reduced into a `sequence' via the first rule,
+and this could be combined with the `word' using the third rule for
+ There is also more than one way to reduce nothing-at-all into a
+`sequence'. This can be done directly via the first rule, or
+indirectly via `maybeword' and then the second rule.
+ You might think that this is a distinction without a difference,
+because it does not change whether any particular input is valid or
+not. But it does affect which actions are run. One parsing order runs
+the second rule's action; the other runs the first rule's action and
+the third rule's action. In this example, the output of the program
+ Bison resolves a reduce/reduce conflict by choosing to use the rule
+that appears first in the grammar, but it is very risky to rely on
+this. Every reduce/reduce conflict must be studied and usually
+eliminated. Here is the proper way to define `sequence':
+ sequence: /* empty */
+ { printf ("empty sequence\n"); }
+ | sequence word
+ { printf ("added word %s\n", $2); }
+ ;
+ Here is another common error that yields a reduce/reduce conflict:
+ sequence: /* empty */
+ | sequence words
+ | sequence redirects
+ ;
+ words: /* empty */
+ | words word
+ ;
+ redirects:/* empty */
+ | redirects redirect
+ ;
+The intention here is to define a sequence which can contain either
+`word' or `redirect' groupings. The individual definitions of
+`sequence', `words' and `redirects' are error-free, but the three
+together make a subtle ambiguity: even an empty input can be parsed in
+infinitely many ways!
+ Consider: nothing-at-all could be a `words'. Or it could be two
+`words' in a row, or three, or any number. It could equally well be a
+`redirects', or two, or any number. Or it could be a `words' followed
+by three `redirects' and another `words'. And so on.
+ Here are two ways to correct these rules. First, to make it a
+single level of sequence:
+ sequence: /* empty */
+ | sequence word
+ | sequence redirect
+ ;
+ Second, to prevent either a `words' or a `redirects' from being
+ sequence: /* empty */
+ | sequence words
+ | sequence redirects
+ ;
+ words: word
+ | words word
+ ;
+ redirects:redirect
+ | redirects redirect
+ ;
+File: bison.info, Node: Mystery Conflicts, Next: Stack Overflow, Prev: Reduce/Reduce, Up: Algorithm
+Mysterious Reduce/Reduce Conflicts
+ Sometimes reduce/reduce conflicts can occur that don't look
+warranted. Here is an example:
+ %token ID
+ %%
+ def: param_spec return_spec ','
+ ;
+ param_spec:
+ type
+ | name_list ':' type
+ ;
+ return_spec:
+ type
+ | name ':' type
+ ;
+ type: ID
+ ;
+ name: ID
+ ;
+ name_list:
+ name
+ | name ',' name_list
+ ;
+ It would seem that this grammar can be parsed with only a single
+token of look-ahead: when a `param_spec' is being read, an `ID' is a
+`name' if a comma or colon follows, or a `type' if another `ID'
+follows. In other words, this grammar is LR(1).
+ However, Bison, like most parser generators, cannot actually handle
+all LR(1) grammars. In this grammar, two contexts, that after an `ID'
+at the beginning of a `param_spec' and likewise at the beginning of a
+`return_spec', are similar enough that Bison assumes they are the same.
+They appear similar because the same set of rules would be active--the
+rule for reducing to a `name' and that for reducing to a `type'. Bison
+is unable to determine at that stage of processing that the rules would
+require different look-ahead tokens in the two contexts, so it makes a
+single parser state for them both. Combining the two contexts causes a
+conflict later. In parser terminology, this occurrence means that the
+grammar is not LALR(1).
+ In general, it is better to fix deficiencies than to document them.
+But this particular deficiency is intrinsically hard to fix; parser
+generators that can handle LR(1) grammars are hard to write and tend to
+produce parsers that are very large. In practice, Bison is more useful
+as it is now.
+ When the problem arises, you can often fix it by identifying the two
+parser states that are being confused, and adding something to make them
+look distinct. In the above example, adding one rule to `return_spec'
+as follows makes the problem go away:
+ %token BOGUS
+ ...
+ %%
+ ...
+ return_spec:
+ type
+ | name ':' type
+ /* This rule is never used. */
+ ;
+ This corrects the problem because it introduces the possibility of an
+additional active rule in the context after the `ID' at the beginning of
+`return_spec'. This rule is not active in the corresponding context in
+a `param_spec', so the two contexts receive distinct parser states. As
+long as the token `BOGUS' is never generated by `yylex', the added rule
+cannot alter the way actual input is parsed.
+ In this particular example, there is another way to solve the
+problem: rewrite the rule for `return_spec' to use `ID' directly
+instead of via `name'. This also causes the two confusing contexts to
+have different sets of active rules, because the one for `return_spec'
+activates the altered rule for `return_spec' rather than the one for
+ param_spec:
+ type
+ | name_list ':' type
+ ;
+ return_spec:
+ type
+ | ID ':' type
+ ;
+File: bison.info, Node: Stack Overflow, Prev: Mystery Conflicts, Up: Algorithm
+Stack Overflow, and How to Avoid It
+ The Bison parser stack can overflow if too many tokens are shifted
+and not reduced. When this happens, the parser function `yyparse'
+returns a nonzero value, pausing only to call `yyerror' to report the
+ By defining the macro `YYMAXDEPTH', you can control how deep the
+parser stack can become before a stack overflow occurs. Define the
+macro with a value that is an integer. This value is the maximum number
+of tokens that can be shifted (and not reduced) before overflow. It
+must be a constant expression whose value is known at compile time.
+ The stack space allowed is not necessarily allocated. If you
+specify a large value for `YYMAXDEPTH', the parser actually allocates a
+small stack at first, and then makes it bigger by stages as needed.
+This increasing allocation happens automatically and silently.
+Therefore, you do not need to make `YYMAXDEPTH' painfully small merely
+to save space for ordinary inputs that do not need much stack.
+ The default value of `YYMAXDEPTH', if you do not define it, is 10000.
+ You can control how much stack is allocated initially by defining the
+macro `YYINITDEPTH'. This value too must be a compile-time constant
+integer. The default is 200.
+File: bison.info, Node: Error Recovery, Next: Context Dependency, Prev: Algorithm, Up: Top
+Error Recovery
+ It is not usually acceptable to have a program terminate on a parse
+error. For example, a compiler should recover sufficiently to parse the
+rest of the input file and check it for errors; a calculator should
+accept another expression.
+ In a simple interactive command parser where each input is one line,
+it may be sufficient to allow `yyparse' to return 1 on error and have
+the caller ignore the rest of the input line when that happens (and
+then call `yyparse' again). But this is inadequate for a compiler,
+because it forgets all the syntactic context leading up to the error.
+A syntax error deep within a function in the compiler input should not
+cause the compiler to treat the following line like the beginning of a
+source file.
+ You can define how to recover from a syntax error by writing rules to
+recognize the special token `error'. This is a terminal symbol that is
+always defined (you need not declare it) and reserved for error
+handling. The Bison parser generates an `error' token whenever a
+syntax error happens; if you have provided a rule to recognize this
+token in the current context, the parse can continue.
+ For example:
+ stmnts: /* empty string */
+ | stmnts '\n'
+ | stmnts exp '\n'
+ | stmnts error '\n'
+ The fourth rule in this example says that an error followed by a
+newline makes a valid addition to any `stmnts'.
+ What happens if a syntax error occurs in the middle of an `exp'? The
+error recovery rule, interpreted strictly, applies to the precise
+sequence of a `stmnts', an `error' and a newline. If an error occurs in
+the middle of an `exp', there will probably be some additional tokens
+and subexpressions on the stack after the last `stmnts', and there will
+be tokens to read before the next newline. So the rule is not
+applicable in the ordinary way.
+ But Bison can force the situation to fit the rule, by discarding
+part of the semantic context and part of the input. First it discards
+states and objects from the stack until it gets back to a state in
+which the `error' token is acceptable. (This means that the
+subexpressions already parsed are discarded, back to the last complete
+`stmnts'.) At this point the `error' token can be shifted. Then, if
+the old look-ahead token is not acceptable to be shifted next, the
+parser reads tokens and discards them until it finds a token which is
+acceptable. In this example, Bison reads and discards input until the
+next newline so that the fourth rule can apply.
+ The choice of error rules in the grammar is a choice of strategies
+for error recovery. A simple and useful strategy is simply to skip the
+rest of the current input line or current statement if an error is
+ stmnt: error ';' /* on error, skip until ';' is read */
+ It is also useful to recover to the matching close-delimiter of an
+opening-delimiter that has already been parsed. Otherwise the
+close-delimiter will probably appear to be unmatched, and generate
+another, spurious error message:
+ primary: '(' expr ')'
+ | '(' error ')'
+ ...
+ ;
+ Error recovery strategies are necessarily guesses. When they guess
+wrong, one syntax error often leads to another. In the above example,
+the error recovery rule guesses that an error is due to bad input
+within one `stmnt'. Suppose that instead a spurious semicolon is
+inserted in the middle of a valid `stmnt'. After the error recovery
+rule recovers from the first error, another syntax error will be found
+straightaway, since the text following the spurious semicolon is also
+an invalid `stmnt'.
+ To prevent an outpouring of error messages, the parser will output
+no error message for another syntax error that happens shortly after
+the first; only after three consecutive input tokens have been
+successfully shifted will error messages resume.
+ Note that rules which accept the `error' token may have actions, just
+as any other rules can.
+ You can make error messages resume immediately by using the macro
+`yyerrok' in an action. If you do this in the error rule's action, no
+error messages will be suppressed. This macro requires no arguments;
+`yyerrok;' is a valid C statement.
+ The previous look-ahead token is reanalyzed immediately after an
+error. If this is unacceptable, then the macro `yyclearin' may be used
+to clear this token. Write the statement `yyclearin;' in the error
+rule's action.
+ For example, suppose that on a parse error, an error handling
+routine is called that advances the input stream to some point where
+parsing should once again commence. The next symbol returned by the
+lexical scanner is probably correct. The previous look-ahead token
+ought to be discarded with `yyclearin;'.
+ The macro `YYRECOVERING' stands for an expression that has the value
+1 when the parser is recovering from a syntax error, and 0 the rest of
+the time. A value of 1 indicates that error messages are currently
+suppressed for new syntax errors.
+File: bison.info, Node: Context Dependency, Next: Debugging, Prev: Error Recovery, Up: Top
+Handling Context Dependencies
+ The Bison paradigm is to parse tokens first, then group them into
+larger syntactic units. In many languages, the meaning of a token is
+affected by its context. Although this violates the Bison paradigm,
+certain techniques (known as "kludges") may enable you to write Bison
+parsers for such languages.
+* Menu:
+* Semantic Tokens:: Token parsing can depend on the semantic context.
+* Lexical Tie-ins:: Token parsing can depend on the syntactic context.
+* Tie-in Recovery:: Lexical tie-ins have implications for how
+ error recovery rules must be written.
+ (Actually, "kludge" means any technique that gets its job done but is
+neither clean nor robust.)
+File: bison.info, Node: Semantic Tokens, Next: Lexical Tie-ins, Up: Context Dependency
+Semantic Info in Token Types
+ The C language has a context dependency: the way an identifier is
+used depends on what its current meaning is. For example, consider
+ foo (x);
+ This looks like a function call statement, but if `foo' is a typedef
+name, then this is actually a declaration of `x'. How can a Bison
+parser for C decide how to parse this input?
+ The method used in GNU C is to have two different token types,
+`IDENTIFIER' and `TYPENAME'. When `yylex' finds an identifier, it
+looks up the current declaration of the identifier in order to decide
+which token type to return: `TYPENAME' if the identifier is declared as
+a typedef, `IDENTIFIER' otherwise.
+ The grammar rules can then express the context dependency by the
+choice of token type to recognize. `IDENTIFIER' is accepted as an
+expression, but `TYPENAME' is not. `TYPENAME' can start a declaration,
+but `IDENTIFIER' cannot. In contexts where the meaning of the
+identifier is _not_ significant, such as in declarations that can
+shadow a typedef name, either `TYPENAME' or `IDENTIFIER' is
+accepted--there is one rule for each of the two token types.
+ This technique is simple to use if the decision of which kinds of
+identifiers to allow is made at a place close to where the identifier is
+parsed. But in C this is not always so: C allows a declaration to
+redeclare a typedef name provided an explicit type has been specified
+ typedef int foo, bar, lose;
+ static foo (bar); /* redeclare `bar' as static variable */
+ static int foo (lose); /* redeclare `foo' as function */
+ Unfortunately, the name being declared is separated from the
+declaration construct itself by a complicated syntactic structure--the
+ As a result, the part of Bison parser for C needs to be duplicated,
+with all the nonterminal names changed: once for parsing a declaration
+in which a typedef name can be redefined, and once for parsing a
+declaration in which that can't be done. Here is a part of the
+duplication, with actions omitted for brevity:
+ initdcl:
+ declarator maybeasm '='
+ init
+ | declarator maybeasm
+ ;
+ notype_initdcl:
+ notype_declarator maybeasm '='
+ init
+ | notype_declarator maybeasm
+ ;
+Here `initdcl' can redeclare a typedef name, but `notype_initdcl'
+cannot. The distinction between `declarator' and `notype_declarator'
+is the same sort of thing.
+ There is some similarity between this technique and a lexical tie-in
+(described next), in that information which alters the lexical analysis
+is changed during parsing by other parts of the program. The
+difference is here the information is global, and is used for other
+purposes in the program. A true lexical tie-in has a special-purpose
+flag controlled by the syntactic context.
+File: bison.info, Node: Lexical Tie-ins, Next: Tie-in Recovery, Prev: Semantic Tokens, Up: Context Dependency
+Lexical Tie-ins
+ One way to handle context-dependency is the "lexical tie-in": a flag
+which is set by Bison actions, whose purpose is to alter the way tokens
+are parsed.
+ For example, suppose we have a language vaguely like C, but with a
+special construct `hex (HEX-EXPR)'. After the keyword `hex' comes an
+expression in parentheses in which all integers are hexadecimal. In
+particular, the token `a1b' must be treated as an integer rather than
+as an identifier if it appears in that context. Here is how you can do
+ %{
+ int hexflag;
+ %}
+ %%
+ ...
+ | constant
+ | HEX '('
+ { hexflag = 1; }
+ expr ')'
+ { hexflag = 0;
+ $$ = $4; }
+ | expr '+' expr
+ { $$ = make_sum ($1, $3); }
+ ...
+ ;
+ constant:
+ ;
+Here we assume that `yylex' looks at the value of `hexflag'; when it is
+nonzero, all integers are parsed in hexadecimal, and tokens starting
+with letters are parsed as integers if possible.
+ The declaration of `hexflag' shown in the C declarations section of
+the parser file is needed to make it accessible to the actions (*note
+The C Declarations Section: C Declarations.). You must also write the
+code in `yylex' to obey the flag.
+File: bison.info, Node: Tie-in Recovery, Prev: Lexical Tie-ins, Up: Context Dependency
+Lexical Tie-ins and Error Recovery
+ Lexical tie-ins make strict demands on any error recovery rules you
+have. *Note Error Recovery::.
+ The reason for this is that the purpose of an error recovery rule is
+to abort the parsing of one construct and resume in some larger
+construct. For example, in C-like languages, a typical error recovery
+rule is to skip tokens until the next semicolon, and then start a new
+statement, like this:
+ stmt: expr ';'
+ | IF '(' expr ')' stmt { ... }
+ ...
+ error ';'
+ { hexflag = 0; }
+ ;
+ If there is a syntax error in the middle of a `hex (EXPR)'
+construct, this error rule will apply, and then the action for the
+completed `hex (EXPR)' will never run. So `hexflag' would remain set
+for the entire rest of the input, or until the next `hex' keyword,
+causing identifiers to be misinterpreted as integers.
+ To avoid this problem the error recovery rule itself clears
+ There may also be an error recovery rule that works within
+expressions. For example, there could be a rule which applies within
+parentheses and skips to the close-parenthesis:
+ expr: ...
+ | '(' expr ')'
+ { $$ = $2; }
+ | '(' error ')'
+ ...
+ If this rule acts within the `hex' construct, it is not going to
+abort that construct (since it applies to an inner level of parentheses
+within the construct). Therefore, it should not clear the flag: the
+rest of the `hex' construct should be parsed with the flag still in
+ What if there is an error recovery rule which might abort out of the
+`hex' construct or might not, depending on circumstances? There is no
+way you can write the action to determine whether a `hex' construct is
+being aborted or not. So if you are using a lexical tie-in, you had
+better make sure your error recovery rules are not of this kind. Each
+rule must be such that you can be sure that it always will, or always
+won't, have to clear the flag.
+File: bison.info, Node: Debugging, Next: Invocation, Prev: Context Dependency, Up: Top
+Debugging Your Parser
+ If a Bison grammar compiles properly but doesn't do what you want
+when it runs, the `yydebug' parser-trace feature can help you figure
+out why.
+ To enable compilation of trace facilities, you must define the macro
+`YYDEBUG' when you compile the parser. You could use `-DYYDEBUG=1' as
+a compiler option or you could put `#define YYDEBUG 1' in the C
+declarations section of the grammar file (*note The C Declarations
+Section: C Declarations.). Alternatively, use the `-t' option when you
+run Bison (*note Invoking Bison: Invocation.). We always define
+`YYDEBUG' so that debugging is always possible.
+ The trace facility uses `stderr', so you must add
+`#include <stdio.h>' to the C declarations section unless it is already
+ Once you have compiled the program with trace facilities, the way to
+request a trace is to store a nonzero value in the variable `yydebug'.
+You can do this by making the C code do it (in `main', perhaps), or you
+can alter the value with a C debugger.
+ Each step taken by the parser when `yydebug' is nonzero produces a
+line or two of trace information, written on `stderr'. The trace
+messages tell you these things:
+ * Each time the parser calls `yylex', what kind of token was read.
+ * Each time a token is shifted, the depth and complete contents of
+ the state stack (*note Parser States::).
+ * Each time a rule is reduced, which rule it is, and the complete
+ contents of the state stack afterward.
+ To make sense of this information, it helps to refer to the listing
+file produced by the Bison `-v' option (*note Invoking Bison:
+Invocation.). This file shows the meaning of each state in terms of
+positions in various rules, and also what each state will do with each
+possible input token. As you read the successive trace messages, you
+can see that the parser is functioning according to its specification
+in the listing file. Eventually you will arrive at the place where
+something undesirable happens, and you will see which parts of the
+grammar are to blame.
+ The parser file is a C program and you can use C debuggers on it,
+but it's not easy to interpret what it is doing. The parser function
+is a finite-state machine interpreter, and aside from the actions it
+executes the same code over and over. Only the values of variables
+show where in the grammar it is working.
+ The debugging information normally gives the token type of each token
+read, but not its semantic value. You can optionally define a macro
+named `YYPRINT' to provide a way to print the value. If you define
+`YYPRINT', it should take three arguments. The parser will pass a
+standard I/O stream, the numeric code for the token type, and the token
+value (from `yylval').
+ Here is an example of `YYPRINT' suitable for the multi-function
+calculator (*note Declarations for `mfcalc': Mfcalc Decl.):
+ #define YYPRINT(file, type, value) yyprint (file, type, value)
+ static void
+ yyprint (file, type, value)
+ FILE *file;
+ int type;
+ YYSTYPE value;
+ {
+ if (type == VAR)
+ fprintf (file, " %s", value.tptr->name);
+ else if (type == NUM)
+ fprintf (file, " %d", value.val);
+ }
+File: bison.info, Node: Invocation, Next: Table of Symbols, Prev: Debugging, Up: Top
+Invoking Bison
+ The usual way to invoke Bison is as follows:
+ bison INFILE
+ Here INFILE is the grammar file name, which usually ends in `.y'.
+The parser file's name is made by replacing the `.y' with `.tab.c'.
+Thus, the `bison foo.y' filename yields `foo.tab.c', and the `bison
+hack/foo.y' filename yields `hack/foo.tab.c'.
+* Menu:
+* Bison Options:: All the options described in detail,
+ in alphabetical order by short options.
+* Option Cross Key:: Alphabetical list of long options.
+* VMS Invocation:: Bison command syntax on VMS.
+File: bison.info, Node: Bison Options, Next: Option Cross Key, Up: Invocation
+Bison Options
+ Bison supports both traditional single-letter options and mnemonic
+long option names. Long option names are indicated with `--' instead of
+`-'. Abbreviations for option names are allowed as long as they are
+unique. When a long option takes an argument, like `--file-prefix',
+connect the option name and the argument with `='.
+ Here is a list of options that can be used with Bison, alphabetized
+by short option. It is followed by a cross key alphabetized by long
+ Specify a prefix to use for all Bison output file names. The
+ names are chosen as if the input file were named `PREFIX.c'.
+ Write an extra output file containing macro definitions for the
+ token type names defined in the grammar and the semantic value type
+ `YYSTYPE', as well as a few `extern' variable declarations.
+ If the parser output file is named `NAME.c' then this file is
+ named `NAME.h'.
+ This output file is essential if you wish to put the definition of
+ `yylex' in a separate source file, because `yylex' needs to be
+ able to refer to token type codes and the variable `yylval'.
+ *Note Semantic Values of Tokens: Token Values.
+ Don't put any `#line' preprocessor commands in the parser file.
+ Ordinarily Bison puts them in the parser file so that the C
+ compiler and debuggers will associate errors with your source
+ file, the grammar file. This option causes them to associate
+ errors with the parser file, treating it as an independent source
+ file in its own right.
+ Do not include any C code in the parser file; generate tables
+ only. The parser file contains just `#define' directives and
+ static variable declarations.
+ This option also tells Bison to write the C code for the grammar
+ actions into a file named `FILENAME.act', in the form of a
+ brace-surrounded body fit for a `switch' statement.
+ Specify the name OUTFILE for the parser file.
+ The other output files' names are constructed from OUTFILE as
+ described under the `-v' and `-d' options.
+`-p PREFIX'
+ Rename the external symbols used in the parser so that they start
+ with PREFIX instead of `yy'. The precise list of symbols renamed
+ is `yyparse', `yylex', `yyerror', `yynerrs', `yylval', `yychar'
+ and `yydebug'.
+ For example, if you use `-p c', the names become `cparse', `clex',
+ and so on.
+ *Note Multiple Parsers in the Same Program: Multiple Parsers.
+ Pretend that `%raw' was specified. *Note Decl Summary::.
+ Output a definition of the macro `YYDEBUG' into the parser file,
+ so that the debugging facilities are compiled. *Note Debugging
+ Your Parser: Debugging.
+ Write an extra output file containing verbose descriptions of the
+ parser states and what is done for each type of look-ahead token in
+ that state.
+ This file also describes all the conflicts, both those resolved by
+ operator precedence and the unresolved ones.
+ The file's name is made by removing `.tab.c' or `.c' from the
+ parser output file name, and adding `.output' instead.
+ Therefore, if the input file is `foo.y', then the parser file is
+ called `foo.tab.c' by default. As a consequence, the verbose
+ output file is called `foo.output'.
+ Print the version number of Bison and exit.
+ Print a summary of the command-line options to Bison and exit.
+ Equivalent to `-o y.tab.c'; the parser output file is called
+ `y.tab.c', and the other outputs are called `y.output' and
+ `y.tab.h'. The purpose of this option is to imitate Yacc's output
+ file name conventions. Thus, the following shell script can
+ substitute for Yacc:
+ bison -y $*
+File: bison.info, Node: Option Cross Key, Next: VMS Invocation, Prev: Bison Options, Up: Invocation
+Option Cross Key
+ Here is a list of options, alphabetized by long option, to help you
+find the corresponding short option.
+ --debug -t
+ --defines -d
+ --file-prefix=PREFIX -b FILE-PREFIX
+ --fixed-output-files --yacc -y
+ --help -h
+ --name-prefix=PREFIX -p NAME-PREFIX
+ --no-lines -l
+ --no-parser -n
+ --output-file=OUTFILE -o OUTFILE
+ --raw -r
+ --token-table -k
+ --verbose -v
+ --version -V
+File: bison.info, Node: VMS Invocation, Prev: Option Cross Key, Up: Invocation
+Invoking Bison under VMS
+ The command line syntax for Bison on VMS is a variant of the usual
+Bison command syntax--adapted to fit VMS conventions.
+ To find the VMS equivalent for any Bison option, start with the long
+option, and substitute a `/' for the leading `--', and substitute a `_'
+for each `-' in the name of the long option. For example, the
+following invocation under VMS:
+ bison /debug/name_prefix=bar foo.y
+is equivalent to the following command under POSIX.
+ bison --debug --name-prefix=bar foo.y
+ The VMS file system does not permit filenames such as `foo.tab.c'.
+In the above example, the output file would instead be named
+File: bison.info, Node: Table of Symbols, Next: Glossary, Prev: Invocation, Up: Top
+Bison Symbols
+ A token name reserved for error recovery. This token may be used
+ in grammar rules so as to allow the Bison parser to recognize an
+ error in the grammar without halting the process. In effect, a
+ sentence containing an error may be recognized as valid. On a
+ parse error, the token `error' becomes the current look-ahead
+ token. Actions corresponding to `error' are then executed, and
+ the look-ahead token is reset to the token that originally caused
+ the violation. *Note Error Recovery::.
+ Macro to pretend that an unrecoverable syntax error has occurred,
+ by making `yyparse' return 1 immediately. The error reporting
+ function `yyerror' is not called. *Note The Parser Function
+ `yyparse': Parser Function.
+ Macro to pretend that a complete utterance of the language has been
+ read, by making `yyparse' return 0 immediately. *Note The Parser
+ Function `yyparse': Parser Function.
+ Macro to discard a value from the parser stack and fake a
+ look-ahead token. *Note Special Features for Use in Actions:
+ Action Features.
+ Macro to pretend that a syntax error has just been detected: call
+ `yyerror' and then perform normal error recovery if possible
+ (*note Error Recovery::), or (if recovery is impossible) make
+ `yyparse' return 1. *Note Error Recovery::.
+ Macro that you define with `#define' in the Bison declarations
+ section to request verbose, specific error message strings when
+ `yyerror' is called.
+ Macro for specifying the initial size of the parser stack. *Note
+ Stack Overflow::.
+ Macro for specifying an extra argument (or list of extra
+ arguments) for `yyparse' to pass to `yylex'. *Note Calling
+ Conventions for Pure Parsers: Pure Calling.
+ Macro for the data type of `yylloc'; a structure with four
+ members. *Note Textual Positions of Tokens: Token Positions.
+ Default value for YYLTYPE.
+ Macro for specifying the maximum size of the parser stack. *Note
+ Stack Overflow::.
+ Macro for specifying the name of a parameter that `yyparse' should
+ accept. *Note Calling Conventions for Pure Parsers: Pure Calling.
+ Macro whose value indicates whether the parser is recovering from a
+ syntax error. *Note Special Features for Use in Actions: Action
+ Features.
+ Macro for the data type of semantic values; `int' by default.
+ *Note Data Types of Semantic Values: Value Type.
+ External integer variable that contains the integer value of the
+ current look-ahead token. (In a pure parser, it is a local
+ variable within `yyparse'.) Error-recovery rule actions may
+ examine this variable. *Note Special Features for Use in Actions:
+ Action Features.
+ Macro used in error-recovery rule actions. It clears the previous
+ look-ahead token. *Note Error Recovery::.
+ External integer variable set to zero by default. If `yydebug' is
+ given a nonzero value, the parser will output information on input
+ symbols and parser action. *Note Debugging Your Parser: Debugging.
+ Macro to cause parser to recover immediately to its normal mode
+ after a parse error. *Note Error Recovery::.
+ User-supplied function to be called by `yyparse' on error. The
+ function receives one argument, a pointer to a character string
+ containing an error message. *Note The Error Reporting Function
+ `yyerror': Error Reporting.
+ User-supplied lexical analyzer function, called with no arguments
+ to get the next token. *Note The Lexical Analyzer Function
+ `yylex': Lexical.
+ External variable in which `yylex' should place the semantic value
+ associated with a token. (In a pure parser, it is a local
+ variable within `yyparse', and its address is passed to `yylex'.)
+ *Note Semantic Values of Tokens: Token Values.
+ External variable in which `yylex' should place the line and
+ column numbers associated with a token. (In a pure parser, it is a
+ local variable within `yyparse', and its address is passed to
+ `yylex'.) You can ignore this variable if you don't use the `@'
+ feature in the grammar actions. *Note Textual Positions of
+ Tokens: Token Positions.
+ Global variable which Bison increments each time there is a parse
+ error. (In a pure parser, it is a local variable within
+ `yyparse'.) *Note The Error Reporting Function `yyerror': Error
+ Reporting.
+ The parser function produced by Bison; call this function to start
+ parsing. *Note The Parser Function `yyparse': Parser Function.
+ Bison declaration to assign left associativity to token(s). *Note
+ Operator Precedence: Precedence Decl.
+ Bison declaration to avoid generating `#line' directives in the
+ parser file. *Note Decl Summary::.
+ Bison declaration to assign nonassociativity to token(s). *Note
+ Operator Precedence: Precedence Decl.
+ Bison declaration to assign a precedence to a specific rule.
+ *Note Context-Dependent Precedence: Contextual Precedence.
+ Bison declaration to request a pure (reentrant) parser. *Note A
+ Pure (Reentrant) Parser: Pure Decl.
+ Bison declaration to use Bison internal token code numbers in token
+ tables instead of the usual Yacc-compatible token code numbers.
+ *Note Decl Summary::.
+ Bison declaration to assign right associativity to token(s).
+ *Note Operator Precedence: Precedence Decl.
+ Bison declaration to specify the start symbol. *Note The
+ Start-Symbol: Start Decl.
+ Bison declaration to declare token(s) without specifying
+ precedence. *Note Token Type Names: Token Decl.
+ Bison declaration to include a token name table in the parser file.
+ *Note Decl Summary::.
+ Bison declaration to declare nonterminals. *Note Nonterminal
+ Symbols: Type Decl.
+ Bison declaration to specify several possible data types for
+ semantic values. *Note The Collection of Value Types: Union Decl.
+ These are the punctuation and delimiters used in Bison input:
+ Delimiter used to separate the grammar rule section from the Bison
+ declarations section or the additional C code section. *Note The
+ Overall Layout of a Bison Grammar: Grammar Layout.
+`%{ %}'
+ All code listed between `%{' and `%}' is copied directly to the
+ output file uninterpreted. Such code forms the "C declarations"
+ section of the input file. *Note Outline of a Bison Grammar:
+ Grammar Outline.
+ Comment delimiters, as in C.
+ Separates a rule's result from its components. *Note Syntax of
+ Grammar Rules: Rules.
+ Terminates a rule. *Note Syntax of Grammar Rules: Rules.
+ Separates alternate rules for the same result nonterminal. *Note
+ Syntax of Grammar Rules: Rules.
+File: bison.info, Node: Glossary, Next: Index, Prev: Table of Symbols, Up: Top
+Backus-Naur Form (BNF)
+ Formal method of specifying context-free grammars. BNF was first
+ used in the `ALGOL-60' report, 1963. *Note Languages and
+ Context-Free Grammars: Language and Grammar.
+Context-free grammars
+ Grammars specified as rules that can be applied regardless of
+ context. Thus, if there is a rule which says that an integer can
+ be used as an expression, integers are allowed _anywhere_ an
+ expression is permitted. *Note Languages and Context-Free
+ Grammars: Language and Grammar.
+Dynamic allocation
+ Allocation of memory that occurs during execution, rather than at
+ compile time or on entry to a function.
+Empty string
+ Analogous to the empty set in set theory, the empty string is a
+ character string of length zero.
+Finite-state stack machine
+ A "machine" that has discrete states in which it is said to exist
+ at each instant in time. As input to the machine is processed, the
+ machine moves from state to state as specified by the logic of the
+ machine. In the case of the parser, the input is the language
+ being parsed, and the states correspond to various stages in the
+ grammar rules. *Note The Bison Parser Algorithm: Algorithm.
+ A language construct that is (in general) grammatically divisible;
+ for example, `expression' or `declaration' in C. *Note Languages
+ and Context-Free Grammars: Language and Grammar.
+Infix operator
+ An arithmetic operator that is placed between the operands on
+ which it performs some operation.
+Input stream
+ A continuous flow of data between devices or programs.
+Language construct
+ One of the typical usage schemas of the language. For example,
+ one of the constructs of the C language is the `if' statement.
+ *Note Languages and Context-Free Grammars: Language and Grammar.
+Left associativity
+ Operators having left associativity are analyzed from left to
+ right: `a+b+c' first computes `a+b' and then combines with `c'.
+ *Note Operator Precedence: Precedence.
+Left recursion
+ A rule whose result symbol is also its first component symbol; for
+ example, `expseq1 : expseq1 ',' exp;'. *Note Recursive Rules:
+ Recursion.
+Left-to-right parsing
+ Parsing a sentence of a language by analyzing it token by token
+ from left to right. *Note The Bison Parser Algorithm: Algorithm.
+Lexical analyzer (scanner)
+ A function that reads an input stream and returns tokens one by
+ one. *Note The Lexical Analyzer Function `yylex': Lexical.
+Lexical tie-in
+ A flag, set by actions in the grammar rules, which alters the way
+ tokens are parsed. *Note Lexical Tie-ins::.
+Literal string token
+ A token which constists of two or more fixed characters. *Note
+ Symbols::.
+Look-ahead token
+ A token already read but not yet shifted. *Note Look-Ahead
+ Tokens: Look-Ahead.
+ The class of context-free grammars that Bison (like most other
+ parser generators) can handle; a subset of LR(1). *Note
+ Mysterious Reduce/Reduce Conflicts: Mystery Conflicts.
+ The class of context-free grammars in which at most one token of
+ look-ahead is needed to disambiguate the parsing of any piece of
+ input.
+Nonterminal symbol
+ A grammar symbol standing for a grammatical construct that can be
+ expressed through rules in terms of smaller constructs; in other
+ words, a construct that is not a token. *Note Symbols::.
+Parse error
+ An error encountered during parsing of an input stream due to
+ invalid syntax. *Note Error Recovery::.
+ A function that recognizes valid sentences of a language by
+ analyzing the syntax structure of a set of tokens passed to it
+ from a lexical analyzer.
+Postfix operator
+ An arithmetic operator that is placed after the operands upon
+ which it performs some operation.
+ Replacing a string of nonterminals and/or terminals with a single
+ nonterminal, according to a grammar rule. *Note The Bison Parser
+ Algorithm: Algorithm.
+ A reentrant subprogram is a subprogram which can be in invoked any
+ number of times in parallel, without interference between the
+ various invocations. *Note A Pure (Reentrant) Parser: Pure Decl.
+Reverse polish notation
+ A language in which all operators are postfix operators.
+Right recursion
+ A rule whose result symbol is also its last component symbol; for
+ example, `expseq1: exp ',' expseq1;'. *Note Recursive Rules:
+ Recursion.
+ In computer languages, the semantics are specified by the actions
+ taken for each instance of the language, i.e., the meaning of each
+ statement. *Note Defining Language Semantics: Semantics.
+ A parser is said to shift when it makes the choice of analyzing
+ further input from the stream rather than reducing immediately some
+ already-recognized rule. *Note The Bison Parser Algorithm:
+ Algorithm.
+Single-character literal
+ A single character that is recognized and interpreted as is.
+ *Note From Formal Rules to Bison Input: Grammar in Bison.
+Start symbol
+ The nonterminal symbol that stands for a complete valid utterance
+ in the language being parsed. The start symbol is usually listed
+ as the first nonterminal symbol in a language specification.
+ *Note The Start-Symbol: Start Decl.
+Symbol table
+ A data structure where symbol names and associated data are stored
+ during parsing to allow for recognition and use of existing
+ information in repeated uses of a symbol. *Note Multi-function
+ Calc::.
+ A basic, grammatically indivisible unit of a language. The symbol
+ that describes a token in the grammar is a terminal symbol. The
+ input of the Bison parser is a stream of tokens which comes from
+ the lexical analyzer. *Note Symbols::.
+Terminal symbol
+ A grammar symbol that has no rules in the grammar and therefore is
+ grammatically indivisible. The piece of text it represents is a
+ token. *Note Languages and Context-Free Grammars: Language and
+ Grammar.